How to force c++ compiler to use registers? - c++

I have a for loop in my (c++ .Net Win32 Console) code which has to run as fast as possible. So I need to make the compiler use a register instead of storing it in RAM.
MSDN says:
The register keyword specifies that the variable is to be stored in a
machine register, if possible.
This is what I tried:
for(register int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
When I look at Disassembly code which the compiler generates, I see:
012D4484 mov esi,dword ptr [std::_Facetptr<std::codecvt<char,char,int> >::_Psave+24h (12DC5E4h)]
012D448A xor ecx,ecx
012D448C push edi
012D448D mov edi,dword ptr [std::_Facetptr<std::codecvt<char,char,int> >::_Psave+10h (12DC5D0h)]
012D4493 mov dword ptr [Size],ebx
012D4496 test ebx,ebx
012D4498 jle FindBestAdd+48h (12D44B8h) //FindBestAdd is the function the loop is in
012D449A lea ebx,[ebx]
I am expecting the assembly code not to generate a dword ptr where I used register keyword.
So, How would I know if it's possible for compiler to use a register and What should I do to force the compiler to read/write directly from/to registers.

The register keyword is only a hint and is ignored by most modern compilers. In essence, this is because the compiler is better at optimizing and figuring out what should be placed in a register than the programmer.
Thus, you cannot force the compiler to use registers, and you shouldn't even if you could. If you want optimum speed, turn on maximum optimization level in your compiler settings.

In your case the compiler will most likely use a register anyway if you supply the right optimization options.
In general, the only way to force a variable into a register is to use inline assembly.


Why might a C++ compiler duplicate a function exit basic block?

Consider the following snippet of code:
int* find_ptr(int* mem, int sz, int val) {
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
if (mem[i] == val) {
return &mem[i];
return nullptr;
GCC on -O3 compiles this to:
find_ptr(int*, int, int):
mov rax, rdi
test esi, esi
jle .L4 # why not .L8?
lea ecx, [rsi-1]
lea rcx, [rdi+4+rcx*4]
jmp .L3
add rax, 4
cmp rax, rcx
je .L8
cmp DWORD PTR [rax], edx
jne .L9
xor eax, eax
xor eax, eax
In this assembly, the blocks with labels .L4 and .L8 are identical. Would it not be better to rewrite jumps to .L4 to .L8 and drop .L4? I thought this might be a bug, but clang also duplicates the xor-ret sequence back to back. However, ICC and MSVC each take a pretty different approach.
Is this an optimization in this case and, if not, are there times when it would be? What is the rationale behind this behavior?
This is always a missed optimizations. Having both return-0 paths use the same basic block would be pure win on all microarchitectures that current compilers care about.
But unfortunately this missed-optimization is not rare with gcc. Often it's a separate bare ret that gcc conditionally branches to, instead of branching to a ret in another existing path. (x86 doesn't have a conditional ret, so simple functions that don't need any stack cleanup often just need to branch to a ret.
Often functions this small would get inlined in a complete program, so maybe it doesn't hurt a lot in real life?)
CPUs (since Pentium Pro if not earlier) have a return-address predictor stack that easily predicts the branch target for ret instructions, so there's not going to be an effect from one ret instruction more often returning to one caller and another ret more often returning to another caller. It doesn't help branch prediction to separate them and let them use different entries.
IDK about Pentium 4 and whether the traces in its trace cache follow call/ret. But fortunately that's not relevant anymore. The decoded-uop cache in SnB-family and Ryzen is not a trace cache; a line/way of uop cache holds uops for a contiguous block of x86 machine code, and unconditional jumps end a uop cache line. ( So if anything, this could be worse for SnB-family because each return path needs a separate line of the uop cache even though they're each only 2 uops total (xor-zero and ret are both single-uop instructions).
Report this MCVE to gcc's bugzilla with keyword missed-optimization:
(update: was reported by the OP. A fix was attempted, but reverted; for now it's still open. In this case it seems to be caused by -mavx, perhaps some interaction with return paths that need vzeroupper or not.)
You can kind of see how it might arrive at 2 exit blocks: compilers normally transform for loops into if(sz>0) { do{}while(); } if there's a possibility of it needing to run 0 times, like gcc did here. So there's one branch that leaves the function without entering the loop at all. But the other exit is from fall through from the loop. Perhaps before optimizing away some stuff, there was some extra cleanup. Or just those paths got split up when the first branch was created.
I don't know why gcc fails to notice and merge two identical basic blocks that end with ret.
Maybe it only looked for that in some GIMPLE or RTL pass where they weren't actually identical, and only became identical during final x86 code-gen. Maybe after optimizing away save/restore of a register to hold some temporary that it ended up no needing?
You could dig deeper if you look at GCC's GIMPLE or RTL with -fdump-tree-... options after certain optimization passes: Godbolt has UI for that, in the + dropdown -> tree / RTL output. But unless you're a gcc-internals expert and planning to work on a patch or idea to help gcc find this optimization, it's probably not worth your time.
Interesting discovery that it only happens with -mavx (enabled by -march=skylake or directly). GCC and clang don't know how to auto-vectorize loops where the trip count is not known before the first iteration. e.g. search loops like this or memchr or strlen. So IDK why AVX even makes a difference at all.
(Note that the C abstract machine never reads mem[i] beyond the search point, and those elements might not actually exist. e.g. there's no UB if you passed this function a pointer to the last int before an unmapped page, and sz=1000, as long as *mem == val. So to auto-vectorize without int mem[static sz] guaranteed object size, the compiler would have to align the pointer... Not that C11 int mem[static sz] would even help; even a static array of compile-time-constant size larger than the max possible trip count wouldn't get gcc to auto-vectorize.)

