dreamweaver discards "find & replace" changes - replace

I have a site based on a template in Dreamweaver. The template does have the tag: <!-- InstanceBegin template="/Templates/Main.dwt" codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="true" -->. But nowhere in the template do I have the "height" attribute. One of the pages I am cleaning up has a table in the main content area with numerous height="42" attributes that I am trying to remove. When I do a Find & Replace, afterwards I get the alert:
The template that this document is based on does not allow changes
outside the tag. The changes you made will be discarded.
So the 500 instances that got removed are returned. If the tag/search criteria does not exist in the template, why is Dreamweaver insisting that it does exist and discard my F&R? I do not want to manually delete this stuff, nor open Notepad++ every time to delete tags.
NOTE: This is just one instance of the specific error. I have also gotten this error message when I am removing whitespace from older pages in Dreamweaver.


How to prevent a 'hidden' link to an image within a #if condition in MediaWiki

We have an image which has a predictably-positioned number in the filename. I handle the display of the image in a template based on whether or not the number is within multiple different ranges. If it is in any of those ranges, the image does not (and should not) exist.
Everything works fine, but I find that Special:WantedFiles still includes a listing for the intentionally 'missing' images. The sole link for each 'missing' file is from the page that is using that template. It seems that, even though the page correctly isn't trying to display the image, the wiki still is also interpreting the [[File:foobar]] bit as if the #if test were resolving the other way, creating an unused link to a non-existant file.
The following is a simplified version of the problem part of the template. ImageRangeTest is the range check template; it works fine, returning either a 0 or a 1 depending on if the {{{1}}} number is in any of the matching ranges.
{{#ifeq: {{ImageRangeTest | {{{1}}} }} | 1 | This image does not exist. | [[File:{{{1}}}.png]] }}
So why, when ImageRangeTest returns 1, does "This image does not exist." properly get displayed, but File:{{{1}}}.png still get a hidden link from that same page, causing File:{{{1}}}.png to show up on Special:WantedFiles?
What you want do is not possible currently. It's a 'hidden' link to you, but a normal link to the database. The table storing file inclusions does not differentiate on whether the image exists or not. Special:WantedFiles generates its content by querying that table among others.
Various requests to change this were declined as per back as 2006, such as this and this. Not the request were mostly about general links generated from templates but the underlying problem/issue is the samae as yours.
The only way to stop it from showing in that special page is to delink the name, that's to remove the square brackets, and I doubt if you'd like that.

Regex in capybara have_xpath

I have a text changing decoration when it is clicked. In my tests before clicking I want to check whether it's already clicked or not. It changes color, text decoration and href which I want to check through.
As href contains session specific information, so I want to use regex.
if page.have_xpath("//a[contains(#href,\"%20Administrators?\")]")
This passes even the page has already been updated and Administrators text has changed to something else.
How should I correct the syntax to accept all href containing "%20Administrators?" text. I want add it to if clause as if the page has the link with text Administrators in it.
Before clicking: href="/sometext/%20Administrators?redirect=sometext"
After clicking : href="/sometext/%20Standard?redirect=sometext"
The primary issue you're having here is using have_xpath rather than has_xpath?. have_xpath returns an RSpec matcher, and as such when used with if will always evaluate as true (since it returns an object and hasn't yet actually evaluated any XPath passed in). has_xpath? returns a boolean result of true or false.
if page.has_xpath?('.//a[contains(#href,"%20Administrators?")]')
The second issue is that your question asks about regex, but XPath 1.0 (which browsers support) doesn't have regex support and your XPath isn't using regex at all (just a contains expression). If you actually want to use regex for testing the href (and have better reading code) you should be using the has_link? boolean method - along the lines of
if page.has_link?(href: /Administrators/)
has_link? can also verify the visible text of the link too if wanted
if page.has_link?('Visible text of the link', href: /Administrators/)
Finally, when using XPath with Capybara, 99% of the time you should start your XPath with .// instead of just // - see https://github.com/teamcapybara/capybara#beware-the-xpath--trap - and is one reason why it's usually cleaner to use CSS and/or the more specific methods provided by Capybara rather than the xxx_xpath methods.
One other thing to note is that all of the methods mentioned have waiting behavior by default, so they will wait up to Capybara.default_max_wait_time seconds for the page to have a matching link. If you know the page is stable and just want to immediately know whether or not a matching link exists you might want to pass wait: false as an option
if page.has_link?(href: /Administrators/, wait: false)

