How to make this macro work as expected? - clojure

(defmacro switch [choices choice] '(do (choices choice)))
(macroexpand-1 '(switch {1 (print 1) 2 (print 2)} (+ 1 1)))
gives: (do (choices choice))
Just to learn macros, I wanted to emulate switch case where I will give a dictionary having case as keys and code to execute as values.
I wanted (+ 1 1) to get evaluated as 2 and then be used as key to get codde to execute with do.
However the expanded macro gives us code which doesn't resolve choices and choice both.
I tried unquoting choice and choices, doesn't work.
What am I missing here ?

Unquoting does work, but you need to switch from the regular quote to syntax-quote (backtick) for your quoting:
(defmacro switch [choices choice]
`(do (~choices ~choice)))
Note that the do here is unnecessary.
Note that with this version of switch, both print calls in your example will be evaluated, because they will simply appear as value expressions in a map literal in switch's output. To print conditionally, you'll have to use some conditional construct (if, case or something which expands to one of them). I'll also point out that the choices argument must be a literal map, or else the macro won't be able to get at the keys and values (and in any case the values would have been evaluated by the outer context).
Here's a version written with the above in mind:
(defmacro switch [choices choice]
`(case ~choice ~#(apply concat choices)))
Example from the REPL:
user=> (switch {1 (print 1) 2 (print 2)} (+ 1 1))
(2 is printed by the print call, nil is the return value.)


How this Clojure macro expansion works?

I am in the process of learning Clojure, through "Clojure for the Brave and True".
In macro lessons, I was trying the below macro,
(defmacro report
`(let [result# ~to-try]
(if result#
(println (quote ~to-try) "was successful:" result#)
(println (quote ~to-try) "was not successful:" result#))))
And below are couple of my experiments with the macro and the respective outputs.
(map #(report %) ['(= 1 2) '(= 1 1)])
; p1__26622# was successful: (= 1 2)
; p1__26622# was successful: (= 1 1)
map #(report %) ['false 'true])
; p1__26612# was not successful: false
; p1__26612# was successful: true
And my questions are,
Why in the former case the macro printed true for both values?
In my understanding the second is exactly equivalent to the former. But why it gives a different result?
Why in the former case the macro printed true for both values?
Your report macro is receiving quoted lists as inputs, not expressions that can be evaluated to true/false. Any list is truthy, even if it contains an expression that would evaluate to false. This would give you the expected result:
(report (= 1 2)) ;; evaluates to false
In my understanding the second is exactly equivalent to the former. But why it gives a different result?
It's not exactly equivalent because the first example is examining lists and the second is examining quoted booleans. Your second example evaluates 'false as false because that's how if treats it:
(if 'false 0 1) => 1

Why doesn't work : "First argument to defn must be a symbol"

