Set up DRF Browsable API Root with all api urls - django

In my I have many rest framework urls:
path("users/", api_views.users, name="users"),
path("proposals/", api_views.Proposals.as_view(), name="proposals"),
path("requests/", api_views.Requests.as_view(), name="requests"),
I can visit the individual endpoints in the browser and access the browsable API, but I want to set up a browsable API Root where I can see all the available endpoints. The DRF tutorial has an example in which they list the urls they want in the root, but I have a lot of urls and I want all of them to show up. Is there a way to include all the urls in my "api/" path?

You should try to use drf_yasg package. Here's a documentation for that.


Custom Grouping on OpenAPI endpoints with Django Rest Framework

I have a Django project and I am using Django REST framework. I am using drf-spectacular
for OpenAPI representation, but I think my problem is not tied to this package, it's seems a more generic OpenAPI thing to me (but not 100% sure if I am right to this).
Assume that I have a URL structure like this:
urlpatterns = [
path('api/', include([
path('v1/', include([
path('auth/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework')),
path('jwt-auth/token/obtain', CustomTokenObtainPairView.as_view(), name='token_obtain_pair'),
path('jwt-auth/token/refresh', CustomTokenRefreshView.as_view(), name='token_refresh'),
path('home/', include("home.urls"))
# OpenAPI endpoints
path('swagger/', SpectacularSwaggerView.as_view(url_name='schema-swagger-json'), name='schema-swagger-ui'),
path('swagger.yaml/', SpectacularAPIView.as_view(), name='schema-swagger-yaml'),
path('swagger.json/', SpectacularJSONAPIView.as_view(), name='schema-swagger-json'),
path('redoc/', SpectacularRedocView.as_view(url_name='schema-swagger-yaml'), name='schema-redoc'),
In the corresponding swagger UI view, I get all endpoints grouped under api endpoint, e.g.:
If add more endpoints under v1, all go under the api endpoint.
What I want to achieve is, to have the endpoints in Swagger grouped differently, e.g. by app. So I'd have home, jwt, another_endpoint, instead of just api, so it will be easier to navigate in Swagger (when I add more endpoints, with the current method it's just showing a massive list of URLs, not very user friendly).
I've read that those groups are being extracted from the first path of a URL, in my case this is api, so if I change the URL structure, I could achieve what I need.
But isn't there another way of doing this? I want to keep my URL structure, and customize how I display this with OpenAPI, so in the end I have a swagger that groups the endpoints by app, so it's easier to navigate and find what you are looking for.
you are making it harder than it needs to be. In the global settings you can specify a common prefix regex that strips the unwanted parts. that would clean up both operation_id and tags for you. In your case that would probably be:
'SCHEMA_PATH_PREFIX': r'/api/v[0-9]',
that should result in tags: home, jwt-auth, swagger.json, swagger.yaml
the tags on #extend_schema is merely a convenience to deviate from the default where needed. it would be cumbersome to do this for every operation. see the settings for more details:
for even more elaborate tagging you can always subclass AutoSchema and override get_tags(self) to your liking. cheers!
Turns out that you can control this by changing the tags in a view, as per OpenAPI specification:
So, with drf-spectacular, you can use the extend_schema decorator to achieve this, e.g.:
from drf_spectacular.utils import extend_schema
class CustomTokenObtainPairView(TokenObtainPairView):
Takes a set of user credentials and returns an access and refresh JSON web
token pair to prove the authentication of those credentials.
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
# whatever
So you have to use this decorator to extend the schema in each view that you want to put into a custom group.

