Unable to Create Pod in Minikube Error: unknown shorthand flag - kubectl

$ minikube kubectl create -f hello-app-deployment.yaml
Error: unknown shorthand flag: 'f' in -f
See 'minikube kubectl --help' for usage.
enter image description here
where hello-app-deployment.yaml is the deployment manifest file being saved in a working directory.
I tried saving the same manifest file in my home directory, but encountering the same ERROR.
Is there any minikube or kubectl libaries missing ?

I would say, try installing the kubectl CLI and try with this command
kubectl apply -f ~/<filepath>
You can download the tool from the official website:


kubectl erroring on interactiveMode must be specified

I ran into an error today with kubectl that wasn't too clear. I'm Using aws-iam-authenticator version 0.5.0
_________:~$ kubectl --kubeconfig .kube/config get nodes -n my_nodes
Error in configuration: interactiveMode must be specified for ______ to use exec authentication plugin
Upgrading aws-iam-authenticator to the latest (0.5.9) fixed it.

Error: file 'home/user/values.yaml' seems to be a YAML file, but expected a gzipped archive

I am trying to install Kube Prometheus Stack using helm.
I have already setup ingress, so it needs to be running behind a proxy.
For that I have updated values of the chart by using below command.
helm show values prometheus-com/kube-prometheus-stack > values.yaml
I followed this doc and changed configurations,
domain = example.com
Now I am trying to install using below command.
helm install monitoring ./values.yaml -n monitoring
I have already created a namespace monitoring
I get below error on running above command.
Error: file '/home/user/values.yaml' seems to be a YAML file, but expected a gzipped archive
Your helm command should be something like this:
$ helm install <release-name> <registry-name>/<chart-name> --values ./values.yaml -n monitoring

Cant view downloaded file in cloudformation

Im trying to download a file using wget using Cloudformation. However, I dont see the file in the directory I downloaded it to ( /home/ubuntu/). Ive also tried different things like creating directories in /home/ubuntu but I also dont see the created directory
The following is the portition of the cloudformation code I am having trouble with. Lets assume that I am calling these commands correctly with cfn-init. I see the user data execute the cfn-init command but I dont see the files.
I wget the file and put it into /home/ubuntu/odbc_connector.tar.gz. When I go onto the server I do not find the file.
Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
# Install ODBC connector / pyodbc
- setup_pyodbc
# Install ODBC connector
command: wget https://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/Connector-ODBC/8.0/mysql-connector-odbc-8.0.19-linux-ubuntu18.04-x86-64bit.tar.gz -O /home/ubuntu/odbc_connector.tar.gz
Your wget command should be:
wget https://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/Connector-ODBC/8.0/mysql-connector-odbc-8.0.19-linux-ubuntu18.04-x86-64bit.tar.gz -O /home/ubuntu/odbc_connector.tar.gz
There may be other issues, that fail in your template, but you should still correct your wget command.
You can use the below command to debug the issue. You'll have to go into the instance =>
cat /var/log/cloud-init-output.log - to check cf error
cat /var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts/part-001 - to view script
The cloud-init-output.log should tell you why the command didn't run

'peer' command not found hyperledger

I'm working on this tutorial:
At the section "Create & Join Channel" at the command :
peer channel create -o orderer.example.com:7050 -c $CHANNEL_NAME -f ./channel-artifacts/channel.tx --tls $CORE_PEER_TLS_ENABLED --cafile /opt/gopath/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/peer/crypto/ordererOrganizations/example.com/orderers/orderer.example.com/msp/cacerts/ca.example.com-cert.pem
I received this error:
No command 'peer' found, did you mean:
Command 'pee' from package 'moreutils' (universe)
Command 'beer' from package 'gerstensaft' (universe)
Command 'peel' from package 'ears' (universe)
Command 'pear' from package 'php-pear' (main)
peer: command not found
Since you are following the guide, I suppose you are using Docker and it seems that you are not connected to the cli container, otherwise, it would have known the command "peer" (I might be mistaken).
To connect to the cli container:
docker exec -it cli bash
If this is not the problem, you can try the command from the bin folder :
But this folder should be in the PATH environment variable, for example:
This error means that your kernel cannot find the peer binaries. So it's important that the path to the peer binaries is included in your path. If you are in the directory where all the files for the hyperledger fabric are residing (ex. fabrics or fabric-samples) run:
export PATH=${PWD}/../bin:$PATH
if you are in the folder ../test-network as I am, try first these two following commands which are in the Interacting with the network section:
export PATH=${PWD}/../bin:$PATH
export FABRIC_CFG_PATH=$PWD/../config/
Then you will be able set the environmental variables which will allow you to operate the peer CLI as Org1 or Org2.
I assumed that your network is up and running.
Please check which docker image you're using to run peer commands.
run docker ps
Check the docker images name
chaincode is build and start in chaincode docker image
docker exec -it chaincode bash
and to interact and run peer commands run cli docker image
docker exec -it cli bash

Signature version 4 authentication failed while uploading bundle

I receive an error when running the following command on AWS CLI
$EC2_AMITOOL_HOME/bin/ec2-upload-bundle -b my-s3-bucket/bundle_folder/bundle_name -m /tmp/image.manifest.xml -a AKIAJKHXU4GRYW7KPDBQ -s IGaclJWIIjT7ixyb2gXPfJ8Z00U469Urt5DzGhaJ
Signature version 4 authentication failed, trying different signature
version ERROR: Error talking to S3: Server.NotImplemented(501): A
header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented
I have allowed the full permission to the user but still getting this error
I have ran this command before the above command
$EC2_AMITOOL_HOME/bin/ec2-bundle-vol -k /tmp/ce rt/Cpanel.pem -c /tmp/cert/certificate.pem -u 589680520298 -r x86_64 -e /tmp/cer t --partition gpt
It ran successfully and I have successfully generated image.manifest.xml
Manual Reference: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/create-instance-store-ami.html#amazon_linux_instructions
Please Provide Correct region of your bucket to authentication array this problem will be resolved.