As per my corrected answer to another question it seems that Windows XP doesn't strip <cr>'s from for /f output.
How can I test for the existance of <cr>'s in the output?
What I currently have is:
for /f "tokens=1,2,3* %%a in ('ping -n 1') do (
if not "x%%a"=="¶" ( echo %%a ) else ( echo.>null )
but no matter what I do:
2) delims= ¶
3) if not "x%%a"==""
4) if not "x%%a"=="
5) if not "x%%a"==" "
... I cannot seem to get the if to match the in the var with any combination of the above.
Using the FOR statement, there really is no way that I know of to consistently check for empty lines.
The FOR statement actually skips blank lines, which is what a carriage-return only is, just a blank line.
If it is able to check, you just need to check for an empty string. Like if "%%x"=="" echo Yes!
But try this at the command line:
for /f "tokens=*" %x in ('for /?') do #echo %x
Then compare it to the output of:
for /?
And you will see that (usually*) FOR does not include empty lines.
*I have seen it happen on occasion (usually when it's a pain), but I've never been able to reproduce it consistently.
Edited Answer
So I'm working on a Windows Batch script and I want to know if an input string (the name of a file) is exactly four letters long. I want to do it with regular expressions or string matching.
I tried the following but it didn't work...
for /R "%windir%\system32" %%f in (*) do (
set filename=%%~nf
if not "!filename!"=="!filename:[a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z]=!" (
echo %%~nf
So my code loops through all the files in \system32. The files like should be echoed, but it's not the case.
This works:
dir /B "%windir%\system32" | findstr "^[a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z]\."
Tested on Windows 10
Aacini's answer is the best when no recursion is required.
Just in case you need something more flexible (but way slower):
#echo off
for /R "%windir%\system32" %%f in (*) do (
echo %%~nf|findstr /rix "[a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z]" >nul && (
echo %%~ff has a 4 letter filename: %%~nf and a size of %%~zf Bytes
As implied in my comment, and assuming four characters, not four alphabetic characters:
#For /R "%__AppDir__%" %%A In (*)Do #(Set "FN=%%~nA"
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
If Not "%%~nA"=="!FN:~,3!" If "%%~nA"=="!FN:~,4!" Echo %%~nA
And here's a possible alternative, for four alphabetic characters. Run it 'As administrator' if you're really trying to parse all files inside \Windows\System32\, (not essential but may pick up more files):
#Dir /B/S/A-D "%__AppDir__%" 2>NUL|"%__AppDir__%findstr.exe" "\\[a-Z][a-Z][a-Z][a-Z]\.[^\.]*$ \\[a-Z][a-Z][a-Z][a-Z]$"
You could put that inside a for-loop if, for some inexplicable reason, you only want only the basenames:
#For /F "EOL=?Tokens=*" %%A In ('Dir /B/S/A-D "%__AppDir__%" 2^>NUL^|"%__AppDir__%findstr.exe" "\\[a-Z][a-Z][a-Z][a-Z]\.[^\.]*$ \\[a-Z][a-Z][a-Z][a-Z]$"')Do #Echo(%%~nA
Try this:
dir /b C:\Windows\system32 | findstr /r "[a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z]"
The problem in your code was regular expression using style. You need to use findstr for regular expressions.
I have a log file I need to process and extract data from. Each line contains a string of an event log output. Unfortunately, the parts of the string is NOT uniformly formatted. Here are a few example lines:
"Some random length string. 0x8dda46 0x1 0x384 C:\Program Files (x86)\some\path\foo0.exe "
"Some random leeeength string. 0xa95ac2 0x8cc C:\Program Files (x86)\some\path\foo1.exe %%1936 0xcc0 "
"Some random leength string. 0xbcd668 0x330 C:\Program Files (x86)\some\path\foo2.exe %%1936 0xf38 "
"Some random leeeeeeeength string. 0xbcd668 0x1 0x330 C:\Program Files (x86)\some\path\foo2.exe "
"Some random leeength string. 0x352c44 0xfc0 C:\Program Files (x86)\some\path\foo3.exe %%1936 0x92c "
"Some random leeeeength string. 0xa95ac2 0x0 0x8cc C:\Program Files (x86)\some\path\foo1.exe "
"Some random leength string. 0x352c44 0x0 0xfc0 C:\Program Files (x86)\some\path\foo3.exe "
I need to extract the "foo.exe" file name without the full path and the HEX value just before the "C:\Progra..." (it's the process ID)
so I want the output be:
0x384 foo0.exe
0x8cc foo1.exe
0x330 foo2.exe
0x330 foo2.exe
0xfc0 foo3.exe
0x8cc foo1.exe
0xfc0 foo3.exe
I'm trying to achieve the goal with as less "hard coded" search/replace as possible since many parts of the string is not going to be the same content or same length. I tried to use FOR /F to split the string, but I have no way to locate the two columns as they are always changing. Only thing is constant is the "C:\Program Files (x86)" part. (Plus FOR has a 52 variable limit)
I have written some tricky batch files, but I'm starting to think I'm asking too much of DOS ;-)
Thanks in advance for any help!
FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=." %%a IN (q28333414.txt) DO (
FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=:" %%c IN ("%%~b") DO CALL :process %%c&CALL :report "%%d
SET hexval=%~3
IF DEFINED hexval shift&GOTO process
SET "hexval=%~1"
SET "drive=%~2:"
GOTO :eof
SET "line=%drive%%~1"
SET "line="%line:.exe=.exe"%"
FOR %%r IN (%line%) DO ECHO %hexval% %%~nxr&GOTO :eof
I used a file named q28333414.txt containing your data for my testing.
The first process simply throws away each (space-delimited) parameter between the . and : until there are exactly two left - the required hexval and the drive letter.
The report process re-attaches the drive letter and encloses it and the .exe name in quotes. the for %%r picks the first string, shucks off the quotes, spits out the result and all's done.
Edit : fixed report to show name and extension of file only as required and dbenham comment
Breaking news: (literally!)
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (q28333414.txt) DO SET "line=%%~a"&CALL :process "!line::=" "!"
SET "hexval=%~3"
IF DEFINED hexval shift&GOTO process
CALL :lastbar1 %%~1
SET "filename=%~2"
SET filename="c:%filename:.exe =.exe" %
FOR %%r IN (%filename%) DO ECHO %hexval% %%~nxr&GOTO :eof
GOTO :eof
SET "hexval=%~3"
IF DEFINED hexval shift&GOTO lastbar1
SET "hexval=%~1"
GOTO :eof
OK - let's try this, then.
For each line, replace all evil colons with " " and pass resultant quoted-string sequence to a subroutine.
Shift the parameters until there are but 2, which will be the string before and after the final countdown - er, colon.
Repeat the process for the first parameter. The penultimate value is the required hexval.
with the second parameter, add "c: before and " after any .exe, so the result is a quoted full-filename and dross; spit out the hexval and filename and done...
small revision in the rather dim light of the "&" comment - the famous set "var=whatever" formula fails with & included in this case (as in subdirectory "Documents & Settings") so the enclosing quotes can be removed as trailing spaces are not relevant. Would have been useful to know what the test data triggering the problem was though - reduces guesswork.
Any good regex utility you can lay your hands on should be able to solve your problem. I like to use my JREPL.BAT hybrid JScript/batch utility. It is pure script that runs natively on any Windows machine from XP onward.
Assuming your file is test.log, then I would use:
jrepl ".* (0x[0-9A-F]+) C:\\Program Files \(x86\)\\(?:.*\\)?([^\\]+\.exe) .*" "$1 $2" /i /f test.log
On each line it looks for the last occurrence of a hex string sandwiched by spaces that precedes a file path that begins with "C:\Program Files (x86)\" and ends with ".exe". I made the search ignore case.
This solution assumes that there are not backslashes into the random string.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "tokens=1-5 delims=\" %%a in (logFile.txt) do (
rem Extract the HEX value
for %%A in (%%~a) do (
set "value=!lastButOne!"
set "lastButOne=%%A"
rem Extract the file name
for /F %%A in ("%%e") do set "name=%%A"
echo !value! !name!
Here's a hybrid batch + JScript script (but still a .bat file) that will perform a regexp replace similar to NextInLine's PowerShell solution.
