I want to find the sprite(polygon) among multiple sprite when i touch the sprite.
I am trying the following code but it is not working.
CCTouchBegan event:
CCPoint point = this->convertTouchToNodeSpace(ptouch);
CCRect bomb11Rect = CCRectMake(bomb->getPosition().x ,
bomb->getPosition().y ,
CCRect posRect = CCRectMake(point.x ,
point.y ,
if (bomb11Rect.intersectsRect(posRect))
CCLog("Touch the sprite");
CCLog("Not Touch the sprite");
Any one give me idea to fix the above issues?
You can get the bomb rect using:
CCRect bomb11Rect = bomb.boundingBox
Then check it touch is inside this rect using:
CGRectContainsPoint(bomb11Rect, point)
I am developing a game using cocos2d-x. I want to remove sprites permanently. I have two sprites & making collision between the sprites. When collision happens, i want to remove those sprites permanently. I am using the following code to making collision & remove sprites.
CCARRAY_FOREACH(_sprrand24, stwentyfour)
CCSize size=sprrand24->getContentSize();
CCSprite *sprrand24 = dynamic_cast<CCSprite*>(stwentyfour);
CCRect sprrand24Rect = CCRectMake(
sprrand24->getPosition().x - (size.width/2),
sprrand24->getPosition().y - (size.height/2),
CCARRAY_FOREACH(_sprrand25, stwentyfive)
CCSize size=sprrand25->getContentSize();
CCSprite *sprrand25 = dynamic_cast<CCSprite*>(stwentyfive);
CCRect sprrand25Rect = CCRectMake(
sprrand25->getPosition().x - (size.width/2),
sprrand25->getPosition().y - (size.height/2),
if (sprrand24Rect.intersectsRect(sprrand25Rect))
this->removeChild(sprrand24, true);
this->removeChild(sprrand25, true);
To remove the sprite you can use
if you assign each of your Sprites a tag, you can then do removeChildByTag(tag);
sprite->setTag(99); // i made this up
Let me start by explaining what I am trying to do. I have a full screen animation with about 73 frames and with these images being so large I am not able to use sprite sheets so I am just adding them to an animation as seperate spriteframes. My goal is to have the animation play through and then have it disappear from left to right. The way that I am achieving this look is by updating the width of the (textureRect) of the frames and eventually making the textureRect width 0. So I have set up the CCSprite that I am going to run the animation on.
-(id) init {
if( (self=[super init])) {
self.transSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"transition0.pvr.ccz"];
//iPhone 3Gs
self.transSprite.scaleX = .563;
self.transSprite.scaleY = .665;
self.transSprite.position = ccp(self.transSprite.contentSize.height - 3, -1);
self.transSprite.anchorPoint = ccp(1, 0);
[self addChild:self.transSprite z:5];
else if (kiPhone5) {
//iPhone 5
self.transSprite.scale = self.transSprite.scale * 1.335f;
self.transSprite.position = ccp(569, -1);
self.transSprite.anchorPoint = ccp(1, 0);
[self addChild:self.transSprite z:5];
else {
//iPhone 4
self.transSprite.scaleX = 1.126;
self.transSprite.scaleY = 1.33;
self.transSprite.position = ccp(481, -1);
self.transSprite.anchorPoint = ccp(1, 0);
[self addChild:self.transSprite z:5];
return self;
So the reason for checking what device is running, is because I did not make 2 versions of the animation frames HD and SD. Instead I just made them a good in between size and then I check to see what device is running and scale the sprite accordingly. So here is my problem I am setting the Sprites anchorPoint to the bottom right hand corner of the screen so that when I change the width of the textureRect it will decrease in size from left to right. Everything seems to be working great with this idea except for when I change the width of the textureRect of each sprite frame.
- (void) rectUpdate3Gs {
for (CCAnimationFrame *frame in transition.frames) {
frame.spriteFrame.rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 856, 484);
- (void) retinaRectUpdate {
for (CCAnimationFrame *frame in transition.frames) {
frame.spriteFrame. rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 428, 242);
So when I run the animation and start to change the width of the textureRect it decreases from both the left and the right side, it is like the anchorPoint is being ignored. Do the spriteFrames have there own anchorPoint or what is happening.
Here is an illustration of what is happening.This is the CCSprite set up for the full texture and with the anchorPoint in the bottom right corner.
self.transSprite.scaleX = .563;
self.transSprite.scaleY = .665;
self.transSprite.position = ccp(self.transSprite.contentSize.height - 3, -1);
[self addChild:self.transSprite z:5];
[self.transSprite setTextureRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, 856, 484)];
self.transSprite.anchorPoint = ccp(1, 0);
Now this is setting the textureRect of the CCSprite a little smaller.
