Countdown in Cocos2d - cocos2d-iphone

I am trying to think through how to implement a countdown on a stamina level. For example, maximum 100% and over time it decreases. I don't need to know how to display it but the technology behind it to get it working and where to look.
This countdown would keep on going down when the application is closed.
I was looking at NSUserDefaults as a means to do this. Is this correct?
Similar to the top bar as shown below:

You can save latest refueled stamina value in NSUserDefaults or in iCloud and calculate current value using something like this:
timePassedInSeconds = currentTime - latestMaxValueSaveTime;
newStamina = latestMaxValue - (timePassedInSeconds * decreasePerSecond);
This way each time the player refuels stamina (e.g. buys some food for animal) you reset stamina to 100% (or add some percentage depending on food type) and save this value into latestMaxValue and save the time it was refueled into latestMaxValueSaveTime (you can store both in NSUserDefaults)
And you calculate newStamina in update: of the scene or in onEnter: method of the scene if it needs to be calculated once.
This way it will decrease even when the app is closed.
However, if you want to avoid players resetting stamina by changing device time you should get time from the server (preferably in UTC, to avoid issues with timezones and daylight saving).


Update Dataflow Streaming job with Session and Siding window embedded in DF

In my use-case, I'm performing Session as well as Sliding window inside Dataflow job. So basically my Sliding window timing is 10 hour with sliding time 4 min. Since I'm applying grouping and performing max function on top of that, on every 3 min interval, window will fire the pane and it will go into Session window with triggering logic on it. Below is the code for the same.
Window<Map<String, String>> windowMap = Window.<Map<String, String>>into(
Window<Map<String, String>> windowSession = Window
.<Map<String, String>>into(Sessions.withGapDuration(Duration.standardHours(10))).discardingFiredPanes()
I would like to add logger on some steps for Debugging, so I'm trying to update the current streaming job using below code:
So previously I had around 10k data and I updated the existing pipeline using above config and now I'm not able to see that much data in steps of updated DF job. So help me with the understanding whether it preserves the previous job data or not as I'm not seeing previous DF step count in updated Job.

IsAwake always YES albeit SetSleepingAllowed

got a CClayer with many b2bodies and fixtures etc.
all b2_body objects are allowsleeping set to true. but they never sleeps.
all b2_body ‘s :setAwake are TRUE at initial creation.
all b2_body ‘s :setActive are TRUE at initial creation.
all fixture.friction is 0.001 or 0. no difference
got a custom simple Contact Listener class...
when I check the velocity via
b2Vec2 velocity = b->GetLinearVelocity();
is zero. but somehow b->IsAwake() is always YES.
it seems some of bodies are jiggling back and forth infititely with a very little bit velocities.
yes they are stacked.
what may be the reason ?or is there a method to fix this problemma ?
should I stop linear velocities of contact bodies in my custom contactClass ?or...
thank you.

2 computed properties based on the same dependency fire only once

Having 2 computed properties based on the same dependency only one computed property runs. The docs says that it is cached what about a situation when I'd like to have the following:
foo: (->
console.log 'foo'
bar: (->
console.log 'bar'
Now the bar isn't called and I have to resort to observer. Can I make it work?
The question is about computed properties but it wasn't reflected in the example code - instead of property I used observes. It is now changed. Sorry for confusion.
I modified the great example by #MilkyWayJoe so that it now looks like my solution. Unfortunately (or fortunately) it works, but my solution didn't. Here's the gist what I was after:
With the help of a slider I could set a balance value to be transferred to another credit card provider. Let's say that the value is transferValue. Whenever it changed I had to calculate the annual interest to which the transfer fee was added.
So for example let's say that in my current credit card I have $1000 and the annual interest rate is 19%. It's way too much so I look for another, cheaper solution. It turns out that Bank X offers Balance Transfer Credit Card Y which interest rate is 10% + 3.5% transfer fee.
OK. So I set $1000 on the slider and here goes the magic. I want to calculate interest rate and transfer fee whenever the value changes.
In the modified example it works:
but failed to do so in my first solution. It was kind of this one:
cardInterest: (->
apr = #get 'purchaseRate'
amount = #get 'transferValue'
#get('calculatedTransferFee') + #calculateInterest apr, amount
).property('transferValue', 'calculatedTransferFee')
As you can see it accesses calculatedTransferFee. The problem was that the value wasn't recalculated. I'm not sure it is worth of mentioning but in the first solution only cardInterest was requested by Handlebars template.
And this is my current solution with observer:
calculatedTransferFee: 0
transferValueDidChange: (->
if #get('isCurrentCardChosen')
transferFee = parseFloat #get('balanceTransferRate') / 100
transferValue = #get 'transferValue'
calculatedTransferFee = if isNaN(transferFee) then 0 else transferFee * transferValue
#set 'calculatedTransferFee', calculatedTransferFee
It isn't a nice solution, is it? That's why I thought it may be a better solution than to resort to an observer.
I hope that now it is clearer. I'd be grateful for any further feedback!
Not quite sure if I understand what you're trying to achieve since you're talking about property but your code is using observes (I realize this is a conceptual sample code, just not sure where you're going).
Usually, property will be a "reactive accessor" to a value, and 99.9% of the time you want it to be cached (it is by default, unless you say .property('whatever').volatile()), while observe will fire a function when whatever property it is watching changes. If you just want to have two properties firing for the same dependency you could:
App.SomeModel = Em.Object.extend({
someDependency: true,
foo: function() {
// all that's in here will fire only once when 'dependency' changes, and store
// the returning value in cache, and every time something reads this property,
// it will retrieve the cached value.
// A way to test this, is to run the following from your View:
// "alert(this.controller.get(''));"
// It will alert the string but will not log "whatever bro" again.
console.log('whatever bro');
return " %# a dependency".fmt(this.get('someDependency') ? "has" : "doesn't have");
bar: function() {
// same as above
console.log('whatever dude');
return " %# a dependency".fmt(this.get('someDependency') ? "has" : "doesn't have");
nope: function() {
// same as above, except this is volatile
// and will fire the console.log every time
console.log('y\'all need science');
return "this.nope %# a dependency".fmt(this.get('someDependency') ? "has" : "doesn't have");
(see fiddle)
If you need it to be logged everytime (perhaps for debugging or whatever reason), you could use volatile or observes.
If I'm tripping and this's not what you want, perhaps you could rephrase your question or refresh the sample code to something closer to your real-life scenario to clarify what's being asked.

