From what I can understand the lacij library does not have support for the "script" tag. So I was trying to include a javascript src.
When I try the following
(def new-graph (lacij.edit/build old-graph))
(def element (tikkba.util.dom/elements (:xmldoc new-graph) tikkba.dom/svg-ns [:script {:src "myscript.js"}]))
(println element)
(tikkba.util.dom/append-child (:xmldoc new-graph) element)
I get a " The node (type: 1, name: script) cannot be inserted, since the document node already has a node of type 1. " exception and not I am not sure why. "Script" node is not in the Dom in the first place.
I'd appreciate any kind of help here.
OK - so I've got something for you to try. I've not used lacij or tikkba before, so I'm not sure if it's idiomatic. Mutating an xml document in this way in Clojure makes me feel a bit uneasy - but I guess that's just the way when doing java interop.
Anyway, here goes:
First build the graph using lacij:
(use 'lacij.edit.graph)
(def g
(-> (graph)
(add-node :a "A" :x 50 :y 20)
(add-node :b "B" :x 50 :y 100)
(add-edge :a-to-b :a :b)
Then create and add the script element using tikkba:
(use 'tikkba.utils.dom)
(def element
(:xmldoc g)
[:script {:src "myscript.js"}]))
(append-child (document-element (:xmldoc g)) element)
(spit-xml "test-with-script.svg" (:xmldoc g))
Script will be appended at the end of the document.
I guess before tikkba was complaining about adding at the top level of the XML file. There was already a document tag (<svg>) in the xml document and XML files can only have one root element. The code above instructs tikkba to add within the svg element instead of at the top level. It seems to work.
I guess I need some eyeballs on this to make some sense of this
(println record)
(println (keys record) " - " (class record) " : " (:TradeId record) (:Stock record))
(doall (map #(println "Key " % "Value " (% record)) (keys record)))
{:Stock ATT, :AccountId 1, :TradeId 37, :Qty 100, :Price 117, :Date 2011-02-24T18:30:00.000Z, :Notes SPLIT 1:10, :Type B, :Brokerage 81.12}
(:Stock :AccountId :TradeId :Qty :Price :Date :Notes :Type :Brokerage) - clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap : nil ATT
Key :Stock Value ATT
Key :AccountId Value 1
Key :TradeId Value 37
The issue is (:TradeId record) doesn't work even though it exists as a key. Iterating through all keys and values - Line 3 - yields the right value.
Tried renaming the column in the csv but no change in behavior. I see no difference from the other columns (which work) except that this is the first column in the csv.
The hashmap is created from code like this - reading records from a CSV. Standard code from the package.
(->> (csv/read-csv reader)
(map #(my-function some-args %))
(defn csv-data->maps
"Return the csv records as a vector of maps"
(map zipmap
(->> (first csv-data) ;; First row is the header
(map keyword) ;; Drop if you want string keys instead
(rest csv-data)))
The "first column" thing is definitely suspicous and points to some invisible characters such as a BOM quietly attaching itself to your first keyword.
To debug try printing out the hex of the names of the keywords. And/or maybe you'll see something if you do a hex dump, e.g., with head -n 2 file.csv | od -x, of the first few lines of the input file.
I would try two things. First, print the type of each key. They should all be clojure.lang.Keyword, if the creation code you included is accurate and my-function preserves their type; but if you created it in some other way and misremembered, you might discover that the key is a symbol, or a string or something like that. In general, don't use println on anything but strings, because it's pretty low-fidelity. prn is better at conveying an accurate picture of your data - it's not perfect, but at least you can tell a string from a keyword with it.
Second, look at the printed values more carefully, e.g. with od -t x1 - or you could do it in process with something like:
(let [k (key (first m)), s (name k)]
(clojure.string/join " "
(for [c s]
(format "%02x" (int c)))))
If the result isn't "53 74 6f 63 6b", then you have some weird characters in your file - maybe nonprinting characters, maybe something that looks like a capital S but isn't, whatever.