This is the way that I want it to work, is to subtract the width of the texture from the left to right. But when I change the width of the animation frames to match this subtracted width this is what I get.
I am at a loss as to why this is happening. Do the animation frames not respect the anchor point of the CCSprite they are running on?
Scaling issue aside, there's 2 things you can do. First, and probably easiest, is to simply add a CCLayerColor on top of the animation and scale that down accordingly. This way you don't need to modify every animation frame's rect.
Second option would be to use a clipping node, found here:
I want to build a platform game with cocos2d/Box2D. I use CCFollow to follow the player sprite but CCFollow constantly puts it in the center of the screen. I want CCFollow to follow more naturally, like a human turning a camcorder with an acceptable lag, a small overshoot ...etc.
Here is a method of mine that didn't work: I attached (via a distance joint) a small physics body to the player that doesn't collide with anything, represented by a transparent sprite. I CCFollow'ed the transparent sprite. I was hoping this ghost body would act like a balloon attached to the player, hence a smooth shift in view. The problem is distance joint breaks with too heavy - too light objects. The balloon moves around randomly, and of course, it pulls the player back a little no matter how light it is.
What is a better way of following a moving sprite smoothly?
Try add this to CCActions in cocos2d libs.
-(void) step:(ccTime) dt
#define CLAMP(x,y,z) MIN(MAX(x,y),z)
CGPoint pos;
// whole map fits inside a single screen, no need to modify the position - unless map boundaries are increased
if(boundaryFullyCovered) return;
CGPoint tempPos = ccpSub(halfScreenSize, followedNode_.position);
pos = ccp(CLAMP(tempPos.x,leftBoundary,rightBoundary), CLAMP(tempPos.y,bottomBoundary,topBoundary));
else {
// pos = ccpSub( halfScreenSize, followedNode_.position );
CCNode *n = (CCNode*)target_;
float s = n.scale;
pos = ccpSub( halfScreenSize, followedNode_.position );
pos.x *= s;
pos.y *= s;
CGPoint moveVect;
CGPoint oldPos = [target_ position];
double dist = ccpDistance(pos, oldPos);
if (dist > 1){
moveVect = ccpMult(ccpSub(pos,oldPos),0.05); //0.05 is the smooth constant.
oldPos = ccpAdd(oldPos, moveVect);
[target_ setPosition:oldPos];
#undef CLAMP
i get this from cocos2d forums.
Perhaps this http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/wiki/doku.php/prog_guide:actions_ease can help you get an "acceleration" effect with CCFollow.
I've not been able to find this in the docs.
I've got a CC3Node (myNode) and my layer has the callbacks for touchDown & touchMoved events all of which works, so far. I'm trying to drag myNode around the screen, preferably using screen coordinates.
How do I set myNode's location relative to screen (layer) coordinates?
Ok, I finally tracked this down, although the pieces were a bit scattered around in multiple posts. My final solution looked something like this:
// Error checking and misc removed
- (void) addBackgroundForProjection
// background plane supports touch events
background = [CC3PlaneNode nodeWithName: BACKGROUND_PROJECTION_PLANE_NAME];
[background populateAsCenteredRectangleWithSize: CGSizeMake(10.0, 10.0)
withTexture: [CC3Texture textureFromFile: #"transparent1x1.png"]
invertTexture: YES];
[background setIsOpaque: NO];
[background retainVertexLocations];
[background setLocation: cc3v(0, 0, 0.001)];
[self addChild: background];
// ...
- (void) moveNode: (CC3Node*) node toScreenLocation: (CGPoint) point
// update node on screen
CC3Plane groundPlane = self.background.plane;
CC3Vector4 touchLoc = [self.activeCamera unprojectPoint: point ontoPlane: groundPlane];
CC3Vector newLoc = cc3v(touchLoc.x,touchLoc.y,touchLoc.z);
[node setLocation: newLoc];
I have one question when infinite background scrolling is done, is the object remain fixed(like doodle in doodle jump, papy in papi jump) or these object really moves.Is only background move or both (background and object )move.plz someone help me.I am searching for this solution for 4/5 days,but can't get the solution.So plz someone help me. And if object does not move how to create such a illusion of object moving.
If you add the object to the same layer as the scrolling background, then it will scroll as the background scrolls.
If your looking for an effect like the hero in doodle jump, you may want to look at having two or more layers in a scene.
