clojure, literal vector differs from function result - clojure

I'm trying to make music with the overtone library of clojure. To produce interesting sounds, additive synthesis is useful, that means that I take sinus oscillators of several frequencies and simply add them. In overtone, to create a synthesizer, which realizes that, I can write:
(definst myinst [freq 100]
(* 0.2 (reduce + (map sin-osc [101.0 100 99.0]))))
To be a bit more reusable, I write a function, which takes a frequency and returns a list with all these frequencies, you can see in the code snippet:
(defn split-freq [freq]
(apply vector (map #(* freq %) [1.01 1 0.99])))
When executing (split-freq 100), the REPL gives me the following:
[101.0 100 99.0]
which is exactly the same as the input, I provided the map function above. In fact, I copied the result. Now, I try this:
(definst myinst [freq 100]
(* 0.2 (reduce + (map sin-osc (split-freq freq)))))
Unfortunately, the REPL tells me, that I'm doing wrong:
CompilerException java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to java.lang.Number,
But this code works fine:
(definst myinst [freq 100]
(* 0.2 (reduce + (map sin-osc (apply vector (map #(* freq %) [1.01 1 0.99]))))))
although, I simply put in the function definition.
I think I have a principal lack of understanding. I thought, that if one of those version work, the others must work, too.
My questions are:
Why does my 'improved' version does not work?
Why does the first snippet work?
How can I circumvent this behavior?
Clojure 1.3.0
Overtone 0.8
(use 'overtone.core)

ups, you are right, i haven't understand the noisesmith comment. It's true that you can't use this value "freq" in your function directly because this value is not bound at the time that your function need it (before the macro execution)
So here is a workaround to this problem, also using the let form, it is not so elegant as to make your own macro but works
(defn myinst [inst-name]
(let [the-freq 100]
(definst inst-name [freq the-freq] (* 0.2 (reduce + (map sin-osc (split-freq the-freq)))))))
and you can execute as a normal function
((myinst "my-instrument"))
I hope that helps you
Previous comment, now not valid response
maybe you are making a mistake with your argument value declaration in your improved version
That's your code
(definst myinst [freq 100]
(* 0.2 (reduce + (map sin-osc (split-freq freq)))))
And, as in clojure you can't assign default value to argument function, your improved version would work if, by example, you use a let form to assign the default value
(definst myinst []
(let [freq 100]
(* 0.2 (reduce + (map sin-osc (split-freq freq))))))


Why does clojure attempt to resolve this symbol?

I am working through the Armstrong Numbers exercise on Exercism's Clojure track. An armstrong number is a number equal to the sum of its digits raised to the power of the number of digits. 153 is an Armstrong number, because: 153 = 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 1 + 125 + 27 = 153. 154 is not an Armstrong number, because: 154 != 1^3 + 5^3 + 4^3 = 1 + 125 + 64 = 190.
The test file for this exercise will call the armstrong? function, pass in a number, and expects true if the number is an Armstrong number. I have already solved the problem with this code:
(ns armstrong-numbers)
(defn pow [a b]
(reduce * 1 (repeat b a)))
(defn armstrong? [num]
(->> num
(iterate #(quot % 10))
(take-while pos?)
(map #(mod % 10))
((fn [sq]
(map #(pow % (count sq))
(apply +)
(= num)))
but now I am trying to refactor the code. This is what I would like the code to look like:
(ns armstrong-numbers
(:require [swiss.arrows :refer :all]))
(defn pow [a b]
(reduce * 1 (repeat b a)))
(defn armstrong? [num]
(-<>> num
(iterate #(quot % 10))
(take-while pos?)
(map #(mod % 10))
(map #(pow % (count <>))
(apply +)
(= num)))
A link to the package required above:
In the first code section, I create an implicit function within the thread-last macro because the sequence returned from the map form is needed in two different places in the second map form. That implicit function works just fine, but I just wanted to make the code sleeker. But when I test the second code block, I get the following error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: <> in this context.
I get this error whether I use #(), partial , or fn inside the second map form. I have figured out that because all of the preceding are macros (or a special form in fns case), they cannot resolve <> because it's only meaningful to the -<>> macro, which is called at a later point in macroexpansion. But why do #(), partial, and fn attempt to resolve that character at all? As far as I can see, they have no reason to know what the symbol is, or what it's purpose is. All they need to do is return that symbol rearranged into the proper s-expressions. So why does clojure attempt to resolve this (<>) symbol?
The <> symbol is only valid in the topmost level of a clause (plus literals for set, map, vector directly therein). -<> and -<>> do not establish bindings (as in let) for <>, but do code insertion at macro expansion time.
This code insertion is done only at toplevel, because making it work deeper is not only much more complex (you need a so-called code walker), but also raises interesting questions regarding the nesting of arrow forms. This complexity is likely not worth it, for such a simple effect.
If you want a real binding, you can use as-> (from clojure.core).
The documentation for -<>> is quite clear that it doesn't behave the way you wish it did:
"the 'diamond spear': top-level insertion of x in place of single
positional '<>' symbol within the threaded form if present, otherwise
mostly behave as the thread-last macro. Also works with hash literals
and vectors."
It performs replacement:
Of a single symbol
At the top level of the threaded form
Your example wishing to use it for multiple symbols, nested within subforms, will thus not work.
You have made a mistake leaving off the <> symbol in most of your forms in the failing case. Here is a working version (using the similar it-> macro in place of the Swiss Arrows). I also cleaned up the pow a bit.
(defn pow-int [a b] (Math/round (Math/pow a b)))
(defn armstrong? [num]
(it-> num
(iterate #(quot % 10) it)
(take-while pos? it)
(map #(mod % 10) it)
(map #(pow-int % (count it)) it)
(apply + it)
(= it num)))
(armstrong? 153) => true
(armstrong? 154) => false
You can find the docs on it-> here.
If you leave off the (collection) arg to a function like map, it returns a transducer; from the docs:
(map f)(map f coll)(map f c1 c2)(map f c1 c2 c3)(map f c1 c2 c3 & colls)
Returns a lazy sequence consisting of the result of applying f to
the set of first items of each coll, followed by applying f to the
set of second items in each coll, until any one of the colls is
exhausted. Any remaining items in other colls are ignored. Function
f should accept number-of-colls arguments. Returns a transducer when
no collection is provided.
And, always refer to the Clojure CheatSheet!

