Commutator algebra in SymPy - sympy

I am solving a commutator algebra in SymPy with the Hamiltonian
from sympy import*
H= ad*a + bd*b
Is there any way I can define commutation relations such as $[a,a^\dagger]=1$,
$[b,b^\dagger]=1$ and
$[a,b]=0$ ?
I want it such that if I calculate $[a,ad*b]$ I get $b$.
There is a code in answer to one of the questions but it does not work in this case.

The function apply_ccr given by #m93a in here should work. You might want to try something like the following,
from sympy import *
from sympy.physics.quantum import *
com1 = Eq(Commutator(a, ad), 1)
com2 = Eq(Commutator(b, bd), 1)
com3 = Eq(Commutator(a, b), 0)
expr = (a*ad - ad*a) + (b*a + a*b) + (b*bd + bd*b) # example
print(expr) # −𝑎†𝑎+𝑏†𝑏+𝑎𝑎†+𝑎𝑏+𝑏𝑏†+𝑏𝑎
for com in [com1, com2, com3]:
expr = apply_ccr(expr, com)
print(expr) # 2+2𝑏†𝑏+2𝑎𝑏
Note it doesn't seem to work if your expression contains commutators.


Sympy - Simplify expression within domain

Can Sympy automatically simplify an expression that includes terms like this one:
which can be simplified to 1 in the domain that I am interested in 0 <= x <= pi/2 ?
(Examples of other terms that could be simplified in that domain: acos(cos(x)); sqrt(sin(x)**2); sqrt(cos(2*x) + 1); etc.)
If you know the functions that are in your expression (such as sin, cos and tan), you can do the following according to this stack overflow question:
from sympy import *
x = symbols("x", positive=True)
ex = cos(x)/(cos(x)**2)**(S(1)/2)
ex = refine(ex, Q.positive(sin(x)))
ex = refine(ex, Q.positive(cos(x)))
ex = refine(ex, Q.positive(tan(x)))
Note that Q.positive(x*(pi/2-x)) did not help in the process of simplification for trig functions even though this is exactly what you want in general.
But what if you might have crazy functions like polygamma? The following works for some arbitrary choices for ex according to my understanding.
It wouldn't be a problem if the expression was already generated before by SymPy, but if you are inputting the expression manually, I suggest using S(1)/2 or Rational(1, 2) to describe one half.
from sympy import *
# define everything as it would have come from previous code
# also define another variable y to be positive
x, y = symbols("x y", positive=True)
ex = cos(x)/(cos(x)**2)**(S(1)/2)
# If you can, always try to use S(1) or Rational(1, 2)
# if you are defining fractions.
# If it's already a pre-calculated variable in sympy,
# it will already understand it as a half, and you
# wouldn't have any problems.
# ex = cos(x)/(cos(x)**2)**(S(1)/2)
# if x = arctan(y) and both are positive,
# then we have implicitly that 0 < x < pi/2
ex = simplify(ex.replace(x, atan(y)))
# revert back to old variable x if x is still present
ex = simplify(ex.replace(y, tan(x)))
This trick can also be used to define other ranges. For example, if you wanted 1 < x, then you could have x = exp(y) where y = Symbol("y", positive=True).
I think subs() will also work instead of replace() but I just like to be forceful with substitutions, since SymPy can sometimes ignore the subs() command for some variable types like lists and stuff.
You can substitute for a symbol that has the assumptions you want:
In [27]: e = cos(x)/(cos(x)**2)**(S(1)/2) + cos(x)
In [28]: e
cos(x) + ────────────
╱ 2
╲╱ cos (x)
In [29]: cosx = Dummy('cosx', positive=True)
In [30]: e.subs(cos(x), cosx).subs(cosx, cos(x))
Out[30]: cos(x) + 1

Sympy: How to simplify expression containing exp(I*x)