#if (#CodeSection == #Batch) #then
#echo off
set "logfile=test.log"
rem // Ask JScript to parse log. On each line, %%I = hex. %%J = exe.
for /f "tokens=1*" %%I in ('cscript /nologo /e:JScript "%~f0" "%logfile%"') do (
echo %%I %%J
rem // End main runtime.
goto :EOF
// JScript chimera portion
var fso = WSH.CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject'),
log = fso.OpenTextFile(WSH.Arguments(0), 1);
while (!log.AtEndOfStream) {
var line = log.ReadLine();
WSH.Echo(line.replace(/^.+(0x[0-9a-f]+) \w:\\.+?\\(\w+\.exe).+$/i, "$1 $2"));
Course if I were in your boat I'd probably use GnuWin32 sed.
sed -r -e "s/^.*(0x[a-f0-9]+) \w:.+\\(.+\.exe).*$/\1 \2/i" test.log
Just for giggles, I ran some time tests of each fully-working solution against the O.P.'s test log file above, running each several times and getting the mode duration (the result occurring most often).
Aacini's solution: 0.013s (Excellent, but depends on narrow matches)
sed: 0.015s (simplest)
Magoo's solution: 0.034s (clever!)
my JScript hybrid: 0.034s (the best, of course)
dbenham's jrepl.bat: 0.051s (powerful Swiss army knife solution)
NextInLine's PowerShell: hanged my timer script, but felt like about a half a second after the initial painful priming of PowerShell
This is really a task that calls for regular expressions, and for regular expressions at the windows command-line you want powershell. Fortunately, you can run powershell from a batch file or the DOS command-prompt:
powershell -Command "(Get-Content 'c:\full_path_here\input.log') -replace '.+?(0x[0-9a-f]{3}) .+?\\([^\\]+\.exe).*', '$1 $2'"
This has a few parts
powershell -Command runs the entire expression in quotation marks as though it were run from the powershell command line
Get-Content is like the linux cat command - it reads the entirety of the file contents
-replace uses regular expressions to replace the content on each line of the file with the two matched expressions in parentheses
I want to match all lines of the following text with FINDSTR /R
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = host01)(PORT = 1521))
I already tried What are the undocumented features and limitations of the Windows FINDSTR command?
Especially the "Searching across line breaks" part. But unfortunately it didn't work.
My approach is the following:
set LF=^
FOR /F %%A IN ('COPY /Z "%~dpf0" NUL') DO SET "CR=%%A"
SETLOCAL enableDelayedExpansion
Am I missing something? Or is the batch regex simply not powerful enough to realize this?
The approach of #dbenham let me reconsider my regex-string. So I edited it to
I removed some unnecessary white spaces and adapted the parameters of FINDSTR.
Now it works.
Your regex is wrong. Your source lines end immediately after the =, but the extra . in your regex is looking for an additional character after the =.
It looks to me you are using . to represent white space. I think you would be better off using actual spaces, but then you need the /C option.
The following matches the lines successfully.
#echo off
set LF=^
FOR /F %%A IN ('COPY /Z "%~dpf0" NUL') DO SET "CR=%%A"
SETLOCAL enableDelayedExpansion
FINDSTR /R /C:"LABO_A =!CR!*!LF! *(DESCRIPTION =!CR!*!LF! *(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = host01)(PORT = 1521))!CR!*!LF! *(CONNECT_DATA =!CR!*!LF! *(SERVICE_NAME = LABO)!CR!*!LF! *)!CR!*!LF! *)" test.txt
Note that even though all lines in the regex are matched, only the first line of the matching set is printed.
I suspect that the line breaks are not required in your configuration file. Here is another variation that allows for more variation in the white space.
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set LF=^
FOR /F %%A IN ('COPY /Z "%~dpf0" NUL') DO SET "CR=%%A"
set "ws=[ !cr!!lf!]*"
FINDSTR /RX /C:"LABO_A =!ws!(DESCRIPTION =!ws!(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = host01)(PORT = 1521))!ws!(CONNECT_DATA =!ws!(SERVICE_NAME = LABO)!ws!)!ws!)!ws!" test.txt
I also attempted to allow white space in every place I thought possible, but that exceeded FINDSTR's maximum REGEX string length.
