How to bind to data that's part of an optional in SwiftUI - swiftui

I'm curious, how do we specify a binding to State data that is part of an optional? For instance:
struct NameRecord {
var name = ""
var isFunny = false
class AppData: ObservableObject {
#Published var nameRecord: NameRecord?
struct NameView: View {
#StateObject var appData = AppData()
var body: some View {
Form {
if appData.nameRecord != nil {
// At this point, I *know* that nameRecord is not nil, so
// I should be able to bind to it.
TextField("Name", text: $
Toggle("Is Funny", isOn: $appData.nameRecord.isFunny)
} else {
// So far as I can tell, this should never happen, but
// if it does, I will catch it in development, when
// I see the error message in the constant binding.
TextField("Name", text: .constant("ERROR: Data is incomplete!"))
Toggle("Is Funny", isOn: .constant(false))
.onAppear {
appData.nameRecord = NameRecord(name: "John")
I can certainly see that I'm missing something. Xcode gives errors like Value of optional type 'NameRecord?' must be unwrapped to refer to member 'name' of wrapped base type 'NameRecord') and offers some FixIts that don't help.
Based on the answer from the user "workingdog support Ukraine" I now know how to make a binding to the part I need, but the solution doesn't scale well for a record that has many fields of different type.
Given that the optional part is in the middle of, it seems that there might be a solution that does something like what the following function in the SwiftUI header might be doing:
public subscript<Subject>(dynamicMember keyPath: WritableKeyPath<Value, Subject>) -> Binding<Subject> { get }
My SwiftFu is insufficient, so I don't know how this works, but I suspect it's what is doing the work for something like $ when nameRecord is not an optional. I would like to have something where this function would result in a binding to .constant when anything in the keyPath is nil (or even if it did a fatalError that I would avoid with conditionals as above). It would be great if there was a way to get a solution that was as elegant as Jonathan's answer that was also suggested by workingdog for a similar situation. Any pointers in that area would be much appreciated!

Binding has a failable initializer that transforms a Binding<Value?>.
if let nameRecord = Binding($appData.nameRecord) {
TextField("Name", text:
Toggle("Is Funny", isOn: nameRecord.isFunny)
} else {
Text("Data is incomplete")
TextField("Name", text: .constant(""))
Toggle("Is Funny", isOn: .constant(false))
Or, with less repetition:
if appData.nameRecord == nil {
Text("Data is incomplete")
let bindings = Binding($appData.nameRecord).map { nameRecord in
( name:,
isFunny: nameRecord.isFunny
} ?? (
name: .constant(""),
isFunny: .constant(false)
TextField("Name", text:
Toggle("Is Funny", isOn: bindings.isFunny)


in SwiftUI, I have 2 Entities (A & B) in my CoreData with a relationship (one to many) between them, how can I fetch all attributes of B in TextFields

