Clojure Style Agents in F# - clojure

I'm trying to code some Clojure style Agents in F# using MailboxProcessors. Here's what I have so far:
namespace GameEngine
type Agent<'T>(inital:'T) =
let mutable state:'T = inital
let queue = new MailboxProcessor<'T -> 'T>( fun inbox ->
let rec loop count =
async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
state <- msg(state)
return! loop(count + 1)
loop 0)
member self.Send(action:'T -> 'T) =
member self.Deref() =
So the basic idea is that we have a mutable state that can be updated by calling .Send(). My question is, will my messages ever be out of order? If msg A is sent before B will the async function above always process A before B?
Seems like there should be a class like this already in F#? Am I reinventing the wheel?

If msg A is sent before B will the async function above always process A before B?
Yes. (You can see the code for Mailbox
browse to compiler\2.0\Nov2010\src\fsharp\FSharp.Core\control.fs, and eventually see e.g.
member x.Post(msg) =
lock syncRoot (fun () ->
which shows it's just a queue under a lock.)
Seems like there should be a class like this already in F#? Am I reinventing the wheel?
Well, it's not immediately clear to me how this is different from just updating a mutable global variable willy-nilly (modulo atomicity of simultaneous updates; you said "before" in the question, so I am unclear if that aspect matters to you). What's the context for wanting this?

There is no built-in implementation of the Clojure-style Agent.
I also at one point worked up a quick and dirty F# implementation similar to yours, but did not take the time to consider all the correctness issues involved; in particular, is it not true that 'T may be a value type (a struct) larger than 64 bits (or 32 bits as the case may be) which could cause a tear (I presume that Clojure like Java doesn't have structs to worry about here). Perhaps an F# generic type constraint ('T when 'T : not struct) would be needed?


Unit testing higher order functions in F#

Take the following F# example:
let parse mapDate mapLevel mapMessge (groups : string list) =
DateTime =
groups.[2] |> Int32.Parse,
groups.[0] |> Int32.Parse,
groups.[1] |> Int32.Parse)
Level = mapLevel groups.[3]
Message = mapMessge groups.[4]
I can unit test the map functions independently that's ok, but how do I unit test that this function calls the functions passed in as arguments correctly?
In C# I would use mocks and verify the calls to them. I recently watched a pluralsight video that talked about how functional languages tend to use stubs instead of mocks. Here I could pass in a function that throws if it doesn't get the expected arguments but I'm not really sold on this approach.
I was just wondering if there were any patterns in functional programming in general for unit testing higher-order functions like this?
Well, let me disagree with given answer. Actually, there is a nice way to test higher order functions without even bothering about concrete types they might take (I consider typical HOF to be totally generic, however there is no difference: approach I suggest will work with more strict HFO rightly).
Let's take something really simple, something everyone is familiar with. How about ['t] -> ['t] function? It takes a single argument - a list of whatever type and returns list of the same type. Traditional OOP approach wouldn't work here: one need's to put a restriction on 't and test somewhat specific parameters of that type; the only way to make author to feel more confident with his implementation, is to increase unit tests numbers.
There is really great stuff named "category theory" in math. It's comparatively new filed of mathematics and studies things from the outside rather from than inside. In order to be able to describe things "from the outside" you need take a thing you're interested in and force it to interact with something you already know deep enough. Thus, category theory teaches to describe things in terms of their interrelations with other things. Can't we do the same here?..
Indeed, we can. That's actually quite easy: we got a f : ['t] -> ['t] already, but is there anything else such that we could make both interact and define something common - something that holds for each and every interaction regardless of any other factors? Let's take any g: 't -> 'y. Now we able to state: g (List.head (f ...) = List.head ( g (f ...)). I assume a certain argument of type ['t] to substitute .... Please note: given property is universal: it would hold for any pure functions composition of specified signatures regardless of their implementation. Also note how generic yet obvious it is: there are only two distinct "objects" interacting with each other via "composition", which could also be rewritten in terms of standard F#'s (|>), (<|) operators.
Now the fact is that for any higher order (pure) function there exists such kind of universal property; mostly, there are dozens of them. Thus one able to specify their properties in terms of composition (which is regular for FP) staying at the generic level. Having such a properties in the explicit form gives one chance to autogenerate hundreds of tests, based on inputs different not only by their values (which normally done by unit tests, except the fact they are rarely autogenerated), but also by types.
Pure functions are easier because you just have to test the outputs of your parse function. You shouldn't ever need to test using side effects like you do in imperative programming.
When writing most of your unit tests, you generally use the most simple possible for your function arguments, like identity or similar. Then you'd write one test named something like "mapLevel is applied to fourth group" where instead you make mapLevel something that's easy to recognize as changed, like toUpper. This lets you make sure you didn't accidentally copy/paste mapLevel to more than one output. Then a similar test for mapMessge.