Once I reached the point of trying anything, I copied the keyword from the REPL and pasted it into VSCode and sure enough - there was this weird looking character :?Id within the keyword. Using the weird keyword, the lookup worked.
Workaround: Added a dummy column as the first column.
Then things started to click into place, I remembered reading something on BOM in the csv reader project docs.
Downloaded a hexdump file viewer which confirmed the problem bytes at the start of the file.
Final solution: Before passing the reader to the data.csv read function, skip over the unwanted bytes.
(.skip reader 1)
The world makes sense again.
First off, I am a student in week 5 of 12 at The Iron Yard studying Java backend engineering. The course is composed of roughly 60% Java, 25% JavaScript and 15% Clojure.
I have been given the following problem (outlined in the comment):
;; Given an ArrayList of words, return a HashMap> containing a keys for every
;; word's first letter. The value for the key will be an ArrayList of all
;; words in the list that start with that letter. An empty string has no first
;; letter so don't add a key for it.
(defn index-words [word-list]
(loop [word (first word-list)
index {}]
(if (contains? index (subs word 0 1))
(assoc index (subs word 0 1) (let [words (index (subs word 0 1))
word word]
(conj words word)))
(assoc index (subs word 0 1) (conj nil word)))
(if (empty? word-list)
(recur (rest word-list) index))))
I was able to get a similar problem working using zipmap but I am positive that I am missing something with this one. The code compiles but fails to run.
Specifically, I am failing to update my hashmap index in the false clause of the 'if'.
I have tested all of the components of this function in the REPL, and they work in isolation. but I am struggling to put them all together.
For your reference, here is the code that calls word-list.
(let [word-list ["aardvark" "apple" "zamboni" "phone"]]
(printf "index-words(%s) -> %s\n" word-list (index-words word-list)))
Rather than getting a working solution from the community, my hope is for a few pointers to get my brain moving in the right direction.
The function assoc does not modify index. You need to work with the new value that assoc returns. Same is true for conj: it does not modify the map you pass it.
I hope, this answer is of the nature you expected to get: just a pointer where your problem is.
BTW: If you can do with a PersistentList this becomes a one-liner when using reduce instead of loop and recur. An interesting function for you could be update-in.
Have fun with Clojure.
The group-by function does what you require.
You can use first as its discriminating function argument. It
returns the first character of a string, or nil if there isn't one:
(first word) is simpler than (subs word 0 1).
Use dissoc to remove the entry for key nil.
You seldom need to use explicit loops in clojure. Most common control patterns have been captured in functions like group-by. Such functions have function and possibly collection arguments. The commonest examples are map and reduce. The Clojure cheat sheet is a most useful guide to them.
I am using Nathan Marz's wonderful Specter library. I am doing syntax tree transformations with it, among other things. Suppose that there is a nested data structure:
(def expr
'([:var price (5)]
[:var output ("")]
(< price 4)
[:var output ("6")]
(= price 5)
[:var output ("==")]
[:var output ("7")])))
I can apply a transformation to all :var nodes via:
(transform [(walker #(and (sequential? %1) (= :var (first %1))))]
transform-fn expr)
However, i'd like to pass the complete path of the navigated-to node to transform-fn, so that to distinguish between parent :var entries and nested ones.
More generally, the action of transform-fn should depend on the complete path of the node being operated on. In a sense, this is similar to inserting VAL for each node visited by walker. How can this be achieved?
Clojure noob here.
I want to pull the front and rest out of a Set. Doing (front #{1}) and (rest #{1}) produce 1 and () respectively, which is mostly what I'd expect.
However in the code below, I use the destructuring [current-node & open-nodes] #{start} in my loop to pull something out of the set (at this point I don't really care about if it was the first or last item. I just want this form working) and it breaks.
