How to center the dialog caption? - c++

I created my IDD_DIALOG in my resource file.
I am using the following code to center the DIALOG in the middle of a screen:
RECT Rect;
::GetWindowRect(hwndDlg, &Rect);
::SetWindowPos(hwndDlg, HWND_TOPMOST, (::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN)/2 - ((Rect.right - Rect.left)/2)), (::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)/2 - ((Rect.bottom -, (Rect.right - Rect.left), (Rect.bottom -, SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
return TRUE;
My question is, how would I also center the caption (dialog title) alongside with my current code?

Unless you really need to, it's best not to.
You'd likely need to paint a custom border/frame, which is what some apps like Office do so that they can have additional button widgets in the title bar. (Office also centers the text in its titlebar...) It's pretty complex, plus there's two different techniques depending on whether you're running on pre-XP or Vista with DWM enabled. I found an article that summarizes some of the issues involved in the Vista/DWM case. And in case DWM isn't enabled, you might need to support the old technique, handling and overriding WM_NCPAINT.
That's a lot of work just to center a titlebar!
Turns out that the justification for the titlebar has changed over time: in Win3.1, it was centered; then in the 95 era it became left-justified (or right-justified for right-to-left languages). Turns out that things have come full circle, and in Desktop mode, Windows 8 reverts to centering it again.
So perhaps simplest answer to "How to center the dialog caption?" is: upgrade to Windows 8 :-)


How do you scale the title bar on a DPI aware win application?

I am making my app dpi-aware per monitor by setting <dpiAware>True/PM</dpiAware> in the manifest file. I can verify with process explorer that this is indeed working or by calling GetProcessDpiAwareness.
This is all working fine and I can scale anything in the client area fine in my code. However, my only problem is that if I drag my app from a system-dpi monitor to a non-system dpi monitor, the title bar and any system menu would either become too big or too small. This isn't the case for most built-in apps (e.g. calc, edge browser, etc..) so there must be away to scale it properly. Does anyone how the devs at MS did this?
The screenshot below should explain my problem better. Also notice, that the padding between the close, min, and max button is different when it's scaled (96dpi).
Sample app I'm attaching a very simple app that is per-monitor dpi aware.
The Windows 10 Anniversary Update (v1607) has added a new API you must call to enable DPI scaling of the non-client areas: EnableNonClientDpiScaling. This function should be called, when WM_NCCREATE is received. The message is sent to the window's procedure callback during window creation.
if (!EnableNonClientDpiScaling(hWnd))
// Error handling
return FALSE;
return DefWindowProcW(...);
If the application's DPI-awareness context is DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2, then calling EnableNonClientDpiScaling should be omitted, as it won't have any effect, although the function will still return successfully.
From the documentation:
Non-client scaling for top-level windows is not enabled by default. You must call this API to enable it for each individual top-level window for which you wish to have the non-client area scale automatically. Once you do, there is no way to disable it. Enabling non-client scaling means that all the areas drawn by the system for the window will automatically scale in response to DPI changes on the window. That includes areas like the caption bar, the scrollbars, and the menu bar. You want to call EnableNonClientDpiScaling when you want the operating system to be responsible for rendering these areas automatically at the correct size based on the API of the monitor.
See this blog post for additional information about DPI scaling changes in Windows 10 AU.
Does anyone how the devs at MS did this?
This has a pretty disappointing answer. Using Alin Constantin's WinCheat and inspecting the top-level window of Calculator, I see a window size of 320x576, and a client size that is also 320x576.
In other words, Microsoft entirely avoids the problem by suppressing the non-client area of the window, putting everything in the client area instead. Making this work well for you may involve custom drawing of the title bar.
Something worth noting is that Calculator and e.g. Windows Explorer don't use the same colour for the title bars. Calculator doing custom drawing of the title bar would explain that perfectly.
It is enough to add new <dpiAwarness> declaration to manifest to solve all this mess. Example is here.
Remnants of former investigations (obsolete):
More investigations on the subject.
System setup: two monitors, one is 96 dpi another one is 267 dpi (Microsoft Surface 4).
Testing window is moved to secondary 96 dpi monitor:
Here is rendering (wrong, IMO) with <dpiAware>true/pm</dpiAware> in manifest:
Note huge size of caption bar and wrong sizes of window icons.
And here is correct rendering using <dpiAware>true</dpiAware>
And I suspect that MSDN documentation is plainly misleading about values of PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS. I do not see any differences in messages and styles between <dpiAware>true</dpiAware> and <dpiAware>true/pm</dpiAware>. The later one just makes caption larger. In both case application receives WM_DPICHANGED message while moving between monitors with different DPI.
The documentation says:
Note that the non-client area of a per monitor–DPI aware application is not scaled by Windows, and will appear proportionately smaller on a high DPI display.
The Microsoft apps that you link to deal with this by removing the non-client area and making the client area cover the entire window.

