Getting all supported screen resolutions - c++

I'm looking for a way to get all supported resolutions.
After searching here for some solutions I got this code working:
#include "Windows.h"
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
DEVMODE dm = { 0 };
dm.dmSize = sizeof(dm);
for( int iModeNum = 0; EnumDisplaySettings( NULL, iModeNum, &dm ) != 0; iModeNum++ )
cout << "Mode #" << iModeNum << " = " << dm.dmPelsWidth << "x" << dm.dmPelsHeight << endl;
int age;
I have 2 problems with this code:
When running it, I get the same resolution over and over again.
For example : Mode0, Mode1, Mode2..... Mode17 are all : 320x200
When using the Gui and looking at the available resolutions, I don't have 320x200 as an option . I see that my computer supports 600x800 and upper, but when running this small exe I also see 400x300, 320x240 etc..
Can anyone help and advise please?

Your code is working perfectly. Regarding your 2 problems:
There are multiple display modes that have the same resolution. They may differ in other ways such as color depth, frequency, or interlacing.
The Windows GUI simply never allows you to set resolutions or color depths below a certain amount. With Windows '9x it was 640x480 and 16 colors. Now it is 800x600. This is simply because the Windows UI doesn't work below a certain size. You wouldn't even be able to see the message asking if the resolution worked! Also, the GUI may only return resolutions that match the aspect ratio of your monitor.
EDIT: By "frequency" we mean "refresh rate"


C++ iPhone Compiler Problems

I've written a simple code to practice some stuff, but it's not running as it's supposed to.
I'm programming on my iPhone just for fun and l'm using an app called c/c++ offline compiler which seems to work really well.
Anyway, I wrote a program to display numbers, and if the number is less than 5 digits, in each empty space display a star. Then next to that, display the memory address.
There are two questions I have. First, why are the stars not displaying when I run this. Second, each time run it, the memory addresses are different. Is this because of the compiler, or because of how the iPhone's memory works?
Source Code:
//c plus plus program 1
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main (void){
for(int i=0; i<150;i+=30){
cout<<i<< "="<<&i <<endl;
return 0;
It is normal that address of i is changing each time you run your program. As I know it is because of how system works with memory. Why did you think it will place your program in the same part every time? :-)
I tried you code in only and stars were shown:
Note, that all after second << was not took into consideration when output width was determined. So first of all to investigate the problem I would try something like
int main (void) {
cout << 1 << endl;
cout << 2 << endl;
to understand if it compiler problem or not.

SDL Detect High DPI/Retina Display

I'm wondering what the best way to detect a high DPI display is. Currently I'm trying to use SDL_GetDisplayDPI (int, *float, *float, *float), however this has only returned errors on the two different computers I tested with (MacBook Pro running OS X 10.11.5 and iMac running macOS 10.12 Beta (16A238m)). For reference, my code is bellow.
float diagDPI = -1;
float horiDPI = -1;
float vertDPI = -1;
int dpiReturn = SDL_GetDisplayDPI (0, &diagDPI, &horiDPI, &vertDPI);
std::cout << "GetDisplayDPI() returned " << dpiReturn << std::endl;
if (dpiReturn != 0)
std::cout << "Error: " << SDL_GetError () << std::endl;
std::cout << "DDPI: " << diagDPI << std::endl << "HDPI: " << horiDPI << std::endl << "VDPI: " << vertDPI << std::endl;
Unfortunately, this is only giving me something like this:
/* Output */
GetDisplayDPI() returned -1
DDPI: -1
HDPI: -1
VDPI: -1
Not Retina
I also tried comparing the OpenGL drawable size with the SDL window size, but SDL_GetWindowSize (SDL_Window, *int, *int) is returning 0s, too. That code is bellow, followed by the output.
int gl_w;
int gl_h;
SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize (window, &gl_w, &gl_h);
std::cout << "GL_W: " << gl_w << std::endl << "GL_H: " << gl_h << std::endl;
int sdl_w;
int sdl_h;
SDL_GetWindowSize (window, &sdl_w, &sdl_h);
std::cout << "SDL_W: " << sdl_w << std::endl << "SDL_H: " << sdl_h << std::endl;
/* Output */
GL_W: 1280
GL_H: 720
SDL_W: 0
SDL_H: 0
It's entirely possible that I'm doing something wrong here, or making these calls in the wrong place, but I think more likely is that I'm on the wrong track entirely. There's a hint to disallow high-dpi canvases, so there's probably a simple bool somewhere, or something that I'm missing. I have certainly looked through the wiki, and checked Google, but I can't really find any help for this. Any suggestions or feedback are welcome!
Thank you for your time!
I know I'm not answering your question directly, and want to reiterate one thing you tried.
On a Macbook pro, when an SDL window is on an external display, SDL_GetWindowSize and SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize return the same values. If the window is on a Retina screen, they're different. Specifically, the drawable size is 2x larger in each dimension.
I was using a .framework installation of SDL when I encountered this issue. For an unrelated reason, I trashed the .framework SDL files (image and ttf as well), and built SDL from source (thus transitioning to a "unix-style" SDL-installation). To my surprise, SDL_GetDisplayDPI () is now returning 0, setting the values of DDPI, HDPI, and VDPI, to 109 on a non-retina iMac, and 113.5 on a retina MacBook Pro. I'm not certain that these are correct/accurate, but it is consistent between launches, so I'll work with it.
At this point, I'm not sure if it was a bug, which has been fixed in the repo, or was an issue with my .framework files. On a somewhat unrelated note, SDL_GetBasePath () and SDL_GetPrefPath (), which also weren't working, now return the expected values. If you're also experiencing any of these problems on macOS, try compiling and installing SDL from source (
Thanks for your input, everyone!

