I need to write a function which checks if a list has two or more same elements and returns true or false.
For example [3,3,6,1] should return true, but [3,8] should return false.
Here is my code:
identical :: [Int] -> Bool
identical x = (\n-> filter (>= 2) n )( group x )
I know this is bad, and it does not work.
I wanted to group the list into list of lists, and if the length of a list is >= 2, then it is should return with true otherwise false.
Use any to get a Bool result.
any ( . . . ) ( group x )
Don’t forget to sort the list, group works on consecutive elements.
any ( . . . ) ( group ( sort x ) )
You can use (not . null . tail) for a predicate, as one of the options.
Just yesterday I posted a similar algorithm here. A possible way to go about it is,
generate the sequence of cumulative sets of elements
{}, {x0}, {x0,x1}, {x0,x1,x2} ...
pair the original sequence of elements with the cumulative sets
x0, x1 , x2 , x3 ...
{}, {x0}, {x0,x1}, {x0,x1,x2} ...
check repeated insertions, i.e.
xi such that xi ∈ {x0..xi-1}
This can be implemented for instance, via the functions below.
First we use scanl to iteratively add the elements of the list to a set, producing the cumulative sequence of these iterations.
sets :: [Int] -> [Set Int]
sets = scanl (\s x -> insert x s) empty
Then we zip the original list with this sequence, so each xi is paired with {x0...xi-1}.
elsets :: [Int] -> [(Int, Set Int)]
elsets xs = zip xs (sets xs)
Finally we use find to search for an element that is "about to be inserted" in a set which already contains it. The function find returns the pair element / set, and we pattern match to keep only the element, and return it.
result :: [Int] -> Maybe Int
result xs = do (x,_) <- find(\(y,s)->y `elem` s) (elsets xs)
return x
The another way to do that using Data.Map as below is not efficient than . sort.. solution, it is still O(n log n) but able to work with infinite list.
import Data.Map.Lazy as Map (empty, lookup, insert)
identical :: [Int] -> Bool
identical = loop Map.empty
where loop _ [] = False
loop m (x:xs) = if Map.lookup x m == Nothing
then loop (insert x 0 m) xs
else True
OK basically this is one of the rare cases where you really need sort for efficiency. In fact Data.List.Unique package has a repeated function just for this job and if the source is checked one can see that sort and group strategy is chosen. I guess this is not the most efficient algorithm. I will come to how we can make sort even more efficient but for the time being let's enjoy a little since this is a nice question.
So we have the tails :: [a] -> [[a]] functions in Data.List package. Accordingly;
*Main> tails [3,3,6,1]
As you may quickly notice we can zipWith the tail of tails list which is [[3,6,1],[6,1],[1],[]], with the given original list by applying a function to check if all item are different. This function could be a list comprehension or simply the all :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool function. The thing is, I would like to short circuit zipWith so that once i meet the first dupe let's just stop zipWith doing wasteful work by checking the rest. For this purpose i can use the monadic version of zipWith, namely zipWithM :: Applicative m => (a -> b -> m c) -> [a] -> [b] -> m [c] which lives in Control.Monad package. The reason being, from it's type signature we understand that it shall stop calculating any further when it accounts for a Nothing or Left whatever in the middle if my monad happens to be Maybe or Either.
Oh..! In Haskell I also love to use the bool :: a -> a -> Bool -> a function instead of if and then. bool is the ternary operation of Haskell which goes like
bool "work time" "coffee break" isCoffeeTime
The negative choice is on the left and the positive one is on the right where isCoffeeTime :: Bool is a function to return True if it is coffee time. Very composable as well.. so cool..!