Let's say I have 2 entities:
GameSession :which has Attributes "date", "place", "numberofplayer" + a relationship called "players" with "Player"
Player: which has Attributes "name","score_part1","score_part2","score_part3" + a relationship with "GameSession"
the relationship is "one to many": One session can have many players
Let's say now I have a list of GameSession and when I click on on one (with a NavigationLink)
It sends me to a new view where I can see:
All the names of the players of that session (in text) and also right next to the player name I would like to have 3 TextField in which I can enter (an update) "score_part1","score_part2","score_part3" for every players of that session
Basically I am able to display the name of all the players of a given session, But it seems impossible to have the "score_part1","score_part2","score_part3" in editable TextField...
I have an error saying "Cannot convert value of type 'String' to expected argument type 'Binding<String>'"
Basically in my first view I have something like that:
struct RamiListePartieUIView: View {#Environment(.managedObjectContext) var moc#FetchRequest(entity: GameSession.entity(), sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \, ascending: false)]) var gamesessions: FetchedResults<GameSession>
var body: some View {
VStack {
List {
ForEach(gamesessions, id: \.date) { session in
NavigationLink (destination: DetailPartieSelecUIView(session: session)){
Text("\(session.wrappedPlace) - le \(session.wrappedDate, formatter: itemFormatter) ")
.onDelete(perform: deleteSessions)
And in my second view I have something like that:
struct DetailPartieSelecUIView: View {
#State var session:GameSession
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var moc
var body: some View {
Section("Ma session du \(session.wrappedDate, formatter: itemFormatter)"){
ForEach(session.playersArray, id: \.self) { player in
HStack {
Text(player.wrappedName) // OK it works
TextField("score", text : player.wrappedScore_part1) // it generates an error
TextField("score", text : player.wrappedScore_part2) // it generates an error
TextField("score", text : player.wrappedScore_part3) // it generates an error
private let itemFormatter: DateFormatter = {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
// formatter.dateStyle = .short
// formatter.timeStyle = .medium
formatter.dateFormat = "YYYY/MM/dd" //"YY/MM/dd"
return formatter
I have defined the "wrappedScore_part1","wrappedScore_part2","wrappedScore_part3" in the Player+CoreDataProperties.swift file
and "wrappedPlace", "wrappedData" as well as the "PlayersArray" in the GameSession+CoreDataProperties.swift file
it is done like that:
public var wrappedPlace: String {
place ?? "Unknown"
// Convert NSSet into an array of "Player" object
public var playersArray: [Player] {
let playersSet = players as? Set<Player> ?? []
return playersSet.sorted {
$0.wrappedName< $1.wrappedName
I am new at coding with swiftUI so I am probably doing something wrong... If anyone can help me it would be much appreciated.
Thanks a lot
I have tried a lot of things. Like changing the type of my attribute to Int32 instead os String. As I am suppose to enter numbers in those fields, I thought it would be best to have Integer. But it didn't change anything. and ultimately I had the same kind of error message
I tried also to add the $ symbol, like that:
TextField("score", text : player.$wrappedScore_part1)
But then I had other error message popping up at the row of my "ForEach", saying "Cannot convert value of type '[Player]' to expected argument type 'Binding'"
And also on the line just after the HStack, I had an error saying "Initializer 'init(_:)' requires that 'Binding' conform to 'StringProtocol'"
Thank you for your help!
Best regards,
Your first problem of how to fetch the players in a session you need to supply a predicate to the #FetchRequest<Player>, e.g.
private var players: FetchedResults<Player>
init(session: Session) {
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "session = %#", session)
let sortDescriptors = [SortDescriptor(\Player.timestamp)] // need something to sort by.
_players = FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: sortDescriptors, predicate: predicate)
That acts like a filter and will only return the players that have the session relation equalling that object. The reason you have to fetch like this is so any changes will be detected.
The second problem about the bindings can be solved like this:
struct PlayerView: View{
#ObservedObject var player: Player {
var body:some View {
if let score = Binding($player.score) {
TextField("Score", score)
Text("Player score missing")
This View takes the player object as an ObservedObject so body will be called when any of its properties change and allows you to get a binding to property. The Binding init takes an optional binding and returns a non-optional, allowing you to use it with a TextField.

Changing swipeActions dynamically in SwiftUI

I am trying to change the swipeAction from "Paid" to "UnPaid" based on payment status and somehow seems to be failing. Error: "The compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time; try breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions"
Appreciate any help
struct ContentView: View {
var data: [Data] = [data1, data2, data3, data4]
#State var swipeLabel = true
var body: some View {
let grouped = groupByDate(data)
List {
ForEach(Array(grouped.keys).sorted(by: >), id: \.self) { date in
let studentsDateWise = grouped[date]!
Section(header:Text(date, style: .date)) {
ForEach(studentsDateWise, id:\.self) { item in
HStack {
Text(, style: .time)
if(item.paymentStatus == false) {
Image(systemName: "person.fill.questionmark")
} else {
Image(systemName: "banknote")
} // HStack ends here
.swipeActions() {
if(item.paymentStatus) {
} else {
} // ForEach ends here...
} // section ends here
} // ForEach ends here
} // List ends here
} // var ends here
The body func shouldn't do any grouping or sorting. You need to prepare your data first into properties and read from those in body, e.g. in an onAppear block. Also if your Data is a struct you can't use id: \.self you need to either specify a unique identifier property on the data id:\.myUniqueID or implement the Indentifiable protocol by either having an id property or an id getter that computes a unique identifier from other properties.
I would suggest separating all this code into small Views with a small body that only uses one or a two properties. Work from bottom up. Then eventually with one View works on an array of dates and another on an array of items that contains the small Views made earlier.
You should probably also learn that if and foreach in body are not like normal code, those are converted into special Views. Worth watching Apple's video Demystify SwiftUI to learn about structural identity.

