I am new to Clojure. I have defined a datasource in Weblogic 11. I have the below in my code. I am neither getting any error/exception nor am I able to connect to the database.
(def cms-apacdb {:name "APACCMSInterfaceDataSource"})
(defn update-or-insert-apacitem [table-name {cms-content-id :cms_content_id :as cms-item}]
(with-connection cms-apacdb
["cms_content_id = ?" cms-content-id]
(assoc cms-item :updated (now))))
Any help is highly appreciated.
I want to test my Compojure endpoints and see that the required method is called. However, with-redefs-fn is not replacing the method.
Test method-
(ns project-name.handler-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[project-name.handler :as handler :refer [retrieve-records test-handler]]
[ring.mock.request :as mock]))
(deftest fn-handler-routes
(with-redefs-fn {#'handler/retrieve-records (fn [arg] :test)}
(let [response {:status 200 :body :test}]
(let [mock-handler (test-handler)]
(is (= response (mock-handler (mock/request :get "/records/name"))))))))
I am guessing routes are static, and thus the method fires and returns actual data instead of calling the redefined function. test-handler is a failing attempt to try to circumvent -- it fires okay, but does not use with-redefs and returns repo data.
Pertinent Source Code-
(defn retrieve-records [arg] (repo/get-records arg))
(defroutes routes
(GET "/" [] (resource-response "index.html" {:root "public"}))
(context "/records" []
(GET "/name" [] (retrieve-records :lastname)))
(resources "/"))
(defn test-handler []
(-> #'routes wrap-reload))
Related Issues
I suspect a similar underlying issue as this SO question about Midje but I am using clojure.test and not midje.
This question is different from a very similar SO question in that the Compojure route is legitimate and I want to return something in the :body, not just test the status (already tried that answer).
This question is different from an integration test question in that it is a handler unit test, though probably the same underlying issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am using Clojure and Monger
It works fine, and I group functions by the collection they relate to.
Therefore, every file begins like this :
(ns img-cli.model.mycollectionname
(:require [monger.core :as mg]
[monger.collection :as mc]
[edn-config.core :refer [env]])
(:import [com.mongodb MongoOptions ServerAddress DB WriteConcern]
[org.bson.types ObjectId]))
(def config (get-in env [:mongo]))
;; using MongoOptions allows fine-tuning connection parameters,
;; like automatic reconnection (highly recommended for production
;; environment)
(def ^MongoOptions opts (mg/mongo-options { :threads-allowed-to-block-for-connection-multiplier 300}))
(def ^ServerAddress sa (mg/server-address (:url config) (:port config)))
(def conn (mg/connect sa opts))
(def db (mg/get-db conn (:db config)))
(def collection-name "asset")
;; I have to write one like this every time
(defn find-one-as-map
"fetch asset by Id"
[^String id]
(mc/find-one-as-map db collection-name {:_id (ObjectId. id)}))
Code duplication has of course several disadvantages in itself.
Also I'm not sure if connections are properly pooled afterwards ?
How can I avoid doing this ?
I sense I could pass an additional "db" parameter to each function, but then where would it come from ?
If I create the db connection in the "entry" file of my program, then how could it be passed to every function from there ?
For instance let's says I have Compojure routes in different files :
;; in the main handler file
(def db ...) ;; if I move the previous db configuration
;; in here, it could be the only place where this is set
;; importing Compojure routes from different files
(defroutes routes-from-file1
Let's say that some functions called from some of the routes in "file2" need access to the db, how can I pass this variable to them ?
I also have a lot of repetitive code afterwards, for instance to get data by Id for every collection...
I feel this could be simplified, but I'm not sure how.
Just refer to it by its namespace
(ns foo
(:require [handler :as h]))
(println h/db)
I've created a new Compojure Leiningen project using lein new compojure test. Web server is run by lein repl and then
user=> (use 'ring.adapter.jetty)
user=> (run-jetty test.handler/app {:port 3000})
Routes and app handler specification is trivial:
(defroutes app-routes
(GET "/*.do" [] "Dynamic page")
(route/not-found "Not Found"))
(def app
(wrap-defaults app-routes site-defaults))
Now, after changing anything in app-routes definition (e.g. changing "Dynamic page" text to anything else, or modifying URI matching string), i do not get the updated text/routes in the browser. But, when changing app-routes definition slightly to
(defn dynfn [] "Dynamic page fn")
(defroutes app-routes
(GET "/*.do" [] (dynfn))
(route/not-found "Not Found"))
i do get dynamic updates when changing the return value of dynfn. Also, following the advice from this article and modifying the app definition to
(def app
(wrap-defaults #'app-routes site-defaults))
(note the #' that transparently creates a var for app-routes) also helps!