How do I handle WM_NCCALCSIZE and make chrome-like interface?

I'm currently using Google Chrome as my main browser. I wondered how the developers put the custom titlebar, because I wanted to incorporate into one of my own applications.
If you guys don't know what I'm talking about, here's a picture:
I found an article about the interface, which is here:
However, I don't know how to do this. I'm currently using VC++ Express. Can anyone give me step by step instructions and how to get an interface like that? Except I don't want tabs on top.
I'm writing this in Win32.
If memory serves, the main things you need to handle aren't WM_NCCALCSIZE, but WM_NCHITTEST and WM_NCPAINT.
WM_NCHITTEST is what tells the system when the cursor is over the title bar, so you need to take a cursor position and decide whether it's over the area you consider "title bar". In particular, if the user clicks and drags with the cursor in this area, the whole window gets dragged.
WM_NCPAINT is just like WM_PAINT except for the non-client area -- i.e., this is when you need to actually draw whatever you're going to for the title bar (and window borders, if memory serves).
I should add that I haven't played with this in quite a while. There's almost certainly more I'm not remembering right now.
OK, the answer is simple:
Chomre simply does not use the Windows built in functionality for drawing a frame border, titlebar, titlebar buttons, etc..
When you call GetWindowRect(hChromeWindow) and GetClientRect(hChromeWindow) you will notice that the rectangles are identical. This means that Chrome turns off all Windows functionality for drawing a border (simply return 0 in WM_NCCALSIZE without doing anything else) and then they draw EVERYTHING into the client area.
So in WM_PAINT they draw the titlebar and the upper part of the window (URL bar, tabs, etc..) together. In WM_NCPAINT they do nothing.
This is not the common way to do it, but the easiest, and it is bullet-proof.
By the way: Java applications do the same.

Strange behaviour of edit control background color when using WinXp common controls

I am having a strange problem ( well, at least i find it strange =) ). I am writing my own GUI library, which is a wrapper around windows api (and yes, i am aware of WTL and frameworks like MFC =) ). At the current stage i have incapsulated common controls in such manner: for example, Edit class consists of a simple window and an standard edit window above it ( MainWindow -> GhostWindow -> EditBox ). That is how i can for example change a background colour of an edit inside an edit class itself:
myedit->SetBkColor ( RGB ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
And it worked fine, until i called InitCommonControlsEx and attached manifest file to my program. After doing this, my edits become capable of changing colours only when they have focus. To be honest, i don't have a comprehensive thoughts about why do the behave like this and what am i doing wrong, so i will appreciate any help.
Thank you, #535.
When you attach the version 6 manifest, the call to InitcommonControlsEx becomes unnecessary.
Anyway. with the version 6 common controls loaded, XP theming is used even for the standard windows controls. The background colors for the controls are painted using the xp-theme color, so the WM_CTLCOLOR* messages are used less.
You are currently overriding the coolor of various control elements using the WM_CTLCOLOR* messages?
Well, everything is much easier, than i thought. I was just too inattentive =( When one don't use styling, one cane use ::SetBkColor(...) to change background colour, and return a brush from WM_CTLCOLOR* to change a border colour. Things become different after enabling styling. Now ::SetBkColor(...) correspond to focus colour and returning brush changes background colour. Shame on me =(

Manually drawing gradients for buttons, toolbars, tabs etc?