How to use published optional properties correctly for SwiftUI

To provide some context, Im writing an order tracking section of our app, which reloads the order status from the server every so-often. The UI on-screen is developed in SwiftUI. I require an optional image on screen that changes as the order progresses through the statuses.
When I try the following everything works...
My viewModel is an ObservableObject:
internal class MyAccountOrderViewModel: ObservableObject {
This has a published property:
#Published internal var graphicURL: URL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "tracking_STAGEONE", withExtension: "gif")!
In SwiftUI use the property as follows:
GIFViewer(imageURL: $viewModel.graphicURL)
My issue is that the graphicURL property has a potentially incorrect placeholder value, and my requirements were that it was optional. Changing the published property to: #Published internal var graphicURL: URL? causes an issue for my GIFViewer which rightly does not accept an optional URL:
Cannot convert value of type 'Binding<URL?>' to expected argument type 'Binding<URL>'
Attempting the obvious unwrapping of graphicURL produces this error:
Cannot force unwrap value of non-optional type 'Binding<URL?>'
What is the right way to make this work? I don't want to have to put a value in the property, and check if the property equals placeholder value (Ie treat that as if it was nil), or assume the property is always non-nil and unsafely force unwrap it somehow.
Below is an extension of Binding you can use to convert a type like Binding<Int?> to Binding<Int>?. In your case, it would be URL instead of Int, but this extension is generic so will work with any Binding:
extension Binding {
func optionalBinding<T>() -> Binding<T>? where T? == Value {
if let wrappedValue = wrappedValue {
return Binding<T>(
get: { wrappedValue },
set: { self.wrappedValue = $0 }
} else {
return nil
With example view:
struct ContentView: View {
#StateObject private var model = MyModel()
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 30) {
Button("Toggle if nil") {
if model.counter == nil {
model.counter = 0
} else {
model.counter = nil
if let binding = $model.counter.optionalBinding() {
Stepper(String(binding.wrappedValue), value: binding)
} else {
Text("Counter is nil")
class MyModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var counter: Int?

Efficient way to model the data for SwiftUI

I am exploring SwiftUI+Combine with a demo app BP Management.
Homescreen has a provision to take bp readings(systolicBP, diastolicBP, pulse & weight).
Button "Next" is enabled only when all 4 fields are filled.
control should fall to the next textfield when a valid input is entered. (input is valid when it falls between the range specified by the placeholder - refer the image below)
On tapping next, on the detail screen user can edit the bp values (taken in the HomeScreen), additionally he can add recorded date, notes...
Thought enums would be best model this so I proceeded like
enum SBPInput: CaseIterable {
//name is a Text to indicate the specific row
typealias Field = (name: String, placeholder: String)
case spb, dbp, pulse, weight, note, date
var field: Field {
switch self {
case .dbp: return ("DBP", "40-250")
case .spb: return ("SBP", "50-300")
case .pulse: return ("Pulse", "40-400")
case .weight: return ("Weight", "30-350")
case .note: return ("Note", "")
case .date: return ("", Date().description)
// Here I am getting it wrong, - I can't bind a read only property
var value: CurrentValueSubject<String, Never> {
switch self {
case .date:
return CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>(Date().description)
case .spb:
return CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("")
case .dbp:
return CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("")
case .pulse:
return CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("")
case .weight:
return CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("70")
case .note:
return CurrentValueSubject<String, Never>("")
class HomeViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var aFieldsisEmpty: Bool = true
var cancellable: AnyCancellable?
var dataSoure = BPInput.allCases
init() {
var bpPublishers = (0...3).map{ BPInput.allCases[$0].value }
//If a field is empty, we need to disable "Next" button
cancellable = Publishers.CombineLatest4(bpPublishers[0], bpPublishers[1], bpPublishers[2], bpPublishers[3]).map { $0.isEmpty || $1.isEmpty || $2.isEmpty || $3.isEmpty }.assign(to: \.aFieldsisEmpty, on: self)
The idea is to create HStacks for each datasorce(sbp,dbp,pulse,weight) to look like this
struct HomeScreen: View {
#ObservedObject var viewModel = HomeViewModel()
var body: some View {
VStack {
ForEach(Range(0...3)) { index -> BPField in
BPField(input: self.$viewModel.dataSoure[index])
Button("Next", action: {
print("Take to the Detail screen")
struct BPField: View {
#Binding var input: BPInput
var body: some View {
//implicit HStack
BPTextField(text: $input.value, placeHolder: Cannot assign to property: 'value' is a get-only property
// input.value being read only I can't bind it. How to modify my model now so that I can bind it here?
And my custom TextField
struct BPTextField: View {
let keyboardType: UIKeyboardType = .numberPad
var style: some TextFieldStyle = RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle()
var text: Binding<String>
let placeHolder: String
// var onEdingChanged: (Bool) -> Void
// var onCommit: () -> ()
var background: some View = Color.white
var foregroundColor: Color = .black
var font: Font = .system(size: 14)
var body: some View {
TextField(placeHolder, text: text)
your problems are not there, what SwiftUI tells you.
but you should first compile "small parts" of your code and simplify it, so the compiler will tell you the real errors.
one is here:
BPTextField(text: self.$viewModel.dataSoure[index].value, placeHolder: viewModel.dataSoure[index].field.placeholder)
and the error is:
Cannot subscript a value of type 'Binding<[BPInput]>' with an argument of type 'WritableKeyPath<_, _>'
and of course you forgot the self ....

