I'm new in haskell programming and I try to solve a problem by/not using list comprehensions.
The Problem is to find the index of an element in a list and return a list of the indexes (where the elements in the list was found.)
I already solved the problem by using list comprehensions but now i have some problems to solve the problem without using list comprehensions.
On my recursive way:
I tried to zip a list of [0..(length list)] and the list as it self.
then if the element a equals an element in the list -> make a new list with the first element of the Tupel of the zipped list(my index) and after that search the function on a recursive way until the list is [].
That's my list comprehension (works):
positions :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions a list = [x | (x,y) <- zip [0..(length list)] list, a == y]
That's my recursive way (not working):
positions' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions' _ [] = []
positions' a (x:xs) =
let ((n,m):ns) = zip [0..(length (x:xs))] (x:xs)
in if (a == m) then n:(positions' a xs)
else (positions' a xs)
*sorry I don't know how to highlight words
but ghci says:
*Main> positions' 2 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8,9,2]
and it should be like that (my list comprehension):
*Main> positions 2 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8,9,2]
Where is my mistake ?
The problem with your attempt is simply that when you say:
let ((n,m):ns) = zip [0..(length (x:xs))] (x:xs)
then n will always be 0. That's because you are matching (n,m) against the first element of zip [0..(length (x:xs))] (x:xs), which will necessarily always be (0,x).
That's not a problem in itself - but it does mean you have to handle the recursive step properly. The way you have it now, positions _ _, if non-empty, will always have 0 as its first element, because the only way you allow it to find a match is if it's at the head of the list, resulting in an index of 0. That means that your result will always be a list of the correct length, but with all elements 0 - as you're seeing.
The problem isn't with your recursion scheme though, it's to do with the fact that you're not modifying the result to account for the fact that you don't always want 0 added to the front of the result list. Since each recursive call just adds 1 to the index you want to find, all you need to do is map the increment function (+1) over the recursive result:
positions' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions' _ [] = []
positions' a (x:xs) =
let ((0,m):ns) = zip [0..(length (x:xs))] (x:xs)
in if (a == m) then 0:(map (+1) (positions' a xs))
else (map (+1) (positions' a xs))
(Note that I've changed your let to be explicit that n will always be 0 - I prefer to be explicit this way but this in itself doesn't change the output.) Since m is always bound to x and ns isn't used at all, we can elide the let, inlining the definition of m:
positions' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions' _ [] = []
positions' a (x:xs) =
if a == x
then 0 : map (+1) (positions' a xs)
else map (+1) (positions' a xs)
You could go on to factor out the repeated map (+1) (positions' a xs) if you wanted to.
Incidentally, you didn't need explicit recursion to avoid a list comprehension here. For one, list comprehensions are basically a replacement for uses of map and filter. I was going to write this out explicitly, but I see #WillemVanOnsem has given this as an answer so I will simply refer you to his answer.
Another way, although perhaps not acceptable if you were asked to implement this yourself, would be to just use the built-in elemIndices function, which does exactly what you are trying to implement here.
We can make use of a filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] and map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] approach, like:
positions :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions x = map fst . filter ((x ==) . snd) . zip [0..]
We thus first construct tuples of the form (i, yi), next we filter such that we only retain these tuples for which x == yi, and finally we fetch the first item of these tuples.
For example:
Prelude> positions 'o' "foobaraboof"
let ((n,m):ns) = zip [0..(length (x:xs))] (x:xs)
is equivalent to
== {- by laziness -}
let ((n,m):ns) = zip [0..] (x:xs)
== {- by definition of zip -}
let ((n,m):ns) = (0,x) : zip [1..] xs
== {- by pattern matching -}
let {(n,m) = (0,x)
; ns = zip [1..] xs }
== {- by pattern matching -}
let { n = 0
; m = x
; ns = zip [1..] xs }
but you never reference ns! So we don't need its binding at all:
positions' a (x:xs) =
let { n = 0 ; m = x } in
if (a == m) then n : (positions' a xs)
else (positions' a xs)
and so, by substitution, you actually have
positions' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions' _ [] = []
positions' a (x:xs) =
if (a == x) then 0 : (positions' a xs) -- NB: 0
else (positions' a xs)
And this is why all you ever produce are 0s. But you want to produce the correct index: 0, 1, 2, 3, ....
