Updated website from git but changes not appearing - amazon-web-services

I have hosted a site on an AWS EC2 instance almost 1 year ago. now I am facing an issue with the update of the website. when I commit and push the changes in my git repo. and then I open the ec2 server and try to pull my code it successfully commits the changes but no changes appear on the site or the site doesn't update.
I have already changed the access token of the git repo. and so many times I have rebooted the instance many times but it doesn't worked for me.


Why is google cloud app deploy still giving me the old site

Recently I update all my site to a new node.js version 13.
I work hard to fixed everything. (My old site was online on Google cloud over 1 year with a version 7 or 8 and was working).
So I create my dist folder, and I create a new bucket on Google cloud. I follow every step from this site:
So my new site was working fine with the new look.
But I had some small mistakes in some pages, so I rebuild a new dist folder. I erase the dist folder in my bucket and upload the new one.
I redo these 2 steps (with my real site name):
gsutil rsync -r gs://fitness-dashboard-bucket ./fitness-dashboard-app
gcloud app deploy ./fitness-dashboard-app
Unfortunately, the deploy gives me the old site. I modify and update the YAML file like it says in this post:
gcloud app deploy trying to push old code
And the site was not working . (GREAT, so I know that the deploy is working). I resend my real yaml file and do the 2 commands. but the site still giving me the old site again.
Why my modification are not taken ? Does I need to versioning ? If so How I do this ?
How I can update my site ??
Finally I found it by myself.
I Open Editor in google and I saw old directories from a previous deployment. Like if the dist folder was not the same.
So I erase all old stuff in my app directory.
I close the editor and return to the terminal.
I just sync again et redeploy and finally I got my new site.
(I use my 2 commands that I write in my question to sync and deploy).

Updating code on Digital Ocean via GitHub

I have a Django app on Digital Ocean https://chicagocreativesnetwork.com/ which was uploaded via GitHub.
I need to make some changes to the CSS and HTML for this app, which I am doing locally and pushing to my GitHub repository.
How do I get the pushed GitHub updates into my Digital Ocean app?
How was the app uploaded to your Digital Ocean droplet exactly? Was the repo cloned or forked to the droplet?
Read the Caution at the end first
You could always go into your droplet console move to the directory where your project is in. Then do:
git status (to see the state of your repo)
then do git fetch (to fetch the changes from your origin to your droplet repo)
do a git status again (to see how many steps your droplet is behind your remote
if you see everything is ok and it says you are '1 commit behind master'(if you are changing for the first time after deployment)
Go ahead and git pull (with github username and personal access token as password)
do a final git status it should now say 'you are up-to date with remote'
CAUTION - do not git push anything from your droplet console into your remote repo even if git status shows files ready to be staged and committed in red.
These files are local to the droplet repo and should stay as they are. Any change you make should come from -
Local changes pushed to your remote repository
Going into your droplet console and Pulling the changes into your droplet repository
The workflow is detailed more clearly in the following comment:

eb deploy does not update the code

I am trying to deploy an application version but eb deploy command fails with:
ERROR: Update environment operation is complete, but with errors. For
more information, see troubleshooting documentation.
I checked the logs, made some changes to the code, committed and deployed again and guess what, it failed again. The logs indicate the same error, disregarding my changes. The error occurs in a file in this directory /var/app/ondeck/app/, when I go check, I can see the previous version is there.
I tried deploying using the Elastic Beanstalk dashboard, but somehow the instance is not receiving the new version. Can someone help me with this? Thanks.
Just had the same problem and noticed in the documentation
If you have initialized a git repository in your project folder, the EB CLI will always deploy the latest commit, even if you have pending changes. Commit your changes prior to running eb deploy to deploy them to your environment."
made the commits and worked fine

Deploy Django App on Azure: only displays default app, even after deployment

I am trying to deploy a webapp to Azure. I am following these directions https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-python-create-deploy-django-app/
First step, I created a webapp (Django) on the portal.
Then it says to follow the directions to configure Continuous deployment using GIT in Azure App Service. This should apparently lead to my having a local directory of Django files. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-publish-source-control/
So I follow those directions, installing Git, creating a local repository, adding a webpage, enabling web app repository, deploying.
The webportal now shows that I have deployed ('active' deployment). However, when I go to the web app url, what's showing is NOT what I deployed, but rather what I guess is the default Django app with its urls (login, logout, contacts).
So then I create an actual Django app in my local directory (instead of the static index.html from the directions). I commit and push it to Azure. It shows as being deployed.
The result is the same as before: the default web app is showing.
So what I'm missing is the connection between my local repository and what's actually showing. Is there some way to pull the Azure default app into my local repository? (Once it's there, I'll be able to change it as I see fit.)
Things are working as expected, but you ended up overwriting the Django app in your first the Git commit. The Continuous Deployment instructions as written are generic to any deployment, even a blank Web App.
So what I'm missing is the connection between my local repository and what's actually showing. Is there some way to pull the Azure default app into my local repository? (Once it's there, I'll be able to change it as I see fit.)
All you need to do is git clone your repo after you've initialized your local Git repo on the Azure Web App. You've already gone through most of these steps, but I'll include them here for others who may be looking for this answer.
After you create the Django Web App from the Azure Marketplace/Gallery, scroll down to set up continuous deployment.
Choose Local Git repo.
Notice that you now have a Git Clone URL in both your Quickstart Essentials info and under All Settings >> Properties. Go ahead and copy this URL.
If you haven't already done so, you may need to set or reset your Deployment Credentials. You'll find this under All Settings. This will be your Git & FTP credentials. Note that this is actually the credentials for your Microsoft Account, not just this one Web App.
You already have Git installed from your first attempt. You should now be able to navigate to the folder you want to clone the repo into and run:
git clone <your_git_clone_url>
After you type in your password, you'll have a cloned repo of the Django Web App on your local system. cd into the directory and start working from there. Once you have changes, git add ., git commit, and git push them back to the repo in Azure to see your changes there.

AWS - 'Failed to get bucket name' when doing git aws.push

I have a Django application and am using AWS servers to host the app. Before, I used to do
git add .
git commit -m 'made changes'
git aws.push
and it used to work perfectly fine. All of a sudden, I did it again after a few weeks and now it says
Error: Failed to get the Amazon S3 bucket name
. When I do
eb status
it says
routines: SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE: certificate verify failed
Why is it giving me these errors when it used to work perfectly fine a few weeks ago? I never changed my IAM user's password. Does it change automatically? Because I still have the credentials file when I created the IAM user and the password in that file is the same password I am using.
Is there any error log where I can get further information to debug this issue?
It's a trite answer, but I'd suggest updating eb. They've made some improvements to the API since I last updated earlier this week, and some changes to their architecture when it comes to Python apps (now defaulting to Python 3). Running pip install awsebcli --upgrade may do the trick, if Amazon have made potentially breaking changes, or the Boto library is out-of-date on your machine.