SwiftUI Optional TextField

Can SwiftUI Text Fields work with optional Bindings? Currently this code:
struct SOTestView : View {
#State var test: String? = "Test"
var body: some View {
produces the following error:
Cannot convert value of type 'Binding< String?>' to expected argument type 'Binding< String>'
Is there any way around this? Using Optionals in data models is a very common pattern - in fact it's the default in Core Data so it seems strange that SwiftUI wouldn't support them
You can add this operator overload, then it works as naturally as if it wasn't a Binding.
func ??<T>(lhs: Binding<Optional<T>>, rhs: T) -> Binding<T> {
get: { lhs.wrappedValue ?? rhs },
set: { lhs.wrappedValue = $0 }
This creates a Binding that returns the left side of the operator's value if it's not nil, otherwise it returns the default value from the right side.
When setting it only sets lhs value, and ignores anything to do with the right hand side.
It can be used like this:
TextField("", text: $test ?? "default value")
Ultimately the API doesn't allow this - but there is a very simple and versatile workaround:
extension Optional where Wrapped == String {
var _bound: String? {
get {
return self
set {
self = newValue
public var bound: String {
get {
return _bound ?? ""
set {
_bound = newValue.isEmpty ? nil : newValue
This allows you to keep the optional while making it compatible with Bindings:
True, at the moment TextField in SwiftUI can only be bound to String variables, not String?.
But you can always define your own Binding like so:
import SwiftUI
struct SOTest: View {
#State var text: String?
var textBinding: Binding<String> {
get: {
return self.text ?? ""
set: { newString in
self.text = newString
var body: some View {
TextField("Enter a string", text: textBinding)
Basically, you bind the TextField text value to this new Binding<String> binding, and the binding redirects it to your String? #State variable.
I prefer the answer provided by #Jonathon. as it is simple and elegant and provides the coder with an insitu base case when the Optional is .none (= nil) and not .some.
However I feel it is worth adding in my two cents here. I learned this technique from reading Jim Dovey's blog on SwiftUI Bindings with Core Data. Its essentially the same answer provided by #Jonathon. but does include a nice pattern that can be replicated for a number of different data types.
First create an extension on Binding
public extension Binding where Value: Equatable {
init(_ source: Binding<Value?>, replacingNilWith nilProxy: Value) {
get: { source.wrappedValue ?? nilProxy },
set: { newValue in
if newValue == nilProxy { source.wrappedValue = nil }
else { source.wrappedValue = newValue }
Then use in your code like this...
TextField("", text: Binding($test, replacingNilWith: String()))
TextField("", text: Binding($test, replacingNilWith: ""))
Try this works for me with reusable function
#State private var name: String? = nil
private func optionalBinding<T>(val: Binding<T?>, defaultVal: T)-> Binding<T>{
get: {
return val.wrappedValue ?? defaultVal
set: { newVal in
val.wrappedValue = newVal
// Usage
TextField("", text: optionalBinding(val: $name, defaultVal: ""))