How to set Authentication and Permission on django URLs for imported views

I want to use django REST framework's inbuilt API documentation. The problem is that I need it to be private with a login and I couldn't manage thus far. I do the following to create my API doc as documented:
from rest_framework.documentation import include_docs_urls
API_TITLE = "Cool title"
API_DESCRIPTION = "Badass description"
urlpatterns = [
path('docs/', include_docs_urls(title=API_TITLE, description=API_DESCRIPTION)
That creates my docs, which is fantastic. But it is accessible by everyone even though I have set my permissions and authentications for all the endpoints to private. I did this like this in my configs:
But even with this set I can access all site of the docs.
So I am looking for a way to protect my URLs which I imported and thus have no classes or methods at my disposal to protect. (So I can't use any decorators on them). Then I tried using the login required decorator on my URL like so:
path('docs/', login_required(include_docs_urls(title=API_TITLE, description=API_DESCRIPTION))),
but it throws me the following error: django.template.exceptions.TemplateDoesNotExist: registration/login.html
Is there a way of protecting such URLs?
Help is very much appreciated! Thanks a lot in advance!
EDIT: I figured I could pass permission classes as argument to my URL, and indeed Pycharm marks it as an option. So I put:
path('docs/', include_docs_urls(title=API_TITLE, description=API_DESCRIPTION, permission_classes= "rest_framework.permissions.IsAdminUser")),
That throws me the error str object not callable. Any ideas on how I could pass my permission classes there maybe?
For anyone ever having this problem. It is possible by doing the following:
from rest_framework.permissions import IsAdminUser
path('api/docs', include_docs_urls(
title=API_TITLE, description=API_DESCRIPTION, permission_classes=[IsAdminUser]
I wish this inbuilt API documentation tool was documented better. Took me a while to even find out that this exists....

Configure one django app on seperate domain and rest on other and need to share data between apps

How can i configure a separate domain for one app and another domain rest of the apps. I tried using django sites, django-host. Please share the example
Let there be 2 domains and, and the application main_app is to be hosted on and the rest of the application on
# project/
from django_hosts import patterns, host
host_patterns = patterns('',
host('main', 'main_app.urls', name='main'),
host('rest', 'project.urls', name='rest'),
Considering that the rest of the application URLs is on project.urls.

Dropbox and Django SSO using SAML

I am looking to use Dropbox SSO functionality by using the authentication from a Django site. Note that I'm not looking to use SAML as a backend for my Django site.
1) Dropbox Custom SSO help page:
2) Creating a SAML response:
3) Struggled to find any examples from Google of people doing this kind of SSO. Lots of links about people using SAML as a Django backend.
In the dropbox admin settings I can add my X509 certificate and the login link. This means that when you try to login into Dropbox using SSO it nicely forwards you to my Django site's login page using a GET request with a SAMLRequest in the querystring.
However, my understanding is that I now need to, once the user is authenticated on the Django site, fire a POST request back to Dropbox at their SAML login link with a SAMLResponse in the post data. Using the second resource above I believe I can create the SAMLResponse xml but I am unsure how to redirect the user to the dropbox SAML login link with the SAML data from my Django view.
Any help much appreciated.
Managed to get the functionality I needed using django-saml2-idp
Good documentation on installing here:
Settings in the Dropbox Admin console required the X509 certificate and then the login url set to: https://****.com/idp/login
Note that I had issues installing the M2Crypto dependency so used an Ubuntu package via:
sudo apt-get install python-m2crypto
Additionally I'm using Django 1.9.6 so needed to make overrides to the,, and files to make them compatible (various import statements needed updating and the urls changed to the new list format rather than using patterns).
Created a Dropbox Processor as follows:
import base64
import zlib
from saml2idp import base
from saml2idp.xml_render import _get_assertion_xml
def get_assertion_dropbox_xml(parameters, signed=False):
return _get_assertion_xml(ASSERTION_DROPBOX, parameters, signed)
'<saml:Assertion xmlns:saml="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" '
'IssueInstant="${ISSUE_INSTANT}" '
'<saml:Conditions NotBefore="${NOT_BEFORE}" NotOnOrAfter="${NOT_ON_OR_AFTER}">'
'<saml:AuthnStatement AuthnInstant="${AUTH_INSTANT}"'
class Processor(base.Processor):
def _decode_request(self):
Decodes _request_xml from _saml_request.
self._request_xml = zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode(self._saml_request), -15)
def _format_assertion(self):
self._assertion_xml = get_assertion_dropbox_xml(self._assertion_params, signed=False)
Which you register in your file as follows:
'autosubmit': True,
'certificate_file': '/****/certificate.pem',
'private_key_file': '/****/private-key.pem',
'issuer': 'https://www.****.com',
'signing': True,
sampleSpConfig = {
'acs_url': '',
'processor': 'dropbox.Processor',
'sample': sampleSpConfig,
Works like a dream. Hope this helps somebody out there.

