Is there a way to hide the "+ Add column" on a Microsoft Lists? - list

I have a Microsoft Lists that has a view where I want to hide the far right column "+ Add Column" but I can't figure out how to hide it? (boxed in the image below)
Has anyone been able to do this before?
Thanks in advance.


Tab Bar Controller Items Missing on Storyboard

I am not really sure what is happening with my xcode project. I am unable to edit the tab bar items in the story board. They are all greyed out as you can see below.
Could you please let me know what might be causing this?
Thank you.
Restarting my computer solved the problem. You can still see the icons and titles when you click and drag it.

Disable/Hide Items in a CListCtrl MFC

I want to hide or disable Items with SetItemState(). The CListCtrl is in Report View.
It must be something like this m_List.SetItemState(1, DISABLE, DISABLE);
I searched but didnt find the right nState
If there is another solution than SetItemState, it also will be ok
Can anyone help me?
There is no item state to represent a disabled (grayed) item. See docs
The only way to solve this is your own implementation and using custom draw. That is the way I do it.
You can easily prevent the user to select an item when you trap LVN_ITEMCHANGING. Just filter the state Change to LVIS_SELECTED and return TRUE to prevent the change.
You can give visual feedback. I would derive a class CMFCListCtrl and override OnGetCellBkColor and OnGetCellTextColor methods to achieve it.
And I would override the its response to selection to unselect when selecting an unselectable item. However for this part, I am not so sure if it is doable.

Integrating IASKAppSettingsViewController with UITabBarController

I am not able to integrate IASKAppSettingsViewController into my tab bar.
Can someone please help me with it?
For this to happen storyboard should look like:
set class for [UITableViewController] as "IASKAppSettingsViewController"
set [UITableView] style as "Grouped"

Is there a way to have multiple columns in a QMenu?

Is there a way to have multiple columns in a QMenu? I'm using Qt with C++. I have searched and there does not seem to be a way to do this built in to Qt. The question then is how do I add this functionality to my program? Has anyone built a custom menu that can have multiple columns?
Maybe a submenu is what you're looking for. As qt doc says:
Separators are inserted with addSeparator(), submenus with addMenu(), and all other items are considered action items.
For example, here there is a full example. And "Format" menu item is a submenu. You can add a submenu with:
m_mysubmenu = QMenu(...);
I found a way to do this here. This is not normally something that you want to do; there is usually a better way; but in my application, the user will be greatly helped by it.

How to sort Item in CListCtrl in MFC?

I made a Dialog based application in MFC. I put CListCtrl control on my Dialog and set its view style to report type. I have five columns in this list view. All columns are of String type. I want to implement the sorting in this list, That is when I click on a column it should sort item in the list. I saw many examples related to this. but none is working for me. Can some one guide me how to do that???
Since it is MFC, this sample and this sample should work.
List Sorting
This works perfectly. Thanks for your cooperation.