I would like to update some toolbar-like code we have to have a Vista/Win7 gradient roundedness to them.
Currently, the buttons have the Windows 2000 look & feel: blocky, single-tone.
I've played around with the XP themes, and using DrawThemeBackground, DrawThemeEdge, etc.; but I'm very dissatisfied with the theme drawing mechanics (the buttons are large, and the theme draws them as 2-tone, top half and bottom half, which looks okay when the buttons are small - it gives them a halfway decent appearance of being a gradient or having a rounded quality to them. But as large as these buttons are, they look stupid.
Experimenting by simply observing how many of the controls are drawn in various apps and controls, I can see that most of them seem to use gradients - where the top of the control appears a light color and fades to the bottom to a darker color - OR - where it is a lighter color than the background at the top, increases towards near-white at the middle, then fades back to a darker color towards the bottom.
I'm not really sure where to go from here. DrawThemeXXX seem to be inadequate. I don't really want to replace the entire control with a new one that has improved drawing but would require that I swap out some of the code for how the current custom control works, and risk various problems with some other library. I'd rather just have a way to draw arbitrary objects in the style of the current version of Windows that I'm running on. I would have thought that the theme drawing functions would have covered this. But they're fairly brain damaged, as I described.
Can someone point me towards 'How are modern C++ applications supposed to draw custom GUI elements so that they might reasonably expect a graceful appearance under XP, Vista, and Windows 7?'
We use MFC, Gdiplus, and raw Win32 APIs in our code, currently.
Here's to hoping someone knows a great deal about drawing modern GUIs under Windows from C++!
Just so that this isn't a wall of text, here's the current version of the paint handler, which draws the button with an etched border when 'hot-tracking' and both an etched border and the icon + text "depressed" (shifted by 1,1) when in a pressed state:
void CPlacesButton::PaintButton(CDC & dc, CRect & rcClient)
const int kLabelHeight = 8;
// draw the button's background & border
if (m_bPressed || m_bDrawPressed || m_bMouseOnButton)
COLORREF clrDarkened = Darken(clrFace, -0.01f);
dc.FillRect(rcClient, &CBrush(clrDarkened));
//dc.Draw3dRect(rcClient, clrShdo, clrHiLt);
//dc.RoundRect(&rcClient, CPoint(10,10));
dc.DrawEdge(&rcClient, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_RECT|BF_FLAT);
//dc.DrawFrameControl(&rcClient, DFC_BUTTON, DFCS_BUTTONPUSH|DFCS_PUSHED);
// else if (m_bMouseOnButton) // hot draw
// //dc.Draw3dRect(rcClient, clrShdo, clrHiLt);
// dc.DrawEdge(&rcClient, EDGE_ETCHED, BF_RECT);
// //dc.RoundRect(&rcClient, CPoint(10,10));
dc.FillRect(rcClient, &CBrush(clrFace));
// use transparent mode for everything that follows
// center icon
CPoint ptIcon((rcClient.Width() - m_nIconSize) / 2, ((rcClient.Height() - m_nIconSize) / 2) - kLabelHeight);
if (m_bPressed || m_bDrawPressed)
ptIcon.Offset(1, 1);
// determine the state to draw ourselves in
const UINT nState = DST_ICON | (IsEnabled() ? DSS_NORMAL : DSS_DISABLED);
// draw our icon
dc.DrawState(ptIcon, CSize(m_nIconSize, m_nIconSize), m_hIcon, nState, (HBRUSH)NULL);
// create & select the font to use for the button's label
CFont guiFont;
AutoSelectGDIObject select_font(dc, guiFont);
// determine clipping rect for label
CRect rcText(0, ptIcon.y+m_nIconSize+kLabelHeight, rcClient.Width(), ptIcon.y+m_nIconSize+kLabelHeight);
if (m_bPressed || m_bDrawPressed)
rcText.OffsetRect(1, 1);
if (IsEnabled())
dc.DrawText(m_strCaption, rcText, DT_VCENTER|DT_SINGLELINE|DT_CENTER);
dc.GrayString(NULL, NULL, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)m_strCaption, 0, rcText.TopLeft().x, rcText.TopLeft().y, rcText.Width(), rcText.Height());
I left some of the commented out variations in the code to indicate some hints as to what other possibilities I've tried. However, they're just a hint, as the complete alternate examples are not present.
Actually duplicating the look of the various flavors of Windows is ridiculously difficult, especially if your app can run on more than one version of windows.
I think that they intended to give you the api's to do this back in the Win2k/Win95 days, but then WinXP came along with shading and overlays, and the old API was completely inadequate.
So they came up with the theme stuff, which isn't really even an API so much as an API and a set of graphical primitives all jammed together. But they didn't follow through and allow the set of graphical primitives to be extended or replaced, so themes only works when your controls are a close match to the standard set.
So, for Win9x/Win2k. You use
For WinXP
For WinVista/7
DwmXXX functions
GradientFill ??
Now I suspect that Windows isn't actually using GradientDraw. I suspect it's actually using some DX10 shaders that are built in to the window manager code, but I don't know how to get at that, s I've been using GradientDraw instead. This code will give you a linear fade from the top of the control to the bottom.
INLINE void SetTrivertex(TRIVERTEX & vtx, int x, int y, COLORREF cr)
vtx.x = x;
vtx.y = y;
vtx.Red = (SHORT)(GetRValue(cr) * 256L);
vtx.Green = (SHORT)(GetGValue(cr) * 256L);
vtx.Blue = (SHORT)(GetBValue(cr) * 256L);
vtx.Alpha = (SHORT)(255 * 256L);
// fill the interior from the top down with a gradient that starts at crTop
// and ends with the crBottom
SetTrivertex (vtx[0], prc->left+1, prc->top+1, crTop);
SetTrivertex (vtx[1], prc->right-1, prc->bottom-1, crBottom);
GRADIENT_RECT gRect = { 0, 1 };
GradientFill(hdc, vtx, 2, &gRect, 1, GRADIENT_FILL_RECT_V);
You never mentioned the MFC Feature Pack. Have you taken a look at it yet? Download for VS2008, included with VS2008 SP1. The CDrawingManager has lots of special effects. It has great support for application themes.
MFC alone isn't exactly skinning friendly. Apart from using another GUI (Qt is great for custom skinning) you can look at solutions like SkinCrafter.