Best practice for performance when multithreading with OpenCV VideoWriter in C++

I'm relatively new to C++, especially multi-threading, and have been playing with different options. I've gotten some stuff to work but ultimately I'm looking to maximize performance so maybe I think it'd be better to reach out to everyone else for what would be most effective and then go down that road.
I'm working on an application that will take a video stream and write an unmodified video file and a modified video file (there's some image processing that happens) to the local disk. There's also going to be some other threads to collect some other GPS data, etc, but nothing special.
The problem I'm running into is the framerate is limited mainly by the VideoWriter function in OpenCV. I know this can be greatly alleviated if I use a thread to write the frame to the VideoWriter object, that while the two VideoWriters can run simultaneously with each other and the image processing functions.
I've successfully created this function:
void frameWriter(Mat writeFrame, VideoWriter *orgVideo)
And it is called from within an infinite loop like so:
thread writeOrgThread(frameWriter, modFrame, &orgVideo, &orgVideoMutex);
thread writeModThread(frameWriter, processMatThread(modFrame, scrnMsg1, scrnMsg2)
Now having the .join() immediately underneath defeats the performance benefits, but without it I immediately get the error "terminate called without an active exception". I thought it would do what I needed if I put the join() functions above, so on the next loop it'd make sure the previous frame was written before writing the next, but then it behaves as if the join is not there (perhaps by the time the main task has made the full loop and gotten to the join, the thread is already terminated?). Also, using detach I think creates the issue that the threads are unsynchronized and then I run into these errors:
[mpeg4 # 0000000000581b40] Invalid pts (156) <= last (156)
[mpeg4 # 00000000038d5380] Invalid pts (158) <= last (158)
[mpeg4 # 0000000000581b40] Invalid pts (158) <= last (158)
[mpeg4 # 00000000038d5380] Invalid pts (160) <= last (160)
[mpeg4 # 0000000000581b40] [mpeg4 # 00000000038d5380] Invalid pts (160) <= last
Invalid pts (162) <= last (162)
I'm assuming this is because multiple threads are trying to access the same resource? Finally, I tried using mutex with detach to avoid above and I got a curious behavior where my sleep thread wasn't behaving properly and the frame rate was inconsistent .
void frameWriter(Mat writeFrame, VideoWriter *orgVideo, mutex *mutexVid)
Obviously I'm struggling with thread synchronization and management of shared resources. I realize this is probably a rookie struggle, so if somebody tossed a tutorial link at me and told me go read a book I'd be OK with that. I guess what i'm looking for right now is some guidance as far as what specific method is going to get me the best performance in this situation and then I'll make that work.
Additionally, does anyone have a link for a very good tutorial that covers multithreading in C++ from a broader point of view (not limited to Boost or C++11 implmentation and covers mutexs, etc). It could greatly help me out with this.
Here's the 'complete' code, I stripped out some functions to make it easier to read, so don't mind the extra variable here and there:
//Standard libraries
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
//OpenCV libraries
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
//Other libraries
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
// Code for capture thread
void captureMatThread(Mat *orgFrame, VideoCapture *stream1){
//loop infinitely
//capture from webcame to Mat orgFrame
(*stream1) >> (*orgFrame);