clojure reduce. no start value, empty collection

In a riddle I have to complete the following expressions in order to evaluate to true. There must be one single insertion, which fits to all of them.
(= 15 (reduce __ [1 2 3 4 5]))
(= 0 (reduce __ []))
(= 6 (reduce __ 1 [2 3]))
The third expression provides a start value. Hence my replacement cannot provide another one.
This function would pass the first and the third truth test:
#(+ %1 %2)
However, the second expression yields the following error:
clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args (0) passed to ( function id)
It looks like usually reduce calls the given function only if the length of start value + collection is bigger than 2. If this length is 0, like in the case above, it is called as well - with 0 arguments.
Does anyone have a hint how to carry on here?
From the comments, the solution is clearly +, but maybe it's valuable to look at it in some detail to see why. As it turns out, there's a lot to it.
First, let's look at reduce to see what the requirements are:
(defn reduce
"f should be a function of 2 arguments. If val is not supplied,
returns the result of applying f to the first 2 items in coll, then
applying f to that result and the 3rd item, etc. If coll contains no
items, f must accept no arguments as well, and reduce returns the
result of calling f with no arguments. ..."
([f coll]
(if (instance? clojure.lang.IReduce coll)
(.reduce ... coll f)
([f val coll]
(if (instance? clojure.lang.IReduceInit coll)
(.reduce ... coll f val)
This is a multi-arity function that either takes a function and a collection, or a function, initial value and a collection.
+ is also a multi-arity function that behaves depending on how many arguments you pass to it. The source below (edited for the parts we care about), shows reduce is satisfied by 0-arity and 2-arity.
(defn +
"Returns the sum of nums. (+) returns 0..."
([] 0)
([x y] (. clojure.lang.Numbers (add x y)))
Clearly (reduce + []) calls the first clause and returns 0. Test 2 is explained.
This works for the first test by applying the add function to each pair of Numbers, which happens in the Java internals for Clojure, in a tight for loop.
The final test works exactly like the first, except it calls the [v val coll] implementation of reduce. This applies a slightly different internal function, but with the same effect.
[1]: IFn is the Java interface for clojure functions

cond in Clojure with thousands of clauses

Running the following code in Clojure gives a StackOverflow Error:
(= 1 2) 1
(= 2 3) 2
(= 3 4) 3
(= 1022 1023) 1022
(= 1023 1024) 1023
:else 1024)
I would like to create a function/macro that can handle a huge number of clauses without creating a stack that overflows.
Please advise as to how I might attempt this.
If you look at the full stack trace, you'll see that cond emits a deeply-nested if structure; the exception then occurs when the compiler tries to parse this structure. The problem might have more to do with simply compiling deeply nested Clojure code than the specific use of cond.
I was able to come up with the following macro that takes a list of clauses, wraps them in thunks to provide the deferred evaluation that you get with if, and then uses some to find the first logical true test expression. Its performance probably isn't as good due to the creation of so many anonymous functions, but it gets around the stack overflow exception.
(defmacro cond' [& clauses]
(some (fn [[pred-thunk# val-thunk#]]
(if (pred-thunk#) {:result (val-thunk#)}))
(partition 2 (list ~#(map (fn [c] `(fn [] ~c)) clauses))))))
Note the wrapping and unwrapping of the returned value in a map, to ensure that some correctly handles a value clause that evaluates to nil.
A cond with 513 clauses in unlikely to be used in practice.
Here is a functional implementation of your example.
(or (some identity (map #(if (= %1 %2) %1)
(range 1 1024)
(range 2 1025)))
The requirement is like this:
Given a list of condition and result mappings, e.g.
[ [cond1 r1] [cond2 r2] ...], where
cond1: (= 1 1),
r1: 1
Find the result - rn - where condn evaluates to true
Solution using some is perfect here in solving the problem, but I think we can avoid using macro.
(defn match [[condition result]]
(when condition result))
(some match [[(= 1 2) 100] [(= 2 3) 200] [(= 3 3) 300]]) ;; => 300

Clojure: How does filter interact with logic?