I want to achieve this kind of simplification:
sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*(p**2 + (-p**2 + 4*pi**2)*exp(2*I*p) - 4*pi**2)*exp(-I*p)/(p**2 - 4*pi**2)**2=-2*I*sqrt(2*pi)*sin(p)/(p**2 - 4*pi**2)
However, sympy.simplify can't simplify this expression:
f=sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*(p**2 + (-p**2 + 4*pi**2)*exp(2*I*p) -\
4*pi**2)*exp(-I*p)/(p**2 - 4*pi**2)**2
#sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*(p**2 + (-p**2 + 4*pi**2)*exp(2*I*p) - 4*pi**2)*exp(-I*p)/(p**2 - 4*pi**2)**2
How to simplify this expression with SymPy?
Besides, I don't want to use Piecewise((sqrt(2)*I/(2*sqrt(pi)), Eq(p, -2*pi))...)
Just massage the expression a bit. You know that with fractions, you generally factorize them and then you cancel like-terms. Then you simplify after that:
from sympy import *
p = Symbol("p", real=True)
f = sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*(p**2 + (-p**2 + 4*pi**2)*exp(2*I*p) - 4*pi**2)*exp(-I*p)/(p**2 - 4*pi**2)**2
f = simplify(expand(cancel(factor(f))))
-2*sqrt(2)*I*sqrt(pi)*sin(p)/(p**2 - 4*pi**2)

How to sympify initial conditions for ODE in sympy?

I am passing initial conditions as string, to be used to solving an ODE in sympy.
It is a first order ode, so for example, lets take initial conditions as y(0):3 for example. From help
ics is the set of initial/boundary conditions for the differential
equation. It should be given in the form of {f(x0): x1,
f(x).diff(x).subs(x, x2): x3}
I need to pass this to sympy.dsolve. But sympify(ic) gives an error for some reason.
What other tricks to use to make this work? Here is MWE. First one shows it works without initial conditions being string (normal mode of operation)
from sympy import *
x = Symbol('x')
y = Function('y')
ode = Eq(Derivative(y(x),x),1+2*x)
sol = dsolve(ode,y(x),ics={y(0):3})
gives sol Eq(y(x), x**2 + x + 3)
Now the case when ics is string
from sympy import *
ic = "y(0):3"
x = Symbol('x')
y = Function('y')
ode = Eq(Derivative(y(x),x),1+2*x)
sol = dsolve(ode,y(x),ics={ sympify(ic) })
SympifyError: Sympify of expression 'could not parse 'y(0):3'' failed,
because of exception being raised: SyntaxError: invalid syntax
(, line 1)
So looking at sympify webpage
sympify(a, locals=None, convert_xor=True, strict=False, rational=False, evaluate=None)
And tried changing different options as shown above, still the syntax error shows up.
I also tried
sol = dsolve(ode,y(x),ics= { eval(ic) } )
But this gives syntax error as well
Is there a trick to use to convert this initial conditions string to something sympy is happy with?
Python 4.7 with sympy 1.5
As temporary work around, currently I do this
from sympy import *
ic = "y(0):3"
ic = ic.split(":")
x = Symbol('x')
y = Function('y')
ode = Eq(Derivative(y(x),x),1+2*x)
sol = dsolve(ode,y(x),ics= {S(ic[0]):S(ic[1])} )
Which works. So the problem is with : initially, sympify (or S) do not handle : it seems.
You can use sympify('{y(0):3}').
I don't know what your actual goal is but I don't recommend parsing strings like this in general. The format for ICs is actually slightly awkward so that for a second order ODE it looks like:
ics = '{y(0):3, y(x).diff(x).subs(x, 0):1}'
If you're parsing a string then you can come up with a better syntax than that like
ics = "y(0)=3, y'(0)=1"
Also you should use parse_expr rather than converting strings with sympify or S:

SymPy: unable to simplify rather simple expression

I have an expression (expr, see below) that I am unable to simplify in SymPy. For real and positive x, expr is equivalent to x**3 + 2*x, but simplify and refine do not simplify the expression at all. (Mathematica does the simplication without any effort).
How to simplify this expression with SymPy?
from sympy import *
x = var('x')
expr = 16*x**3/(-x**2 + sqrt(8*x**2 + (x**2 - 2)**2) + 2)**2 - 2*2**(S(4)/5)*x*(-x**2 + sqrt(8*x**2 + (x**2 - 2)**2) + 2)**(S(3)/5) + 10*x
expr1 = simplify(expr) # does nothing
expr2 = refine(expr, Q.positive(x)) # does nothing
It can be done!
I rescind my earlier answer. Your expression can be simplified using Sympy. Here's how:
import sympy as sym
x = sym.symbols('x', positive=True)
expr = 16*x**3/(-x**2 + sym.sqrt(8*x**2 + (x**2 - 2)**2) + 2)**2 - 2*2**(sym.S(4)/5)*x*(-x**2 + sym.sqrt(8*x**2 + (x**2 - 2)**2) + 2)**(sym.S(3)/5) + 10*x
sym.simplify(sym.factor(sym.factor(sym.expand(sym.radsimp(expr))), deep=True))
x*(x**2 + 2)
Basically, I dug through all of the docs on sympy.simplify until I found that magic combination. Also, you have to define x as positive when you create the symbol, just as I did in the code above.
Comment on Mathematica
"Mathematica does the simplication without any effort"
I don't think you should ever underestimate the quantity of time and money that has gone into making the heuristic nightmare that is Mathematica's Simplify seem like it "just works". Sadly, in a lot of ways Sympy is still in it's infancy in comparison. sympy.simplify is one of those ways.

Matching coefficients with sympy

I am attempting to work a problem from a textbook in sympy, but sympy fails to find a solution which appears valid. For interest, it is the design of a PID controller using direct synthesis with a second order plus dead time model.
The whole problem can be reduced to finding K_C, tau_I and tau_D which will make
K_C*(s**2*tau_D*tau_I + s*tau_I + 1)/(s*tau_I)
= (s**2*tau_1*tau_2 + s*tau_1 + s*tau_2 + 1)/(K*s*(-phi + tau_c))
for given tau_1, tau_2, K and phi.
I have tried to solve this by matching coefficients:
import sympy
s, tau_c, tau_1, tau_2, phi, K = sympy.symbols('s, tau_c, tau_1, tau_2, phi, K')
target = (s**2*tau_1*tau_2 + s*tau_1 + s*tau_2 + 1)/(K*s*(-phi + tau_c))
K_C, tau_I, tau_D = sympy.symbols('K_C, tau_I, tau_D', real=True)
PID = K_C*(1 + 1/(tau_I*s) + tau_D*s)
eq = (target - PID).together()
eq *= sympy.denom(eq).simplify()
eq = sympy.poly(eq, s)
sympy.solve(eq.coeffs(), [K_C, tau_I, tau_D])
This returns an empty list. However, the textbook provides the following solution:
booksolution = {K_C: 1/K*(tau_1 + tau_2)/(tau_c - phi),
tau_I: tau_1 + tau_2,a
tau_D: tau_1*tau_2/(tau_1 + tau_2)}
Which appears to satisfy the equations I'm trying to solve:
[c.subs(booksolution).simplify() for c in eq.coeffs()]
[0, 0, 0]
Can I massage this into a form which sympy can solve? What am I doing wong?
Edit: This finds the correct solution, but requires a little too much thought from my side to order the equations:
eqs = eq.coeffs()
solution = {}
solution[K_C] = sympy.solve(eqs[1], K_C)[0]
solution[tau_D] = sympy.solve(eqs[0], tau_D)[0].subs(solution)
solution[tau_I] = sympy.solve(eqs[2], tau_I)[0].subs(solution).simplify()
In SymPy 1.0 (to be released soon) I get this answer
In [25]: sympy.solve(eq.coeffs(), [K_C, tau_I, tau_D])
⎡ ⎧ -(τ₁ + τ₂) τ₁⋅τ₂ ⎫⎤
⎢{K_C: 0, τ_I: 0}, ⎨K_C: ───────────, τ_D: ───────, τ_I: τ₁ + τ₂⎬⎥
⎣ ⎩ K⋅(φ - τ_c) τ₁ + τ₂ ⎭⎦
which looks like your textbook's solution.