checking invariants in C++ - c++

Are there any established patterns for checking class invariants in C++?
Ideally, the invariants would be automatically checked at the beginning and at the end of each public member function. As far as I know, C with classes provided special before and after member functions, but unfortunately, design by contract wasn't quite popular at the time and nobody except Bjarne used that feature, so he removed it.
Of course, manually inserting check_invariants() calls at the beginning and at the end of each public member function is tedious and error-prone. Since RAII is the weapon of choice to deal with exceptions, I came up with the following scheme of defining an invariance checker as the first local variable, and that invariance checker checks the invariants both at construction and destruction time:
template <typename T>
class invariants_checker
const T* p;
invariants_checker(const T* p) : p(p)
void Foo::bar()
// class invariants checked by construction of _
invariants_checker<Foo> _(this);
// ... mutate the object
// class invariants checked by destruction of _
Question #0: I suppose there is no way to declare an unnamed local variable? :)
We would still have to call check_invariants() manually at the end of the Foo constructor and at the beginning of the Foo destructor. However, many constructor bodies and destructor bodies are empty. In that case, could we use an invariants_checker as the last member?
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
class Foo
std::string str;
std::string::size_type cached_length;
invariants_checker<Foo> _;
Foo(const std::string& str)
: str(str), cached_length(str.length()), _(this) {}
void check_invariants() const
if (str.length() != cached_length)
throw std::logic_error("wrong cached length");
// ...
Question #1: Is it valid to pass this to the invariants_checker constructor which immediately calls check_invariants via that pointer, even though the Foo object is still under construction?
Question #2: Do you see any other problems with this approach? Can you improve it?
Question #3: Is this approach new or well-known? Are there better solutions available?

Answer #0: You can have unnamed local variables, but you give up control over the life time of the object - and the whole point of the object is because you have a good idea when it goes out of scope. You can use
void Foo::bar()
invariants_checker<Foo>(this); // goes out of scope at the semicolon
new invariants_checker<Foo>(this); // the constructed object is never destructed
// ...
but neither is what you want.
Answer #1: No, I believe it's not valid. The object referenced by this is only fully constructed (and thus starts to exist) when the constructor finished. You're playing a dangerous game here.
Answer #2 & #3: This approach is not new, a simple google query for e.g. "check invariants C++ template" will yield a lot of hits on this topic. In particular, this solution can be improved further if you don't mind overloading the -> operator, like this:
template <typename T>
class invariants_checker {
class ProxyObject {
ProxyObject(T* x) : m(x) { m->check_invariants(); }
~ProxyObject() { m->check_invariants(); }
T* operator->() { return m; }
const T* operator->() const { return m; }
T* m;
invariants_checker(T* x) : m(x) { }
ProxyObject operator->() { return m; }
const ProxyObject operator->() const { return m; }
T* m;
The idea is that for the duration of a member function call, you create an anonymous proxy object which performs the check in its constructor and destructor. You can use the above template like this:
void f() {
Foo f;
invariants_checker<Foo> g( &f );
g->bar(); // this constructs and destructs the ProxyObject, which does the checking

Ideally, the invariants would be automatically checked at the beginning and at the end of each public member function
I think this is overkill; I instead check invariants judiciously. The data members of your class are private (right?), so only its member functions can change the data memebers and therefore invalidate invariants. So you can get away with checking an invariant just after a change to a data member that particiaptes in that invariant.

Question #0: I suppose there is no way to declare an unnamed local variable? :)
You can usually whip up something using macros and __LINE__, but if you just pick a strange enough name, it should already do, since you shouldn't have more than one (directly) in the same scope. This
class invariants_checker {};
template<class T>
class invariants_checker_impl : public invariants_checker {
invariants_checker_impl(T* that) : that_(that) {that_->check_invariants();}
~invariants_checker_impl() {that_->check_invariants();}
T* that_;
template<class T>
inline invariants_checker_impl<T> get_invariant_checker(T* that)
{return invariants_checker_impl<T>(that);}
#define CHECK_INVARIANTS const invariants_checker&
my_fancy_invariants_checker_object_ = get_invariant_checker(this)
works for me.
Question #1: Is it valid to pass this to the invariants_checker constructor which immediately calls check_invariants via that pointer, even though the Foo object is still under construction?
I'm not sure whether it invokes UB technical. In practice it would certainly be safe to do so - where it not for the fact that, in practice, a class member that has to be declared at a specific position in relation to other class members is going to be a problem sooner or later.
Question #2: Do you see any other problems with this approach? Can you improve it?
See #2. Take a moderately sized class, add half a decade of extending and bug-fixing by two dozen developers, and I consider the chances to mess this up at at least once at about 98%.
You can somewhat mitigate this by adding a shouting comment to the data member. Still.
Question #3: Is this approach new or well-known? Are there better solutions available?
I hadn't seen this approach, but given your description of before() and after() I immediately thought of the same solution.
I think Stroustrup had an article many (~15?) years ago, where he described a handle class overloading operator->() to return a proxy. This could then, in its ctor and dtor, perform before- and after-actions while being oblivious to the methods being invoked through it.
Edit: I see that Frerich has added an answer fleshing this out. Of course, unless your class already needs to be used through such a handle, this is a burden onto your class' users. (IOW: It won't work.)