Instantiating modules with state

In Real World OCaml, Chapter 9 Functors, it says
Instantiating modules with state
Modules can contain mutable states,
and that means that you'll occasionally want to have multiple
instantiations of a particular module, each with its own separate and
independent mutable state. Functors let you automate the construction
of such modules.
The book doesn't have much content on this sub topic. So I ask here.
Can anyone give me an example of instantiating modules with state to demonstrate
How to do that?
When to do that?
One example:
module Make (Arg : S) = struct
(** ...Use Arg at will... *)
let id = ref 0
let id () = incr id; !id
Each instantiation result Make(Arg) will have it's own id generator.
If you don't feel you need it, just don't do it. In general having state makes reasoning about your code harder.

Is there a standard way to do `actorFor orElse actorOf`?

I would like to get an ActorRef that may already have been created. Is there a standard way to call context.actorFor and, only if it didn't return a live ActorRef, call context.actorOf? Vice versa is also fine (ie call context.actorOf and, only if the actor already exists, call context.actorFor).
First off: get-or-create can only work if there is exactly one entity which does it (otherwise you will never be sure how it was created when you find it). This means that the parent of the actor-to-be is the place to put this code.
Within an actor it is quite straight-forward:
val child =
context.child(name) match {
case None => context.actorOf(Props(...), name)
case Some(c) => c
Please refrain from using actorFor, it is deprecated in Akka 2.2 for good reason. In this case context.child() does what you want more efficiently.

Can I invoke nested functions for unit testing?

In F# I want to perform unit testing on a function with several levels of nested functions.
I want to be able to test the nested functions individually as well, but I do not know how I could invoke them.
When debugging, each of these nested functions is invoked as a type of function object, but I don't know if I can access them at compile time.
I do not want to change the nesting scheme that I am using because it makes the most sense functionally to have them nested this way because there is a de facto "inheritance" of some of the function parameters at each nested level.
Is something like this possible? If not, what is the general procedure for unit testing nested functions? Are they tested individually with extra parameters and then inserted into their nested position afterwords never to be able to be tested again?
Very small example:
let range a b =
let lower = ceil a |> int
let upper = floor b |> int
if lower > upper then
seq{ for i in lower..upper -> i}
How could I test that lower or upper are working properly without changing the nested nature of the code?
I would agree with Daniels comment - if the outer function works correctly, you should not need to test any of the inner functions. Inner functions are really an implementation detail that should not be relevant (especially in functional code, where output does not depend on anything else than inputs). In C#, you also don't test whether for loop or while loop inside your method works correctly.
If both the inner and the outer functions are too complex, then perhaps it would be better to write the inner function as a separate function anyway.
That said, you can, of course, mess with the compiled assembly using reflection and invoke the inner function. Inner functions are compiled as classes with constructor that takes the closure (captured values of the outer function) and Invoke method that takes the actual parameters.
The following trivial example works, though I have not tested it on anything more realistic:
open NUnit.Framework
// Function with 'inner' that captures the argument 'a' and takes additional 'x'
let outer a b =
let inner x = x + a + 1
(inner a) * (inner b)
// Unit tests that use reflection in a hacky way to test 'inner'
module Tests =
open System
open System.Reflection
// Runs the specified compiled function - assumes that 'name' of inner functions
// is unique in the current assembly (!) and that you can correctly guess what
// are the variables captured by the closure (!)
let run name closure args =
// Lots of unchecked assumptions all the way through...
let typ =
|> Seq.find (fun typ ->
let at = typ.Name.IndexOf('#')
(at > 0) && (typ.Name.Substring(0, at) = name) )
let flags = BindingFlags.Instance ||| BindingFlags.NonPublic
let ctor = typ.GetConstructors(flags) |> Seq.head
let f = ctor.Invoke(closure)
let invoke = f.GetType().GetMethod("Invoke")
invoke.Invoke(f, args)
/// Test that 'inner 10' returns '14' if inside outer where 'a = 3'
let test () =
Assert.AreEqual(run "inner" [| box 3 |] [| box 10 |], 14)