So since we now have all the background knowledge we may proceed with the code
import Control.Monad (zipWithM)
import Data.List (tails)
import Data.Bool (bool)
anyDupe :: Eq a => [a] -> Either a [a]
anyDupe xs = zipWithM f xs ts
where ts = tail $ tails xs
f = \x t -> bool (Left x) (Right x) $ all (x /=) t
*Main> anyDupe [1,2,3,4,5]
Right [1,2,3,4,5] -- no dupes so we get the `Right` with the original list
*Main> anyDupe [3,3,6,1]
Left 3 -- here we have the first duplicate since zipWithM short circuits.
*Main> anyDupe $ 10^7:[1..10^7]
Left 10000000 -- wow zipWithM worked and returned reasonably fast.
But again.. as i said, this is still a naive approach because theoretically we are doing n(n+1)/2 operations. Yes zipWithM cuts redundancy down greatly if the first met dupe is close to the head but still this algorithm is O(n^2).
I believe it would be best to use the heavenly sort algorithm of Haskell (which is not merge sort as we know it by the way) in this particular case.
Now the algorithm award goes to -> drum roll here -> sort and fold -> applause. Sorry no grouping.
So now... once again we will use a monadic trick to utilize short circuits. We will use foldM :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b. This, when used with Either monad also allows us to return a more meaningful result. OK lets do it. Any Left n means n is the first dupe and no more calculations while any Right _ means there are no dupes.
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Bool (bool)
anyDupe' :: (Eq a, Ord a, Enum a) => [a] -> Either a a
anyDupe' xs = foldM f i $ sort xs
where i = succ $ head xs -- prevent the initial value to be equal with the value at the head
f = \b a -> bool (Left a) (Right a) (a /= b)
*Main> anyDupe' [1,2,3,4,5]
Right 5
*Main> anyDupe' [3,3,6,1]
Left 3
*Main> anyDupe' $ 1:[10^7,(10^7-1)..1]
Left 1
(2.97 secs, 1,040,110,448 bytes)
*Main> anyDupe $ 1:[10^7,(10^7-1)..1]
Left 1
(2.94 secs, 1,440,112,888 bytes)
*Main> anyDupe' $ [1..10^7]++[10^7]
Left 10000000
(5.71 secs, 3,600,116,808 bytes) -- winner by far
*Main> anyDupe $ [1..10^7]++[10^7] -- don't try at home, it's waste of energy
In real world scenarios anyDupe' should always be the winner.
I need to change list for example:
To this one
[1,2,5] (the list of elements that are on correct position).
1st element value is 1 - ok,
element value is 2 - ok,
3rd element value is 4 but expected 3 (due to the index)- remove
and etc. How can I solve the error which is attached below?
My code:
module Count where
import Control.Monad.State
nthel n xs = last xsxs
where xsxs = take n xs
deleteNth i items = take i items ++ drop (1 + i) items
repeatNTimes 0 _ = return ()
repeatNTimes n xs =
if (n == nthel n xs) then return()
else deleteNth (n-1) xs
repeatNTimes (n-1) xs
list = [1,2,3,4,5]
main = repeatNTimes (length list) list
I have the following error:
* Couldn't match type `Int' with `()'
Expected type: [()]
Actual type: [Int]
* In the expression: deleteNth (n - 2) xs
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
if (n == nthel n xs) then return () else deleteNth (n - 2) xs
In the expression:
do { if (n == nthel n xs) then return () else deleteNth (n - 2) xs;
repeatNTimes (n - 1) xs }
A really nice way to work with this is to stitch functions together. First one might need to get to know the functions in the Data.List module, which you can find with hoogle:
Data.List Module functions
I'll give you a little bit of a boost here. The functions I would pick out are the zip function: whose type is [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)] and then the filter function whose type is (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] and then the map function whose type is (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] along with the fst :: (a, b) -> a
Function Composition
These functions can be stitched together using the function composition operator: (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c it takes two functions that share a common input/output point (in the type signature they are the second and first parameters, respectively; a -> b and b -> c) and it will then join them into one single function.
