Unable to query VMs on vcenter server appliance using pyvmomi - vmware

I am getting the following error when trying to use pyvmomi to get a list of VMs from the vcenter server appliance.
pyVmomi.VmomiSupport.vim.fault.NoPermission: (vim.fault.NoPermission) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
msg = 'Permission to perform this operation was denied.',
faultCause = <unset>,
faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [],
object = 'vim.Folder:group-d1',
privilegeId = 'System.View',
missingPrivileges = (vim.fault.NoPermission.EntityPrivileges) [
(vim.fault.NoPermission.EntityPrivileges) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
entity = 'vim.Folder:group-d1',
privilegeIds = (str) [
This is my python code :
import atexit
import ssl
from pyVim import connect
from pyVmomi import vim
import pdb
def vconnect(hostIP,port=None):
if (True):
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT)
context.check_hostname = False
context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE # disable our certificate checking for lab
context = ssl.create_default_context()
context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_3
if (port):
service_instance = connect.SmartConnect(host=str(hostIP), # build python connection to vSphere
service_instance = connect.SmartConnect(host=str(hostIP), # build python connection to vSphere
atexit.register(connect.Disconnect, service_instance) # build disconnect logic
content = service_instance.RetrieveContent()
container = content.rootFolder # starting point to look into
viewType = [vim.VirtualMachine] # object types to look for
recursive = True # whether we should look into it recursively
containerView = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(container, viewType, recursive) # create container view
children = containerView.view
for child in children: # for each statement to iterate all names of VMs in the environment
summary = child.summary
# connecting to ESX host
# connecting to vcsa VM
vconnect("", 443)
So I am using a nested ESX that runs on my workstation 16. I have deployed the vcsa on this ESX host via the windows CLI installer. Querying the ESX host works fine whereas querying the vcenter server appliance (vcsa) gives me the above error.
I looked at this discussion which talks about setting 'global permissions'; however on my vcenter server management VM, my 'administration' tab does not look anything like this:
What it instead looks like is this:
So apparently I have a 'vcenter server management' appliance and not what is referred to as the 'vsphere client'.
So with this context set, I have some questions:
Is the error above due to my trial license?
How is the 'vcenter server management (vcsa)' appliance different from the 'vsphere client'?
Is it possible to change 'global permissions' on the vcsa or do I need to get the 'vsphere client' to do that?
I tried adding the default port (443) as mentioned here to no avail. Keen to hear from you soon


Trouble authenticating and writing to database locally

I'm having trouble authenticating and writing data to a spanner database locally. All imports are up to date - google.cloud, google.auth2, etc. I have tried having someone else run this and it works fine, so the problem seems to be something on my end - something wrong or misconfigured on my computer, maybe where the credentials are stored or something?
Anyone have any ideas?
from google.cloud import spanner
from google.api_core.exceptions import GoogleAPICallError
from google.api_core.datetime_helpers import DatetimeWithNanoseconds
import datetime
from google.oauth2 import service_account
def write_to(database):
record = [[
columns = ("id", "name")
insert_errors = []
with database.batch() as batch:
table = "guild",
columns = columns,
values = record,
except GoogleAPICallError as e:
print(f'error: {e}')
return insert_errors
if __name__ == "__main__":
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(r'path\to\a.json')
instance_id = 'instance-name'
database_id = 'database-name'
spanner_client = spanner.Client(project='project-name', credentials=credentials)
print(f'spanner creds: {spanner_client.credentials}')
instance = spanner_client.instance(instance_id)
database = instance.database(database_id)
insert_errors = write_to(database)
some credential tests:
creds = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(a_json)
<google.oauth2.service_account.Credentials at 0x...>
<google.auth.credentials.AnonymousCredentials at 0x...>
AttributeError: 'AnonymousCredentials' object has no attribute 'signer_email'
<google.auth.credentials.AnonymousCredentials object at 0x...>
The most common reason for this is that you have accidentally set (or forgot to unset) the environment variable SPANNER_EMULATOR_HOST. If this environment variable has been set, the client library will try to connect to the emulator instead of Cloud Spanner. This will cause the client library to wait for a long time while trying to connect to the emulator (assuming that the emulator is not running on your machine). Unset the environment variable to fix this problem.
Note: This environment variable will only affect Cloud Spanner client libraries, which is why other Google Cloud product will work on the same machine. The script will also in most cases work on other machines, as they are unlikely to have this environment variable set.