Checking function equality in a F# unit test

I have a bunch of F# functions that implement different algorithms for the same input, kind of like the Strategy pattern. To pick the right strategy, I want to pattern match on the input argument and return the function as a value :
let equalStrategy points : seq<double> =
let multiplyStrategy factor (points: seq<double>) =
let getStrategy relationship =
match relationship with
| "=" -> equalStrategy
| "*5" -> multiplyStrategy 5.0
| _ -> raise (new System.NotImplementedException(" relationship not handled"))
Now I want to write some unit tests to make sure that I return the right strategy, so I tried something like this in nUnit :
member self.getEqualstrategy( relationship:string ) =
let strategy = getStrategy relationship
Assert.AreEqual( strategy, equalStrategy )
Now I think the code is correct and will do what I want, but the assertion fails because functions don't seem to have an equality operation defined on them. so my questions are :
(a) is there a way to compare 2 functions to see if they are the same, i.e. let isFoo bar = foo == bar, that I can use in an nUnit assertion?
(b) is there another unit testing framework that will do this assertion for me in F#?
Testing whether an F# function returned by your getStrategy is the same function as one of the funcions you defined is also essentially impossible.
To give some details - the F# compiler generates a class that inherits from FSharpFunc when you return a function as a value. More importantly, it generates a new class each time you create a function value, so you cannot compare the types of the classes.
The structure of the generated classes is something like this:
class getStrategy#7 : FSharpFunc<IEnumerable<double>, IEnumerable<double>> {
public override IEnumerable<double> Invoke(IEnumerable<double> points) {
// Calls the function that you're returning from 'getStrategy'
return Test.equalStrategy(points);
// Later - in the body of 'getStrategy':
return new getStrategy#7(); // Returns a new instance of the single-purpose class
In principle, you could use Reflection to look inside the Invoke method and find which function is called from there, but that's not going to be a reliable solution.
In practice - I think you should probably use some other simpler test to check whether the getStrategy function returned the right algorithm. If you run the returned strategy on a couple of sample inputs, that should be enough to verify that the returned algorithm is the right one and you won't be relying on implementation details (such as whether the getStrategy function just returns a named function or whether it returns a new lambda function with the same behaviour.
Alternatively, you could wrap functions in Func<_, _> delegates and use the same approach that would work in C#. However, I think that checking whether getStrategy returns a particular reference is a too detailed test that just restricts your implementation.
Functions doesn't have equality comparer:
You will have error: The type '('a -> 'a)' does not support the 'equality' constraint because it is a function type
There is a good post here
It would be very difficult for the F# compiler to prove formally that two functions always have the same output (given the same input). If that was possible, you could use F# to prove mathematical theorems quite trivially.
As the next best thing, for pure functions, you can verify that two functions have the same output for a large enough sample of different inputs. Tools like fscheck can help you automate this type of test. I have not used it, but I've used scalacheck that is based on the same idea (both are ports from Haskell's QuickCheck)