Filter query to get chat messages among two friends? - django

I am trying to create a chat api, i have structured the messages model to look like this
class ChatMessage(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, related_name="user")
sender = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, related_name="sender")
reciever = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True, related_name="reciever")
message = models.CharField(max_length=10000000000)
is_read = models.BooleanField(default=False)
date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
Now i am trying to write the API view to get all messages that belongs only to me and the person that i am chatting with.
Let me elaborate: Let's say Destiny is texting Sammy, there would definitely be alot of messages that have been sent between me (Destiny) and the user (Sammy), so i want to get all that text.
This is the view that i have written to do this
class GetMessages(generics.ListAPIView):
serializer_class = MessageSerializer
def get_queryset(self):
sender_id = self.kwargs['sender_id']
reciever_id = self.kwargs['reciever_id']
messages = ChatMessage.objects.filter(sender=sender_id, reciever=reciever_id)
return messages
path("api/get-messages/<sender_id>/<reciever_id>/", views.GetMessages.as_view()),
This is what this view returns
## url -
"id": 2,
"sender": 2,
"reciever": 1,
"message": "Hey Destiny",
"is_read": false
if i swap the sender_id and reciever_id, this is the response i get
# url -
"id": 1,
"sender": 1,
"reciever": 2,
"message": "Hello Sammy",
"is_read": false
"id": 3,
"sender": 1,
"reciever": 2,
"message": "This is another message for you sammy",
"is_read": false
what i want is this, when i pass in the id of the sender (1) and id of the reciever (2) in the url, i want to get a response like this, which is all the conversaion that this two folks have had.
"id": 1,
"sender": 1,
"reciever": 2,
"message": "Hello Sammy",
"is_read": false
"id": 2,
"sender": 2,
"reciever": 1,
"message": "Hey Destiny",
"is_read": false
"id": 3,
"sender": 1,
"reciever": 2,
"message": "This is another message for you sammy",
"is_read": false
Some images

You can use a Q object here:
from django.db.models import Q
messages = ChatMessage.objects.filter(
Q(sender=sender_id, reciever=reciever_id) |
Q(sender=reciever_id, reciever=sender_id)
As a side note, it's spelled receiver.

You can also use this method,
messages = ChatMessage.objects.filter(
sender__in=[sender_id, reciever_id], reciever__in=[reciever_id, sender_id]


Django/Wagtail Rest Framework API Ordering/Pagination

I am using wagtail. I have serialized my API. I want to order them by -first_published_at, when someone hit my API url api/v2/pages they will see an ordered API without filtering it via URL. here is my code:
class ProdPagesAPIViewSet(BaseAPIViewSet):
renderer_classes = [JSONRenderer]
filter_backends = [FieldsFilter,
meta_fields = ["type","seo_title","search_description","first_published_at"]
body_fields = ["id","type","seo_title","search_description","first_published_at","title"]
listing_default_fields = ["type","seo_title","search_description","first_published_at","id","title","alternative_title","news_slug","blog_image","video_thumbnail","categories","blog_authors","excerpt","content","content2","tags",]
nested_default_fields = []
ordered_queryset= []
name = "pages"
model = AddStory
api_router.register_endpoint("pages", ProdPagesAPIViewSet)
I have tried ordered_queryset= [AddStory.objects.order_by('-first_published_at')]
But it's not ordered by the newest published stories. How should I do the query?
Here is my API response
"meta": {
"total_count": 6
"items": [
"id": 4,
"meta": {
"type": "blog.AddStory",
"seo_title": "",
"search_description": "",
"first_published_at": "2022-08-30T11:05:11.341355Z"
"id": 6,
"meta": {
"type": "blog.AddStory",
"seo_title": "",
"search_description": "",
"first_published_at": "2022-08-30T11:13:47.114889Z"
"id": 7,
"meta": {
"type": "blog.AddStory",
"seo_title": "",
"search_description": "",
"first_published_at": "2022-08-31T11:13:47.114889Z"
Solved after using get_queryset instead of order_queryset
class ProdPagesAPIViewSet(BaseAPIViewSet):
renderer_classes = [JSONRenderer]
filter_backends = [FieldsFilter,
meta_fields = ["type","seo_title","search_description","first_published_at"]
body_fields = ["id","type","seo_title","search_description","first_published_at","title"]
listing_default_fields = ["type","seo_title","search_description","first_published_at","id","title","alternative_title","news_slug","blog_image","video_thumbnail","categories","blog_authors","excerpt","content","content2","tags",]
nested_default_fields = []
def get_queryset(self):
return self.model.objects.all().order_by("-first_published_at")
name = "pages"
model = AddStory
api_router.register_endpoint("pages", ProdPagesAPIViewSet)