#0: No, but things could be slightly better with a macro (if you're ok with that)
#1: No, but it depends. You cannot do anything that would cause this to be dereferenced in before the body (which yours would, but just before, so it could work). This means that you can store this, but not access fields or virtual functions. Calling check_invariants() is not ok if it's virtual. I think it would work for most implementations, but not guaranteed to work.
#2: I think it will be tedious, and not worth it. This have been my experience with invariant checking. I prefer unit tests.
#3: I've seen it. It seems like the right way to me if you're going to do it.

unit testing is better alternative that leads to smaller code with better performance

I clearly see the issue that your destructor is calling a function that will often throw, that's a no-no in C++ isn't it?


std::any by std::exception_ptr

Probably I am not the first person finding out that std::exception_ptr could be used to implement an any type (performance considerations being put aside), as it is probably the only type in C++ that can hold anything. Googling did not, however, bring any result in this direction.
Does anybody know whether the following approach has been used anywhere for anything useful?
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
struct WrongTypeError : std::exception { };
class Any {
template <class T>
void set (T t) {
try { throw t; }
catch (...) { m_contained = std::current_exception(); }
template <class T>
T const & get () {
try { std::rethrow_exception (m_contained); }
catch (T const & t) { return t; }
catch (...) { throw WrongTypeError {}; }
std::exception_ptr m_contained = nullptr;
int main () {
auto a = Any {};
a.set (7);
std::cout << a.get<int> () << std::endl;
a.set (std::string {"Wonderful weather today"});
std::cout << a.get<std::string> () << std::endl;
return 0;
as it is probably the only type in C++ that can hold anything.
I'm afraid this is not the case. boost::any can hold any type, and even copies (assume the type is copyable) it correctly as well. It is implemented (broadly speaking) using a base class and a templated child:
class any_base {
template <class T>
class any_holder : public any_base
T m_data;
From this you can imagine that you can stuff any type into an any_holder (with the right interface), and then you can hold an any_holder by pointer to any_base. This technique is a type of type erasure; once we have an any_base pointer we are holding an object but don't know anything about the type. You could say this is total type erasure, something like std::function provides partial type erasure (and may use similar techniques under the hood, I'm not sure off the top of my head).
boost::any provides additional interface to support its usage of holding any type, and it probably provides better performance as throwing exceptions is crazy slow. Also, as I mentioned before, it correctly copies the underlying object, which is pretty cool. exception_ptr is a shared ownership pointer, so I believe it makes shallow copies instead.
Boost any website:
It's being considered for the standard I believe:
It seems like the implementation is similar to boost but adds a small object optimization.
exception_ptr is quite a strange beast as far as I can tell, I've come across it before and googled it and there's surprisingly little information out there. I'm pretty sure however that it's magical, i.e. it cannot be implemented in userspace. I say this because when you throw it, the type seems to magically unerase itself, this isn't generally possible.
You are certainly the first person I have come across who has thought of it.
I'm definitely impressed by your lateral thinking skills :)
There is a problem with this approach however, (other than the obvious performance problem).
This stems from the fact that throw is permitted to make a copy of the object thrown.
Firstly this places a restriction on what you may store in your 'any' class, secondly it will have further performance implications and thirdly, each time you access your object, the compiler is not obliged to give you the same one. It's allowed to give you a copy. This means that at the very least you should only store immutable objects this way. (Note: when I say 'should' I really mean 'absolutely should not!') :)
You could get around this by crafting a class that allocates memory to store the object, records it's type and deletes it properly... But if you did that you'd be better off without the exception complication anyway.
In any case, this is what boost::any does under the covers.

Is there syntax to prevent instances of a class being const?

