Is it possible to upload a django webapp for free - django

I followed a course where I made a django app like this and always get error when trying to upload it, I don't even have a solid understanding on how to uplaod my django website. I watched lots of videos but all of them were poor as none of them worked.
Tried uploading it for more than a month but with no avail, I tried using heroku,python anywhere and many others but some of them required credit card info and others don't work.
I would appreciate any form of help.


Multiple image upload in Django admin for a gallery

I have spent a lot of time trying different ways to upload multiple images in Django admin but I have failed miserably. I have tried django-multiupload-admin which I didn't manage to make it work and inlines is not what I am looking for. I just want to select several images all at once, upload them under one category and them display them into a mansory gallery. I am willing to pay someone to help me find a simple way. Please help!
You can extend the Admin interface pretty easily using Javascript.
Here is the link ... it will help you design django admin with drag and drop method to upload images
Django Snippet Article about Image Upload

DjangoCMS and two-factor-auth

I'm trying to use the django-two-factor-auth on djangoCMS, I saw it can be hooked to views or even called thru request.user but I'm having bad time trying to figure out how I can actually do that given that on djangoCMS, from what I got so far, there are no views I can touch.
I looked at the example app on heroku for the 2-fact-auth but it doesn't give me enough hints.
Anyone has faced this before?

Django: Submitting a form to a Database, suggested turorials?

I have been reading and doing Django Tutorials for a while now. I am looking to build a relatively simple Survey facility for an experiment I am running.
However almost all of the form tutorials I have looked at relate to submitting a form to an email address e.g.
DjangoBook Chapter 7
Working with Forms
There are some old SO questions on this topic as well but the resources are either not complete or out of date.
I am looking to store the users feedback in the SQLite database. Can anyone recommend any resources for this? I understand that the methodology is similar but there seems to be much less information about it.
The Django tutorial does exactly what you requested. In the part 4 it's explained how to create a form and save the voting resuts to the database.

Having problems with Image File POST to Django Server through API

I've spent all day trying to get this Imagefile POST working to no avail. I would be extremely grateful if anyone could provide a little assistance to push me in the right direction! I am using Django Tastypie Restful API service.
Here is what I have so far in my attempt to POST an image to my server and save it - but I think I've gotten the whole spectrum of status errors from 404s to 500s. Would greatly appreciate any insight :)
Thank you in advance!
Don't try to post an image in Tastypie JSON format. Upload it using a multi-part form data in plain Django. I am saying so not because you can't do, but coz its difficult and not the right approach also. Secondly it increases the uploaded file-size 30%-40% which might be a problem to most people.
Still I leave it to you decide what to do and I am putting links for file uploading using Django and Tastypie both. Make your choice.
Plain django -
This is straight from Django docs and mostly sufficient for any basic needs.
Using Tastypie- Django-tastypie: Any example on file upload in POST?
How do you upload a file with a POST request on django-tastypie?
I figured out the solution to my issue which was a faulty curl command in the file directory.

Multiple images not showing in frontend virtuemart2?

I am using Joomla 2.5.8 and virtue mart 2.0.14,I uploaded multiple images to a product in virtue mart but it displays only single images instead of displaying multiple images.How can i solve this problem.
I don't really understand your question but once something similar happened to me - I uploaded more photos of a product but when I looked at its detail on the front-end, there was just one image. The silly reason for it was that I was looking at another product than I added additional images for.
However, I would strongly recommend you looking at the Joomla Extensions and download a plugin for it.