`require` child namespace :as shorthand in Clojure? - clojure

Suppose we have a project with namespaces: proj.foo, proj.bar, proj.baz. Since we are inside the context of proj, we want access to foo/foo unprefixed, instead of proj.foo/foo. You can do this with ns but it's verbose:
(ns proj.qux
(:require (proj
[foo :as foo]
[bar :as bar]
[baz :as baz])))
Is there a shorthand way to accomplish this? It seems like a common task.

We can construct the functionality you want using alias.
(defn common-alias [ns-symbol]
(alias ((comp symbol
#(re-find #"[^.]+$" %)
used as so:
user> string/join
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: No such namespace: string, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:1:764)
user> (common-alias 'clojure.string)
user> string/join
#<string$join clojure.string$join#22830870>

A couple of options here:
(ns proj.qux
(:require [proj [foo :refer :all] [bar :refer :all]]))
This will allow you to use all public vars from proj.foo etc. unprefixed, but you must be sure that there're no name clashes w/ symbols in those namespaces.
(ns proj)
(load "proj/foo")
(load "proj/bar")
(load "proj/baz")
This too allows you to refer to vars defined in those files without prefix, but maybe isn't what you're after: This approach literally includes the three files into the main proj ns, however foo, bar, baz technically aren't namespaces as such in this case. You're simply using different files to build up a single ns proj. Each of those included files should have no (ns ...) form and the above example assumes this folder structure (note that you don't specify the .clj extension for (load ...)):
|- proj.clj
|- proj
|- foo.clj
|- bar.clj
|- baz.clj


avoid circular dependency when I access reitit route info from handler

Assuming I have some kind of router set up that maps some routes to handlers something like this...
(ns myapp.user.api
(:require [reitit.core :as r]))
; define handlers here...
(def router
[["/user" {:get {:name ::user-get-all
:handler get-all-users}}]
{:post {:name ::user-post
:handler user-post}}
{:get {:name ::user-get
:handler user-get}}]]))
And those handlers then call services that want access to the routing information...
(ns myapp.user-service
(:require [myapp.user.api :as api]))
; how can I get access to the route properties inside here..?
(defn get-all-users [])
(println (r/route-names api/router)))
When I try to import the router from the api file, into the service, I get a problem with circular dependencies, because the api requires handler, which requires service, so service can not then require api.
What's the best way to avoid this circular dependency? Can I look up values and properties of the router from within services?
I use six general approaches to avoid circular dependencies in clojure. They all have different tradeoffs and some situations one will fit better than another. I list them in order from what I prefer most to what I prefer least.
I show one example for each below. There may be more ways I haven't thought of, but hopefully this gives you some ways of thinking about the issue.
Refactor the code to remove the commonly referenced vars into a new namespace and require that namespace from both original namespaces. Often this is the best and simplest way. But can't be done here because the root handler var is a literal containing a var from the other namespace.
Pass in the dependent value into the function at runtime so as to avoid having to require the namespace literally.
(ns circular.a)
(defn make-handler [routes]
(fn []
(println routes)))
(ns circular.b
(:require [circular.a :as a]))
(def routes
{:handler (a/make-handler routes)})
;; 'run' route to test
((:handler routes))
Use multimethods to provide the dispatch mechanism, and then defmethod your binding from the other namespace.
(ns circular.a
(:require [circular.b :as b]))
(defmethod b/handler :my-handler [_]
(println b/routes))
(ns circular.b)
(defmulti handler identity)
(def routes
{:handler #(handler :my-handler)})
(ns circular.core
(:require [circular.b :as b]
;; now we bring in our handlers so as to define our method implementations
[circular.a :as a]))
;; 'run' route to test
((:handler b/routes))
Use a var literal that is resolved at runtime
(ns circular.a)
(defn handler []
(println (var-get #'circular.b/routes)))
(ns circular.b
(:require [circular.a :as a]))
(def routes
{:handler a/handler})
;; 'run' route to test
((:handler routes))
Move the code into the same namespace.
(ns circular.a)
(declare routes)
(defn handler []
(println routes))
(def routes
{:handler handler})
;; 'run' route to test
((:handler routes))
Use state. Store one of the values in an atom at runtime.
(ns circular.a
(:require [circular.c :as c]))
(defn handler []
(println #c/routes))
(ns circular.b
(:require [circular.a :as a]
[circular.c :as c]))
(def routes
{:handler a/handler})
(reset! c/routes routes)
((:handler routes))
(ns circular.c)
(defonce routes (atom nil))
You are making a simple mistake somewhere. My example:
(ns demo.core
(:use tupelo.core)
[reitit.core :as r]
[schema.core :as s]
(defn get-all-users [& args] (println :get-all-users))
(defn user-post [& args] (println :user-post))
(defn user-get [& args] (println :user-get))
; define handlers here...
(def router
["/dummy" :dummy]
["/user" {:get {:name ::user-get-all
:handler get-all-users}}]
{:post {:name ::user-post
:handler user-post}}
{:get {:name ::user-get
:handler user-get}}]
and use here:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use demo.core tupelo.core tupelo.test)
[clojure.string :as str]
[reitit.core :as r]
(spyx-pretty (r/router-name router))
(spyx-pretty (r/route-names router))
(spyx-pretty (r/routes router))
with result:
*************** Running tests ***************
:reloading (demo.core tst.demo.core)
Testing _bootstrap
Clojure 1.10.3 Java 15.0.2
Testing tst.demo.core
(r/router-name router) =>
(r/route-names router) =>
(r/routes router) =>
[["/dummy" {:name :dummy}]
{:name :demo.core/user-get-all,
#object[demo.core$get_all_users 0x235a3fc "demo.core$get_all_users#235a3fc"]}}]]
Ran 2 tests containing 0 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
based on my favorite template project