Layer 1: Scrolling Background Layer
Layer 2: Sprite layer
CCLayer *backgroundLayer = [[CCLayer alloc] init];
CCLayer *spriteLayer= [[CCLayer alloc] init];
[self addChild:backgroundLayer z:0];
[self addChild:spriteLayer z:1];
//Hero stays in one spot regardless of background scrolling.
CCSprite *squidHero = [[CCSprite alloc] initWithFile:#"squid.png"];
[spriteLayer addChild:squidHero];
If you want objects to scroll with the background add it to the background layer:
//Platform moves with background.
CCSprite *bouncePlatform= [[CCSprite alloc] initWithFile:#"bouncePlatform.png"];
[backgroundLayer addChild:bouncePlatform];
Another alternative is to use a CCFollow action. You would code as if the background is static (which it will be) and the player is moving (which it will be), but add a CCFollow action to the player. This essentially moves the camera so that it tracks your player.
You can also modify the classes so that you can get the CCFollow action to follow with an offset (i.e., so the player is not in the middle of the screen) as well as to have a smoothing effect to it, so that when the player moves, the follow action is not jerky. See the below code:
*NOTE I am using cocos2d-x, the c++ port. The methods are similar in cocos2d, and you should be able to modify these to fit the cocos2d syntax. Or search around -- I found these for cocos2d and then ported to c++.
//defines the action to constantly follow the player (in my case, "runner.p_sprite is the sprite pointing to the player)
FollowWithOffset* followAction = FollowWithOffset::create(runner.p_sprite, CCRectZero);
And separately, I have copied the class definition for CCFollow to create my own class, CCFollowWithAction. This also has a smoothing effect (you can look this up more online) so that when the player moves, the actions are not jerky. I modified "initWithTarget," to take into account an offset, and "step," to add a smoothing action. You can see the modifications in the comments below.
bool FollowWithOffset::initWithTarget(CCNode *pFollowedNode, const CCRect& rect/* = CCRectZero*/)
CCAssert(pFollowedNode != NULL, "");
m_pobFollowedNode = pFollowedNode;
if (rect.equals(CCRectZero))
m_bBoundarySet = false;
m_bBoundarySet = true;
m_bBoundaryFullyCovered = false;
CCSize winSize = CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getWinSize();
m_obFullScreenSize = CCPointMake(winSize.width, winSize.height);
//m_obHalfScreenSize = ccpMult(m_obFullScreenSize, 0.5f);
m_obHalfScreenSize = CCPointMake(m_obFullScreenSize.x/2 + RUNNER_FOLLOW_OFFSET_X,
m_obFullScreenSize.y/2 + RUNNER_FOLLOW_OFFSET_Y);
if (m_bBoundarySet)
m_fLeftBoundary = -((rect.origin.x+rect.size.width) - m_obFullScreenSize.x);
m_fRightBoundary = -rect.origin.x ;
m_fTopBoundary = -rect.origin.y;
m_fBottomBoundary = -((rect.origin.y+rect.size.height) - m_obFullScreenSize.y);
if(m_fRightBoundary < m_fLeftBoundary)
// screen width is larger than world's boundary width
//set both in the middle of the world
m_fRightBoundary = m_fLeftBoundary = (m_fLeftBoundary + m_fRightBoundary) / 2;
if(m_fTopBoundary < m_fBottomBoundary)
// screen width is larger than world's boundary width
//set both in the middle of the world
m_fTopBoundary = m_fBottomBoundary = (m_fTopBoundary + m_fBottomBoundary) / 2;
if( (m_fTopBoundary == m_fBottomBoundary) && (m_fLeftBoundary == m_fRightBoundary) )
m_bBoundaryFullyCovered = true;
return true;
void FollowWithOffset::step(float dt)
// whole map fits inside a single screen, no need to modify the position - unless map boundaries are increased
CCPoint tempPos = ccpSub( m_obHalfScreenSize, m_pobFollowedNode->getPosition());
m_pTarget->setPosition(ccp(clampf(tempPos.x, m_fLeftBoundary, m_fRightBoundary),
clampf(tempPos.y, m_fBottomBoundary, m_fTopBoundary)));
//custom written code to add in support for a smooth ccfollow action
CCPoint tempPos = ccpSub( m_obHalfScreenSize, m_pobFollowedNode->getPosition());
CCPoint moveVect = ccpMult(ccpSub(tempPos,m_pTarget->getPosition()),0.25); //0.25 is the smooth constant.
CCPoint newPos = ccpAdd(m_pTarget->getPosition(), moveVect);