Why do I get the error:
IllegalArgumentException First argument to defn must be a symbol clojure.core/defn (core.clj:277)
When I try to define a function like this:
(defn (symbol "f[]") 1)
Or like this:
(defn (symbol "f") [] 1)
Why aren't those the equivalent of straight forward example below ?
(defn f [] 1)
This is esoteric I know: but it just occurred to me that I might want to name a function dynamically at some point. (No real use case here - just trying to understand Clojure's mind...)
When you pass arguments to a macro, they are not evaluated beforehand. Since defn is a macro, what you're passing it in those two cases are not equivalent.
You are mixing code and data. It is a very common mistake to do. Eg.
(+ 4 5) ; ==> 9
('+ 4 5) ; ==> Error
'+ evaluates to a symbol. It is not the same as the variable + that is code and evaluates for a function. It's easy to check by evaluating them:
+ ; ==> #<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_#312aa7c>
'+ ; ==> +
defn is a macro that expands to def so your beef is with def. The reason (def (symbol "x") 5) doesn't work is because def happens at compile time. The first arguments is never evaluated, but used for all references to the same identifiers within the same namespace. An expression like (symbol "x") won't work pretty much because of the same reason + and '+ cannot be mixed. You can do this in compile time though:
(defmacro make-fun [name expression]
`(defn ~(symbol name) [] ~expression))
(macroexpand-1 '(make-fun "f" 1))
; ==> (clojure.core/defn f [] 1)
(make-fun "f" 1)
; ==> #'user/f
(f) ; ==> 1
So what is happening is that before the code runs (make-fun "f" 1) gets replaced with (clojure.core/defn f [] 1) and the runtime never ever sees where it came from. While this seems useful you still cannot use a binding or input to make your function:
(def fun-name "f")
(def fun-value 1)
(macroexpand-1 '(make-fun fun-name fun-value))
; ==> (clojure.core/defn fun-name [] fun-value)
Macros are just a way to simplify and abstract on syntax. If you always write a pattern that looks like (defn name [& args] (let ...) you can make the parts that differ bindings in a macro and shorten every place you use the abstraction with the new macro. It is a code translation service. In compile time the arguments are just the literal code that it is suppsoed to replace and you never have the luxury to see if a variable or expression has a certain value since you only knows about the code and never what they actually represent. Thus the errors usually arises in when the code in the end result runs.
In the end you can do anything in runtime with eval. I've seen eval being used in a sensible manner twice in my 19 year run as a professional programmer. You could do:
(defn make-fun [name value]
(eval `(defn ~(symbol name) [] ~value)))
(make-fun fun-name fun-value)
; #'user/f
; ==> 1
Now while this works you shouldn't do it unless this is some sort of tool to test or do something with code rather than it being a part of the code to be run as a service with the string coming in from a unsafe source. I would have opted for using dictionaries instead such that you do not update your own environment. Imagine if the input was make-fun or some other part of your code that would give the client control over your software.
The answer is what Josh said (defn is a macro; if it was a function then your code really would work in this way). You can define your own defn variation macro that would do what you want or just use eval:
(eval `(defn ~(symbol "f") [] 1))
; => #'user/f
; => 1
You really don't need to use eval.
You have hit the problem known as "turtles all the way down". Once you try to treat a macro like a function (perhaps passing it to map, for example), you find you cannot do it without writing another macro. The same applies to macro #2, etc.
Thus, you can't compose macros as well as you can compose functions. This is the genesis of the general advice, "Never use a macro when you can use a function."
In this case, defn is a macro, so you have no choice but to write another macro (def behaves the same way, even though it is a special form instead of a macro). Our new macro dyn-defn dynamically creates the function name from a list of strings:
(defn fun-1 [] 1)
(def fun-2 (fn [] 2))
; (def (symbol (str "fun" "-3")) (fn [] 3))
; => Exception: First argument to def must be a Symbol
(defmacro dyn-defn
"Construct a function named dynamically from the supplied strings"
[name-strs & forms]
(let [name-sym (symbol (str/join name-strs)) ]
(spyx name-sym)
`(defn ~name-sym ~#forms)))
(dyn-defn ["fun" "-3"]
with result:
*************** Running tests ***************
:reloading (tst.demo.core)
name-sym => fun-3 ; NOTE: this is evaluated at compile-time
Testing _bootstrap
Clojure 1.9.0 Java 1.8.0_161
Testing demo.core
Testing tst.demo.core
(fun-1) => 1 ; NOTE: these are all evaluated at run-time
(fun-2) => 2
(fun-3) => 3
Note that the function name is an argument to the defn macro, and must be a symbol, not a function call.
Correct, you can't tell by looking at it if a form is "calling" a function or a macro. In fact, many "build-in" features of Clojure are constructed from more fundamental parts of the language, whether macros like when (source code) or functions like into (source code).

is function print has bug in clojure?