list indices must be integers or slices when appending a dict to a serializer in django

I have an already created serializer object, I am trying to add a new object to the serializer but I keep getting the error
list indices must be integers or slices, not str
I am not able to trace where I am going wrong with the creation of the new object. Here is my code below and more explanations.
class ClusterFunctionView(generics.ListAPIView):
permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)
serializer_class = FunctionListSerializer
def get_queryset(self):
//returns serializer
def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
response = super().list(request, *args, **kwargs)
user = self.request.user
cluster = Cluster.objects.filter(, id=self.kwargs["cluster_id"]).first()
schedule = Schedule.objects.filter(clusters__in=[cluster]).values().first() # I am getting the new object here
print('schedule', type(schedule)) # I checked the type, it is a dict['schedule'] = schedule # doesn't seem to be appending to the existing serializer.
return response
The following is an example of the output of the schedule object, I printed using print('schedule', schedule):
schedule {'id': 7, 'user_id': 3, 'creation_time': datetime.datetime(2020, 5, 25, 15, 44, 39, 875485), 'name': 'mandard_1', 'is_active': True, 'comment': 'extract mardard premier batch', 'cron_expression': '#once'}
A sample of the existing serializer on which I should add the above object is:
"id": 1,
"function": "connections",
"max_concurrency": 1,
"mandatory_params": {},
"public_params": {
"cluster": {
"account": true,
"max_pages": {
"max": 100,
"default": 100
"profiles_per_page": {
"max": 25,
"default": 25
"params": {
"max_pages": 100,
"account_function": "user_account",
"alchemy_directory": "connections",
"unique_result_obj_attribute": "connection_id"
I am expecting a serializer with a schedules object, a result like :
"id": 1,
"function": "connections",
"max_concurrency": 1,
"mandatory_params": {},
"public_params": {
"cluster": {
"account": true,
"max_pages": {
"max": 100,
"default": 100
"profiles_per_page": {
"max": 25,
"default": 25
"params": {
"max_pages": 100,
"account_function": "user_account",
"alchemy_directory": "connections",
"unique_result_obj_attribute": "connection_id"
"schedule": {} # this should be added as a result
What could the problem be, and what solution could I undertake? Thanks
I was able to solve the question, realizing it was a small mistake that I did.
In the def list function,
This line was the one causing the error :['schedule'] = schedule
I realised that the serializer produced was of a list result, and I was initially trying to append the schedule : {}, directly into a list, hence the error. It should be appended into the first object. Hence I needed to access the object in the list using index, so changing it to below solved the problem:[0]['schedule'] = schedule

How to format json response in django?

