How can I disable /account/register on django-registration? - django

[Newbie] I tried to disable django-registration by:
I saw this method on the source registration_allowed() /registration/views but I don't know if it's what I need or how to use it.
Maybe I need a variable on
2.Commenting the lines
Commenting the /registration/backends/ register urls (only the lines regarding registration)
But this breaks the urls, so any idea?

Registration actually includes a setting for this called REGISTRATION_OPEN. Simply set it to false in your file and include a registration/registration_closed.html template.

Short solution: you can place a reference to your own view in ABOVE including registration's urls. So your view will intercept the request, and you can do anything you want (i.e. return redirect somewhere else).
Correct solution: write your own registration backend and templates and remove references to the register view from there.


How to change url params (query_string) in django rest framework before handle request?

Because I need compatible with old client.
I use django-rest-framework and django_filter.
For example, when I recevie an request, i want change the params so
change to,2
change to
Is there any place I can write code before handle the request?
I try to change request.environ['QUERY_STRING'] and request.META['QUERY_STRING'] in middleware, but not work.
I believe you can make use of the RedirectView and override the get_redirect_url method to map the change in query params.
For implementation details, you can refer to the official docs.
You can use django's redirect function for this. For that in your old views just redirect it to your new views.
A simple Example -
def my_old_view(request,pk):
return redirect(f'/api/excersise/?id={pk}')
So if someone enters your old URL it will be redirected to new one without any issues.

How to store a dynamic site-wide variable

I have an html file which is the base,where other html documents extends.Its a static page but i want to have variable in the menu.I don't think it's wise to create a view for it,since i don't intend to let users visit the base alone.So where in my project can I store site-wide dynamic variables that can be called on any page without explicitly stating them in their views.
Thank you in advance.
For user specific variables, use session.
For global constants (not variables!), use
For global variables, consider to store it in database so it can be multithreading & multiprocess safe.
I looked around and saw different approaches,but one that doesn't compromise the DRY philosophy the most for me is registering a tag in your project then input it in the base template.Its neater See here for an example
Storage can take any number of places, I put mine in a stats model in the db so you get all the goodness of that (and make it easy to access in views).
I then have a context processor written as so:
def my_custom_context_processor(request):
return {'custom_context_variable1':'foo','custom_context_variable2':'bar'}
Add this to your context processors in
Provided you use render() to render your templates you can then you can just use:
{{ custom_context_variable1 }}
to return 'foo' in your template. Obviously returning strings is for example only, you can use anything you like so long as your context processor returns a dict.
you can also try using php pages.
Then acces the variable on each page with an include 'file containing the var.php' on every page.
None of this will be visible in the source html as it is only processed on the server side.
If you you would like to try this, mail me and I will send you some sample code.

Is there something between middleware and view in Django so that I can plug my code into?

Is there something between middleware and view so that I can plug my code or do I have to subclass something from Django to provide this functionality?
Let me first explain why I need this, maybe there is a better solution that you can suggest. I want to restrict some of my url's based on some configuration. And,
- I want this configuration to be part of url configuration
- According to the config provided, I want to redirect, etc to some other view.
What I mean by 'part of url configuration' is something like the following.
url(r'^admin/blah/blah$', do_something, name='admin-blah-blah', {'security_level': 'very_secure', 'auth_method' : 'oauth', 'auth_url', ''})
It seems like it is something that should be done by middlewares, but I don't want to do it with middlewares for 2 reasons.
- I don't want to maintain a separate config.
- I don't want to do regex matching for url patterns one more time, url resolver is already doing that
So if I can just find a way to plug some functionality just before view and can reach the configuration provided, it solves my problem.
Sounds like you could do this with a decorator on your views:
#restrict_url(security_level='very_secure', auth_method='oauth',
auth_url= '')
def my_view(request):
... etc ...
You can get some ideas of how to write the restrict_url decorator by looking at the ones provided in django.contrib.auth.decorators.

How to add app to all pages in django?

I have an app called lastapp that I would like it to be viewable on all pages. It renders base.html so it's available on all apps. So far I've tried adding it to the like this:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
(r'^first/$', firstapp, lastapp),
(r'^last/$', lastapp),
But when I go to /first/ it gives me the error: Error, 'function' not iterable. It shows fine when going to /last/. If I remove lastapp from the /first/ site in, then firstapp shows fine also. Is there a special way to do this? Thanks in advance.
What exactly are you trying to do?
All installed applications are available in your project, but the application by it self does not return any data to the template, that's the job of the views which are part of that application.
My guess is that firstapp and lastapp are rather views then apps.
If that is a case, context processors make it possible to always pass certain data to a template.
So, create a context processor out of lastapp and set it in TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS in
I think what you need is probably Middleware.

Django's Satchmo and flatpages issue

I'm having a problem with configuring Flatpages in Satchmo. I've used them before, in a pure django app, but now it just doesn't work, returning 301 http error when I'm trying to enter a flatpage-configured site.
What I've done to configure it:
added the middleware "django.contrib.flatpages.middleware.FlatpageFallbackMiddleware" to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES as last in the list,
configured example pages in admin module.
Simply what the docs say about flatpages config.
I'm feeling helpless. Don't know how could I debug this issue. Any thoughts on that?
And of course help appreciated.
Thanks to suggestion by Peter I've managed to narrow the problem to my file, for the satchmo shop.
The urlpatterns has only one entry:
(r'', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', {'url' : '/shop/'}),
This version does not work and moreover interfere with flatpages. But disabling flatpages from MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES and adding it to like the snippet below works:
(r'^(?P<url>.*)$', 'django.contrib.flatpages.views.flatpage'),
(r'', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', {'url' : '/shop/'}),
However next problem is with the redirection from / to /shop/. With the above config it results in infinite loop.
Perhaps you know the reason for that behavior (redirect overriding flatpage) and maybe You could suggest some working solution to this problem or what should be done with requests to /.
It returns 301? That's Page Moved Permanently (HttpResponsePermanentRedirect) and there are no references to that in the flatpages directory so I don't think it's coming from there. In fact there are only about 5 references to HttpResponsePermanentRedirect in all of the standard 1.1.1 release.
Possible approaches:
Comment out the FlatPages middleware and see if the error changes (I'm betting it won't).
Try changing the order of your MIDDLEWARE classes and see if things change.
When presenting a problem like this it's better to get very specific by showing the exact code from applicable portions of (or whatever) and by giving other things like precise URLs and the patterns you are trying to match.
OK, some random thoughts:
The pattern (r'^(?P<url>.*)$', 'django.contrib.flatpages.views.flatpage'), will match anything. Any patterns after it will never be seen.
flatpages doesn't work by being called directly, it does its magic in middleware. It looks for 404 responses (Page Not Found) and then looks to see if that path exists in its table. If so, it calls a view that renders the page, etc. etc. If it doesn't find a match it let's the 404 continue on through middleware processing.
The pattern (r'', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', {'url' : '/shop/'}), will match anything (I just tested it). If you want to match an empty path, use r('^$', etc.). This is the source of your infinite loop.
If you are new to regular expressions the Django file can seem like F*cking Magic. I recommend starting very simply and add one rule at a time. Do some quick tests to ensure that the new rule a) matches stuff you want it to match, and b) doesn't match stuff it shouldn't. In particular, make sure that some of the rules that occur later in the file are still reachable. In this case they wouldn't have been which should have raised a red flag.