Speed up Google cloud run deployment for c++ applications [closed] - c++

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Closed 12 hours ago.
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I've followed the quickstart but this is too slow, the docker file creates and image, compile everything and recreate the image only with Alpine and copy the binary.
Is there a guide or something to split the process in two, having the first part prepared, compile the updated files and then create the docker from Alpine and copy the binary?
The cloud code plugging for vs code doesn't support c++


Is there a tool to generate OCMOD files? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm starting to get into customizing OC3 for my needs, and see the benefit of putting extensions in OCMOD files.
I assume people test and debug their code by temporarily rewriting the core files, and only write the OCMODs after the extension is ready.
Given an original file and a version with a customized script or modification, is there a tool to compare them and generate the OCMOD xml automatically? (maybe based on diff)
Or extension developers do that manually?
Try this repository in github. it automatically generates install.xml :
There are no tools available for OCMOD.
Extension Developers do that manually.

GCC/G++ compiler settings GUI [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am looking for some frontend (GUI, Graphical user interface) for GCC and G++ which is oriented towards helping me setup the compiler in a user-friendly way.
I am not looking for a development environment, and the code edition is being made on a dedicated text editor (VS Code, Atom, whatever). I only want to compile my source and header files and change any compiler setting.
You can use Make to properly compile your files through a configuration (Makefile), but there is no GUI.
For more information : make documentation

can i run simple c++ command line scripts on my iphone? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to run some math code that I have been working on for a while on my iPhone. I use nothing but cin, cout, and getline. I also use a fair bit of the stl.
You could use cloud9 the web based programming environment. It supports c++. All you need is a web browser.

Open protobuf service [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Do you know of a robust, free, ideally open source, web service that uses protobuf.
I maintain an Android library for networking and I write samples for every module. For instance, the JSON modules use Github apis to get some data from the network and illustrate the client library usage.
Do you know an equivalent for protobuf ?
Thanks in advance.
Your protobuf module could use this api to access from the android market place:

Is there a good library c/c++/java to generate video with special effects , transitions from a set of images? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I need to develop a video generator that takes in a set of images, music files and outputs mp4 videos. The platform is linux. Was wondering if there are any existing libraries that can do this job ?
I believe Processing can do what you want.
you can use ImageMagick for video part. It has both good graphics/video library and corresponding console application. For sound embedding use gstreamer.