Mat processMatThread(Mat inFrame, string scrnMsg1, string scrnMsg2){
//Fancify image
putText(inFrame, scrnMsg1, cvPoint(545,450),CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX,
putText(inFrame, scrnMsg2, cvPoint(395,470),CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX,
return inFrame;
void frameWriter(Mat writeFrame, VideoWriter *orgVideo, mutex *mutexVid)
long usecDiff(long usec1, long usec2){
if (usec1>usec2){
return usec1 - usec2;
else {
return (1000000 + usec1) - usec2;
int main()
//Start video capture
cout << "Opening camera stream..." << endl;
VideoCapture stream1(0);
if (!stream1.isOpened()) {
cout << "Camera failed to open!" << endl;
return 1;
//Message incoming image size
cout << "Camera stream opened. Incoming size: ";
cout << stream1.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) << "x";
cout << stream1.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) << endl;
//File locations
const long fileSizeLimitBytes(10485760);
const int fileNumLimit(5);
const string outPath("C:\\users\\nag1\\Desktop\\");
string outFilename("out.avi");
string inFilename("in.avi");
//Declare variables for screen messages
timeval t1;
timeval t2;
timeval t3;
time_t now(time(0));
float FPS(0.0f);
const int targetFPS(60);
const long targetUsec(1000000/targetFPS);
long usec(0);
long usecProcTime(0);
long sleepUsec(0);
int i(0);
stringstream scrnMsgStream;
string scrnMsg1;
string scrnMsg2;
string scrnMsg3;
//Define images
Mat orgFrame;
Mat modFrame;
//Start Video writers
cout << "Creating initial video files..." << endl;
//Identify outgoing size, comments use incoming size
const int frame_width = 640; //stream1.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH);
const int frame_height = 480; //stream1.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT);
//Message outgoing image size
cout << "Outgoing size: ";
cout << frame_width << "x" << frame_height << endl;
VideoWriter orgVideo(outPath + inFilename,CV_FOURCC('D','I','V','X'),targetFPS,
mutex orgVideoMutex;
VideoWriter modVideo(outPath + outFilename,CV_FOURCC('D','I','V','X'),targetFPS,
mutex modVideoMutex;
//unconditional loop
cout << "Starting recording..." << endl;
//Get first image to prevent exception;
// start thread to begin capture and populate Mat frame
thread captureThread(captureMatThread, &orgFrame, &stream1);
while (true) {
//Time stuff
if (i%2==0){
usec = usecDiff(t1.tv_usec,t2.tv_usec);
usec = usecDiff(t2.tv_usec,t1.tv_usec);
now = time(0);
FPS = 1000000.0f/usec;
scrnMsgStream << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed << FPS;
scrnMsg1 = scrnMsgStream.str() + " FPS";
scrnMsg2 = asctime(localtime(&now));
//Get image
//Handled by captureMatThread now!!!
//resize image
//write original image to video
thread writeOrgThread(frameWriter, modFrame, &orgVideo, &orgVideoMutex);
//write modified image to video
thread writeModThread(frameWriter, processMatThread(modFrame, scrnMsg1, scrnMsg2), &modVideo, &modVideoMutex);
//modVideo.write(processMatThread(modFrame, scrnMsg1, scrnMsg2));
if (i%2==0){
sleepUsec = targetUsec - usecDiff(t3.tv_usec,t1.tv_usec);
sleepUsec = targetUsec - usecDiff(t3.tv_usec,t2.tv_usec);
return 0;
This is actually running on a raspberry pi (adapted to use raspberry pi camera) so my resources are limited and that's why i'm trying to minimize how many copies of the image there are and implement the parallel writing of the video files. You can see I've also experimented with placing both the 'join()'s after the "writeModThread", so at least the writing of the two files are in parallel. Perhaps that's the best we can do, but I plan to add a thread with all the image processing that I'd like to run in parallel (now you can see it called as a simple function that adds plain text).