ExtJS 5 application + Django rest framework CORS error when changing URL of store

I am developing a ExtJS application that uses a Django-rest-framework service. I am using CORS headers to allow fetching the data from the service (
What happens is that at a point in time I want to change the URL from the store. And when I do that I get the following error:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load The request was redirected to '', which is disallowed for cross-origin requests that require preflight.
In the settings.oy I define the following properties for the CORS
This works fine when I use URLs to list all the elements in my database, however when I change the store for another URL I get the error above. Also the link works fine in the browser.
The store url change is made this way:
var store = Ext.getStore(storeName);
The difference between the views, is that the two that work on the application are viewsets, while the other is just a generic list
class Example1viewset(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
API endpoing that allows metabolites to be viewed.
queryset = examples1.objects.all()
serializer_class = Example1Serializer
class Example1SearchList(generics.ListAPIView):
serializer_class = Example1Serializer
def get_queryset(self):
queryset = Example.objects.all()
if 'attr' in self.kwargs:
queryset = queryset.filter(Q(attribute1__contains=self.kwargs['attr']) | Q(attribute2__contains=self.kwargs['abbr']))
return queryset
Like I mentioned both examples work fine in the browser (even accessing through other computers in the network), however in the application when changing the URL of the store I get the CORS error. Does anyone has any idea why this is happening?
Thank you.
Just for clarification, the problem is not in changing the url of the store. As I tried to set those urls as defaults, but they are not working when accessing from the application.
My file:
router = routers.DefaultRouter()
router.register(r'example', views.Example1ViewSet)
# Wire up our API using automatic URL routing.
# Additionally, we include login URLs for the browsable API.
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^', include(router.urls)),
url(r'^reacsearch/(?P<attr>.+)/$', Example1SearchList.as_view()),
url(r'^api-auth/', include('rest_framework.urls', namespace='rest_framework'))
Can it be that the problem is related with the fact that I am not adding the search list to the router?
Problem solved since I was trying to fetch data from a different domain. I changed the type of store to jsonp in Extjs, and I also allowed my rest service to render data as jsonp.
Just a reminder if anyone comes accross this same problem, it is necessary to add ?format=jsonp to the store url:
Since it looks like an alternate solution was found, I'll explain what the issue appeared to be as well as why the alternative works.
XMLHttpRequest cannot load first url. The request was redirected to 'second url', which is disallowed for cross-origin requests that require preflight.
The issue here is that you are telling Django to enforce the trailing slash, which makes it automatically redirect urls without a trailing slash to urls with a trailing slash, assuming that one exists. This is why, as stated in the error, the request was redirected to the second url, which you can tell has the missing trailing slash. This is controlled by the APPEND_SLASH Django setting which is True by default.
The problem is that when CORS is doing a preflight request, which is what allows it to determine if the request can be made, there must be a valid response at the requested URL. Because you are redirecting the request, the preflight request fails and you're stuck without your information.
You can fix this by adding the trailing slash in your code. There appear to be a few solutions for doing this with ext, but I personally can't recommend a specific one. You can also manually set the url to use the trailing slash, which sounds like what you were doing previously.
Or you can use JSONP...
You've found the alternative solution, which is to use JSONP to make the request instead of relying on CORS. This gets around the preflight issue and works in all major browsers, but there are some drawbacks to consider. You can find more information on CORS vs JSONP by looking around.
You're going to need CORS if you want to push any changes to your API, as JSONP only supports GET requests. There are other advantages, such as the ability to abort requests, that also comes with CORS.