Stacking it up - required knowledge
In order to do what you want to do, you really need to know about simple types, parameterised types, ranges (including lazy infinite ranges would help), functions and possibly recursion as well some higher order functions and how Haskell functions are curried, and to understand function composition. It wouldn't hurt to add a basic understanding of what typeclasses do and are into the mix.
I helped author a tutorial which can really help with understanding how this stuff works from a usage point of view by following a series of interesting examples. It's not too long, and you might find it much easier to approach your problem once you have understood some of the more foundational stuff: — note that it's not tuned to teaching you how to construct stuff, that'll be coming in a later volume, but it should give you enough understanding to be able to at least guess at an answer, or understand the one below.
The Answer - spoilers
If you want to work this out yourself, you should stop here and come back later on when you're feeling more confident. However, I'm going to put one possible answer just below, so don't look if you don't want to know yet!
positionals :: (Enum a, Eq a, Num a) => [a] -> [a]
positionals = map fst . filter (\(x, y) -> x == y) . zip [1..]
Keep in mind this is only one way of doing this. There are simpler more explanatory ways to do it, and while it might possibly seem inefficient, Haskell has list/stream fusion which compiles that function into something that will do a single pass across your data.
Working on a sudoku inspired assignment and I need to implement a function that checks if a Block Cell has no repeated elements in it (to check if its a valid solution to the puzzle).
okBlock :: Block Cell -> Bool
okBlock b = okList $ filter (/= Nothing) b
okList :: [a]-> Bool
okList list
| (length list) == (length (nub list)) = True
| otherwise = False
Block a = [a]
Cell = [Maybe Int]
Haskell complains saying No instance for (Eq a) arising from a use of "==" Possible fix: add (Eq a) to the context of the type signature for okList...
Adding Eq a to the type signature does not help. I have tried the function in the terminal and it works fine for for lists, and for lists of lists (i.e the type I am feeding it in the function).
What am I missing here?
Well you can only filter out duplicates, if there is a way to check whether two values are duplicates. If we look at the type signature for nub, we see:
nub :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
So that means that in order to filter out duplicates in a list of as, we need a to be an instance of the Eq class. We can thus simply forward the type constraint further in the signatures of the functions:
okBlock :: Block Cell -> Bool
okBlock b = okList $ filter (/= Nothing) b
okList :: Eq => [a] -> Bool
okList list
| (length list) == (length (nub list)) = True
| otherwise = False
We do not need to specify that Cell is an instance of Eq because:
Int is an instance of Eq;
if a is an instance of Eq, so is Maybe a, so Maybe Int is an instance of Eq; and
if a is an instance of Eq, so is [a], so [Maybe Int] is an instance of Eq.
That being said we can do some syntactical improvements of the code:
there is no need to work with guards if you simply return the result of the guard True and False, and
you can use an eta reduction and omit the b in okBlock.
you don't need parentheses around function application (unless to feed to result straight to another, non-infix function).
This gives us:
okBlock :: Block Cell -> Bool
okBlock = okList . filter (/= Nothing)
okList :: Eq => [a] -> Bool
okList list = length list == length (nub list)
A final note is that usually you do not have to specify a type signature. In that case Haskell will aim to dervice the most generic type signature. So you can write:
okBlock = okList . filter (/= Nothing)
okList list = length list == length (nub list)
Now okBlock will have type:
Prelude Data.List> :t okBlock
okBlock :: Eq a => [Maybe a] -> Bool
Three points that are too big to make in a comment.
nub is horribly slow
nub takes O(n^2) time to process a list of length n. Unless you know the list is very short, this is the wrong function to use to remove duplicates from a list. Adding a bit more information about what sort of thing you're working with allows more efficient nubbing. The simplest, and probably most general, approach that isn't absolutely wretched is to use an Ord constraint:
import qualified Data.Set as S
nubOrd :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
nubOrd = go S.empty where
go _seen [] = []
go seen (a : as)
| a `S.member` seen = go seen as
| otherwise = go (S.insert a seen) as
length is wasteful
Suppose I write
sameLength :: [a] -> [b] -> Bool
sameLength xs ys = length xs == length ys
(which uses the approach you did). Now imagine I calculate
sameLength [1..16] [1..2^100]
How long will that take? Calculating length [1..16] will take nanoseconds. Calculating length [1..2^100] will probably take billions of years using current hardware. Whoops. What's the right way? Pattern match!