Mixing c++ and assembly cant pass multiple paramaters from C++ function to assembly

I've been frustrated by passing parameters from a c++ function to assembly. I couldn't find anything that helped on Google and would really like your help. I am using Visual Studio 2017 and masm to compile my assembly code.
This is a simplified version of my c++ file where I call the assembly procedure set_clock
int main()
TimeInfo localTime;
char clock[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };
return 0;
I run into problems in the assembly file. I can't figure out why the second parameter passed to the function turns out huge. I was going off my textbook, which shows similar code with PROC followed by parameters. I don't know why the first parameter is passed successfully and the second one isn't. Can someone tell me the correct way to pass multiple parameters?
set_clock PROC,
mov rdx,array ; works fine memory address: 0x1052440000616
mov rdi,address ; value of rdi is 14757395258967641292
mov al, [rdx]
mov [rdi],al ; ERROR: cant access that memory location
set_clock ENDP
MASM's high-level crap is biting you in the ass. x64 Windows passes the first 4 args in rcx, rdx, r8, r9 (for any of those 4 that are integer/pointer).
mov rdx,array
mov rdi,address
assembles to
mov rdx, rcx ; clobber 2nd arg with a copy of the 1st
mov rdi, rdx ; copy array again
Use a disassembler to check for yourself. Always a good idea to check the real machine code by disassembling or using your debuggers disassembly instead of source mode, if anything weird is happening with assembler macros.
I'm not sure why this would result in an inaccessible memory location. If both args really are pointers to locals, then it should just be loading and storing back into the same stack location. But if char clock[4] is a const in static storage, it might be in a read-only memory page which would explain the store failing.
Either way, use a debugger and find out.
BTW, rdi is a call-preserved (aka non-volatile) register in the x64 Windows convention. ( Use call-clobbered registers for scratch regs unless you run out and need to save/restore some call-preserved regs. See also Agner Fog's calling conventions doc (, and other links in the x86 tag wiki.
It's call-clobbered in x86-64 System V, which also passes args in different registers. Maybe you were looking at a different example?
Hopefully-fixed version, using movzx to avoid a false dependency on RAX when loading a byte.
set_clock PROC,
movzx eax, byte ptr [array]
mov [address], al
set_clock ENDP
I don't use MASM, but I think array:qword makes array an alias for rcx. Or you could skip declaring the parameters and just use rcx and rdx directly, and document it with comments. That would be easier for everyone to understand.
You definitely don't want useless mov reg,reg instructions cluttering your code; if you're writing in asm in the first place, wasted instructions would cut into any speedups you're getting.