How to apply ring-anti-forgery on specific reitit routes?

I keep getting "Invalid anti-forgery token" when wrapping specific routes created with metosin/reitit reitit.ring/ring-router. I've also tried reitit's middleware registry, but it didn't work too. Although I could just wrap the entire handler with wrap-session and wrap-anti-forgery, that defeats the reitit's advantage on allowing route-specific middleware.
(ns t.core
(:require [immutant.web :as web]
[reitit.ring :as ring]
[ring.middleware.anti-forgery :refer [wrap-anti-forgery]]
[ring.middleware.content-type :refer [wrap-content-type]]
[ring.middleware.params :refer [wrap-params]]
[ring.middleware.keyword-params :refer [wrap-keyword-params]]
[ring.middleware.session :refer [wrap-session]]
[ring.util.anti-forgery :refer [anti-forgery-field]]
[ring.util.response :as res]))
(defn render-index [_req]
(res/response (str "<form action='/sign-in' method='post'>"
"<button>Sign In</button></form>")))
(defn sign-in [{:keys [params session]}]
(println "params: " params
"session:" session)
(res/redirect "/index.html"))
(defn wrap-af [handler]
(-> handler
(def app
(ring/router [["/index.html" {:get render-index
:middleware [[wrap-content-type]
["/sign-in" {:post sign-in
:middleware [wrap-af]}]])))
(defn -main [& args]
(web/run app {:host "localhost" :port 7777}))
It turns out that metosin/reitit creates one session store for each route (refer to issue 205 for more information); in other words, ring-anti-forgery is not working because reitit does not use the same session store for each route.
As of the time of this answer, the maintainer suggests the following (copied from the issue for ease of reference within Stack Overflow):
mount the wrap-session outside of the router so there is only one instance of the mw for the whole app. There is :middleware option in ring-handler for this:
(require '[reitit.ring :as ring])
(require '[ring.middleware.session :as session])
(defn handler [{session :session}]
(let [counter (inc (:counter session 0))]
{:status 200
:body {:counter counter}
:session {:counter counter}}))
(def app
["/ping" handler]
["/pong" handler]])
;; the middleware on ring-handler runs before routing
{:middleware [session/wrap-session]}))
create a single session store and use it within the routing table (all instances of the session middleware will share the single store).
(require '[ring.middleware.session.memory :as memory])
;; single instance
(def store (memory/memory-store))
;; inside, with shared store
(def app
{:middleware [[session/wrap-session {:store store}]]}
["/ping" handler]
["/pong" handler]])))
Not shown in this answer is the third option that the maintainer calls for PR.

Clojure require namespace: "Don't know how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang.Keyword"

I'm trying to split code in 2 files, each with it's own namespace. Following this tutorial.
But I get this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang.Keyword
I think it's because the namespace being included is not recognised properly.
Main file:
(ns mytest2.handler
(:use compojure.core)
(:require [compojure.handler :as handler]
[compojure.route :as route]
[mytest2.views :as foo] ;<-- line causing error
[hiccup.core :refer (html)])
(defn layout [title & content]
[:head [:title title]]
[:body content]))
(defn main-page []
(layout "My Blog"
[:h1 "My Blog"]
[:p "Welcome to my page"]))
(defroutes app-routes
(GET "/" [] (main-page))
(route/resources "/")
(route/not-found "Not Found"))
(def app
(handler/site app-routes))
; (println (seq (.getURLs (java.lang.ClassLoader/getSystemClassLoader))))
Second file:
(ns mytest2.views
:require [hiccup.core :refer (html)]
(defn layout [title & content]
[:head [:title title]]
[:body content]))
(defn main-page []
(layout "My Blog"
[:h1 "My Blog"]
[:p "Welcome to my page"]))
(note I copied the functions from mytest2.views in mytest2.handler for testing. They're not supposed to be in mytest2.handler).
Paths of files:
(where first mytest2 is the name of the project, and the second is part of the path- automatically created by lein).
As you see in the first file I printed the class path to verify that /mytest2/src/mytest2/ is included, and yes it is.
Received the same error from trying to use :refer :all in Clojurescript, which apparently is against the rules.
You missed some brackets in your original code
;; wrong
(ns mytest2.views
:require [hiccup.core :refer [html]])
There is just one pair of brackets missing. Do it as in your Main file:
;; Done right!
(ns mytest2.views
(:require [hiccup.core :refer [html]]))
I am not familar with Compojure so I do not know what you have to require. But you need to add the bracket around :require.