Let's say that I create a class where the primary use case will have the user always calling methods that modify its members. Or, looking at it another way, creating a class where every method will modify a class member(s).
For example, let's work with this dummy class:
class Foo
void setM_1(int);
void setM_2(char);
void setM_3(float);
int m_1;
char m_2;
float m_3;
For this Foo class, creating a const instance of it doesn't make sense, since every method is guaranteed to modify a member.
My goal is this: define this class in such a way that const-ly instantiating this class would have no effect. That is to say, a const Foo instance would be able to call every method that a Foo instance can.
I was able to achieve this behavior by marking every method const, declaring all non-const members mutable, and providing a ctor that initialized all members of the class.
So the const-ignorant version of Foo looks like:
class Foo
m_1 = 0;
m_2 = '\0';
m_3 = 0.0f;
void setM_1(int) const;
void setM_2(char) const;
void setM_3(float) const;
mutable int m_1;
mutable char m_2;
mutable float m_3;
My question is this: is there a more elegant way of doing this?
Or, is this just bad class design? (no debates please).
After Answer Edit:
It's official: I just took a brain crap.
Kerrek SB is right: creating a const Foo and using class-modifying methods would raise compiler errors anyways, so my "const-ignorant" Foo is pointless.
A little documentation would solve my "problem".
No wonder I had a hunch that this was terrible class design.
Excuse me everyone, this question must've been an eyesore. Thank you for the constructive criticism.
Your goal is fundamentally incorrect. const exists not for funsies, but because it means that you really need const. Such a class would break horribly as e.g. a set key- where mutating it would break the ordering. There are other pitfalls like what happens when you provide it as a temporary in certain cases.
If your class cannot be realistically used in a const way, the interface should not lie about it and pretend that it's const when it isn't.
As for your question about bad design, I can safely say that yes, this sounds like a truly terrible design.
No, thank frak.
This makes no sense and would be extremely confusing/dangerous.
If you don't think it makes sense to have a const T then don't instantiate a const T.
From a language point of view, what bad things will happen if a class cannot be const:
First of all, is it that declaring an L-value of type const for it is not allowed, or that const references to it are also prohibited?
If you do not have const reference, then you won't have the default copy constructor, or copy assignment operator. You can't have the class be a member of any other class either, unless that also cannot be const.
I have seen some (sloppy) code where people implement iterators, and because they get tired of writing boilerplate, they implement const_iterators by const_casting away the const and using the non-const iterator implementation. They do this with classes that they know won't "actually" be const, so it won't be undefined behavior in their program. Potentially, not much fun for maintainers though.
For these classes, the class "cannot be const" in the sense that if you actually created a const one on the stack and used it normally you could technically get UB.
If what you want is for the compiler to complain when someone creates a const instance of some class, I think that doesn't really make sense. Const is fundamentally a "promise not to change something". Why would you want to forbid the programmer from making a promise about how he will use something, that seems only beneficial.

Bad practice to use function pointers to members of a class T as parameters in functions of a template class<T>?