Assembler push rdi, pop rdi around function call

What's purpose of push rdi and pop rdi when calling function in C++?
VS2010, x64, debug, no optimizations
int calc()
return 8 + 7;
int calc()
000000013F0B1020 push rdi
return 8 + 7;
000000013F0B1022 mov eax,0Fh
000000013F0B1027 pop rdi
000000013F0B1028 ret
There is no purpose to it. This is a common artifact of unoptimized code. The code generator emits the push edi instruction in anticipation of having to perform an addition. The EDI register must be preserved across function calls. But then, later, figures out that the addition can be performed at compile time.
Getting rid of extraneous code like this requires "peephole optimization". But that optimization isn't enabled in the Debug build. To know what the real code look like, you have to turn on the optimizer, best done by building the Release build. It in fact will completely eliminate the function, you can prevent it from doing so with:
__declspec(noline) int calc()
return 8 + 7;
Which produces in the Release build:
return 8 + 7;
000007F7038E1000 mov eax,0Fh
000007F7038E1005 ret
Have you heard of "caller-save" and "callee-save" registers?
Since your CPU only has a small, finite number of registers, it's usually impossible for caller/called functions to always use different registers. If a caller function and called function both want to use the same register, it means the value in the caller will have to be saved/restored before/after the call.
Saving/restoring register values can be done either by the caller or by the callee -- which one does so is a matter of convention. The benefit of "caller-save" registers is that if the caller knows it won't need the value in register XYZ after the call, it can omit the save/restore operations. The benefit of "callee-save" registers is that if the callee knows it won't modify the value in register XYZ, it can omit the save/restore operations.
I'm guessing that your compiler treats RDI as a callee-save register, but doesn't omit the unnecessary save/restore operations unless you have compiler optimizations turned on. (If someone knows this is incorrect, please post another answer!)
UPDATE: I found an article on x86 calling conventions:
It seems to confirm that with most calling conventions, RDI would be callee-save. This doesn't explain why it isn't pushing and popping all the other callee-save registers. Maybe there is something else going on here.

How does memory barrier work?

