In Customs.TR solution Errors appear in packages As a result, I get the following errors when I rebuild - build

In Customs.TR solution
Errors appear in packages
As a result, I get the following errors when I rebuild
builds them as a result of build
I am using the latest version of VS
I have this problem only on my laptop
I don't have it on my desktop
Anyone have any info on why?


Can't build PSmove API with MinGW 5.3.0, multiple definitions

I downloaded the PSmove API source code from Then I generated the makefile using CMake 3.14.0-rc2. As the next step I used Code::Blocks 17.12 to start the build process with minGW 5.3.0 under Windows 10 64-bit.
The compiling process works fine, but then during the linking process I receive the following error messages:
Linker error:
(Click images to enlarge)
Log before error appears:
There are a lot of multiple definitions in libpthread and libmingwex and at the moment I am a bit lost how to get rid of this errors.

CLion Cygwin (32 bit) version 2.11.2 GDB Debugging Error 0xc0000135

This seems to be related to linking to the mono library, once I remove any kind of reference to mono code and remove the linking to the library from my CMakeList.txt file, debugging works as expected.
Okay, I've discovered something interesting. This actually might not have anything to do with how I am linking libraries, it appears to be directly related to how I am initialising a class in my unit test. For whatever reason, if I use my normal syntax of TypeDeclaration variableName; the unit test fails immediately with the error code 0xc0000135, but if I change it to read TypeDeclaration variableName(); the code will run. Only problem is that I then get a warning stating empty parenthesis interpreted as a function declaration. I came from linux using g++ to compile my code and there was never an issue, now all of a sudden trying to compile on windows using cygwin or mingw means I can't use the normal standard c++ syntax to actually do work...
Edit 3
I've discovered that this issue is occurring because the libraries I am dependent on aren't actually being copied into the build directory of my unit test project. If I manually copy the required libraries into my build directory debugging works as expected, will need to learn how to express this requirement in CMakeList.txt
More Details
CLion Specifics
CLion 2018.3.1
Build #CL-183.4588.63, built on December 5, 2018
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1343-b16 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Windows 10 10.0
Toolchain Settings
Cygwin 32 bit version 2.11.2
CMake version 3.13.1
Make version 4.2.1
gcc version 7.3.0
Debugger Cygwin GDB version 8.1.1
catch.hpp for unit testing.
When debugging a unit test, CLion reports the following error:
During startup program exited with code 0xc0000135.
Google returns a lot of Qt and netbeans related results, everyone suggests to add C:\mingw\bin to the system PATH variable. However I am not using mingw I am using cygwin. I tried adding C:\cygwin\bin to my PATH directory but that does not help. I also tried switching toolchain to use mingw to see if that would help. but the same problem occurs with debugging.
Not sure what else I can do to proceed in resolving this one, any ideas would be most welcome.

build syntaxnet with bazel: pywrap error

I am trying to build syntaxnet using bazel without root rights. I have downloaded bazel 0.2.2b and pulled the syntaxnet git repository as suggested on its website. I have managed to pass the new gcc for the bazel build and set my environment variables to include the local gcc as well as my local python version (2.7). I also added swig and jdk to PATH. Still, I get the following error when trying to run bazel test syntaxnet/... util/utf8/...:
INFO: Found 65 targets and 12 test targets...
ERROR: /home/davba/.cache/bazel/_bazel_debauscd/33ff1ccf943e8d1167bc44c81c9ea8f4/external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/python/BUILD:1023:1: output 'external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/python/' was not created.
ERROR: /home/davba/.cache/bazel/_bazel_debauscd/33ff1ccf943e8d1167bc44c81c9ea8f4/external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/python/BUILD:1023:1: output 'external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/python/' was not created.
ERROR: /home/davba/.cache/bazel/_bazel_debauscd/33ff1ccf943e8d1167bc44c81c9ea8f4/external/org_tensorflow/tensorflow/python/BUILD:1023:1: not all outputs were created.
After that, none of the tests are run which means all twelve tests are skipped. Any ideas are highly appreciated.
Edit: I have realized that I used an old version of protobuf. Unfortunately, the problem remains even after updating.
Since it seems to be a python related problem and I had built python from source, I tried to use anaconda but ended up with the same error.
Some more information: I am using CentOS 6.5 and tried python 2.7.11.
I set the environment variables as follows and changed the CROSSTOOL file for building bazel accordingly:
LDFLAGS="-L/soft/csw/linux64/rel6/gccs-4.8.5/lib -L/soft/csw/linux64/rel6/gccs-4.8.5/lib64":"-L/home/davba/syntaxnet-utils/pcre/lib"
CXXFLAGS="-L/soft/csw/linux64/rel6/gccs-4.8.5/lib -L/soft/csw/linux64/rel6/gccs-4.8.5/lib64"
I tried running it on a different machine with CentOS 7.0, but wound up with the same error.
Finally, I had the opportunity to switch to an Ubuntu machine with sudo rights which enabled me to run the bazel installer and compile syntaxnet without a problem. This solves the problem in my case. For a "real" fix I think we have to wait for someone experiencing the same issue.

Building a previous version of Chromium browser

I'm trying to build a previous version of the Chromium browser that still had NPAPI support. I've gotten the code and I'm able to build the latest version of Chromium on my mac by using the stand build commands
gclient sync
ninja -C out/Debug chrome
everything works great I can run chrome after that. So I tried
git checkout tags/41.0.2272.96 -b npapi
ninja -C out/Debug chrome
but I end up getting
'../../chrome/app/chrome_exe_main_mac.c', needed by 'obj/chrome/app/helper_app.chrome_exe_main_mac.o', missing and no known rule to make it`
Is there a standard way to rebuild a previous version of chromium? everything I find is about getting the latest and building it but nothing about going back to a previous version
The instructions you want are at the top of this page.
What you are missing in your current steps is the gclient sync, which will pull the correct version of all the dependencies, and also regenerate the build files based on the current sources. (The error in your question is almost certainly due to the latter.)

What do I have to do to set C++ development in eclipse?

I am currently trying to set my eclipse so that I can start c++ development on my Windows computer. However, I am stuck with some errors. But first, here is what I did so far:
Installed the CDT for Eclipse
Installed Cygwin (with the additional packages gcc, gcc and make)
Added all "paths for headers" in Eclipse
The problem is that when I try to run my Hello World program, I get Launch failed. Binary not found.
I already build and rebuild the project but the program is still not running. It must be because of these errors that I have:
/bin/sh: g++: command not found
make: ***[src/HelloWorld.o] Error 127
What can I do to solve these errors?
Try running the Cygwin setup.exe again and select the packages for g++. Search for that and make sure those are installed. It should be under the name gcc-g++. The C++ compiler is installed separately from the C compiler.
Ok, I figured it out by myself. Since this really freaked me out, I want anyone else who has this problem to know how I solved it.
So apparently, since I had g++, gcc and all that installed, it had to be a problem with the path.
So what I did was check my path. If you don't know how to edit it, check this link
So in there, I chose Path under the System variables and clicked on Edit.... What I noticed was that instead of C:\cygwin64 it said C:\cygwin. All I did was append the 64 (since I had installed the 64-bit version of cygwin) and I was done.
I restarted Eclipse, cleaned and built the project and the errors where gone!