I am retrieving data from multiple tables in Django.
my current response is :
"status": 0,
"message": "Client details retrived successfully...!!!",
"results": [
"id": 11,
"client_id": "CL15657917080578748000",
"client_name": "Pruthvi Katkar",
"client_pan_no": "RGBB004A11",
"client_adhar_no": "12312312313",
"legal_entity_name": "ABC",
"credit_period": "6 months",
"client_tin_no": 4564565,
"client_email_id": "",
"head_office_name": "ABC",
"office_name": "asd234",
"office_email_id": "",
"office_contact": "022-27547119",
"gst_number": "CGST786876876",
"office_country": "India",
"office_state": "gujrat",
"office_district": "vadodara",
"office_taluka": "kachh",
"office_city": "vadodara",
"office_street": "New rode 21",
"office_pincode": 2344445,
"contact_person_name": "prasad",
"contact_person_designation": "DM",
"contact_person_number": "456754655",
"contact_person_email": "",
"contact_person_mobile": "5675545654",
"created_at": "2019-08-14T14:08:28.057Z",
"created_by": "Prathamseh",
"updated_at": "2019-08-14T14:08:28.057Z",
"updated_by": "prasad",
"is_deleted": false
"id": 11,
"user_id": "CL15657917080578748000",
"bank_details_id": "BL15657917080778611000",
"bank_name": "Pruthvi",
"branch": "vashi",
"ifsc_code": "BOI786988",
"account_number": 56756765765765,
"account_name": "Pruthvi",
"is_deleted": false
"id": 10,
"document_details_id": "DL15657917080808598000",
"user_id": "CL15657917080578748000",
"document_type": "Pruthvi ID",
"document": "",
"is_deleted": false
Expected Response :
I am getting the queryset form db in and i am sending it to the and i am iterating over the dict but not getting the expected response.
def get_client_details(request):
# Initialising lists for storing results
result = []
temp_array = []
# Getting data from request body
client_master_dict = json.loads(request.body)
# Response from get client data
records = ClientDetails.get_client_data(client_master_dict)
# Create response object
# Iterating over the records object for getting data
for i in range(len(records)):
# Converting the querysets objects to json array format
record_result_list = list(records[i].values())
# If multiple records are present
if(len(record_result_list) > 1):
for j in range(len(record_result_list)):
user_info = record_result_list[j]
# For single record
# Success
returnObject = {
"status" : messages.SUCCESS,
"message" : messages.CLIENT_RETRIVE_SUCCESS,
"results" : result
return JsonResponse(returnObject,safe=False)
I think the issue might be in my inner for loop, can anyone help me out with this, is there any way to iterate over the nested JSON object.
def get_client_data(cls, client_master_dict):
response_list = []
client_id = client_master_dict['client_id']
client_details = cls.objects.filter(client_id = client_id,is_deleted = False)
bank_details = BankDetails.objects.filter(user_id = client_id,is_deleted = False)
document_details = DocumentDetails.objects.filter(user_id = client_id,is_deleted = False)
return response_list
except(Exception) as error:
print("Error in get_client_data",error)
return False
Here i'm fetching data from 3 tables and adding it into list.
After printing the data on console i am getting :
[{'id': 11, 'client_id': 'CL15657917080578748000', 'client_name': 'Pruthvi Katkar', 'client_pan_no': 'RGBB004A11', 'client_adhar_no': '12312312313', 'legal_entity_name': 'ABC', 'credit_period': '6 months', 'client_tin_no': 4564565, 'client_email_id': '', 'head_office_name': 'ABC', 'office_name': 'asd234', 'office_email_id': '', 'office_contact': '022-27547119', 'gst_number': 'CGST786876876', 'office_country': 'India', 'office_state': 'gujrat', 'office_district': 'vadodara', 'office_taluka': 'kachh', 'office_city': 'vadodara', 'office_street': 'New rode 21', 'office_pincode': 2344445, 'contact_person_name': 'prasad', 'contact_person_designation': 'DM', 'contact_person_number': '456754655', 'contact_person_email': '', 'contact_person_mobile': '5675545654', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 14, 14, 8, 28, 57874, tzinfo=<UTC>), 'created_by': 'Prathamseh', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 8, 14, 14, 8, 28, 57874, tzinfo=<UTC>), 'updated_by': 'prasad', 'is_deleted': False}]
[{'id': 11, 'user_id': 'CL15657917080578748000', 'bank_details_id': 'BL15657917080778611000', 'bank_name': 'Pruthvi', 'branch': 'vashi', 'ifsc_code': 'BOI786988', 'account_number': 56756765765765, 'account_name': 'Pruthvi', 'is_deleted': False}]
[{'id': 10, 'document_details_id': 'DL15657917080808598000', 'user_id': 'CL15657917080578748000', 'document_type': 'Pruthvi ID', 'document': '', 'is_deleted': False}]
Did you check the output of record_result_list? You can outright tell their if it's recovering the data in the format you requested. Try the printing to screen method to debug.
As far as I cam see, the expected output and the hierarchy of results for bank details are not matching. I don't know how you are handling the hierarchy. Are you directly taking it from JSON as the hierarchy? Or are you just taking the data and creating hierarchy in the expected output?