How to fix an MFC Painting Glitch?

I'm trying to implement some drag and drop functionality for a material system being developed at my work. Part of this system includes a 'Material Library' which acts as a repository, divided into groups, of saved materials on the user's hard drive.
As part of some UI polish, I was hoping to implement a 'highlight' type feature. When dragging and dropping, windows that you can legally drop a material onto will very subtly change color to improve feedback to the user that this is a valid action.
I am changing the bar with 'Basic Materials' (Just a CWnd with a CStatic) from having a medium gray background when unhighlighed to a blue background when hovered over. It all works well, the OnDragEnter and OnDragExit messages seem robust and set a flag indicating the highlight status. Then in OnCtrlColor I do this:
if (!m_bHighlighted) {
pDC->FillSolidRect(0, 0, m_SizeX, kGroupHeaderHeight, kBackgroundColour);
else {
pDC->FillSolidRect(0, 0, m_SizeX, kGroupHeaderHeight, kHighlightedBackgroundColour);
However, as you can see in the screenshot, the painting 'glitches' below the dragged object, leaving the original gray in place. It looks really ugly and basically spoils the whole effect.
Is there any way I can get around this?
Remote debugging is a godsend for debugging visual issues. It's a pain to set up, but having a VM ready for remote debugging will pay off for sure.
What I like to do is set a ton of breakpoints in my paint handling, as well as in the framework paint code itself. This allows you to effectively "freeze frame" the painting without borking it up by flipping into devenv. This way you can get the true picture of who's painting in what order, and where you've got the chance to break in a fill that rect the way you need to.
It almost looks like the CStatic doesn't know that it needs to repaint itself, so the background color of the draggable object is left behind. Maybe try to invalidate the CStatic, and see if that helps at all?
Thanks for the answers guys, ajryan, you seem to always come up with help for my questions so extra thanks.
Thankfully this time the answer was fairly straightforward....
m_pDragDropTargetWnd->SendMessage(WM_USER_DRAG_DROP_OBJECT_DRAG_ENTER, (WPARAM)pDragDropObject, (LPARAM)(&dragDropPoint));
This turns off the drawing of the dragged image, then sends a message to the window being entered to repaint in a highlighted state, then finally redraws the drag image over the top. Seems to have done the trick.