First off, sorry for the title. I couldn't really condense what I'm trying to ask into one phrase :(
I was reading this post, and it somehow got me thinking on function pointers. Specifically, I was wondering why it's "bad" (or, at least, rarely seen) to pass class member functions as function parameters, and then use that pointer on an existing object within that function.
Let's assume I have a template class "Container", which stores a single variable of type T and provides a method to get a const reference to this variable.
template<class T>
class Container {
Container(T anObject) {
m_data = anObject;
const T& getData() const {
return m_data;
T m_data;
Now, I would like to be able to execute member functions of T on m_data, but I don't want to make getData() non-const because that would enable all kinds of other mischief with the returned reference. My solution is to add a new public function, modifyData(...), to Container, which takes a function pointer to a member function of T as a parameter and executes it on m_data; like so:
// ...
void modifyData( void(typename T::*funcptr)(void) ) {
// ...
As-is, this will crash and burn if T is a pointer. For testing, I just created a specialized template for Container<T*> to address this, but I'm sure there would be a more elegant way.
A very construed example shows that this seems to work as intended:
// example class to be used with Container
class Data {
Data() {m_count = 0; }
void incrementCount() { m_count++; }
int getCount() const { return m_count; }
int m_count;
// ... in main.cpp:
Data dat;
Container<Data*> DCont(dat);
std::cout << cl.getData()->getCount() << std::endl; // outputs 0
std::cout << cl.getData()->getCount() << std::endl; // outputs 1
// compiler catches this:
// DCont.modifyData<SomeOtherClass>(&Data::incrementCount);
// this probably does something bad:
// DCont.modifyData<SomeOtherClass>(&SomeOtherClass::someFunc);
Now, instinctively this just seems like a horribly twisted way of doing things, and I've never seen code that works like this. But my question is, is there a performance/security reason why something like this is bad, or is it something that's just considered bad practice? If it's "just" bad practice, then why is that?
Obvious limitations that I could think of are that something like
// DCont.modifyData(&SomeOtherClass::someFunc);
will probably crash at runtime, but I think that could be addressed by checking the type of U against T in incrementData(). Also, as it is, modifyData only accepts void (*)() functions, but this could probably be addressed with variadic templates.
This example is obviously very construed and not implemented so well, but I think (hope?) it's good enough to explain what I'm talking about.
EDIT: There seems to be some confusion as to what the question is. Basically, this is the scenario I'm talking about: You have a bunch of classes from some library that you're trying to store in the container, and another function that generates certain containers; Now, you want the user to be able to call existing member functions on the objects within these containers, but not to modify the actual objects (like when returning a non-const reference with the getter). An actual implementation would probably use some sort of variadic template to be useful, but I need to think that through some more before posting example code.
In short, I'd like to limit a user's access to container members to only member functions of that member. Is there an easier way of doing this, or does this way not work in the way I was intending?
I don't have any problem with your architecture - I don't see it as bad practice. To me it seems quite a laborious way to protect data and doesn't really help you much in that the user can use any void function to modify the contained data which isn;t really a contract on what can and can't be changed.
I think the reason this construct is so rarely seen is that your requirement and goals of the container class are unusual.