I write a macro:
(defmacro te
[a b & c]
~(a b c)))
and run
(te print 2 inc 4)
got an error ClassCastException java.lang.Long cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn user/eval8010 (form-init8519408738377285198.clj:1)
and I run
(macroexpand-1 '(te print 2 3 4)
;=> (clojure.core/print (3 4))
it means (print 2 (3 4)) return (3 4)? is it function print has bug?
My clojure version 1.7.0, JVM version 1.8.0_65-b17
Ok.the example is not understand easily by commit.
even i run the
(te print 2 inc 4)
user=> (te print 2 inc 4)
;=> 5nil
user=> (macroexpand-1 '(te print 2 inc 4))
;=> (clojure.core/print (inc 4))
it will print 5 and return nil,that mean (print 2 (inc 4)) return form (inc 4)?
This is not related to print at all.
it means (print 2 (3 4)) return (3 4)?
That's not what it means, and that's the source of your problem. It means "call the function print with first argument 2 and second argument the value of (3 4)". The expression (3 4) has no valid value because it means "call function 3 with argument 4" which is why you get an exception: 3 is a Long (number) and cannot be called as a function (in clojure internals, it does not implement the IFn function interface).
As a side note, if I understand what you're trying to achieve (I may be wrong) your macro can easily be written as a function, which in general means you should write it as a function, since functions are easier to deal with and work better with other functions.
Remember that the arguments to a macro haven't been evaluated when the macro
is invoked.
When you invoke your macro like this:
(te print 2 inc 4)
The parameters are bound to the following:
a: 'print
b: '2
c: '(inc 4) (because the macro is variadic any parameters past the first two are put
into a list in c)
The expression you end up with is this:
`(print ~('print '2 '(inc 4)))
Here's the problem: that inner print is not the same thing as the function
clojure.core/print. This is a macro, so it's an unevaluated symbol. You're using
the symbol itself as a function in this case, instead of using the function referred
to by the symbol.
Every symbol in Clojure is a function that looks itself up in a map.
That lookup takes two
parameters, a key and a default value. In this case the symbol print is trying to look
itself up in 2. Since 2 is not a map, it's returning the default value of (inc 4).
Recall that unquote (~) means evaluate the expression and substitue the result
into the code generated by the macro.
So the compiler evaluates: ('print '2 '(inc 4)) which returns (inc 4) and then
substitutes that into the original expression.
That's how you end up with (clojure.core/print (inc 4))
Try this:
(macroexpand-1 '(te blarg 2 inc 4))
You get exactly the same result even
though blarg isn't a variable that's defined anywhere in Clojure.
In your other example, the other answer is quite right. If you the third argument to your macro is not a function, then you'll get another error there.
Honestly, I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish so I'm not sure if this really answers your question. But this is why you're seeing what you're seeing.

Difference between calling function and macro inside macro?

