How do I change the pen tool stroke width based on text length with code in After Effects? - after-effects

How do I adjust the pen tool stroke width based on text length with code in After Effects?
I tried to get help from chatgpt but it is useless.
I tried to get code from chatgpt is but it gave error.


how to create an outline of a text with fonts with separate polygons for each letter?

I want the outline of text with the standard Windows font "Bahnschrift". I tried to convert it with "Path->Object to Path" and then setting fill to X and stroke to black, but looks like the font is constructed with separate polygons for each letter. See this example:
Top is Bahnschrift, and bottom is Arial which works fine.
Is it possible to calculate somehow automatically the outline of the top text, without intersections, and without doing it all manually for all the letters? And including the right outline for letters with holes, like the "e"?
Some letters are even kind of twisted internally, looks pretty bad:
So I guess an algorithm to detect if it is a real hole, or if it is a hole from such twists and to ignore it, could be difficult.
Select the complete character in question. Then select from the drop down menu:
Path intersection followed by path union. This fixes the character font outline problem where the outline crosses into the body of the character.

Spacing between inserted image and caption in R markdown

I want to adjust the spacing between an inserted image and the caption (HTML output). The default output in latex/PDF looks nice. But the space in html is way too little (see the attached image).
I searched around but found no solution so far. I would imagine that this can be solved by adjusting the margin of the image, margin of the caption, or adding vertical space, but really need some guidance on how. Any suggestion is appreciated!

How to center an icon in a QToolButton?

I created a simple 10x10 black box and added it to a QToolButton as follows:
QIcon minIcon;
minButton = new QToolButton;
However, it appears on screen shifted left (image enlarged for convenience):
Some squinting in Gimp told me that grey area to the left is 56 pixels zoomed and grey area to the right is 68. This misalignment is very noticeable even without zoom - that was how I spotted it in the first place. So, how do I center this icon?
P.S. Tried using a QPushButton without text. Same effect.
It's probably a bit late now, but I stumbled across the same issue and found the following code snippet in QTs qstylesheet.cpp
case CT_ToolButton:
if (rule.hasBox() || !rule.hasNativeBorder() || !rule.baseStyleCanDraw())
sz += QSize(3, 3); // ### broken QToolButton
This would increase your even sized icon to be odd sized and therefor not centered. I'm not sure why there's an addition of 3 but the comment suggest it's a fix for something...
Unfortunately this doesn't fix the issue, it just kind of explains the source of it. But it might help someone to find a better solution than "make all your icons odd sized".

SKIA :: Get Text height of a text inside a canvas

I am using Skia for one of my sample program. I have a canvas and inside this I am writing text with font_size 30, this is the code snippet.
string = "Test String";
SkString text(string);
SkPaint paint;
SkScalar textWidth;
textWidth = paint.measureText(text.c_str(), text.size());
textWidth will give the exact width of the text inside the canvas. My question is how can I get the height of the text ? Please help.
I once had to look into this myself in the past, this link here should help you, even though it is java, fonts all work on the same idea as far as I know.
I assume you will want from the ascender to the baseline, Which is just the ascent. Or you may want the whole thing from top to bottom which is the ascent and descent combined,
If you were writing on lined paper, the baseline is the same as the line you write on, anything above that is the ascent, anything below is the descent.
I dont know anything about skia, But A quick look into skia, at this link here, that there is a public member called fAscent in FontMetrics, and fDescent, Maybe you can use those.
the font size your have specified as "font_size" is the height of single line text

Vertical centering of multi-line cstatic text in MFC

How can one make a CStatic with text auto-wrap (multiline) which vertically centeres the result in the control's rectangle?
The problem I'm trying to solve is this: I have a CStatic control next to a CComboBox which updates information text depending on the choice. This text can be either short or long, requiring the CStatic to sometimes use multi-lines, and sometimes not. I want the info-text be vertically center-aligned with the CComboBox.
Now here is the problem:
If I make the CStatic only 1 textline high, it looks good for 1-line texts, but multi-lines do not fit and are not displayed.
If I make the CStatic higher to fit 2 lines, it looks good for long texts (with 2 lines), but 1-line-texts are shifted upwards, as the CStatic aligns the text on the top. A CStatic with the behavior mentioned in the question would solve this...
If I can't easily get a vertically centered CStatic multi-line control, the alternative would be to resize the control rect depending on the amount of text in it. But in this case I have a different problem:
How can I programatically find out how many lines a text will need in a CStatic of specific width?
Unfortunately you can't vcenter multi-line text in a CStatic.
Your next question has a solution but it's a bit of a pain to use. What you do is you use CDC::DrawTextEx with the DT_CALCRECT flag to get the size (in pixels) of the text you want to format. By dividing that by the height of a line of text (given in the font info you can get from the DC, plus some spacing which I'm not sure of how much that is - presumably it's a fixed amount, I don't think you can specify line spacing with DrawText), you will get (an approximation of) the number of lines you will get. You can then resize the control rect.
Come to think of it, you are probably better off not converting to lines and just resize your control to the extent you get from DrawTextEx :)
Things like this usually require some experimentation to get exactly right, and sometimes behave differently between OS versions. Proceed with caution.