First, let's tweak your code a little bit further into
positions' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions' a = go xs
go [] = []
go (x:xs) | a == x = 0 : go xs -- NB: 0
| otherwise = go xs
This is known as a worker/wrapper transform. go is a worker, positions' is a wrapper. There's no need to pass a around from call to call, it doesn't change, and we have access to it anyway. It is in the enclosing scope with respect to the inner function, go. We've also used guards instead of the more verbose and less visually apparent if ... then ... else.
Now we just need to use something -- the correct index value -- instead of 0.
To use it, we must have it first. What is it? It starts as 0, then it is incremented on each step along the input list.
When do we make a step along the input list? At the recursive call:
positions' :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [Int]
positions' a = go xs 0
go [] _ = []
go (x:xs) i | a == x = 0 : go xs (i+1) -- NB: 0
| otherwise = go xs (i+1)
_ as a pattern means we don't care about the argument's value -- it's there but we're not going to use it.
Now all that's left for us to do is to use that i in place of that 0.
I'm trying to learn haskell by solving some online problems and training exercises.
Right now I'm trying to make a function that'd remove adjacent duplicates from a list.
Sample Input
Expected Output
My first though was to make a function that'd simply remove first instance of adjacent duplicates and restore the list.
module Test where
removeAdjDups :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
removeAdjDups [] = []
removeAdjDups [x] = [x]
removeAdjDups (x : y : ys)
| x == y = removeAdjDups ys
| otherwise = x : removeAdjDups (y : ys)
*Test> removeAdjDups "1233213443"
This func works for first found pairs.
So now I need to apply same function over the result of the function.
Something I think foldl can help with but I don't know how I'd go about implementing it.
Something along the line of
removeAdjDups' xs = foldl (\acc x -> removeAdjDups x acc) xs
Also is this approach the best way to implement the solution or is there a better way I should be thinking of?
Start in last-first order: first remove duplicates from the tail, then check if head of the input equals to head of the tail result (which, by this moment, won't have any duplicates, so the only possible pair is head of the input vs. head of the tail result):
main = mapM_ (print . squeeze) ["acvvca", "1456776541", "abbac", "aabaabckllm"]
squeeze :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
squeeze (x:xs) = let ys = squeeze xs in case ys of
(y:ys') | x == y -> ys'
_ -> x:ys
squeeze _ = []
I don't see how foldl could be used for this. (Generally, foldl pretty much combines the disadvantages of foldr and foldl'... those, or foldMap, are the folds you should normally be using, not foldl.)
What you seem to intend is: repeating the removeAdjDups, until no duplicates are found anymore. The repetition is a job for
iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
Prelude> iterate removeAdjDups "1233213443"
This is an infinite list of ever reduced lists. Generally, it will not converge to the empty list; you'll want to add some termination condition. If you want to remove as many dups as necessary, that's the fixpoint; it can be found in a very similar way to how you implemented removeAdjDups: compare neighbor elements, just this time in the list of reductions.
bipll's suggestion to handle recursive duplicates is much better though, it avoids unnecessary comparisons and traversing the start of the list over and over.
List comprehensions are often overlooked. They are, of course syntactic sugar but some, like me are addicted. First off, strings are lists as they are. This functions could handle any list, too as well as singletons and empty lists. You can us map to process many lists in a list.
