I have a nested hashmap with a structure something like the following:
(def pathmap {:order {:genus {:species {:cat2 "data", :cat1 "data"}}}})
What I need is a function like assoc-in that will allow me to add new key-value pairs to the innermost nested map rather than simply replacing what's already there. For example:
(my-assoc-merge pathmap [:order :genus :species] {:cat3 "data"})
;=> {:order {:genus {:species {:cat3 "data" :cat2 "data", :cat1 "data"}}}}
I thought I might be able to do this easily enough by altering the assoc-in function slightly to use merge-with and union:
(defn my-assoc-merge
[m [k & ks] v]
(if ks
(assoc m k (my-assoc-merge (get m k) ks v))
(assoc m k (merge-with clojure.set/union (get m k '{}) v))))
Unfortunately this gives me the error "CompilerException java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: count not supported on this type: Keyword, compiling:(core.clj:34:12)". Where am I going wrong?
Actually, assoc-in already creates a new key if it does not exist. Usage is as follows:
(def pathmap {:order {:genus {:species {:cat2 "data", :cat1 "data"}}}})
(assoc-in pathmap [:order :genus :species :cat3] "data")
;=> {:order {:genus {:species {:cat2 "data", :cat3 "data", :cat1 "data"}}}}
If you prefer to merge a new map, use update-in with merge
(update-in pathmap [:order :genus :species] merge {:cat3 "data"})
;=> {:order {:genus {:species {:cat2 "data", :cat3 "data", :cat1 "data"}}}}
The problem with your my-assoc-merge is the union which works on sets. Change merge-with to merge and drop the union.
Given a collection"
[{:key "key_1" :value "value_1"}, {:key "key_2" :value "value_2"}]
I would like to convert this to:
{"key_1" "value_1" "key_2" "value_2"}
An function to do this would be:
(defn long->wide [xs]
(apply hash-map (flatten (map vals xs))))
I might simplify this using the threading macro:
(defn long->wide [xs]
(->> xs
(map vals)
(apply hash-map)))
This still requires explicit definition of the function argument which I am not doing anything with other than passing to the first function. I might then rewrite this using comp to remove this:
(def long->wide
(comp (partial apply hash-map) flatten (partial map vals)))
This however requires repeated use of partial which to me is a lot of noise in the function.
Is there a some function in clojure that combines comp and ->> so I can create a higher order function without repeated use of partial, and also which out having to create a new function?
Since many of the answers here already don't answer the original question, but
suggest different approaches, I put that one back up too.
I'd go with reduce and destructuring:
(fn [m {:keys [key value]}]
(assoc m key value))
[{:key "key_1" :value "value_1"}, {:key "key_2" :value "value_2"}])
Note, that this will also work with string keys (which you mentioned in the comments) (note :strs):
(fn [m {:strs [key value]}]
(assoc m key value))
[{"key" "key_1" "value" "value_1"}, {"key" "key_2" "value" "value_2"}])
Another (point-free) version, when using keywords:
(partial (into {} (map (juxt :key :value))))
Since you mentioned in the comments, that you are using values from a DB, there might also be the chance, that you can switch to just return value tuples. Then the whole operation is just:
(into {} [["key_1" "value_1"]["key_2" "value_2"]])
Also note, that the use of vals on a map and expecting "insertion order" is
dangerous. Small maps are ordered only by accident:
user=> (take 3 (zipmap (range 3) (range 3)))
([0 0] [1 1] [2 2])
user=> (take 3 (zipmap (range 100) (range 100)))
([0 0] [65 65] [70 70])
An other alternative to the nice answers is also:
(apply hash-map (mapcat vals [{:key "key_1" :value "value_1"}, {:key "key_2" :value "value_2"}]))
((comp #(apply hash-map %) #(mapcat vals %)) [{:key "key_1" :value "value_1"}, {:key "key_2" :value "value_2"}])
which are exactly the same.
As with clojure, so many ways to solve most problems.
(partial #(reduce (fn [r m] (assoc r (m :key) (m :value)))
Not sure if the creation of anonymous functions violates your condition or not but this isn't adding functions to the namespace so I thought I'd throw it out there. This also has the benefit of not requiring the keys in the input maps to be keywords as :key and :value can be replaced with values of any type since the map is in the function position. For example:
(partial #(reduce (fn [r m] (assoc r (m "key") (m "value")))
When use update-in we need to provide the full path to an element. But what if I want to update ALL elements whose second level key is :MaxInclude
e.g the input is
(def a {:store {:type "varchar"},
:amount {:nullable true, :length nil, :type "float", :MaxInclude "100.02"},
:unit {:type "int"},
:unit-uniform {:type "int" :MaxInclude "100"}
the required output is (convert MaxInclude from string to float/int based on theie type):
{:store {:type "varchar"},
:amount {:nullable true, :length nil, :type "float", :MaxInclude 100.02},
:unit {:type "int"},
:unit-uniform {:type "int" :MaxInclude 100}
I was thinking it would be nice to have a function like update-in that matches on key predicate functions instead of exact key values. This is what I came up with:
(defn update-all
"Like update-in except the second parameter is a vector of predicate
functions taking keys as arguments. Updates all values contained at a
matching path. Looks for keys in maps only."