Under Windows, there are three compiler-intrinsic functions to implement memory barrier:
1. _ReadBarrier;
2. _WriteBarrier;
3. _ReadWriteBarrier;
However, I found a weird problem: _ReadBarrier seems a dummy function doing nothing! The following is my assembly code generated by VC++ 2012.
My question is: How to implement a memory barrier function in assembly instructions?
int main()
013EEE10 push ebp
013EEE11 mov ebp,esp
013EEE13 sub esp,0CCh
013EEE19 push ebx
013EEE1A push esi
013EEE1B push edi
013EEE1C lea edi,[ebp-0CCh]
013EEE22 mov ecx,33h
013EEE27 mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
013EEE2C rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
int n = 0;
013EEE2E mov dword ptr [n],0
n = n + 1;
013EEE35 mov eax,dword ptr [n]
013EEE38 add eax,1
013EEE3B mov dword ptr [n],eax
n = n + 1;
013EEE3E mov eax,dword ptr [n]
013EEE41 add eax,1
013EEE44 mov dword ptr [n],eax
013EEE56 xor eax,eax
013EEE58 pop edi
013EEE59 pop esi
013EEE5A pop ebx
013EEE5B add esp,0CCh
013EEE61 cmp ebp,esp
013EEE63 call __RTC_CheckEsp (013EC3B0h)
013EEE68 mov esp,ebp
013EEE6A pop ebp
013EEE6B ret
_ReadBarrier, _WriteBarrier, and _ReadWriteBarrier are intrinsics that affect how the compiler can reorder code; they have absolutely nothing to do with CPU memory barriers and are only valid for specific kinds of memory (see "Affected Memory" here).
MemoryBarrier() is the intrinsic that you use to force a CPU memory barrier. However, the recommendation from Microsoft is to use std::atomic<T> going forward with VC++.
Modern processors are capable of executing instructions quite a long way ahead of where it actually is "completing" the instructions, so memory barriers are used to prevent it from running to far ahead when it comes to certain types of memory operations, where strict ordering is required - for most things, it doesn't actually matter if you write to variable a before variable b, or b before a. But sometimes it does.
The x86 instruction set has lfence, sfence and fence, which are instructions that "fence in" loads, stores and all memory operations respectively. The point about a "fence" or "barrier" instruction is to ensure that all the instructions that precede the barrier instruction has completed their loads, stores or both before the next instruction after the barrier can continue.
This is important if you are implementing for example semaphores, mutexes or similar instructions, since it's important to store the value saying "I've locked the semaphore" before you continue to read other data, for example. Otherwise things can go wrong, let's say.
Note that unless you REALLY know what you are doing with memory barriers, it's probably best to NOT use them - and rely on already existing code that solves the same problem - std::atomic are one place to fund such code. I have written quite a bit of "tricky" code, but only once or twice have I needed a memory barrier in my code.
Several times, I've needed to make the compiler not spread the code around, which you can do with "no-op functions", and apparently there are even special intrinsic functions these days to do that.
There are several important points to consider. Perhaps the
first is that barriers only have an effect in multithreaded
code, and most compilers require a special option to produce
multithreaded code. And things like _ReadBarrier are almost
certainly compiler built-ins, and should do nothing unless
you've given the options for multithreaded code.
The second is that what the hardware requires, even in a
multithreaded context, varies. On most of the machines I've
worked on (over some forty years), the machine never required
anything; barriers only become relevant if the machine has
sophisticated read and write pipelines. (Most earlier machines
didn't even have fence or barrier instructions, so the generated
code would have to be empty.)

Variable references in Intel style inline assembly and AT&T style, C++

I need to compile some assembly code in both Visual Studio and an IDE using G++ 4.6.1. The -masm=intel flag works as long as I do not reference and address any variables, which however I need to do.
I considered using intrinsics, but the compiled assembly is not optimal at all (for instance I cannot define the sse-register to be used and thus no pipe optimization is possible).
Consider these parts of code (inte style assembly):
mov ecx, dword ptr [p_pXcoords]
mov edx, dword ptr [p_pYcoords]
movhpd xmm6, qword ptr [oAvgX]
movhpd xmm7, qword ptr [oAvgY]
movlpd xmm6, qword ptr [oAvgX]
movlpd xmm7, qword ptr [oAvgY]
where p_pXcoords and p_pYcoords are doublde* arrays and function parameters, oAvgX and oAvgY simpled double values.
Another line of code is this, which is in the middle of an assembly block:
movhpd xmm6, qword ptr [oAvgY]
in other words, I need to access variables and use them within specific sse registers in the middle of the code. How can I do this with AT & T syntax, best: can I do this with a g++ compiler using the -masm flag?
Is there any way at all using one assembly code for both VS and a g++ 4.6.1 based compiler
You can certainly tell GCC which SSE register to use for each variable:
register __m128i x asm("xmm6");
But I guess VS does not support that. (I am also a little surprised you need it for decent performance. Register assignment and instruction scheduling are two of the most basic things an optimizing compiler knows. You sure you enabled optimization :-) ?)
I would probably just write two functions, one using intrinsics, and one using asm for whichever compiler does not know how to schedule instructions properly.