I am implementing a first-person camera to move about a scene using the arrow keys on my keyboard. It seems to work OK when I am only rotating about a single axis (X or Y), however if I am rotating about both axes it also gives me rotation about the third, Z, axis. I am fairly sure that the problem is that my camera does not rotate about global axis but instead its local ones, resulting in 'roll' when I just want yaw and pitch. In my code I deduce a forward vector from the X and Y rotation, stored in two variables. The most relevant code snippet is as follows:
glm::mat4 CameraManager::rotateWorld(float angle, glm::vec3 rot){
static float yRot = 0.0f;
static float xRot = 0.0f;
glm::vec3 degrees = rot * angle;
glm::vec3 radians = glm::vec3(degrees.x * (M_PI/180.0f),
degrees.y * (M_PI/180.0f),
degrees.z * (M_PI/180.0f));
yRot += radians.y;
xRot += radians.x;
forwardVector = glm::vec3(sinf(yRot) * cosf(xRot),
-cosf(yRot) * cosf(xRot));
return glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), angle, rot);
the rotateWorld function is complemented by the moveForwardfunction:
glm::mat4 CameraManager::moveForward(float dist){
glm::vec3 translation = forwardVector/glm::vec3(sqrt(forwardVector.x * forwardVector.x +
forwardVector.y * forwardVector.y +
forwardVector.z * forwardVector.z)) * dist;
return glm::translate(glm::mat4(1.0f), -translation);
where yRot is equivalent to yaw and xRot is equivalent to pitch.
The rotation and translation matrices are simply multiplied together in the main section of the program.
I then go on to multiply a distance d by this vector to update the position.
xRot and yRot are static doubles that get incremented/decremented when the user presses an arrow key.
When the program starts, this is the view. The plane and the monkey head are facing the 'right way' up. incrementing/decrementing the pitch and yaw individually work as expected. But when I, say, increase the pitch and then yaw, the scene flips sideways! (Picture below.) Any ideas how to fix this?
If I understand you correctly, the problem you're experiencing is that your "up" vector is not always pointing vertically upwards with respect to the intended Y axis of your viewing plane.
Determining a correct "up" vector usually requires a combination of cross product operations against the vector you have against the viewport's X and Y axes.
You may find some useful hints in the documentation for the gluLookAt function whose purpose is to calculate a view matrix with desired orientation (i.e. without roll) given an eye position and the coordinates of the intended centre of the field.
I'm trying to implement a camera that follows a moving object. I've implemented these functions:
void Camera::espheric_yaw(float degrees, glm::vec3 center_point)
float lim_yaw = glm::radians(89.0f);
float radians = glm::radians(degrees);
absoluteYaw += radians;
... clamp absoluteYaw
float radius = 10.0f;
float camX = cos(absoluteYaw) * cos(absoluteRoll) * radius;
float camY = sin(absoluteRoll)* radius;
float camZ = sin(absoluteYaw) * cos(absoluteRoll) * radius;
eyes.x = camX;
eyes.y = camY;
eyes.z = camZ;
lookAt = center_point;
view = glm::normalize(lookAt - eyes);
up = glm::vec3(0, 1, 0);
right = glm::normalize(glm::cross(view, up));
I want to use this function (and the pitch version) for a camera that follows a moving 3d model. Right now, it works when the center_point is the (0,1,0). I think i'm getting the position right but the up vector is clearly not always (0,1,0).
How can I get my up, view and right vector for the camera? And then, if I update the eyes position of the camera this way, how will my camera move when the other object (centered at center_position parameter) moves?
The idea is to update this each time I have mouse input with centered_value = center of the moving object. Then use gluLookAt with view, eyes and up values of my camera (and lookAt which will be eyes+view).
Following a moving object is matter of pointing the camera to that object. This is what typical lookAt function does. See the maths here and then use glm::lookAt().
The 'Arcball' technic is for rotating with the mouse. See some maths here.
The idea is to get two vectors (first, second) from positions on screen. For each vector, X,Y are taking depending on pixels "travelled" by mouse and the size of the window. Z is calculated by 'trackball' maths. With these two vectors (after normalizing them), its cross product gives the axis of rotation in camera coordinates, and its dot product gives the angle. Now, you can rotate the camera by glm::rotate()
If you go another route (e.g. calculating camera matrix on your own), then the "up" direction of the camera must be updated by yourself. Remember it's perpendicular to the other two axis of the camera.
How do I get to orbit green circle around orange and blue around green ?