django rest framework - get two models

I have multiple models that are associated by Foreign Keys. I can export them all separately using django rest framework on a one to one basis, and I can also export multiple ones nested. However I want to be able to essentially "concatenate" them together into a single json/xml export.
The models in the example below are joined by a one to one foreign key on jobdtl_id. I have some where it's one to many but I'm hoping I can figure that out when I know how to get a view that will link 2 separate models like I want below -
Here's an example of what I want the json to look like by hitting a single URL like
"job": {
"-id": "9878",
"-name": "This is the job",
"-master": "blahserver",
"-dbversion": "234",
"-xmlversion": "1",
"jobmst": {
"jobmst_id": "9878",
"jobmst_type": "2",
"jobmst_prntid": "234",
"jobmst_active": "Y",
"jobmst_name": "This is the job",
"jobmst_owner": "Owner",
"jobdtl_id": "9878",
"jobmst_lstchgtm": {
"-date": "Y",
"#text": "2013-10-23 09:22:08.0"
"jobmst_prntname": "Parent",
"jobmst_alias": "9878"
"jobdtl": {
"jobdtl_id": "9878",
"jobdtl_cmd": "blah.exe",
"jobdtl_failalarm": "NULL",
"nodmst_id": "NULL",
"nodlstmst_id": "NULL",
"jobdtl_inhevent": "Y",
"jobdtl_inhoptions": "Y",
"jobdtl_inhagent": "Y",
"jobdtl_inhrepeat": "Y",
"jobdtl_inhtime": "Y",
"jobdtl_timewin": "NULL",
"jobdtl_saveoutput": "Y",
"jobdtl_outputname": "NULL",
"jobdtl_trackmethod": "1",
"jobdtl_trackcmd": "NULL",
"jobdtl_deplogic": "1",
"jobdtl_rerun": "NULL",
"jobdtl_params": "--blah --ok"
"jobdep": [
"jobdep_id": "79670",
"jobmst_id": "9878",
"jobdep_type": "1",
"jobdep_jobmst": "another job",
"varmst_id": "NULL"
"-num": "2",
"jobdep_id": "83783",
"jobmst_id": "9878",
"jobdep_type": "1",
"jobdep_jobmst": "and another",
"varmst_id": "NULL"
"trgjob": [
"trgjob_id": "22286",
"trgmst_id": "23455",
"jobmst_id": "9878"
"-num": "2",
"trgjob_id": "28980",
"trgmst_id": "23521",
"jobmst_id": "9878"
"-num": "3",
"trgjob_id": "28981",
"trgmst_id": "9237",
"jobmst_id": "9878"
The models are basically like this -
class Jobdtl(models.Model):
jobdtl_id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
jobdtl_cmd = models.TextField(blank=True)
jobdtl_duration = models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'jobdtl'
class Jobmst(models.Model):
jobmst_id = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
jobmst_type = models.SmallIntegerField()
jobdtl_id = models.ForeignKey('Jobdtl', db_column='jobdtl_id', related_name='mstdtl', blank=True, null=True)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.jobmst_name
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'jobmst'
end caveat I'm converting the json from how the XML looks for the existing legacy app which is like so -
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<job id="9878" name="This is the job" master="blahserver" dbversion="532" xmlversion="1">
<jobmst_name>This is the job</jobmst_name>
<jobmst_lstchgtm date="Y">2013-10-23 09:22:08.0</jobmst_lstchgtm>
<jobdtl_params>--blah --ok</jobdtl_params>
<jobdep_jobmst>another job</jobdep_jobmst>
<jobdep num="2">
<jobdep_jobmst>and another</jobdep_jobmst>
<trgjob num="2">
<trgjob num="3">
class MSTSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
jobdtl_id = DTLSerializer()
class Meta:
model = Jobmst
fields = ('id', 'url', 'jobdtl_id'...)
class DTLSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Jobdtl
fields = ('id', 'url', ...)
Would result in a more correct data structure of
"jobmst_id": 4,
"jobmst_type": 1,
"jobdtl_id": {
"jobdtl_id": 4,
"jobdtl_cmd": null,
"jobdtl_duration": 1379
I found the solution by doing the following in my
def tesxml_test(request, pk):
Retrieve, update or delete a code snippet.
mst = Jobmst.objects.using('database1').get(jobmst_id=pk)
dtl = Jobdtl.objects.using('database1').get(jobdtl_id=pk)
dep = Jobdep.objects.using('database2').filter(jobmst_id=pk).order_by('jobdep_id')
trg = Trgjob.objects.using('database1').filter(jobmst_id=pk).order_by('trgjob_order')
except Jobmst.DoesNotExist:
return HttpResponse(status=404)
if request.method == 'GET':
#Get String Results of 4 queries
jobmststring = JobmstSerializer(mst)
jobdtlstring = JobdtlSerializer(dtl)
jobdepstring = JobdepSerializer(dep)
trgjobstring = TrgjobSerializer(trg)
#Get serialized Results of 4 queries
jobmst_serialized = {'jobmst':}
jobdtl_serialized = {'jobdtl':}
jobdep_serialized = {'jobdep':}
trgjob_serialized = {'trgjob':}
jobgroup = jobmst_serialized, jobdtl_serialized, jobdep_serialized, trgjob_serialized,
jobgroupresponse = TESXMLResponse(jobgroup)
return jobgroupresponse
It's not perfect but it puts me on the next step of my problem which is customizing the renderer to get the data in the root fields which I have another SO question for :)