sameLength [] [] = True
sameLength (_ : xs) (_ : ys) = sameLength xs ys
sameLength _ _ = False
Nubbing isn't the right solution to this problem
Suppose I ask noDuplicates (1 : [1,2..]). Obviously, there's a duplicate, right at the beginning. But if I use sameLength and nub to check, I will never get an answer. It will keep building the nubbed list and comparing it to the original list until the seen becomes so large it exhausts your computer's memory. How can you fix that? By directly calculating what you need:
noDuplicates = go S.empty where
go _seen [] = True
go seen (x : xs)
| x `S.member` seen = False
| otherwise = go (S.insert x seen) xs
Now the program will conclude that there's a duplicate the moment it sees the second 1.
For example, I am writing some function for lists and I want to use length function
foo :: [a] -> Bool
foo xs = length xs == 100
How can someone understand could this function be used with infinite lists or not?
Or should I always think about infinite lists and use something like this
foo :: [a] -> Bool
foo xs = length (take 101 xs) == 100
instead of using length directly?
What if haskell would have FiniteList type, so length and foo would be
length :: FiniteList a -> Int
foo :: FiniteList a -> Bool
length traverses the entire list, but to determine if a list has a particular length n you only need to look at the first n elements.
Your idea of using take will work. Alternatively
you can write a lengthIs function like this:
-- assume n >= 0
lengthIs 0 [] = True
lengthIs 0 _ = False
lengthIs n [] = False
lengthIs n (x:xs) = lengthIs (n-1) xs
You can use the same idea to write the lengthIsAtLeast and lengthIsAtMost variants.
On edit: I am primaily responding to the question in your title rather than the specifics of your particular example, (for which ErikR's answer is excellent).
A great many functions (such as length itself) on lists only make sense for finite lists. If the function that you are writing only makes sense for finite lists, make that clear in the documentation (if it isn't obvious). There isn't any way to enforce the restriction since the Halting problem is unsolvable. There simply is no algorithm to determine ahead of time whether or not the comprehension
takeWhile f [1..]
(where f is a predicate on integers) produces a finite or an infinite list.
Nats and laziness strike again:
import Data.List
data Nat = S Nat | Z deriving (Eq)
instance Num Nat where
fromInteger 0 = Z
fromInteger n = S (fromInteger (n - 1))
Z + m = m
S n + m = S (n + m)
lazyLength :: [a] -> Nat
lazyLength = genericLength
main = do
print $ lazyLength [1..] == 100 -- False
print $ lazyLength [1..100] == 100 -- True
ErikR and John Coleman have already answered the main parts of your question, however I'd like to point out something in addition:
It's best to write your functions in a way that they simply don't depend on the finiteness or infinity of their inputs — sometimes it's impossible but a lot of the time it's just a matter of redesign. For example instead of computing the average of the entire list, you can compute a running average, which is itself a list; and this list will itself be infinite if the input list is infinite, and finite otherwise.
avg :: [Double] -> [Double]
avg = drop 1 . scanl f 0.0 . zip [0..]
where f avg (n, i) = avg * (dbl n / dbl n') +
i / dbl n' where n' = n+1
dbl = fromInteger
in which case you could average an infinite list, not having to take its length:
*Main> take 10 $ avg [1..]
In other words, one option is to design as much of your functions to simply not care about the infinity aspect, and delay the (full) evaluation of lists, and other (potentially infinite) data structures, to as late a phase in your program as possible.
This way they will also be more reusable and composable — anything with fewer or more general assumptions about its inputs tends to be more composable; conversely, anything with more or more specific assumptions tends to be less composable and therefore less reusable.