(\l -> [ x | (x,y) <- zip l $ (tail l) ++ " ", x /= y]) "abcddeeffa"
I don't see either how to use foldl. It's maybe because, if you want to fold something here, you have to use foldr.
main = mapM_ (print . squeeze) ["acvvca", "1456776541", "abbac", "aabaabckllm"]
-- I like the name in #bipll answer
squeeze = foldr (\ x xs -> if xs /= "" && x == head(xs) then tail(xs) else x:xs) ""
Let's analyze this. The idea is taken from #bipll answer: go from right to left. If f is the lambda function, then by definition of foldr:
squeeze "abbac" = f('a' f('b' f('b' f('a' f('c' "")))
By definition of f, f('c' "") = 'c':"" = "c" since xs == "". Next char from the right: f('a' "c") = 'a':"c" = "ac" since 'a' != head("c") = 'c'. f('b' "ac") = "bac" for the same reason. But f('b' "bac") = tail("bac") = "ac" because 'b' == head("bac"). And so forth...
Bonus: by replacing foldr with scanr, you can see the whole process:
Prelude> squeeze' = scanr (\ x xs -> if xs /= "" && x == head(xs) then tail(xs) else x:xs) ""
Prelude> zip "abbac" (squeeze' "abbac")
Here is an sample problem I'm working upon:
Example Input: test [4, 1, 5, 6] 6 returns 5
I'm solving this using this function:
test :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
test [] _ = 0
test (x:xs) time = if (time - x) < 0
then x
else test xs $ time - x
Any better way to solve this function (probably using any inbuilt higher order function) ?
How about
test xs time = maybe 0 id . fmap snd . find ((>time) . fst) $ zip sums xs
where sums = scanl1 (+) xs
or equivalently with that sugary list comprehension
test xs time = headDef 0 $ [v | (s, v) <- zip sums xs, s > time]
where sums = scanl1 (+) xs
headDef is provided by safe. It's trivial to implement (f _ (x:_) = x; f x _ = x) but the safe package has loads of useful functions like these so it's good to check out.
Which sums the list up to each point and finds the first occurence greater than time. scanl is a useful function that behaves like foldl but keeps intermediate results and zip zips two lists into a list of tuples. Then we just use fmap and maybe to manipulate the Maybe (Integer, Integer) to get our result.
This defaults to 0 like yours but I like the version that simply goes to Maybe Integer better from a user point of view, to get this simply remove the maybe 0 id.
You might like scanl and its close relative, scanl1. For example:
test_ xs time = [curr | (curr, tot) <- zip xs (scanl1 (+) xs), tot > time]
This finds all the places where the running sum is greater than time. Then you can pick the first one (or 0) like this:
safeHead def xs = head (xs ++ [def])
test xs time = safeHead 0 (test_ xs time)
This is verbose, and I don't necessarily recommend writing such a simple function like this (IMO the pattern matching & recursion is plenty clear). But, here's a pretty declarative pipeline:
import Control.Error
import Data.List
deadline :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> [a] -> a
deadline time = fromMaybe 0 . findDeadline time
findDeadline :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> [a] -> Maybe a
findDeadline time xs = decayWithDifferences time xs
>>= findIndex (< 0)
>>= atMay xs
decayWithDifferences :: Num b => b -> [b] -> Maybe [b]
decayWithDifferences time = tailMay . scanl (-) time
-- > deadline 6 [4, 1, 5, 6]
-- 5
This documents the code a bit and in principle lets you test a little better, though IMO these functions fit more-or-less into the 'obviously correct' category.
You can verify that it matches your implementation:
import Test.QuickCheck
prop_equality :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool
prop_equality time xs = test xs time == deadline time xs
-- > quickCheck prop_equality
-- +++ OK, passed 100 tests.
In this particular case zipping suggested by others in not quite necessary:
test xs time = head $ [y-x | (x:y:_) <- tails $ scanl1 (+) $ 0:xs, y > time]++[0]
Here scanl1 will produce a list of rolling sums of the list xs, starting it with 0. Therefore, tails will produce a list with at least one list having two elements for non-empty xs. Pattern-matching (x:y:_) extracts two elements from each tail of rolling sums, so in effect it enumerates pairs of neighbouring elements in the list of rolling sums. Filtering on the condition, we reconstruct a part of the list that starts with the first element that produces a rolling sum greater than time. Then use headDef 0 as suggested before, or append a [0], so that head always returns something.