Umbraco error in Document Types

A long time ago I first setup a website in Umbraco. This seemed to be working fine.
I have now come back to it about a year later, and was initially getting the following error when selecting a Document Type (any document type in the Settings tab):
A bit weird, because earlier I didn't have this issue, but fine. I do what it says, and add <identity impersonate="true"/> to the <system.web> node in web.config.
While it does fix the initial issue, I now have the following on all document types:
When trying to create a new Document Type, I get the same kind of error, but then the ReturnUrl part is ReturnUrl=/umbraco/create.aspx?nodeId=init&nodeType=inittemplates&nodeName=Templates&rnd=20.2&rndo=21.2&nodeId=init&nodeType=inittemplates&nodeName=Templates&rnd=20.2&rndo=21.2' - but only if I tick the box 'Create template for this item'. The same happens when I try and create a Template.
After Googleing I came up with this: our.umbraco post with similar issue. One (unconfirmed) solution is that there's an illegal name in a document type/ template - but I haven't changed anything, and might be fixed by going into the database.
I did check the /masterpages folder, the only 'strange' characters in there are - and _.
In my Document Types I have on named 'Textpage (Two col)' and another named 'News & Events list'. I'm a bit hesitant to just delete them, since I don't have enough Umbraco knoledge to be sure this will fix my issue...
Is there any known solution for this, or will I also have to go into the database (and if so, whereabouts?)
I'm running Umbraco 4.7.2, assembly version 1.0.4500.21031.
I've hosted this site with GoDaddy.com - I don't know if that would be relevant.
[Update 1]
As per Tom Maton's comment:
The requirepermissions should be set to false, and have been.
in Appsettings I've set this:
<add key="umbracoUseMediumTrust" value="true" />
And I've added Trusted_Connection=yes to the connectionstring.
the problem remains.
[Update 2]
Tried the solution amelvin provided, but no dice. Doctypes and templates still give the error. I'm getting more certain it's some security issues. Which folder would correspond to the Templates? Would that be the masterpages folder? If so, what kind of permissions does that one need?
It could be that you don't have full trust on your Go Daddy environment?
Check this post out http://our.umbraco.org/forum/getting-started/installing-umbraco/17856-Umbraco-on-GoDaddy-Shared-Hosting
Could help resolve your issue.
The error could be a knock on from permissions errors as yet unsolved.
But the error is thrown if the content page does not have a template assigned or if Umbraco thinks it doesn't have a template. If absolutely nothing has changed to the site then it could be that the umbraco.config file has somehow got corrupted (it will contain all the doctype/template cross reference info). This can be fixed by right clicking on the top 'content' node and choose 'republish entire website'.
Secondly navigate to the settings | document types (if you can now) and check the templates dropdown on the first tab of the appropriate document type. If its set to 'please select' then this error will get thrown when any page tries to render without a valid template assigned. If a default template is assigned - then go to that template and re-publish it - Umbraco may have lost it.
If this does not work then check if the template is assigned properly. Go to the same place in the content tree as the problem page and try to add a node with the desired doctype. If no choices are offered then it could be that the parent tab no longer allows the correct doctypes as children nodes, so go back to the doctypes and check the allowed children (second tab) of the parent node.
If none of this works without odd errors being thrown then its a mystery!
Here are a list of Permissions required for Umbraco http://our.umbraco.org/wiki/reference/files-and-folders/permissions
Or you could use one of the steps below to check all the folder permissions.
Or install this package. http://our.umbraco.org/projects/backoffice-extensions/ugolive this will allow you to check the permissions are correctly setup.

How will I filter out only errors in Jenkins-email-ext, BUILD_LOG_REGEX?

Currently I m using BUILD_LOG_REGEX in Jenkins Editable email information to get a log of the errors via email. But I get a lot of junk and I want to filter out the errors and I want the log of errors filtered to perfection. Any help?
Your question is rather non-specific. As Juuso Ohtonen notes in a comment, what you do highly depends on what can be usually found in your log. Here's an example of what we use in one of our jobs, it is rather generic (if not to say minimalistic):
${BUILD_LOG_REGEX, regex="^.*?BUILD FAILED.*?$", linesBefore=0, linesAfter=10, maxMatches=5, showTruncatedLines=false, escapeHtml=true}
I would suggest the following: create a job that logs some text that contains types of errors you encounter (you may just spew some text file that you place in the job's workspace), then play with Java regex patterns - java.util.regex.Pattern - in the Plugin until you get the desired result. Make sure you send the e-mails from the job only to yourself :)
To use custom HTML - here's a quote from the Plugin's Content Token reference:
${JELLY_SCRIPT, template} - Custom message content generated from a Jelly script
template. There are two templates provided: "html" and "text". Custom Jelly templates
should be placed in $JENKINS_HOME/email-templates. When using custom templates, the
template filename without ".jelly" should be used for the "template" argument.
template - the template name. Defaults to "html".
The default template that you can use as your starting point is located in

Regex with iframe in Yahoo! Pipes

I'm building a Yahoo! Pipe to pull an RSS feed from Reddit which links to some content in the description. I'm using a regex to match the href attribute of the anchor link in an item.description field. The regex I'm using is:
As a test, I set the replace to simply:
and I see that the entire description field has been replaced with the URL. So far, so good.
I then put the following in the replace field. The idea being to iframe the content that's linked to:
Content: <iframe src="$1">no iframe support</iframe> End
What I get out however is:
Content: no iframe support End
I've confirmed that this is also coming through in the pipe's output and not just in the Yahoo! Pipes debug console.
I've so far tried replacing my angle brackets with < and > entities. I've tried wrapping the entire thing in a <![CDATA[ ... ]]> block and still, I get nothing. If I break my iframe tag by removing an angle bracket, the broken content comes through fine, but if I have a well-formed iframe element, it vanishes, leaving the "no iframe support" text. Am I doing something wrong here, or is Yahoo! actively preventing me from using iframe tags in my generated pipe? A cursory search on Google isn't turning up anything related to this.
The pipe in question is here:
This Pipes FAQ Question "Why does Pipes Strip <object> and <embed> tags... ?" shows that a certain amount of sanitization is performed, by placing content (at least certain content) into an iframe for the safety of RSS consumers - though it does not state it specifically, this probably also removes other iframes in order to avoid nesting and other work-arounds.
Yahoo is big enough I would doubt they have a week sanitizer, but an extremely long shot is that you might be able to fool it by nesting the iframe in a bunch of other tags (again I doubt this will work). Also depending upon which step does the sanitization, perhaps adding part of the tag in one step, then adding another part somewhere else might work (yet again, doubt overwhelms me)
Not sure what else to suggest, other than getting something else to consume and transform your RSS a little bit more (by fixing otherwise broken tags??) - but that's what you're using pipes for to begin with, isn't it? Idunno...
Good luck!
Pipes has an fanatical devotion to the RSS spec and the spec says the description field is plain text only. HTML etc is supposed to go in the content:encoded field, not that I've had much luck getting pipes to do that.