How can I dynamically change the delay within my CCSequence?

I have a sequence that I am trying to repeat, and change the delay time with each occurance of the repeat... Something like:
__block CCDelayTime *delayTime = [CCDelayTime actionWithDuration:myDelay];
[CCRepeat actionWithAction:[CCSequence actions:
[CCCallFunc actionWithTarget:self selector:#selector(doSomething)],
[CCCallBlock actionWithBlock:^{
delayTime.duration = delayTime.duration / 2
I am getting no where real fast.. Depsite the fact that the instance of CCDelayTime's duration_ ivar is in fact properly getting set to half of its previous value, when stepping through the code, it appears that as soon as control reaches one of the base class' (CCActionInterval) methods such as step or update:, the duration_ ivar is back to the original value (what myDelay was set to).
I spent quite a bit of time going through the cocos code trying to figure out why this is happening but eventually decided to give up and see if anyone here can help me. Perhaps there is a better way to do what I am trying to do in the first place?
what you do here is: call a function, wait for some time (delay), run a block that changes the waiting time of the action that already ran.
What you need to use is CCSpeed, add the delay action to it, and keep a reference to CCSpeed so that you can modify the speed from outside the sequence.

Is it possible to change the tick count value returned from GetTickCount()?

I'm trying to do some testing and it requires the Windows system to be up and running for 15 Real-Time minutes before a certain action can ever occur. However, this is very time consuming to HAVE to wait the 15 real-time minutes.
Is there a way to change the value GetTickCount() returns so as to make it appear that the system has been running for 15 real-time minutes?
Edit: There is an app that does something close to what I want, but it doesn't quite seem to work and I have to deal with hexadecimal values instead of straight decimal values:
Not directly.
Why not just mock the call, or replace the chunk of code that does the time check with a strategy object?
struct Waiter
virtual void Wait() = 0;
virtual ~Waiter() {};
struct 15MinWaiter : public Waiter
virtual void Wait()
//Do something that waits for 15 mins
struct NothingWaiter : public Waiter
virtual void Wait()
You could do similar to mock out a call to GetTickCount, but doing this at the higher level of abstraction of whatever is doing the wait is probably better.
For debugging purposes, you can just replace all the calls to GetTickCount() with _GetTickCount(), which can implement to return with GetTickCount() or GetTickCount()+15min, depending whether or not you are debugging.
Why not make it one minute, confirm it works, then change it back to fifteen?
You could do something quite hideous like #define GetTickCount() MyReallyEvilReplacement().
You can use the Application Verifier provided with the Windows SDK to run your app with the "Miscellaneous > TimeRollOver" test. It will fake a tick count which starts at a time that will overflow after a short moment.
Another possibility is to to hibernate / hybrid shutdown / sleep a Windows system, then boot to the BIOS, change the date time to something you require, like add 30 days if you want to test unsigned tick counts. When Windows boots again, it has no way of detecting the appropiate time since the computer really started previously, and thinks it is running for 30 more days. It is important to use sleep / hibernate / hybrid shutdown (the latter being the default since Windows 8), not a full shutdown, as the up time is otherwise reset.
Yet another possibility could be to hook imports of GetTickCount to your own code and let it return arbitrary results.