Essentially, batch regex isn't powerful enough. SED would be better no doubt.
Nonetheless, here's a way to detect that a sequence of lines appears in a file. It's a little restricted, but should suffice for the sequence you've nominated. It assumes that leading spaces are not significant.
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
FOR /f "delims==" %%a IN ('set l_ 2^>nul') DO "SET %%a="
SET /a lines=0
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%a IN (q19859936.txt) DO SET /a lines+=1&SET l_!lines!=%%a
SET hits=0
SET "stop="
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%a IN (q19859936.test) DO (
SET l_0=%%~a
CALL :test
SET /a hits+=1
ECHO IF NOT "!l_%hits%!"=="%l_0%"
IF NOT "!l_%hits%!"=="%l_0%" SET hits=0&IF %hits%==1 (GOTO :eof) ELSE (GOTO test)
IF %hits%==%lines% SET stop=Y
GOTO :eof
[edited code 20131111T1408Z - first FOR had tokens=2]
The initial FOR ensures that variables L_* are cleared.
The file q19859936.txt is read as the line-sequence-to-be-detected data.
q19859936.test is then examined. Each line is assigned to L_0 in turn and the internal subroutine :test will check to see whether it matches the next-line-expected.
The IF NOT statement is significant - and seemingly illogical (you'd need to add the /i switch to make it case-insensitive if you so want...) When batch parses the line, %hits% is replaced by the then-current value of hits and THEN the line is executed, so hits will be reset to 0 if ever a mismatch is found. If the HITS count WAS not 1, then the test is repeated. This takes care of the case
matches line 1
matches line 2
matches line 3
matches line 1
matches line 2
matches line 3
matches line 4
matches line 5
matches line 6
where the second "line 1" is encountered when "line 4" was expected. HITS is thus changed to 0, but it WAS 4 so execution passes back to :test and the test repeated with HITS=1.
Another approach could have been to read lines into another array (say L#*) and test that L_* matched L#*, for %LINES% entries. On no match, ripple-up and assign the next line read to L#!lines! ... but I thought of that later. Probably be easier and better, too - I'll leave it as an exercise for whoever may be interested.
This will work if you are after the LABO_A reference.
It uses a helper batch file called findrepl.bat from -
Place findrepl.bat in the same folder as the batch file or on the path.
type "file.txt" | findrepl "^LABO_A =" /e:"^ \)"
Basically, what is happening is my code continues to generate the same number. I have turned echo off to see the problem and the actual %random% variable is changing, but it seems like it does the math and says "No, it's really this number." Here's the code:
set /a num=(24 * %random%) / 32768 + 1
I have tested that code by itself and it works fine. However when I add my if statements* to the code, it goes all whack. So, the question is, how do I fix this and why is it happening?
*My if statements:
if "%num%"=="24" (
echo X
set /p ans=
if "%ans%"=="litin" (
echo Correct!
goto generate
All of my if statements look like that.
Sounds like you might have an issue with variable expansion. Assuming you are doing this stuff in a loop.
Try adding setlocal at the top of your program like this:
And endlocal at the end of your program:
Now, when you need to use a variable that is changing inside a loop, use the ! syntax instead of %:
if "!num!"=="24" (
echo X
set /p ans=
if "!ans!"=="litin" (
echo Correct!
goto generate
You might want to use EQU for comparing numbers. So try this
if "%num%" EQU 24 (
I am trying to extract tokens from a list of strings using a batch script, but for some reason it ignores my string if it contains an asterisk.
An example to illustrate this problem is as follows:
#echo off
set mylist="test1a,test1b"
set mylist="test2a,test2b*" %mylist%
set mylist="test3a,test3b" %mylist%
echo %mylist%
for %%a in ( %mylist% ) do (
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=," %%i in ( %%a ) do (
echo %%i
echo %%j
I would expect this to print out all six tokens but instead it only prints test3a, test3b, test1a, and test1b, like it is ignoring the second string completely.
The placement of the asterisk within the second string doesn't seem to matter, but if I remove it everything works as I expect.
Does anyone know what is going on here?
Got it. The interpreter is trying to match a filename. If you change "test2a,test2b*" by pp.* and create a file named pp.txt (same dir) your script will proces the contents of pp.txt