Error when uploading a file to the in-flow sequence on WSO2 API Manager - wso2

I am trying to upload a new file to the in flow sequence in WSO2 API manager publisher.
Every time I try and add the file, I get a message when I try to save my changes.
Error while performing registry transaction operation
How can I resolve this?


Suggestions to debug Google Play Integrity DecodeIntegrityToken API

Trying to figure out how to use Google's play-integrity api to verify nonces.
I've hit this roadblock and am unsure what other things I could try to debug and get more information out of this API. Below is a series of steps I've taken to get to the point I'm currently at.
What I've done:
Created a service account within the Google Cloud project with the grants:
Service Account User and Service Usage Consumer
Setup Google Auth Default Credentials
Set environment variable:GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS by pulling down imported json from service account.
Where I'm at now:
Used google-api-client to build and call playintegrity, resulting in the response:
Code snippet:
response = service.v1().decodeIntegrityToken(
raise HttpError(resp, content, uri=self.uri)
googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 400 when requesting
returned "Integrity token cannot be decoded due to invalid arguments.".
Details: "Integrity token cannot be decoded due to invalid arguments.">
What I'm trying to do:
I'm trying to better understand how to call decodeIntegrityToken with the right parameters or configurations to retrieve a 200. It is not immediately clear to me which of it is is and what the next steps to debug are.
Resources used:
Decode integrity token using Google PlayIntegrity API
If you are receiving an INTEGRITY_INVALID_ARGUMENT check one of the following:
arguments in body_request are incorrect.
integrity_token, which is retrieved by google upon sending over a nonce. Note that this integrity_token needs to be correct or else it will still send the same error message above.

Using local API endpoint for message processor issue

I'm trying to create a retry mechanism which will be recall my API (using POST method) in case of error (for example HTTP 400)
For this reason, I've created an In Memory Message Store. If my REST call is failed, I send the message to the message store that I created.
Then I tried to create an endpoint which is the same API URL (Scheduled Message Forwarding Processor will be used that) in WSO2 Management Console UI:
, but I've got the following error when I click the Test button:
Interesting thing is I can access the API with Postman or through my application but, WSO2 itself cannot access the API which is available on it.
I realized that when I click the test button, WSO2 adds ?wsdl at the end of the endpoint that I try and only available GET APIs can be recalled by message processor with this method but my API using POST method, and I need to recall it.
I'm using WSO EI 6.4.0
Thanks for any idea!
For connection to REST API, you should use HTTP Endpoint, not the Address Endpoint
But you may consider extracting the logic you want from your API into a sequence and using the Message Sampling Processor to push messages to that sequence rather than your own REST API. This could be a more efficient solution.

JSON and XML threat protection in WSO2 API Manager is not working

When I was trying "JSON/XML Threat Protection for API Gateway" in WSO2 APIM 3.1.0, by adding a mediation policy. It isn't considering the custom policy that I've written, it's taking the default values which are 100.
Anything more I should be adding, please suggest!
Once a new mediation sequence is implemented, it needs to be upload and select as a mediation sequence in the "Message Mediation" section. Once selected need to republish to apply the changes.
You can confirm this by checking the generated sequences file in the <AM_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/sequences. The file format will be <provider>--<API-Name>_v<Version>--<Direction>.xml

Dataservices not getting executed in WSO2 ESB 5.0.0 tenants

I have couple of dataservices to be run on wso2 esb. I have created a tenant instance and placed these dataservices in repository/tenants/[tenant_id]/dataservices. when I login into wso2 management console with tenant user and try to run any of the dataservice- I’m getting an error saying
the input stream of an incoming message is null
On the other hand the dataservices placed for the master user under folder repository/deployment/server/dataserivice is getting executed and fetching desired results when ran through admin master user. can I get some help to resolve this issue with tenant.

Error while publishing an API in the WSO2 API Manager

When I publish an API in the WSO2 API Manager, the following error occurs:
Gateway Failures
Failed to Publish Environments
Production and Sandbox
Error while obtaining API information from gateway. Error while obtaining API information from gateway. Authentication failure
This could be due to an authentication failure. Please check whether username/password within <Environments> content element of root <APIGateway> element in api-manager.xml (<APIM_HOME>/repository/conf/api-manager.xml) is correct
I've had this issue.
When checking the logs I saw this:
URL context: /hrs/admihrsd/osb/documentWS/2.0.0 is already registered with the API: novakgo--hrs-admihrsd-osb-document-service:v2.0.0
The issue was someone was trying to publish a new API with the same context as another one. They should change the context and publish again, and the error is fixed. Context have to be unique.