C++ design with static methods

I would like to define as class X with a static method:
class X
static string get_type () {return "X";}
//other virtual methods
I would like to force classes which inherit from X to redefine the get_type() method
and return strings different from "X" (I am happy if they just redefine get_type for now).
How do I do this? I know that I cannot have virtual static methods.
Edit: The question is not about the type_id, but in general about a static method that
should be overriden. For example
class X {
static int getid() {return 1;}
template<int id>
class X {
static int getid() { return id; }
class Y : public X<2> {
You haven't overridden the method, but you've forced every subclass to provide an ID. Caveat: I haven't tried this, there might be some subtle reason why it wouldn't work.
If I'm not mistaken, to call the static method, you have to invoke the method by specifying the exact name of the class, e.g X::get_type();, DerivedClass::get_type() etc and in any case, if called on an object, the dynamic type of the object is not taken into account. So at least in the particular case, it will probably only be useful in a templated context when you are not expecting polymorphic behavior.
However, I don't see why it shouldn't be possible to force each interesting class (inherited or not, since "compile-time polymorphism" doesn't care) to provide this functionality with templates. In the following case, you must specialize the get_type function or you'll have a compile-time error:
#include <string>
struct X {};
struct Derived: X {};
template <class T> std::string get_type() {
static_assert(sizeof(T) == 0, "get_type not specialized for given type");
return std::string();
template <> std::string get_type<X>() {
return "X";
int main() {
get_type<Derived>(); //error
(static_assert is C++0x, otherwise use your favourite implementation, e.g BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT. And if you feel bad about specializing functions, specialize a struct instead. And if you want to force an error if someone accidentally tries to specialize it for types not derived from X, then that should also be possible with type_traits.)
I'd say you know the why but just in case here's a good explanation:
It looks like your going to have to design your way out of this. Perhaps a virtual function that wraps a Singleton?
Don't do that, use typeid instead.
To make a long story short, you can't do it. The only way to require a derived class to override a base class function is to make it a pure virtual (which can't be static).
You can't do this for a number of reasons. You can't define the function in X and have it be pure virtual. You can't have virtual static functions at all.
Why must they be static?
Here you go
class X
static string get_type() {return "X"; }
class Y : public X
static string get_type() {return "Y"; }
The code above does exactly what you requested: the derived class redefines get_type and returns a different string. If this is not what you want, you have to explain why. You have to explain what is it you are trying to do and what behavior you expect from that static method. If is absolutely unclear form your original question.
You mention a few places about guaranteeing that the child types yield unique values for your function. This is, as others have said, impossible at compile time [at least, without the use of templates, which might or might not be acceptable]. But if you delay it until runtime, you can maybe pull something similar off.
class Base {
static std::vector<std::pair<const std::type_info*, int> > datas;
typedef std::vector<std::pair<const std::type_info*, int> >::iterator iterator;
virtual ~Base() { }
int Data() const {
const std::type_info& info = typeid(*this);
for(iterator i = datas.begin(); i != datas.end(); ++i)
if(*(i->first) == info) return i->second;
throw "Unregistered Type";
static bool RegisterClass(const Base& p, int data) {
const std::type_info& info = typeid(p);
for(iterator i = datas.begin(); i != datas.end(); ++i) {
if(i->second == data) {
if(*(i->first) != info) throw "Duplicate Data";
return true;
if(*(i->first) == info) throw "Reregistering";
datas.push_back(std::make_pair(&info, data));
return true;
std::vector<std::pair<const std::type_info*, int> > Base::datas;
class Derived : public Base { };
const DerivedRegisterFlag = Base::RegisterClass(Derived(), 10);
class OtherDerived : public Base { };
const OtherDerivedRegisterFlag = Base::RegisterClass(OtherDerived(), 10); //exception
Caveats: This is completely untested. The exceptions would get thrown before entering main if you do it this way. You could move the registration into constructors, and accept the per-instance overhead of registration checking if you'd rather.
I chose an unordered vector for simplicity; I'm not sure if type_info::before provides the necessary semantics to be used as a predicate for a map, and presumably you won't have so many derived classes that a linear search would be problematic anyhow. I store a pointer because you can't copy type_info objects directly. This is mostly safe, since the lifetime of the object returned by typeid is the entire program. There might be issues when the program is shutting down, I'm not sure.
I made no attempt to protect against static order of initialization errors. As written, this will fail at some point.
Finally, no it isn't static, but "static" and "virtual" don't really make sense together anyhow. If you don't have an instance of the type to act on, then how do you know which overwritten method to chose? There are a few cases with templates where you might legitimately want to call a static method without an actual object, but that's not likely to be common.
*edit: Also, I'm not sure how this interacts with dynamically linked libraries and the like. My suspicion is that RTTI is unreliable in those situations, so obviously this is similarly unreliable.
Use Delphi, it supports virtual static members on classes. ;>
Apologies for resurrecting this thread, but I've just encountered this moral crisis as well. This is a very bold and possibly foolish statement to make, but I wholeheartedly disagree with what most people are saying about static virtual not making any sense. This dilemma stems from how static members are commonly used versus what they're actually doing underneath.
People often express facts using static classes and/or members - something that is true for all instances if instances are relevant, or simply facts about the world in the case of static classes. Suppose you're modelling a Philosophy class. You might define abstract class Theory to represent a theory which is to be taught, then inherit from Theory in TheoryOfSelf, TheoryOfMind and so on. To teach a Theory, you'd really want a method called express() which expresses a theory using a particular turn of phrase appropriate to the audience. One would assume that any inheriting class should expose an identical method express(). If I were able to, I would model this relationship using static virtual - it is both a statement of fact transcending the concept of instances (therefore static) and nonspecific, requiring a specific implementation by each type of theory (therefore virtual).
I completely agree however with people justifying the prohibition on the grounds of what static is actually doing - it makes perfect sense in terms of coding principles, the issue arises from the customary ways people commonly model the real world.
The best resolution to this problem I've been able to think of is to model Theory as a singleton instead - there may be an instance of a theory, but there's only ever one of them. If you want an alternative, it's a different type, so create a new derived class. To me this approach just seems arbitrary and introduces unnecessary noise.