If you want to retain readability, I would just stick with your current solution. It's easy to understand, and isn't doing anything wrong.
Just because you can make it into a one line scan map fold mutant doesn't mean that you should!
Based on SO question 13350164 How do I test for an error in Haskell?, I'm trying to write a unit test which asserts that given invalid input, a recursive function raises an exception. The approach I adopted works well for non-recursive functions (or when the first call raises the exception), but as soon as the exception occurs deeper in the call chain, the assertion fails.
I've read the excellent answers to question 6537766 Haskell approaches to error handling but unfortunately the advice is a bit too generic for this point of my learning curve. My guess is that the problem here is connected to lazy evaluation and non-pure testing code, but I'd appreciate an expert explanation.
Should I take a different approach to error handling in situations like this (e.g. Maybe or Either), or is there a reasonable fix for making the test case work correctly while using this style?
Here's the code I've come up with. The first two test cases succeed, but the third one fails with "Received no exception, but was expecting exception: Negative item".
import Control.Exception (ErrorCall(ErrorCall), evaluate)
import Test.HUnit.Base ((~?=), Test(TestCase, TestList))
import Test.HUnit.Text (runTestTT)
import Test.HUnit.Tools (assertRaises)
sumPositiveInts :: [Int] -> Int
sumPositiveInts [] = error "Empty list"
sumPositiveInts (x:[]) = x
sumPositiveInts (x:xs) | x >= 0 = x + sumPositiveInts xs
| otherwise = error "Negative item"
instance Eq ErrorCall where
x == y = (show x) == (show y)
assertError msg ex f =
TestCase $ assertRaises msg (ErrorCall ex) $ evaluate f
tests = TestList [
assertError "Empty" "Empty list" (sumPositiveInts ([]))
, assertError "Negative head" "Negative item" (sumPositiveInts ([-1, -1]))
, assertError "Negative second item" "Negative item" (sumPositiveInts ([1, -1]))
main = runTestTT tests
It's actually just an error in sumPositiveInts. Your code does not do negativity checking when the only negative number is the last one in the list—the second branch doesn't include the check.
It's worth noting that the canonical way of writing recursion like yours would break the "emptiness" test out in order to avoid this bug. Generally, decomposing your solution into "sum" plus two guards will help to avoid errors.
I second the suggestion from Haskell approaches to error handling by the way. Control.Exception is much more difficult to reason about and learn and error should only be used to mark code branches which are impossible to achieve—I rather like some suggestions that it ought to have been called impossible.
To make the suggestion tangible, we can rebuild this example using Maybe. First, the unguarded function is built in:
sum :: Num a => [a] -> a
then we need to build the two guards (1) empty lists give Nothing and (2) lists containing negative numbers give Nothing.
emptyIsNothing :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
emptyIsNothing [] = Nothing
emptyIsNothing as = Just as
negativeGivesNothing :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
negativeGivesNothing xs | all (>= 0) xs = Just xs
| otherwise = Nothing
and we can combine them as a monad
sumPositiveInts :: [a] -> Maybe a
sumPositiveInts xs = do xs1 <- emptyIsNothing xs
xs2 <- negativeGivesNothing xs1
return (sum xs2)
And then there are lots of idioms and reductions we can employ to make this code much easier to read and write (once you know the conventions!). Let me stress that nothing after this point is necessary nor terribly easy to understand. Learning it improves your ability to decompose functions and fluently think about FP, but I'm just jumping to the advanced stuff.