My puzzle is the following example:
(defmacro macro1 [x]
(println x))
(defn func1 [x]
(println x))
(defmacro macro2 [x]
`(macro1 ~x)
(func1 x))
(defmacro macro3 [x]
(func1 x)
`(macro1 ~x))
(println "macro2")
(macro2 hello)
(println "macro3")
(macro3 hello)
Surprisingly, the output is:
Why the output of macro2 and macro3 are different? In my understanding, all the calling of macro inside macro could be substituted with function (except for the reason of reuse). Anything wrong in my understanding?
Thanks Michael for clarifying. My general question is how to choose between using function or macro inside macro for the purpose of manipulating the s-expression. I wonder whether they can be used exchangeably except that they're evaled at different phases. Another example:
(defn manipulate-func [x]
(list + x 1))
(defmacro manipulate-macro [x]
(list + x 1))
(defmacro macro1 [x y]
[(manipulate-func x) `(manipulate-macro ~y)])
(println (clojure.walk/macroexpand-all '(macro1 (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4))))
;; [(#<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_#332b9f79> (+ 1 2) 1) (#<core$_PLUS_ clojure.core$_PLUS_#332b9f79> (+ 3 4) 1)]
macro2 doesn't call macro1. Look at its body:
`(macro1 ~x)
(func1 x)
The first line is syntax-quoted; its value is list structure of the form (user/macro1 x-value) (assuming macro1 is defined in the user namespace; x-value here is the literal argument provided to macro2) and it has no side effects. Because there are no side effects and the value is discarded, this line has no effect.
Responding to the edit:
Firstly, it is important to distinguish calling another macro inside a macros body from emitting a call to another macro:
(defmacro some-macro []
;; calls some-macro:
(defmacro example-1 []
;; emits a call to some-macro:
(defmacro example-2 []
Secondly, in the case of calling functions and macros inside a macro's body, one must keep in mind what the relevant notions of runtime and compile time are:
functions called by a macro will be called at the macro expander's runtime, which is compile time from the point of view of user code;
macros called by a macro will be expanded when the macro body is compiled.
If a macro emits a call to another macro, the notions of runtime and compile time relevant to the emitted macro call will be the same as those relevant to the original macro call. If a macro calls another macro, they are shifted one step back, as it were.
To illustrate, let's consider a macro that delegates all its work to a helper function:
(defn emit-abc [abc-name [a b c]]
`(def ~abc-name {:a ~a :b ~b :c ~c}))
(defmacro defabc [abc-name abc-vals]
(emit-abc abc-name abc-vals))
From the REPL:
user> (defabc foo [1 2 3])
user> foo
{:a 1, :c 3, :b 2}
If emit-abc were itself a macro, the above definition of defabc wouldn't even compile, because emit-abc would attempt to destructure the literal symbol abc-vals, throwing an UnsupportedOperationException.
Here's another example that makes it easier to explain what's happening:
(let [[a b c] [1 2 3]]
(defabc foo [a b c]))
defabc receives the vector of the three literal symbols a, b and c as the second argument; it has no access to the runtime values 1, 2 and 3. It passes this exact vector of symbols to the function emit-abc, which is then able to reach into this vector and extract the symbols to produce the map {:a a :b b :c c}. This map becomes the expansion of the defabc call. At runtime a, b and c turn out to be bound to the values 1, 2 and three, and so the map {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} is produced.
Suppose we tried to write emit-abc as a macro with the same body (just changing defn to defmacro in its definition). Then we couldn't usefully call it from defabc, because we wouldn't have any way of conveying to it the actual values of the arguments to defabc. We could write
(emit-abc abc-name [(abc-vals 0) (abc-vals 1) (abc-vals 2)])
to make defabc compile, but this would end up emitting abc-name as the name of the Var being defined and include code for the vector literal [a b c] three times in the generated code. We could however emit a call to it:
`(emit-abc ~abc-name ~abc-vals)
This works as expected.
I think you're confused about the difference between macros and functions.
Macros are evaluated at compile time, and they take code as input and give code as output.
Functions evaluate their results at run time, taking run-time values as input and returning run-time values as output.
The result of a macro should pretty much always be an s-expression representing the source code resulting form applying the macro. This is why macros usually use the syntax quote functionality, since it makes it easy to generate source code with inserted parameterized values via the ~ and ~# escapes.
Defining a couple of functions might help you see how this works. Let's run the following code:
(defn testing-macro-2 [my-arg]
(macro2 my-arg))
(testing-macro-2 "macro 2 test")
(defn testing-macro-3 [my-arg]
(macro3 my-arg))
(testing-macro-3 "macro 3 test")
Here's what I get in my REPL:
(defn testing-macro-2 [my-arg]
(macro2 my-arg))
user=> (testing-macro-2 "macro 2 test")
(defn testing-macro-3 [my-arg]
(macro3 my-arg))
user=> (testing-macro-3 "macro 3 test")
As you can see, my-arg is printed when defining the functions where the macros are invoked, not when I call the functions. This is because the macros are evaluated when the Clojure compiler is generating code for the function, so that's when the call to println happens.
However, if you use the syntax-quote in macro1 to make it return code instead of calling println, which returns nil, then it all changes:
(defmacro macro1 [x]
`(println ~x))
(defn func1 [x]
(println x))
(defmacro macro2 [x]
`(macro1 ~x)
(func1 x))
(defmacro macro3 [x]
(func1 x)
`(macro1 ~x))
(defn testing-macro-2 [my-arg]
(macro2 my-arg))
user=> (testing-macro-2 "macro 2 test")
(defn testing-macro-3 [my-arg]
(macro3 my-arg))
user=> (testing-macro-3 "macro 3 test")
macro 3 test
user=> (macro2 hello)
user=> (macro3 hello)
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: hello in this context, compiling:(NO_SOURCE_PATH:107)
Each of the macros still prints the argument due to a println being called when the macro is evaluated, but since macro3 now actually returns source code it actually works like println.
Note that testing-macro-2 prints nothing because macro2 throws away the result of the intermediate calculation `(macro1 ~x) and simply returns nil (the result of println). In other words, using (macro2 foo) is the same as just putting a nil literal in your code, except that the compiler will print foo as a side-effect when it evaluates the macro.
Invoking (macro3 hello) results in a CompilerException because the macro substitution results in the code (println hello), but hello is not defined. If you do something like (def hello "Hello there!") then you won't get an error since it will find a binding for hello.
I'm not satisfied with the answers so far, so let me take a stab...
The issue is that defmacro returns data that is then used as code. Only the last expression in defmacro is returned and, in your example, is then evaluated as code.
So... in your call to macro2 the following steps occur
`(macro1 ~x) is syntax quoted so it evaluates to (macro1 hello) and is not evaluated further because of the syntax quote. This line effectively does nothing as a result.
(func1 x) executes inside the macro, prints the string, and the result nil is returned.
The result of calling (macro2 hello) is nil so nothing further occurs.
Later, you call macro3 and the following steps occur
(func1 x) executes, prints hello, returns nil. But since the macro is not finished this nil does nothing and the next expression is evaluated.
`(macro1 ~x) evaluates (just as before) to (macro1 hello) and is returned as code (it is not evaluated further, yet, because it is syntax quoted). This is the return value of calling macro3 since it is the last expression in the implicit do of defmacro.
The return value of calling macro3 from the previous step is now evaluated. It evaluates to (println hello), but this is not evaluated yet.
Finally the previous steps result is evaluated and a second hello is printed.
I believe the point to understand is that a macro returns code to be executed and only the last expression is returned. Perhaps also, remember that the syntax quote ` prevents the expression following it from being evaluated and instead creates a list in place that is not evaluated further (unless some other action is taken to evaluate the expression).
Yes there is a runtime/compile time difference between when code is evaluated, but for this question I don't think that is the key thing to notice. The key thing to notice is that with macro2 the result of calling macro1 is not returned, but in macro3 it is returned and is therefore evaluated further.