Private members vs temporary variables in C++

Suppose you have the following code:
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Foo f;
while (true) {
Which of the following two implementations of Foo are preferred?
Solution 1:
class Foo {
void doIt(Bar& data);
void doSomething() {
Bar _data;
Solution 2:
class Foo {
Bar _data;
void doIt(Bar& data);
void doSomething() {
In plain english: if I have a class with a method that gets called very often, and this method defines a considerable amount of temporary data (either one object of a complex class, or a large number of simple objects), should I declare this data as private members of the class?
On the one hand, this would save the time spent on constructing, initializing and destructing the data on each call, improving performance. On the other hand, it tramples on the "private member = state of the object" principle, and may make the code harder to understand.
Does the answer depend on the size/complexity of class Bar? What about the number of objects declared? At what point would the benefits outweigh the drawbacks?
From a design point of view, using temporaries is cleaner if that data is not part of the object state, and should be preferred.
Never make design choices on performance grounds before actually profiling the application. You might just discover that you end up with a worse design that is actually not any better than the original design performance wise.
To all the answers that recommend to reuse objects if construction/destruction cost is high, it is important to remark that if you must reuse the object from one invocation to another, in many cases the object must be reset to a valid state between method invocations and that also has a cost. In many such cases, the cost of resetting can be comparable to construction/destruction.
If you do not reset the object state between invocations, the two solutions could yield different results, as in the first call, the argument would be initialized and the state would probably be different between method invocations.
Thread safety has a great impact on this decision also. Auto variables inside a function are created in the stack of each of the threads, and as such are inherently thread safe. Any optimization that pushes those local variable so that it can be reused between different invocations will complicate thread safety and could even end up with a performance penalty due to contention that can worsen the overall performance.
Finally, if you want to keep the object between method invocations I would still not make it a private member of the class (it is not part of the class) but rather an implementation detail (static function variable, global in an unnamed namespace in the compilation unit where doOperation is implemented, member of a PIMPL...[the first 2 sharing the data for all objects, while the latter only for all invocations in the same object]) users of your class do not care about how you solve things (as long as you do it safely, and document that the class is not thread safe).
// foo.h
class Foo {
void doOperation();
void doIt( Bar& data );
// foo.cpp
void Foo::doOperation()
static Bar reusable_data;
doIt( reusable_data );
// else foo.cpp
namespace {
Bar reusable_global_data;
void Foo::doOperation()
doIt( reusable_global_data );
// pimpl foo.h
class Foo {
void doOperation();
class impl_t;
boost::scoped_ptr<impl_t> impl;
// foo.cpp
class Foo::impl_t {
Bar reusable;
void doIt(); // uses this->reusable instead of argument
void Foo::doOperation() {
First of all it depends on the problem being solved. If you need to persist the values of temporary objects between calls you need a member variable. If you need to reinitialize them on each invokation - use local temporary variables. It a question of the task at hand, not of being right or wrong.
Temporary variables construction and destruction will take some extra time (compared to just persisting a member variable) depending on how complex the temporary variables classes are and what their constructors and destructors have to do. Deciding whether the cost is significant should only be done after profiling, don't try to optimize it "just in case".
I'd declare _data as temporary variable in most cases. The only drawback is performance, but you'll get way more benefits. You may want to try Prototype pattern if constructing and destructing are really performance killers.
If it is semantically correct to preserve a value of Bar inside Foo, then there is nothing wrong with making it a member - it is then that every Foo has-a bar.
There are multiple scenarios where it might not be correct, e.g.
if you have multiple threads performing doSomething, would they need all separate Bar instances, or could they accept a single one?
would it be bad if state from one computation carries over to the next computation.
Most of the time, issue 2 is the reason to create local variables: you want to be sure to start from a clean state.
Like a lot of coding answers it depends.
Solution 1 is a lot more thread-safe. So if doSomething were being called by many threads I'd go for Solution 1.
If you're working in a single threaded environment and the cost of creating the Bar object is high, then I'd go for Solution 2.
In a single threaded env and if the cost of creating Bar is low, then I think i'd go for Solution 1.
You have already considered "private member=state of the object" principle, so there is no point in repeating that, however, look at it in another way.
A bunch of methods, say a, b, and c take the data "d" and work on it again and again. No other methods of the class care about this data. In this case, are you sure a, b and c are in the right class?
Would it be better to create another smaller class and delegate, where d can be a member variable? Such abstractions are difficult to think of, but often lead to great code.
Just my 2 cents.
Is that an extremely simplified example? If not, what's wrong with doing it this
void doSomething(Bar data);
int main() {
while (true) {
way? If doSomething() is a pure algorithm that needs some data (Bar) to work with, why would you need to wrap it in a class? A class is for wrapping a state (data) and the ways (member functions) to change it.
If you just need a piece of data then use just that: a piece of data. If you just need an algorithm, then use a function. Only if you need to keep a state (data values) between invocations of several algorithms (functions) working on them, a class might be the right choice.
I admit that the borderlines between these are blurred, but IME they make a good rule of thumb.
If it's really that temporary that costs you the time, then i would say there is nothing wrong with including it into your class as a member. But note that this will possibly make your function thread-unsafe if used without proper synchronization - once again, this depends on the use of _data.
I would, however, mark such a variable as mutable. If you read a class definition with a member being mutable, you can immediately assume that it doesn't account for the value of its parent object.
class Foo {
mutable Bar _data;
void doIt(Bar& data);
void doSomething() {
This will also make it possible to use _data as a mutable entity inside a const function - just like you could use it as a mutable entity if it was a local variable inside such a function.
If you want Bar to be initialised only once (due to cost in this case). Then I'd move it to a singleton pattern.