[m [key-pred & key-preds] update-fn]
(if (map? m)
(let [matching-keys (filter key-pred (keys m))
f (fn [acc k]
(update-in acc [k] (if key-preds
#(update-all %
(reduce f m matching-keys))
With this in place, all you need to do is:
(update-all a [= #{:MaxInclude}] read-string)
The = is used as the first key matching function because it always returns true when passed one argument. The second is using the fact that a set is a function. This function uses non-optimised recursion but the call stack will only be as deep as the number of matching map levels.
(into {}
(map (fn [[k v]]
{k (if (contains? v :MaxInclude)
(update-in v [:MaxInclude] read-string)
Here I am mapping over the key-value pairs and destructuring each into k and v. Then I use update-in on the value if it contains :MaxInclude. Finally, I pour the pairs from a list into a hash map.
This will error on contains? if any of the main map's values are not indexed collections.
I use read-string as a convenient way to convert the string to a number in the same way the Clojure reader would do when compiling the string that is your number literal. There may be disadvantages to this approach.
What is the clojure way to update a map inside a vector e.g. if I have something like this, assuming each map has unique :name
(def some-vec
[{:name "foo"
{:name "bar"
{:name "baz"
I want to update the map in someway if it has :name equal to foo. Currently I'm using map, like this
(map (fn [{:keys [name] :as value}]
(if-not (= name "foo")
(do-something .....))) some-vec)
But this will loop through the entire vector even though I only update one item.
Keep the data as a map instead of a vector of map-records, keyed by :name.
(def some-data
{"foo" {:name "foo" :other :stuff}
"bar" {:name "bar" :other :stuff}
"baz" {:name "baz" :other :stuff}})
(assoc-in some-data ["bar" :other] :things)
{"foo" {:other :stuff, :name "foo"},
"bar" {:other :things, :name "bar"},
"baz" {:other :stuff, :name "baz"}}
in one go.
You can capture the basic manipulation in
(defn assoc-by-fn [data keyfn datum]
(assoc data (keyfn datum) datum))
When, for example,
(assoc-by-fn some-data :name {:name "zip" :other :fassner})
{"zip" {:other :fassner, :name "zip"},
"foo" {:other :stuff, :name "foo"},
"bar" {:other :stuff, :name "bar"},
"baz" {:other :stuff, :name "baz"}}
Given that you have a vector of maps, your code looks fine to me. Your concern about "looping through the entire vector" is a natural consequence of the fact that you're doing a linear search for the :name and the fact that vectors are immutable.
I wonder whether what you really want is a vector of maps? Why not a map of maps?
(def some-map
{"foo" {...}
"bar" (...}
"baz" {...}}
Which you could then update with update-in?
Given this shape of the input data and unless you have an index that can tell you which indices the maps with a given value of :name reside at, you will have to loop over the entire vector. You can, however, minimize the amount of work involved in producing the updated vector by only "updating" the matching maps, rather than rebuilding the entire vector:
(defn update-values-if
"Assumes xs is a vector. Will update the values for which
pred returns true."
[xs pred f]
(let [lim (count xs)]
(loop [xs xs i 0]
(if (< i lim)
(let [x (nth xs i)]
(recur (if (pred x)
(assoc xs i (f x))
(inc i)))
This will perform as many assoc operations as there are values in xs for which pred returns a truthy value.
(def some-vec [{:name "foo" :x 0} {:name "bar" :x 0} {:name "baz" :x 0}])
(update-values-if some-vec #(= "foo" (:name %)) #(update-in % [:x] inc))
;= [{:name "foo", :x 1} {:name "bar", :x 0} {:name "baz", :x 0}]
Of course if you're planning to transform the vector in this way with some regularity, then Thumbnail's and Paul's suggestion to use a map of maps will be a much more significant improvement. That remains the case if :name doesn't uniquely identify the maps – in that case, you could simply transform your original vector using frequencies and deal with a map of vectors (of maps with a given :name).
If you're working with vector, you should know index of element that you want to change, otherwise you have to traverse it in some way.
I can propose this solution:
(defn my-update [coll val fnc & args]
(let [index (->> (map-indexed vector coll)
(filter (fn [[_ {x :name}]] (= x val)))
(when index
(apply update-in coll [index] fnc args))))
coll - given collection of maps;
val - value of field :name;
fnc - updating function;
args - arguments of the updating function.
Let's try it:
user> (def some-vec
[{:name "foo"}
{:name "bar"}
{:name "baz"}])
;; => #'user/some-vec
user> (my-update some-vec "foo" assoc :boo 12)
;; => [{:name "foo", :boo 12} {:name "bar"} {:name "baz"}]
user> (my-update some-vec "bar" assoc :wow "wow!")