Clojure: How does filter interact with logic?

I'm trying to learn Clojure, so I figured a good way to start would be to work through the project Euler challenges with it, and the first challenge is summing all of the number below 1000 that are divisible by 3 or 5.
My original code was:
(defn div3 [input-no] (zero? (mod input-no 3)))
(defn div5 [input-no] (zero? (mod input-no 5)))
(reduce + (filter (or div3 div5) (range 1 1000)))
But that didn't work, and it turned out that the filter would just return a list of numbers divisible by 3, and not those divisible by 5.
I changed my code to:
(defn div3or5 [input-no] (or (div3 input-no) (div5 input-no)))
(reduce + (filter div3or5 (range 1 1000)))
Which got the right result, but I don't know why my original code didn't work.
Could anyone shed some light on this?
The problem you are running into is that filter expects a predicate (a function taking an input and returning true or false) as its first argument. But while div3 and div5 are functions you can't simply combine them with or. You need to construct a new function that takes one argument and feeds this to both div3 and div5 and calls or and the results of both.
Fortunately this is easy to do in Clojure, try
(filter #(or (div3 %) (div5 %)) (range1 1000))
#() is shorthand for defining a function inline (also called a lambda) and you can get to the first argument with %1 to the second with %2 and so on. If there is only one argument then you can use % for %1 see this question.
You may also want to understand that #() is just syntactic sugar for the fn form which
looks like this: (fn [arg1 arg2 ... & restArgs] (forms)). #() has some limitations (for example it can't be nested).
If you just evaluate (or div3 div5) in the REPL you can see what is happening:
=> (or div3 div5)
#<user$div3 user$div3#73305c>
That is, or is evaluating to the function div3 (which filter is then using, giving the behaviour you describe).
The reason for this is or will return its first non-falsy argument (i.e. the first argument that isn't nil or false); in this case, the arguments are two function objects and a function object is not nil or false.
To put it another way, the or is happening on the functions themselves, not the results of the functions. As Paul said, you can use an anonymous function to make or act on the results rather than the functions themselves.