I'm trying to learn Clojure, so I figured a good way to start would be to work through the project Euler challenges with it, and the first challenge is summing all of the number below 1000 that are divisible by 3 or 5.
My original code was:
(defn div3 [input-no] (zero? (mod input-no 3)))
(defn div5 [input-no] (zero? (mod input-no 5)))
(reduce + (filter (or div3 div5) (range 1 1000)))
But that didn't work, and it turned out that the filter would just return a list of numbers divisible by 3, and not those divisible by 5.
I changed my code to:
(defn div3or5 [input-no] (or (div3 input-no) (div5 input-no)))
(reduce + (filter div3or5 (range 1 1000)))
Which got the right result, but I don't know why my original code didn't work.
Could anyone shed some light on this?
The problem you are running into is that filter expects a predicate (a function taking an input and returning true or false) as its first argument. But while div3 and div5 are functions you can't simply combine them with or. You need to construct a new function that takes one argument and feeds this to both div3 and div5 and calls or and the results of both.
Fortunately this is easy to do in Clojure, try
(filter #(or (div3 %) (div5 %)) (range1 1000))
#() is shorthand for defining a function inline (also called a lambda) and you can get to the first argument with %1 to the second with %2 and so on. If there is only one argument then you can use % for %1 see this question.
You may also want to understand that #() is just syntactic sugar for the fn form which
looks like this: (fn [arg1 arg2 ... & restArgs] (forms)). #() has some limitations (for example it can't be nested).
If you just evaluate (or div3 div5) in the REPL you can see what is happening:
=> (or div3 div5)
#<user$div3 user$div3#73305c>
That is, or is evaluating to the function div3 (which filter is then using, giving the behaviour you describe).
The reason for this is or will return its first non-falsy argument (i.e. the first argument that isn't nil or false); in this case, the arguments are two function objects and a function object is not nil or false.
To put it another way, the or is happening on the functions themselves, not the results of the functions. As Paul said, you can use an anonymous function to make or act on the results rather than the functions themselves.

Clojure apply vs map

I have a sequence (foundApps) returned from a function and I want to map a function to all it's elements. For some reason, apply and count work for the sequnece but map doesn't:
(apply println foundApps)
(map println rest foundApps)
(map (fn [app] (println app)) foundApps)
(println (str "Found " (count foundApps) " apps to delete"))))
{:description another descr, :title apptwo, :owner jim, :appstoreid 1235, :kind App, :key #<Key App(2)>} {:description another descr, :title apptwo, :owner jim, :appstoreid 1235, :kind App, :key #<Key App(4)>}
Found 2 apps to delete for id 1235
So apply seems to happily work for the sequence, but map doesn't. Where am I being stupid?
I have a simple explanation which this post is lacking. Let's imagine an abstract function F and a vector. So,
(apply F [1 2 3 4 5])
translates to
(F 1 2 3 4 5)
which means that F has to be at best case variadic.
(map F [1 2 3 4 5])
translates to
[(F 1) (F 2) (F 3) (F 4) (F 5)]
which means that F has to be single-variable, or at least behave this way.
There are some nuances about types, since map actually returns a lazy sequence instead of vector. But for the sake of simplicity, I hope it's pardonable.
Most likely you're being hit by map's laziness. (map produces a lazy sequence which is only realised when some code actually uses its elements. And even then the realisation happens in chunks, so that you have to walk the whole sequence to make sure it all got realised.) Try wrapping the map expression in a dorun:
(dorun (map println foundApps))
Also, since you're doing it just for the side effects, it might be cleaner to use doseq instead:
(doseq [fa foundApps]
(println fa))
Note that (map println foundApps) should work just fine at the REPL; I'm assuming you've extracted it from somewhere in your code where it's not being forced. There's no such difference with doseq which is strict (i.e. not lazy) and will walk its argument sequences for you under any circumstances. Also note that doseq returns nil as its value; it's only good for side-effects. Finally I've skipped the rest from your code; you might have meant (rest foundApps) (unless it's just a typo).
Also note that (apply println foundApps) will print all the foundApps on one line, whereas (dorun (map println foundApps)) will print each member of foundApps on its own line.
A little explanation might help. In general you use apply to splat a sequence of elements into a set of arguments to a function. So applying a function to some arguments just means passing them in as arguments to the function, in a single function call.
The map function will do what you want, create a new seq by plugging each element of the input into a function and then storing the output. It does it lazily though, so the values will only be computed when you actually iterate over the list. To force this you can use the (doall my-seq) function, but most of the time you won't need to do that.
If you need to perform an operation immediately because it has side effects, like printing or saving to a database or something, then you typically use doseq.
So to append "foo" to all of your apps (assuming they are strings):
(map (fn [app] (str app "foo")) found-apps)
or using the shorhand for an anonymous function:
(map #(str % "foo") found-apps)
Doing the same but printing immediately can be done with either of these:
(doall (map #(println %) found-apps))
(doseq [app found-apps] (println app))