C++: How Can I keep my program (output console) alive

I am writing a simple program (my 1st program) to display the laptop battery, however, I would like to keep it active to monitor the battery %.:
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (GetSystemPowerStatus(&spsPwr)) {
cout << "\nAC Status : " << static_cast<double>(spsPwr.ACLineStatus)
<< "\nBattery Status : " << static_cast<double>(spsPwr.BatteryFlag)
<< "\nBattery Life % : " << static_cast<double>(spsPwr.BatteryLifePercent)
<< endl;
goto id;
return 0;
else return 1;
using goto seems to be a bad idea as the CPU utilization jump to 99% ! :(, I am sure this is not the right way to do it.
Any suggestion?
while (true) {
// do the stuff
::Sleep(2000); // suspend thread to 2 sec
(you are on Windows according to the API function)
see: Sleep
First of all, the issue you are asking about: of course you get 100% CPU usage, since you're asking the computer to try and get and print the power status of the computer as fast it possibly can. And since computers will happily do what you tell them to, well... you know what happens next.
As others have said, the solution is to use an API that will instruct your application to go to sleep. In Windows, which appears to be your platform of choice, that API is Sleep:
// Sleep for around 1000 milliseconds - it may be slightly more since Windows
// is not a hard real-time operating system.
Second, please do not use goto. There are looping constructs in C and you should use them. I'm not fundamentally opposed to goto (in fact, in my kernel-driver programming days I used it quite frequently) but I am opposed to seeing it used when better alternatives are available. In this case the better alternative is a while loop.
Before I show you that let me point out another issue: DO NOT USE THE system function.
Why? The system function executes the command passed to it; on Windows it happens to execute inside the context of the command interpreter (cmd.exe) which supports and internal command called cls which happens to clear the screen. At least on your system. But yours isn't the only system in the world. On some other system, there might be a program called cls.exe which would get executed instead, and who knows what that would do? It could clear the screen, or it could format the hard drive. So please, don't use the system function. It's almost always the wrong thing to do. If you find yourself looking for that command stop and think about what you're doing and whether you need to do it.
So, you may ask, how do I clear the screen if I can't use system("cls")? There's a way to do it which should be portable across various operating systems:
int main(int, char **)
while (GetSystemPowerStatus(&spsPwr))
std::string status = "unknown";
if (spsPwr.ACLineStatus == 0)
status = "offline";
else if (spsPwr.ACLineStatus == 1)
status = "online";
// The percent of battery life left is returned as a value
// between 0 and 255 so we normalize it by multiplying it
// by 100.0 and dividing by 255.0 which is ~0.39.
std::cout << "Current Status: " << status << " ("
<< static_cast<int>(spsPwr.BatteryFlag) << "): "
<< 0.39 * static_cast<int>(spsPwr.BatteryLifePercent)
<< "% of battery remaining.\r" << std::flush;
// Sleep for around 1000 milliseconds - it may be slightly more
// since Windows is not a hard real-time operating system.
// Print a new line before exiting.
std::cout << std::endl;
return 0;
What this does is print the information in a single line, then move back to the beginning of that line, sleep for around one second and then write the next line, overwriting what was previously there.
If the new line you write is shorter than the previous line, you may see some visual artifacts. Removing them should not be difficult but I'll leave it for you as an exercise. Here's a hint: what happens if you output a space where a letter used to be?
In order to do this across lines, you will need to use more advanced techniques to manipulate the console, and this exercise becomes a lot trickier.
You are having 100% CPU usage because your program is always running.
I don't want to get into details, and given that this is your first program, I'll recommend to put a call to usleep before the goto.
And, of course, avoid goto, use a proper loop instead.
int milliseconds2wait = 3000;
while (!flag_exit) {
// code
usleep( 1000 * milliseconds2wait )
Update: This is windows, use Sleep instead of usleep:
Sleep( milliseconds2wait );

How to Compare an Image with Database in C++ opencv

This might have been asked several times before. But I feel mine is a bit different and since I lack complete understanding of concepts, I am posting it again.
I am working on opencv code written in C++ on Ubuntu that can match vein patterns. I have captured 4 vein images. In my program, I would like to capture a new image from the IR camera and compare it with the images in the images directory. I am planning to use fuzzy C clustering algorithm for my matching. I have created a user menu in which one option is comparing my algorithm with FLANN, SIFT, etc. This comparison is based on the time taken. How do you calculate the time taken for computation?
I am completely new to Fuzzy clustering and any tutorials/Sample codes that might help is greatly appreciated.
Also, can you please suggest how to go about comparing a file captured from camera to a file in directory in linux?
Edit 1: Have uploaded two sample vein patterns with their Canny Edge Detectors.
Vein Pattern 1
Vein Pattern 2 (Canny Edge 1) (Canny Edge 2)
Please suggest some methods to compare the same.
To calculate the time elapsed between a set of instructions,
#include <time>
int main()
// whatever code
clock_t tstart = clock();
/// more code and implementations
cout << "Processing time = " << (double)(clock() - tstart)/(CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << " second(s)" << endl;
There are many ways in which you can compare 2 files; if you post some images, I might be able to guide you further. You might try and read some of OpenCV documentation and related papers. This link will give you a head start to feature description..
I use this function for timings:
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <iostream>
inline long getMilliSecs()
timeval t;
gettimeofday(&t, NULL);
return t.tv_sec*1000 + t.tv_usec/1000;
int main()
long start_time = getMilliSecs();
//do stuff;
long end_time = getMilliSecs();
std::cout << ((double)(end_time - start_time))/1000 << " seconds" << std::endl;