Here's my function, half-implementing a grid search:
(defn navigate-to [grid start dest]
"provides route from start to dest, not including start"
(loop [[current-node & open-nodes] #{start} ;; << throws exception
closed-nodes #{}]
(if (= dest current-node)
[] ;; todo: return route
(let [all-current-neighbours (neighbours-of grid current-node) ;; << returns a set
open-neighbours (set/difference all-current-neighbours closed-nodes)]
(recur (set/union open-nodes open-neighbours)
(conj closed-nodes current-node))))))
When stepping through (with Cider), on the start of the first loop, it throws this exception:
UnsupportedOperationException nth not supported on this type: PersistentHashSet clojure.lang.RT.nthFrom (
I could use a nested let form that does first/rest manually, but that seems wasteful. Is there a way to get destructured Sets working like this in the loop form? Is it just not supported on Sets?
Sets are unordered, so positional destructuring doesn't make much sense.
According to the documentation for Special Forms, which treats destructuring as well, sequential (vector) binding is specified to use nth and nthnext to look up the elements to bind.
Vector binding-exprs allow you to bind names to parts of sequential things (not just vectors), like vectors, lists, seqs, strings, arrays, and anything that supports nth.
Clojure hash sets (being instances of java.util.Set) do not support lookup by index.
I don't know the context of your example code, but in any case pouring the set contents into an ordered collection, for example (vec #{start}), would make the destructuring work.
As mentioned by others you cannot bind a set to a vector literal, because a set is not sequential. So even this simple let fails with nth not supported:
(let [[x] #{1}])
You could work around this by "destructuring" the set with the use of first and disj:
(loop [remaining-nodes #{start}
closed-nodes #{}]
(let [current-node (first remaining-nodes)
open-nodes (disj remaining-nodes current-node)]
;; rest of your code ...
Using (rest remaining-nodes) instead of (disj remaining-nodes current-node) could be possible, but as sets are unordered, rest is in theory not obliged to take out the same element as was extracted with first. Anyway disj will do the job.
NB: be sure to detect remaining-nodes being nil, which could lead to an endless loop.
Algorithm for returning the route
For implementing the missing part in the algorithm (returning the route) you could maintain
a map of paths. It would have one path for each visited node: a vector with the nodes leading from the start node to that node, keyed by that node.
You could use reduce to maintain that map of paths as you visit new nodes. With a new function used together with that reduce and an added nil test, the program could look like this:
(defn add-path [[path paths] node]
"adds a node to a given path, which is added to a map of paths, keyed by that node"
[path (assoc paths node (conj path node))])
(defn navigate-to [grid start dest]
"provides route from start to dest, including both"
(loop [remaining-nodes #{start}
closed-nodes #{}
paths (hash-map start [start])]
(let [current-node (first remaining-nodes)
current-path (get paths current-node)
all-current-neighbours (neighbours-of grid current-node)
open-neighbours (set/difference all-current-neighbours closed-nodes)]
(if (contains? #{dest nil} current-node)
current-path ;; search complete
(recur (set/union (disj remaining-nodes current-node) open-neighbours)
(conj closed-nodes current-node)
(second (reduce add-path [current-path paths] open-neighbours)))))))
The essence of the algorithm is still the same, although I merged the original let with the one needed for destructuring the nodes. This is not absolutely needed, but it probably makes the code more readable.
I tested this with a poor-mans definition of grid and neighbours-of, based on this graph (digits are nodes, bars indicate linked nodes:
0--1 2
| | |
This graph seems a good candidate for a test as it has a loop, a dead end, and is connected.
The graph is encoded with grid being a vector, where each element represents a node. An element's index in that vector is the node's identifier. The content of each element is a set of neighbours, making the neighbours-of function a trivial thing (your implementation will be different):
(def grid [#{1 3} #{0 4} #{5}
#{0 4 6} #{1 3 5} #{2 4}
#{3 7} #{6 8} #{7} ])
(defn neighbours-of [grid node]
(get grid node))
Then the test is to find the route from node 0 to node 8:
(println (navigate-to grid 0 8))
Output is:
[0 1 4 3 6 7 8]
This outcome demonstrates that the algoritm does not guarantee a shortest route, only that a route will be found if it exists. I suppose the outcome could be different on different engines, depending on how the Conjure internals decide which element to take from a set with first.
After removing one of the necessary node links, like the one between node 7 and 8, the output is nil.
NB: I found this an interesting question, and probably went a bit too far in my answer.