django model serialization

I want to serialize models so:
class Schedule(models.Model):
Title = models.CharField(max_length=512)
class ScheduleEvent1(models.Model):
ScheduleContent = models.ForeignKey(Schedule)
Description = models.TextField()
class ScheduleEvent2(models.Model):
ScheduleContent = models.ForeignKey(Schedule)
AnotherField = models.TextField()
ShortDescription = models.TextField()
make smth like serializers.serialize('json', Schedule.objects.all())
The result likes
"pk": 2,
"model": "Schedule",
"fields": {
"Title": "Some Title",
"ScheduleEvent1": [
"pk": 19,
"model": "ScheduleEvent1",
"fields": {
"Description": "Some Descr",
"pk": 20,
"model": "ScheduleEvent1",
"fields": {
"Description": "Some Descr2222",
"ScheduleEvent2": [
"pk": 15,
"model": "ScheduleEvent2",
"fields": {
"AnotherField": "Some text",
"ShortDescription" : "Some text ...",
In general. I have entity tree. And I need serialize this tree from root.
tnx for help.
Covers the essence of this. The resulting file is not precisely what's required, since the objects won't be nested. However it is what Django produces by default and it's what Django will use for deserialization.
If you use Piston you can easily define a Handler which will produce nested JSON, but it won't be precisely as shown because Piston's JSON emitter isn't precisely in the Django format.
Getting to precisely what's hoped-for leads to extending the Django serializer to produce a nested JSON object as the natural key. See Lines 47-59
Or, you can define a natural_key method which uses Django's 'django.core.serializers.json .Serializer` to emit the JSON serialization of the object instead of some other natural key value. This is a little weird semantically, but it may do what you want.