How can I add a total count when displaying multiple counts - amazon-web-services

Currently I'm parsing the #header to get the counts for different strings within the header e.g.
fields header.platform
| parse 'macOS' as mac
| parse 'Windows' as windows
| parse 'Android' as android
| parse 'iPhone' as iphone
| stats count(mac) as mac_count, count(windows) as windows_count, count(android) as
android_count, count(iphone) as iphone_count
by bin(1hr)
When parsing like this can I have a total count of the counts mac, windows, android and iphone?


Intune - exporting a list of users with more than one Windows device

I have more than 1100 Windows devices registered on Intune, some users had their laptop replaced, however the device replaced was not deleted. How can I generate a list of UPN that contains more than 1 device? I will need this check this list and then remove it from On-Prem AD, AAD, Intune.
I was trying to create a PowerShell script, but I am not finding a way to do that.
$intuneDevices = Get-IntuneManagedDevice | Get-MSGraphAllPages
$windevices = $intuneDevices | Where-Object { $.operatingSystem -eq "Windows" }
$windevices | **Where-Object {$.userPrincipalName -ge '1'}* | Select DeviceName, userPrincipalName
I am not sure exactly how I can bring userPrincipalName with more than 1 device.
I hope it make sense and someone can help
Thanks in advance

Parse lines from messages in a Splunk query to be displayed as a chart on a dashboard

I generate events on multiple computers that list service names that aren't running. I want to make a chart that displays the top offending service names.
I can use the following to get a table for the dashboard:
ComputerName="*" sourcetype="WinEventLog:Application" EventCode=7223 SourceName="internalSystem"
| eval Date_Time=strftime(_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
| table host, Date_Time, Message, EventCode
Typical Message(s) will contain:
The following services were not running after 5603 seconds and a start command has been sent:
The following services were not running after 985 seconds and a start command has been sent:
Using regex I can make a named group of everything but the first line with (?<Services>((?<=\n)).*)
However, I don't think this is the right approach as I don't know how to do a valuation for the chart with this information.
So in essence, how do I grab and tally service names from messages in Splunk?
Edit 1:
Coming back to this after a few days.
I created a field extraction called "Services" with regex that grabs the contents of each message after the first line.
If I use | stats count BY Services it counts each message as a whole instead of the lines inside. The results look like this:
Service1 Service2 | Count: 1
Service2 Service3 | Count: 1
My intention is to have it treat each line as its own value so the results would look like:
Service1 | Count: 1
Service2 | Count: 2
Service3 | Count: 1
I tried | mvexpand Services but it didn't change the output so I assume I'm either using it improperly or it's not applicable here.
I think you can do it with the stats command.
| stats count by service
will give a number of appearances for each service. You then can choose the bar chart visualization to create a graph.
I ended up using split() and mvexpand to solve this problem.
This is what worked in the end:
My search
| eval events=split(Service, "
| mvexpand events
| eval events=replace(events, "[\n\r]", "")
| stats count BY events
I had to add the replace() method because any event with just one service listed was being treated differently from an event with multiple, after the split on an event with multiple services each service had a carriage return, hence the replace.
My end result dashboard chart:
For Chart dropping down that is clean:
index="yourIndex" "<searchCriteria>" | stats count(eval(searchmatch("
<searchCriteria>"))) as TotalCount
count(eval(searchmatch("search1"))) as Name1
count(eval(searchmatch("search2" ))) as Name2
count(eval(searchmatch("search3"))) as Name3
| transpose 5
| rename column as "Name", "row 1" as "Count"
Horizontal table example with percentages:
index=something "Barcode_Fail" OR "Barcode_Success" | stats
count(eval(searchmatch("Barcode_Success"))) as SuccessCount
count(eval(searchmatch("Barcode_Fail"))) as FailureCount
count(eval(searchmatch("Barcode_*"))) as Totals | eval
Failure_Rate=FailureCount/Totals |eval Success_Rate=SuccessCount/Totals

PostgreSQL Full Text Search: Documents composed of multiple rows

I'm using PostgreSQL's Full Text Search in Django.
My data is stored in a tree structure, like so:
- note 100 #This is a tree
- note 341
- note 422
- note 101 #This is another tree
- note 218
- note 106
In the database, each note is just an individual row with a link to its parent:
id | note_body | parent_id
341 | "foo" | 100
422 | "bar" | 341
This makes it possible to retrieve a single tree (i.e. several individual notes) at once.
My question is: How can I use full text where each document is a whole tree, rather than a single note?
In this example, searching for "foo" or "bar" should return note 100, which is the root of the tree that contains that word.
I would like to do this using Django's full text search API.

Emotion Classification in Text Using R

I have a enormous data set of texts, from which I have separated the text which holds particular keyword/s. Here is the data set with particular keywords. Now my next task is classify this data set according to 8 emotions and 2 sentiments, in total there will be 10 different classes. I have got this idea from NRC emotion lexicon which holds 14182 different words with their emotion+sentiment classes. The main NRC work in I know Naive Bayes classification, or clustering works well with binary classification (for say, two class positive and negative sentiment). But when 10 class problem comes, I have no idea how I will process further. I would really appreciate for your suggestion. I am doing the assignment with R. The final result will be as bellow:
| SentencesWithKeywords | emotion or sentiment class |
|conflict need resolved turned | anger/anticipation/disgust/fear/joy|
|conversation exchange ideas | negative/positive/sadness/ |
|richer environment | surprise/trust |
| | |
| sentence2 |anger/anticipation/disgust/fear/joy |
| | negative/positive/sadness/ |
| | surprise/trust |
You should check out the caret package ( What you are trying to do are two different classifications (one mulit-class and one two class problem). Represent the document as term frequency vectors and run a classification algorithm of your choice. SVMs usually work well with bag of words approaches.

Regex to match last sentence of a line

Got some text:
[23/07 | DEV | FARO | QC Billable | #2032] Unable to Load label
[30/07 | QC | ROLAWN ] Selling products as a bundle
[11/08 | EST | QC BILLABLE | #2015 ISUOG ] On Demand website looping
[05/08 | EST | ROLAWN | Problems with 'find a stockist'
[29/07 | DEV | QUBA] Blog comments loading to error
[24/07 | FROG | EST| QC BILLABLE #2033] Carousel banner not working correctly
I'm trying to match the last sentence at the end of each line so the matches are as follows:
Unable to Load label
Selling products as a bundle
On Demand website looping
Problems with 'find a stockist'
Blog comments loading to error
Carousel banner not working correctly
Unfortunately, I can't depend on the structure of the line to conform, but the information I'm trying to extract should always be the last sentence. I've tried quite a few different things, but I'm struggling here.
If there is also some kind on no-word character before last sentence, try with:
Edit: The answer above by m.cekiera [\w\s']+$ is better.
Here's a pretty naive solution:
If you give more details about the actual structure it could be refined.