I found many solutions which works fine with rotating around static point(int this case orange circle) but didn't find any good maths equation which would work for both static and moving points.
angle += sunRot;
if(angle > 360.0f)
angle = 0.0f;
float radian = glm::radians(angle);
float radius = glm::distance(position, rotCenter);
float x = rotCenter.x + (radius * cosf(radian));
float z = rotCenter.z + (radius * sinf(radian));
glm::vec3 newPos = glm::vec3(x, 0, z);
Here is what I'm trying to achieve (Thanks to #George Profenza for sharing link)
Base all your calculations on the radius and angle of the current object where possible and store the radius and angle with the object.
In particular, do not calculate the radius based on the x/y coordinates in every iteration: If the base object has moved between steps, your calculated radius will be slightly off and the error will accumulate.
You should be able to nest coordinate spaces using opengl using glPushMatrix(), glPopMatrix() calls. Here's a basic example(press mouse to see coordinate spaces).
The syntax isn't c++, but it's easy to see what I mean.
You can do this multiple ways:
polar coordinate formula
manually multiplying transformation matrices
simply using push/pop matrix calls (along with translate/rotate where needed), which does the matrix multiplication for you behind the scenes.
Just in case you want to try the polar coordinate formula:
x = cos(angle) * radius
y = sin(angle) * radius
Where angle is the current rotation of a circle and the radius is it's distance from the centre of rotation.
I recently attached a rigid body to the camera in my 3d game, so that it can collide with the environment. By now mouse movement directly rotates the rigid body.
#include <BULLET/btBulletDynamicsCommon.h>
void Rotate(float Pitch, float Yaw, float Roll, float Speed)
// get current rotation
btTransform transform = body->getWorldTransform();
btQuaternion rotation = transform.getRotation();
// create orientation vectors
btVector3 up(0, 1, 0);
btVector3 lookat = quatRotate(rotation, btVector3(0, 0, 1));
btVector3 forward = btVector3(lookat.getX(), 0, lookat.getZ()).normalize();
btVector3 side = btCross(up, forward);
// rotate camera with quaternions created from axis and angle
rotation = btQuaternion(up, Amount.getY()) * rotation;
rotation = btQuaternion(side, Amount.getX()) * rotation;
rotation = btQuaternion(forward, Amount.getZ()) * rotation;
// set new rotation
I would like to clamp the pitch of the camera in the range of -80° to 80°. That helps the player to stay oriented. Otherwise he would be able to rotate the camera higher over his head and see the world behind himself upside down. In contrast a real person trying this would break his neck.
I let Bullet Physics store rotations for me in quaternions, thus pitch isn't stored directly. How can I clamp the pitch of a rigid body?
I came up with a solution. Instead of clamping the rotation of the camera's rigid body, I clamp how much rotation is applied before. Therefore, I keep track of the total vertical mouse movement. Actually, I store the overall mouse movement with applied sensitivity.
float Overallpitch = 0.0f;
If applying the passed yaw value would result in the overall pitch to exceed or deceed a given limit, I just apply as much of it as needed to touch the limit.
#include <BULLET/btBulletDynamicsCommon.h>
void Rotate(float Pitch, float Yaw, float Roll, float Sensitivity)
// apply mouse sensitivity
Yaw *= Sensitivity;
Pitch *= Sensitivity;
Roll *= Sensitivity;
// clamp camera pitch
const float clamp = 1.0f;
if (Overallpitch + Pitch > clamp) Pitch = clamp - Overallpitch;
else if(Overallpitch + Pitch < -clamp) Pitch = -clamp - Overallpitch;
Overallpitch += Pitch;
// apply rotation to camera quaternion
// ...
You can find the further camera code in another answer to my own question.
So I currently use quaternions to store and modify the orientation of the objects in my OpenGL scene, as well as the orientation of the camera. When rotating these objects directly (i.e. saying I want to rotate the camera Z amount around the Z-axis, or I want to rotate an object X around the X-axis and then translate it T along its local Z-axis), I have no problems, so I can only assume my fundamental rotation code is correct.
However, I am now trying to implement a function to make my camera orbit an arbitrary point in space, and am having quite a hard time of it. Here is what I have come up with so far, which doesn't work (this takes place within the Camera class).