There are a couple different ways to make a finite list type. The first is simply to make lists strict in their spines:
data FList a = Nil | Cons a !(FList a)
Unfortunately, this throws away all efficiency benefits of laziness. Some of these can be recovered by using length-indexed lists instead:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
data Nat = Z | S Nat deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord)
data Vec :: Nat -> * -> * where
Nil :: Vec 'Z a
Cons :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec ('S n) a
instance Functor (Vec n) where
fmap _f Nil = Nil
fmap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (fmap f xs)
data FList :: * -> * where
FList :: Vec n a -> FList a
instance Functor FList where
fmap f (FList xs) = FList (fmap f xs)
fcons :: a -> FList a -> FList a
fcons x (FList xs) = FList (Cons x xs)
funcons :: FList a -> Maybe (a, FList a)
funcons (FList Nil) = Nothing
funcons (FList (Cons x xs)) = Just (x, FList xs)
-- Foldable and Traversable instances are straightforward
-- as well, and in recent GHC versions, Foldable brings
-- along a definition of length.
GHC does not allow infinite types, so there's no way to build an infinite Vec and thus no way to build an infinite FList (1). However, an FList can be transformed and consumed somewhat lazily, with the cache and garbage collection benefits that entails.
(1) Note that the type system forces fcons to be strict in its FList argument, so any attempt to tie a knot with FList will bottom out.
I have a chained list like
["root", "foo", "bar", "blah"]
And I'd like to convert it to a list of tuples, using adjacent pairs. Like so
[("root", "foo"), ("foo", "bar"), ("bar", "blah")]
At the moment, I'm using this to do it:
zipAdj x = tail (zip ("":x) (x++[""]))
However, I don't really like this method. Can anyone think of a better way? If it's glaringly obvious I apologise, I'm fairly new to Haskell.
Okay, here's the comment as an answer:
Just zipAdj x = zip x $ tail x will suffice. zip stops upon reaching the end of the shorter of the two lists, so this simply pairs each item in the list with its successor, which seems to be all you want.
And for the sake of explaining the pointless version: zip <*> tail uses the Applicative instance for "functions from some type", which basically amounts to a lightweight inline Reader monad--in this case the list is the "environment" for the Reader. Usually this just obfuscates matters but in this case it almost makes it clearer, assuming you know to read (<*>) here as "apply both of these to a single argument, then apply the first to the second".
One possible solution:
pairs [] = []
pairs (x:[]) = []
pairs (x:y:zs) = (x, y) : pairs (y : zs)
Definitely not as small as yours, and can probably be optimized quite a bit.
It's possible to generalize the zipAdj in the question to work with arbitrary Traversable containers. Here's how we'd do it if we wanted the extra element on the front end:
import Data.Traversable
pairDown :: Traversable t => a -> t a -> t (a, a)
pairDown x = snd . mapAccumL (\old new -> (new, (old,new))) x
*Pairing> take 10 $ pairDown 0 [1..]
*Pairing> pairDown 0 [1..10]
To stick the extra element on the end, we can use mapAccumR:
import Data.Traversable
pairUp :: Traversable t => t a -> a -> t (a, a)
pairUp xs x = snd $ mapAccumR (\old new -> (new, (new,old))) x xs
This effectively traverses the container backwards.
*Pairing> pairUp [0..10] 11
*Pairing> take 10 $ pairUp [0..] undefined
It's impossible to generalize the apparently-desired function in quite this fashion, but it's possible to generalize it a bit differently:
import Data.Foldable
import Prelude hiding (foldr)
pairAcross :: Foldable f => f a -> [(a,a)]
pairAcross xs = foldr go (const []) xs Nothing
go next r Nothing = r (Just next)
go next r (Just prev) = (prev, next) : r (Just next)
This gives
*Pairing> pairAcross [1..10]