;; => [{:name "foo"} {:name "bar", :wow "wow!"} {:name "baz"}]
I think that Thumbnail's answer may be quite useful for you. If you can keep your data as a map, these manipulations become much easier. Here is how you can transform your vector into a map:
user> (apply hash-map (interleave (map :name some-vec) some-vec))
;; => {"foo" {:name "foo"}, "bar" {:name "bar"}, "baz" {:name "baz"}}
I have a hash map like this:
{:key1 "aaa bbb ccc" :key2 "ddd eee" :key3 "fff ggg" :do-not-split "abcdefg hijk"}
And I'd like to split some of the strings to get vectors:
; expected result
{:key1 ["aaa" "bbb" "ccc"] :key2 ["ddd" "eee"] :key3 ["fff" "ggg"] :do-not-split "abcdefg hijk"}
I use update-in three times now like the following but it seems ugly.
(-> my-hash (update-in [:key1] #(split % #"\s"))
(update-in [:key2] #(split % #"\s"))
(update-in [:key3] #(split % #"\s")))
I hope there's sth like (update-all my-hash [:key1 :key2 :key3] fn)
You can use reduce:
user=> (def my-hash {:key1 "aaa bbb ccc" :key2 "ddd eee" :key3 "fff ggg"})
user=> (defn split-it [s] (clojure.string/split s #"\s"))
user=> (reduce #(update-in %1 [%2] split-it) my-hash [:key1 :key2 :key3])
{:key3 ["fff" "ggg"], :key2 ["ddd" "eee"], :key1 ["aaa" "bbb" "ccc"]}
Just map the values based on a function that makes the decision about whether to split or not.
user=> (def x {:key1 "aaa bbb ccc"
:key2 "ddd eee"
:key3 "fff ggg"
:do-not-split "abcdefg hijk"})
user=> (defn split-some [predicate [key value]]
(if (predicate key)
[key (str/split value #" ")]
[key value]))
user=> (into {} (map #(split-some #{:key1 :key2 :key3} %) x))
{:do-not-split "abcdefg hijk", :key3 ["fff" "ggg"], :key2 ["ddd" "eee"], :key1 ["aaa" "bbb" "ccc"]}
This is a different way of approaching the problem.
Think about it for a second: if your string were in a list, how would you approach it?
The answer is that you would use map to get a list of vectors:
(map #(split % #"\s") list-of-strings)
If you think harder you would arrive at the conclusion that what you really want is to map a function over the values of a map. Obviously map doesn't work here as it works for sequences only.
However, is there a generic version of map? It turns out there is! It's called fmap and comes from the concept of functors which you can ignore for now. This is how you would use it:
(fmap my-hash #(split % #"\s"))
See how the intent is a lot clearer now?
The only drawback is that fmap isn't a core function but it is available through the algo.generic library.
Of course if including a new library feels like too much at this stage, you can always steel the source code - and attribute to its author - from the library itself in this link:
(into (empty my-hash) (for [[k v] my-hash] [k (your-function-here v)]))
I'm having trouble finding solution to the following problem:
Lets say I have a map:
(def defaults {
:name "John"
:surname "Doe"
:info {:date-of-birth "01-01-1980"
:registered [{:type "newsletter" :name "breaking news" }]}
And then I pass a similar structured map but I want to conjoin the vectors and overwrite the rest of the keys:
(def new {
:name "Peter"
:info {:date-of-birth "11-01-1986"
:registered [{:type "alert" :name "mobile-alert" }]}
And I want this result:
{:name "Peter"
:surname "Doe"
:info {:date-of-birth "11-01-1986"
:registered [{:type "newsletter" :name "breaking news" }
{:type "alert" :name "mobile-alert" }]}}
Now I can do this easily by using static syntax like:
(reduce conj (get-in defaults [:info :registered]) (get-in new [:info :registered]))
(There is probably a better way...) But I was hoping more of a dynamic function with the following properties:
Keep all keys from both maps, without knowing the structure
Update any keys with the values from the right map
if the val of a key is a vector, then conj the vector with the vector of the right map (if the appropriate key exists of course)
Thanks for the help in advance :)
You should definitely look at merge-with function. This is possible implementation:
(defn deep-merge [a b]
(merge-with (fn [x y]
(cond (map? y) (deep-merge x y)
(vector? y) (concat x y)
:else y))
a b))
Here's a possible implementation for this kind of functionality. It is at least a starting point, you may need some extra validations depending on the possible structure of your data (e.g. what if the overriding map's value is a vector but the value in the default map is not even a collection?).
(declare merge-maps)
(defn merge-map [x [k v]]
(cond (vector? v)
(assoc x k (vec (reduce conj (x k) v)))
(map? v)
(assoc x k (merge-maps (x k) v))
(assoc x k v)))
(defn merge-maps [x y]
(reduce merge-map x y))
(merge-maps defaults new)
;= {:info {:date-of-birth "11-01-1986",
;= :registered [{:name "breaking news", :type "newsletter"}
;= {:name "mobile-alert", :type "alert"}]},
;= :name "Peter",
;= :surname "Doe"}