For instance, we can use "Monadic (.)" (which is also called Kleisli arrow composition) to write sumPositiveInts
sumPositiveInts :: [a] -> Maybe a
sumPositiveInts = emptyIsNothing >=> negativeGivesNothing >=> (return . sum)
and we can simplify both emptyIsNothing and negativeGivesNothing using a combinator
elseNothing :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Just a
pred `elseNothing` x | pred x = Just x
| otherwise = Nothing
emptyIsNothing = elseNothing null
negativeGivesNothing = sequence . map (elseNothing (>= 0))
where sequence :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe [a] fails an entire list if any of the contained values are Nothing. We can actually go one step further since sequence . map f is a common idiom
negativeGivesNothing = mapM (elseNothing (>= 0))
So, in the end
sumPositives :: [a] -> Maybe a
sumPositives = elseNothing null
>=> mapM (elseNothing (>= 0))
>=> return . sum
I was trying to search through a list of pairs that could have the element ("$", Undefined) in it at some arbitrary location. I wanted to ONLY search the part of the list in front of that special element, so I tried something like this (alreadyThere is intended to take the element n and the list xs as arguments):
checkNotSameScope :: Env -> VarName -> Expr -> Expr
checkNotSameScope (xs:("$", Undefined):_) n e = if alreadyThere n xs then BoolLit False
else BoolLit True
But that does not work; the compiler seemed to indicate that (xs: ..) only deals with a SINGLE value prepending my list. I cannot use : to indicate the first chunk of a list; only a single element. Looking back, this makes sense; otherwise, how would the compiler know what to do? Adding an "s" to something like "x" doesn't magically make multiple elements! But how can I work around this?
Unfortunately, even with smart compilers and languages, some programming cannot be avoided...
In your case it seems you want the part of a list up to a specific element. More generally, to find the list up to some condition you can use the standard library takeWhile function. Then you can just run alreadyThere on it:
checkNotSameScope :: Env -> VarName -> Expr -> Expr
checkNotSameScope xs n e = if alreadyThere n (takeWhile (/= ("$", Undefined)) xs)
then BoolLit False
else BoolLit True
It maybe does not what you want for lists where ("$", Undefined) does not occur, so beware.
Similar to Joachim's answer, you can use break, which will allow you to detect when ("$", Undefined) doesn't occur (if this is necessary). i.e.
checkNotSameScope xs n e = case break (== ("$", Undefined)) xs of
(_, []) -> .. -- ("$", Undefined) didn't occur!
(xs', _) -> BoolLit . not $ alreadyThere n xs'
(NB. you lose some laziness in this solution, since the list has to be traversed until ("$", Undefined), or to the end, to check the first case.)
Haskell cannot do this kind of pattern matching out of the box, although there are some languages which can, like CLIPS for example, or F#, by using active patterns.
But we can use Haskell's existing pattern matching capabilities to obtain a similar result. Let us first define a function called deconstruct defined like this:
deconstruct :: [a] -> [([a], a, [a])]
deconstruct [] = []
deconstruct [x] = [([], x, [])]
deconstruct (x:xs) = ([], x, xs) : [(x:ys1, y, ys2) | (ys1, y, ys2) <- deconstruct xs]
What this function does is to obtain all the decompositions of a list xs into triples of form (ys1, y, ys2) such that ys1 ++ [y] ++ ys2 == xs. So for example:
deconstruct [1..4] => [([],1,[2,3,4]),([1],2,[3,4]),([1,2],3,[4]),([1,2,3],4,[])]
Using this you can define your function as follows:
checkNotSameScope xs n e =
case [ys | (ys, ("$", Undefined), _) <- deconstruct xs] of
[ys] -> BoolLit $ not $ alreadyThere n xs
_ -> -- handle the case when ("$", Undefined) doesn't occur at all or more than once
We can use the do-notation to obtain something even closer to what you are looking for:
checkNotSameScope xs n e = BoolLit $ not $ any (alreadyThere n) prefixes
prefixes = do
(xs, ("$", Undefined), _) <- deconstruct xs
return xs
There are several things going on here. First of all the prefixes variable will store all the prefix lists which occur before the ("$", Undefined) pair - or none if the pair is not in the input list xs. Then using the any function we are checking whether alreadyThere n gives us True for any of the prefixes. And the rest is to complete your function's logic.