Why is that so? Is there any other way one could get a truly dynamic behaviour in defroutes?
#'app-routes is a reader macro that expands to (var app-routes). When a var is used as if it were a function, it is dereferenced anew on each invocation, and then the value returned by that deref is called.
If you were to supply app-routes as the argument, the compiler would give the dereferenced value to wrap-defaults, and when the var is updated, the previous value is not changed, so changing the var does not change the behavior of app.
The following repl transcript might be instructive:
user=> (defn foo [] "original")
user=> (defn caller [f] #(f))
user=> (def call-foo-value (caller foo))
user=> (call-foo-value)
user=> (def call-foo-var (caller #'foo))
user=> (call-foo-var)
user=> (defn foo [] "changed")
user=> (call-foo-value)
user=> (call-foo-var)
This code is from the default luminus template:
(deftype RenderableTemplate [template params]
[this request]
(keyword (s/replace template #".html" "-selected"))
(:context request)
(session/get :user-id)
(session/get :user))
(parser/render-file (str template-path template))
"text/html; charset=utf-8")))
(defn render [template & [params]]
(RenderableTemplate. template params))
And I need to test this function using clojure.test:
(defn home-page [& [user]]
{:user user}))
How will I test the above function with the value associated to the key :user?
I suggest you to read some documentation and make a reasonable effort before launching so general questions. This could be an start http://blog.jayfields.com/2010/08/clojuretest-introduction.html
After you feel a bit comfortable with clojure test you may like to move to https://github.com/marick/Midje/wiki/A-tutorial-introduction-for-Clojure.test-users
Enjoy :)
First set your routes and handlers like this:
(defn home-page [& [user]]
{:user user}))
; setting routes
(defroutes main-routes
(GET "/user/:user" [user] (home-page user)))
Then do the unit testing:
Basic unit test
(deftest home-page-test
; Check if response code is 200
(is (= 200 (:status (main-routes {:request-method :get :uri "/user/Michael"})))))
or you can also use Midje
Using Midje
(:use midje.sweet
(fact "Homepage Test"
(:status (main-routes {:request-method :get :uri "/user/Michael")) => 200)
I faced the same problem.
Calling (home-page) directly will return a RenderableTemplate type which isn't useful for testing.
In your test require:
(:require [capacityplanning.layout :as layout]
[selmer.parser :as parser])
Add this function:
(def template-path "templates/")
(defn mockRender [template params]
(parser/render-file (str template-path template) params))
And in your test you can bind:
(with-redefs [layout/render mockRender]
(home-page user))
Now when home-page is called it will return the html as a string. This should be more useful to write unit tests against.
I'm trying to use ring-json's wrap-json-response middleware within my compojure app. I have a simple GET handler that returns a map, like {:foo 1}, and when I hit the URL, ring responds with text/plain and an empty response body. I can't seem to get it to respond with the JSON version of the map.
Here's my handler code:
(ns localshop.handler
(:use compojure.core)
(:require [localshop.routes.api.items :as routes-api-items]
[ring.middleware.json :as middleware]
[compojure.handler :as handler]
[compojure.route :as route]))
;; map the route handlers
(defroutes app-routes
(context "/api/item" [] routes-api-items/routes))
;; define the ring application
(def app
(-> (handler/api app-routes)
The route handler function literally just returns a map, so the code for that is simple enough that I think I could leave out. If returning a map from a compojure route handler is the problem, then perhaps that's it?
Check out this. Basically if you return {:body {:my-map "hello"}} then it will work fine.
Stumbe similar issue, when writing REST API.
When handler return vector, i get exception that no implementation of method render for PersistentVector in Renderable protocol in compojure.
When return map, headers is empty.
When return sequence, i get 'text/html'.
So, i think it's good to be extend Renderable in our code: really nice gift from clojure.
But, as hack, for fast solution, i use next middleware:
(defn wrap-content-json [h]
(fn [req] (assoc-in (h req) [:headers "Content-Type"] "application/json")))