AWS Device Farm with Selenium Wire Remote WebDriver

In my project, to be able to access a testing environment website I need to send a header request, otherwise I get a 404 error.
I'm running Selenium-wire using Jenkins on a server and running the browser on AWS Device Farm.
The thing is, some sites don't need the header and I can access normally, and for those the next config are working fine:
if browser_name == "chrome":
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
devicefarm_client = boto3.client("devicefarm", region_name="us-west-2")
testgrid_url_response = devicefarm_client.create_test_grid_url(
projectArn="arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:111122223333:testgrid-project:123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000", # < exemple project's Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
desired_capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME
desired_capabilities["platform"] = "windows"
driver = webdriver.Remote(
testgrid_url_response["url"], desired_capabilities, options=options,
seleniumwire_options={'auto_config': False, 'addr': ''}
driver.set_window_size(1920, 1080)
For the site where I need to use the header I first start just adding the 'interceptor' function, and then I tried many other things:
elif browser_name == "chrome_1":
chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
devicefarm_client = boto3.client("devicefarm", region_name="us-west-2")
testgrid_url_response = devicefarm_client.create_test_grid_url(
projectArn="arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:111122223333:testgrid-project:123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000", # < exemple project's Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
desired_capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME
desired_capabilities["platform"] = "windows"
driver = webdriver.Remote(
testgrid_url_response["url"], desired_capabilities, options=chrome_options,
seleniumwire_options={'auto_config': False, 'addr': '', 'port': 8087} # < Here I've tried, IP of Jenkins machine, etc...
driver.set_window_size(1920, 1080)
def interceptor(request):
request.headers['x-abc-abcdef'] = 'the-header-value'
driver.request_interceptor = interceptor
Plus, locally the 'interceptor' function with header work just fine in granting me access.
If anybody could throw some light here I'd be immensely grateful!

Test and Verify AWS Redis Integration with Django project

I am new to Django. I was trying to implement Redis cache system into my Django project. I am using AWS free tier to host my Django project on EC2 machine using gunicorn web server and trying to integrate AWS Redis Cache. I have added below entry in my settings.py file:
'default': {
'BACKEND' : "redis_cache.cache.RedisCache",
'LOCATION' : "redis://xxx.xxx.xxxxx.cache.amazonaws.com/1",
'CLIENT_CLASS' : 'redis_cache.client.DefaultClient',
And below is my view function:
def usertable(request):
obj = userdetails.objects.get(id=1)
name = obj.name
if cache.get(name):
cache_name = cache.get(name)
print ("From CACHE")
cache_name = obj.name
cache.set(name, cache_name)
print ("*****************FROM DB********************")
context = {
'name' : cache_name,
This code is working for me and I can see From CACHE printed in my terminal. But the key value pair which is set if I manually connect to redis using below cli tool:
redis-cli -h xx.xx.xxxxx…cache.amazonaws.com -p 6379 -n 1
on giving keys * I do not see any key value pair is set.
I am not sure if this is the correct way to test integration of Redis cache. Kindly advice if anyone had tried Redis Cache system.

How to find vm in particular folder using pyvmomi

Hi I am new in python and I am exploring pyvmomi. Here I want to fetch vm info.Like I have one data center i.e "DataCenter1"
In that data center there are two folders LinuxServer and WindowsServer these folder contains vms.So I want to fetch vm name with their respective folder names
| |---RHEL-VM
| |---Ubuntu-VM
| |---win2k12r2-VM
| |---win2k8r2-VM
My code:
from pyvim.connect import SmartConnect, Disconnect
import ssl
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
connect = SmartConnect(host="",user="root",pwd="****",port=int("443"),sslContext=context)
datacenter = connect.content.rootFolder.childEntity[0]
print (datacenter)
vms = datacenter.vmFolder.childEntity
for i in vms:
#Here I want to fetch vm name and their respective folder names
Here I am able to fetch all vm names but I want to fetch folder name of respective vm.
Is there any method ?
Can you please guide me.
Here you will get parent name of that vm means i.e your folder name if it exist.
from pyvim.connect import SmartConnect, Disconnect
import ssl
context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
connect = SmartConnect(host="",user="root",pwd="****",port=int("443"),sslContext=context)
datacenter = connect.content.rootFolder.childEntity[0]
print (datacenter)
vms = datacenter.vmFolder.childEntity
for vm in vms:
I use python3.6, full example below. It implement login vsphere and print every virtual machine name.
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
# encoding: utf-8
from pyVim import connect
import ssl
def login():
ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
si = connect.SmartConnect(host='', user='root', pwd='password',
print('\nHello World!\n')
print('If you got here, you authenticted into vCenter.')
data_center = si.content.rootFolder.childEntity[0]
vms = data_center.vmFolder.childEntity
for vm in vms:
if __name__ == '__main__':
Hello World!
If you got here, you authenticted into vCenter.

Working with django : Proxy setup

I have a local development django setup with apache. The problem is that on the deployment server there is no proxy while at my workplace I work behind a http proxy, hence the request calls fail.
Is there any way of making all calls from requests library go via proxy. [ I know how to add proxy to individual calls using the proxies parameter but is there a global solution ? ]
I got the same error reported by AmrFouad. At last, it fixed by updating wsgi.py as follows:
os.environ['http_proxy'] = "http://proxy.xxx:8080"
os.environ['https_proxy'] = "http://proxy.xxx:8080"
Add following lines in your wsgi file.
import os
http_proxy = ""
https_proxy = ""
ftp_proxy = ""
proxyDict = {
"http" : http_proxy,
"https" : https_proxy,
"ftp" : ftp_proxy
os.environ["PROXIES"] = proxyDict
And Now you can use this environment variable anywhere you want,
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, proxies=os.environ.get("PROXIES"))
P.S. - You should have a look at following links
Official Python Documentation for Environment Variables
Where and how do I set an environmental variable using mod-wsgi and django?
Python ENVIRONMENT variables
You can do something like following so that proxy settings are only being used on localhost.
import socket
if socket.gethostname() == "localhost":
# do something only on local server, e.g. setting os.environ["PROXIES"]
os.environ["PROXIES"] = proxyDict
# Set os.environ["PROXIES"] to an empty dictionary on other hosts
os.environ["PROXIES"] = {}