Getting the version of the current clojure project in the repl

Is it possible to grab the project information within the clojure repl?
For example, if there was a project defined:
(defproject blahproject "0.1.2" ....)
When running a repl in the project directory, is there a function like this?
> (project-version)
;=> 0.1.2
While you can parse project.clj yourself, this may be annoying. It's also a lot of work. Instead, you can just do:
(System/getProperty "projectname.version")
Leiningen project files are just Clojure data :)
(-> "/path/to/project.clj" slurp read-string (nth 2))
I use environ (https://github.com/weavejester/environ) which sucks in settings from a number of sources, including system properties. The project version appears as :<project-name>-version:
foobar.repl=> (require '[environ.core :refer [env]])
foobar.repl=> (:foobar-version env)
Add the below code to the end of project.clj:
(def project (assoc-in project [:repl-options :init]
`(~'def ~'project-version ~(project :version))))
Now you will have a var called project-version in the initial namespace for the repl.
As described in this discussion.
(ns myproject.example
(:require [clojure.java.io :as io])
(:import java.util.Properties))
(defn get-version [dep]
(let [path (str "META-INF/maven/" (or (namespace dep) (name dep))
"/" (name dep) "/pom.properties")
props (io/resource path)]
(when props
(with-open [stream (io/input-stream props)]
(let [props (doto (Properties.) (.load stream))]
(.getProperty props "version"))))))
(get-version 'myproject) ; => 0.1.0
(get-version 'org.clojure/clojure) ; => 1.3.0
As vemv said, Leiningen project files are just Clojure data. So, it's easy to access your project as an ordinary hash-map:
(->> "project.clj"
(drop 2)
(cons :version)
(apply hash-map)
(def project))
If you need this variable only in your repl, you can add it to repl-options to your project.clj:
(defproject yourproject "0.1.0"
:description ""
:url ""
:dependencies [ [org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]]
:repl-options { :init (->> "project.clj"
(drop 2)
(cons :version)
(apply hash-map)
(def project))})
Now, you have project variable in your repl. So, to access the version of your project you can simply type (:version project).
Of course, you can simply use native Leiningen code to parse you project file:
(defproject yourproject "0.1.0"
:description ""
:url ""
:dependencies [ [org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
[leiningen-core "2.1.3"]]
:repl-options { :init (do (require 'leiningen.core.project)
(def project
But, if you need only the version of your project and nothing more, then it's best to use Ankur's solution.
For a more fully-featured approach, you might want to take a look at the configleaf plugin for Leiningen (https://github.com/davidsantiago/configleaf). It will make the project map, with active profiles merged in, available to project code in a namespace of your choosing.
In case you need to do this from clojurescript you could create a macro (from another clj file) and call it from the cljs code :
;;ex: macro.clj
(defmacro get-project-version []
(System/getProperty "penelope.version"))
(ns my-logic-code
(:require-macros [macros :as m]))
(def project-version (m/get-project-version))

Structuring Clojure cake build environment

I have a clojure application called mr1; its project.clj is located in ./mr1/, and mr1.clj is located in ./mr1/src.
I cannot figure out how to structure the directories, namespace, and project.clj file correctly, so I can build a binary using cake bin.
Enclosed are my current project.clj and the head and tail of mr1.clj.
src/mr1.clj loads fine into cake repl and executes. cake bin produces an mr1 file that contains no -main.
(defproject mr1 "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
:description "TODO: add summary of your project"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"]
[org.clojure/tools.cli "0.1.0"]]
:main mr1)
(ns mr1
(:use [clojure.string :only [split]]
[clojure.string :only [join]]))
(defn -main
[& args]
(reset! grid-dim (prompt-for-grid-dim))
(reset! mr1-pos (prompt-for-rover-pos 1))
(let [moves (prompt-for-rover-moves)]
(execute-each-move moves #mr1-pos))
(reset! mr2-pos (prompt-for-rover-pos 2))
(let [moves (prompt-for-rover-moves)]
(execute-each-move moves #mr2-pos))
As I mentioned in answer to your first question, you have to enable AOT-compilation of your namespace. I've copied that answer here in case if someone would have same problem.
As sample.project.clj file says, :main key should have as an assigned value a namespace which contains -main function. So you should have such function
(defn -main [& args]
in your mr1.clj. Also AFAIR if you want to use your program as a standalone jar you have to have this namespace gen-classed. By this I mean that you have to:
Include :gen-class option in your namespace definition like this:
(ns mr1
...other options...)
Make the namespace AOT-compiled (AOT stands for Ahead Of Time). To do this you need to specify your namespace in the list of AOT-compiled namespaces in project.clj:
(defproject mr1 "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
...other definitions...
:aot [mr1]
:main mr1)
After you've done this, you can use cake to generate executable jar for you.