[this may seem like my problem is with Compojure, but it isn't - it's with Clojure]
I've been pulling my hair out on this seemingly simple issue - but am getting nowhere.
I am playing with Compojure (a light web framework for Clojure) and I would just like to generate a web page showing showing my list of todos that are in a PostgreSQL database.
The code snippets are below (left out the database connection, query, etc - but that part isn't needed because specific issue is that the resulting HTML shows nothing between the <body> and </body> tags).
As a test, I tried hard-coding the string in the call to main-layout, like this:
(html (main-layout "Aki's Todos" "Haircut<br>Study Clojure<br>Answer a question on Stackoverfolw")) - and it works fine.
So the real issue is that I do not believe I know how to build up a string in Clojure. Not the idiomatic way, and not by calling out to Java's StringBuilder either - as I have attempted to do in the code below.
A virtual beer, and a big upvote to whoever can solve it! Many thanks!
;The master template (a very simple POC for now, but can expand on it later)
(defn main-layout
"This is one of the html layouts for the pages assets - just like a master page"
[title body]
[:title title]
(include-js "todos.js")
(include-css "todos.css")]
[:body body]]))
(defn show-all-todos
"This function will generate the todos HTML table and call the layout function"
(let [rs (select-all-todos)
sbHTML (new StringBuilder)]
(for [rec rs]
(.append sbHTML (str rec "<br><br>")))
(html (main-layout "Aki's Todos" (.toString sbHTML)))))
Again, the result is a web page but with nothing between the body tags. If I replace the code in the for loop with println statements, and direct the code to the repl - forgetting about the web page stuff (ie. the call to main-layout), the resultset gets printed - BUT - the issue is with building up the string.
Thanks again.
for is lazy, and in your function it's never being evaluated. Change for to doseq.
user> (let [rs ["foo" "bar"]
sbHTML (new StringBuilder)]
(for [rec rs]
(.append sbHTML (str rec "<br><br>")))
(.toString sbHTML))
user> (let [rs ["foo" "bar"]
sbHTML (new StringBuilder)]
(doseq [rec rs]
(.append sbHTML (str rec "<br><br>")))
(.toString sbHTML))
You could also use reduce and interpose, or clojure.string/join from clojure.string, or probably some other options.
user> (let [rs ["foo" "bar"]]
(reduce str (interpose "<br><br>" rs)))
user> (require 'clojure.string)
user> (let [rs ["foo" "bar"]]
(clojure.string/join "<br><br>" rs))
You would like to use the re-gsub like this:
(require 'clojure.contrib.str-utils) ;;put in head for enabling us to use re-gsub later on
(clojure.contrib.str-utils/re-gsub #"\newline" "<br><br>" your-string-with-todos-separated-with-newlines)
This last line will result in the string you like. The require-part is, as you maybe already know, there to enable the compiler to reach the powerful clojure.contrib.str-utils library without importing it to your current namespace (which could potentially lead to unnescessary collisions when the program grows).
re- is for reg-exp, and lets you define a reg-exp of the form #"regexp", which to replace all instances that is hit by the regexp with the argument afterwards, applied to the third argument. The \newline is in this case clojures way of expressing newlines in regexps as well as strings and the character we are looking for.
What I think you really wanted to do is to make a nifty ordered or unordered list in html-format. These can be done with [hiccup-page-helpers][2] (if you don't have them you probably have a compojure from the time before it got splited up in compojure, hiccup and more, since you use the html-function).
If you want to use hiccup-page-helpers, use the command re-split from the clojure.contrib.str-utils mentioned above in this fashion:
(use ' ;;watch out for namespace collisions, since all the functions in got into your current namespace.
(unordered-list (clojure.contrib.str-utils/re-split #"\newline" your-string-with-todos-separated-with-newlines))
which should render a neat
(and yes, there is an ordered-list command that works the same way!)
In the last line of clojure code above, all you todos gets into a (list "todo1" "todo2") which is immediately consumed by unordered-list function and is there converted to an html-ized list.
Good luck with compojure and friends!