//Get the inverse of the orientation, which should represent the orientation
//"from" the focal point to the camera
Quaternion InverseOrient = m_Orientation;
//Create change quaternions for each axis
Quaternion xOffset = Quaternion();
xOffset.FromAxisAngle(xChange * m_TurnSpeed, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Quaternion yOffset = Quaternion();
yOffset.FromAxisAngle(yChange * m_TurnSpeed, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
Quaternion zOffset = Quaternion();
zOffset.FromAxisAngle(zChange * m_TurnSpeed, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
//Multiply the change quats into the inversed orientation quat
InverseOrient = yOffset * zOffset * xOffset * InverseOrient;
//Translate according to the focal distance
//Start with a vector relative to the position being looked at
sf::Vector3<float> RelativePos(0, 0, -m_FocalDistance);
//Rotate according to the quaternion
RelativePos = InverseOrient.MultVect(RelativePos);
//Add that relative position to the focal point
m_Position.x = m_FocalPoint->x + RelativePos.x;
m_Position.y = m_FocalPoint->y + RelativePos.y;
m_Position.z = m_FocalPoint->z + RelativePos.z;
//Now set the orientation to the inverse of the quaternion
//used to position the camera
m_Orientation = InverseOrient;
What ends up happening is that the camera rotates around some other point - certainly not the object, but apparently not itself either, as though it were looping through space in a spiral path.
So this is clearly not the way to go about orbiting a camera around a point, but what is?
I would operate on the camera first in spherical coordinates and convert to quaternions as necessary.
Given the following assumptions:
The camera has no roll
The point you are looking at is [x, y, z]
You have yaw, pitch angles
[0, 1, 0] is "up"
Here is how to calculate some important values:
The view vector: v = [vx, vy, vz] = [cos(yaw)*cos(pitch), sin(pitch), -sin(yaw)*cos(pitch)]
The camera location: p = [x, y, z] - r*v
The right vector: cross product v with [0, 1, 0]
The up vector: cross product v with the right vector
Your view quaternion is [0, vx, vy, vz] (that's the view vector with a 0 w-component)
Now in your simulation you can operate on pitch/yaw, which are pretty intuitive. If you want to do interpolation, convert the before and after pitch+yaws into quaternions and do quaternion spherical linear interpolation.
So I've been having trouble with a camera I've implemented in OpenGL and C++ using the GLM library. The type of camera I'm aiming for is a fly around camera which will allow easy exploration of a 3D world. I have managed to get the camera pretty much working, it's nice and smooth, looks around and the movement seems to be nice and correct.
The only problem I seem to have is that the rotation along the camera's X and Y axis (looking up and down) introduces some rotation about it's Z axis. This has the result of causing the world to slightly roll whilst travelling about.
As an example... if I have a square quad in front of the camera and move the camera in a circular motion, so as if looking around in a circle with your head, once the motion is complete the quad will have rolled slightly as if you've tilted your head.
My camera is currently a component which I can attach to an object/entity in my scene. Each entity has a "Frame" which is basically the model matrix for that entity. The Frame contains the following attributes:
glm::mat4 m_Matrix;
glm::vec3 m_Position;
glm::vec3 m_Up;
glm::vec3 m_Forward;
These are then used by the camera to create the appropriate viewMatrix like this:
const glm::mat4& CameraComponent::GetViewMatrix()
//Get the transform of the object
const Frame& transform = GetOwnerGO()->GetTransform();
//Update the viewMatrix
m_ViewMatrix = glm::lookAt(transform.GetPosition(), //position of camera
transform.GetPosition() + transform.GetForward(), //position to look at
transform.GetUp()); //up vector
//return reference to the view matrix
return m_ViewMatrix;
And now... here are my rotate X and Y methods within the Frame object, which I'm guessing is the place of the problem:
void Frame::RotateX( float delta )
glm::vec3 cross = glm::normalize(glm::cross(m_Up, m_Forward)); //calculate x axis
glm::mat4 Rotation = glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), delta, cross);
m_Forward = glm::normalize(glm::vec3(Rotation * glm::vec4(m_Forward, 0.0f))); //Rotate forward vector by new rotation
m_Up = glm::normalize(glm::vec3(Rotation * glm::vec4(m_Up, 0.0f))); //Rotate up vector by new rotation
void Frame::RotateY( float delta )
glm::mat4 Rotation = glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), delta, m_Up);
//Rotate forward vector by new rotation
m_Forward = glm::normalize(glm::vec3(Rotation * glm::vec4(m_Forward, 0.0f)));
So somewhere in there, there's a problem which I've been searching around trying to fix. I've been messing with it for a few days now, trying random things but I either get the same result, or the z axis rotation is fixed but other bugs appear such as incorrect X, Y rotation and camera movement.
I had a look at gimbal lock but from what I understood of it, this problem didn't seem quite like gimbal lock to me. But I may be wrong.
Store the current pitch/yaw angles and generate the camera matrix on-the-fly instead of trying to accumulate small changes on the intermediate vectors.
In your RotateY function, change it from this:
glm::mat4 Rotation = glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), delta, m_Up);
to this:
glm::mat4 Rotation = glm::rotate(glm::mat4(1.0f), delta, glm::vec3(0,1,0));