conditional if and else - if-statement

import java.util.*;
public class Main{
public static void main(String args[]) {
int a=33;
int b=7;
if (a>b)
{System.out.println("the bigger no. is a = " + a); }
if (a==b)
{System.out.println("Both the no. are equal ");}
{System.out.println("the bigger no. is b = " + b);}
the bigger no. is a = 33
the bigger no. is b = 7
QUESTION: Why are two results are coming, a is bigger than b so why the output is both if and else statements
I tried other scenarios but changing the values of a and b but the output is always the same

This is happening because you are not using the if else statements correctly. The code that you have written will first check if a>b and since it is it will print out the first output. You then call another if statement in your example it is false so it does not print anything out, however, the else statement is only connected to the second if statement and therefore will also print out the second statement when you were expecting the first. The correct implementation would be
import java.util.*;
public class Main{
public static void main(String args[]) {
int a=33;
int b=7;
if (a>b)
{System.out.println("the bigger no. is a = " + a); }
else if (a==b)
{System.out.println("Both the no. are equal ");}
{System.out.println("the bigger no. is b = " + b);}
Adding else if will add that chain of "if else" statements so you are not getting unexpected results!


How to decrement several variables in C++in a single line statement?

Edit: I replaced the phrase 'in one line' by 'in a single line statement' since this is what I was looking for
Let's say we have the following variables at hand:
int a = 5;
int b = 9;
Is there a way to compress this ...
... into in a single line statement??
The question is not about decrementing multiple variables in a for loop,
since this seems to be a common yet unrelated question.
You probably mean "in a single statement", not just "in a single line".
Then you can use the comma-operator:
// use a template
template<class ... Args>
void decr(Args& ... args){
(... , --args);
// or, in C++20, auto
void decr(auto& ... args){
(... , --args);
You could just write the statements in one single line, like this :
a--, b--;
(thanks to #Aziz for the improvement with the comma instead of the semicolon)
You can do like :
int a = 5;
int b = 4;
(a -= 1), (b -= 1);
std::cout << a << b;
Output: 43
You can try something like :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
main ()
int a = 5, b = 9;
a--, b--;
cout << a;
cout << b;
return 0;

Returning the complete value in recursions

I've written a C++ code to convert a base 10 number into base two, but don't want the function to print it, but to return the value since I'll later need to use it in another function. The problem with returning is that the first time it returns it'll break out of the function, so it won't finish the process of converting and instead of returning '101' for '5', it will simply return '1' and that's it. Any ideas to fix this? I appreciate in advance.
Here's also my code:
int two;
int base(int a)
return two;
Note: Of course the code works pretty well if I change the return type into void and simply print the value. But I want to RETURN the value.
Implementation of summing up (in fact it can be implemented iteratively but it seems you need to apply recursion so I provided recursive solution):
int baseHelper(int a, int factor)
int returnedValue = 0;
if(a==0 || a==1)
returnedValue = factor * a;
int addend = factor * (a%2);
returnedValue = addend + baseHelper(a/2, factor*10);
return returnedValue;
int base(int a)
return baseHelper(a, 1);
int main()
for(int i=0; i<=256; i++)
cout << "i=" << i << " " << base(i) << endl;
return 0;
If you want to use recursion, you can return std::string like this:
std::string base(int a)
if (a == 0)
return "0";
else if (a == 1)
return "1";
return base(a / 2) + ((a % 2) ? "1" : "0");
Using std::to_chars or std::from_chars from <charconv> is also an alternative.

How to write custom datatype (std::array filled with std::pairs) to a filestream

I am quite new to c++ and I am building a model studying certain mutations in genes. My "genes" are defined as a function of two doubles, a and b. A single gene is saved in a std::pair format. The whole genome consists of four of these genes collected in a std:array.
I perform some changes on the genes and want to write the information in a text file for analysis. The way I have currently implemented this is tedious. I have separate functions (8 in total) which collect the information like g[i].first, g[i[.second etc. for every i in the array. I feel this could be done much more efficiently.
Relevant code:
Declaration of data type:
using gene = std::pair<double, double>;
using genome = std::array<gene, 4>;
Function in which I create a genome called g:
genome Individual::init_Individual()
double a1, a2, a3, a4 = -1.0;
double b1, b2, b3, b4 = 0.0;
gene g1{ a1,b1 };
gene g2{ a2,b2 };
gene g3{ a3,b3 };
gene g4{ a4,b4 };
genome g{g1,g2,g3,g4};
return g;
Example of collect function:
double get_Genome_a1() { return g[0].first; };
Function in which I write information to a text file:
void Individual::write_Statistics(unsigned int &counter)
//Generate output file stream
std::ofstream ofs;"data.txt", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
ofs << counter << std::setw(14) << get_Genome_a1() << std::setw(14)
<< get_Genome_a2() << std::setw(14) << get_Genome_b1() <<
std::setw(14) << get_Genome_b2() << "\n";
etc, etc. So the final result of my data file in this example looks like this:
1 a1 a2 b1 b2
2 a1 a2 b1 b2
3 a1 a2 b1 b2
etc, etc.
My question:
I am currently storing the two doubles in a std::pair, which I collect in a std::array. Is this an efficient storage mechanism or can this be improved?
Is there a way to directly reference an individual element from my custom data type "genome" using only one function to write every element away in the exact same manner as I am doing now (with fourteen spaces between every element)? Something in pseudocode like: get_Genome() {return g;};, and when you call it you can specify the element like: get_Genome([0].first) which would be the first value stored in the first pair of the array, for example.
Happy to learn, any insight is appreciated.
Your storage is good. Neither pair nor array requires indirect/dynamic allocation, so this is great for cache locality.
As for referencing elements, no, not exactly like that. You could have an enum with members FIRST, SECOND then pass that as another argument to get_Genome. But, honestly, this doesn't seem to me to be worthwhile.
Overall, your approach looks great to me. My only suggestions would be:
Re-use one ofstream
…rather than opening and closing the file for every sample. You should see substantial speed improvements from that change.
You could make one in your main or whatever, and have write_Statistics take a std::ostream&, which would also be more flexible!
Initialise a bit quicker
All those declarations in init_Individual may get optimised, but why take the risk? The following is pretty expressive:
genome Individual::init_Individual()
const double a = -1.0;
const double b = 0.0;
return {{a, b}, {a, b}, {a, b}, {a, b}};
It's worth noting here that your double initialisations were wrong: you were only initialising a4 and b4; your compiler ought to have warned you about this. But, as shown, we don't need all of those anyway as they [are intended to] have the same values!
Your array looks good, however using std::pair in this situation might make it a bit more tedious. I would create 2 simple classes or structures one to represent a gene and the other to represent your genome. I'd still use array. The class might look something like this:
#include <array>
const int genesPerGenome = 4; // change this to set how many...
struct Gene {
double a_;
double b_;
Gene() = default;
Gene(double a, double b) : a_(a), b_(b) {}
struct Genome {
std::array<Gene, genesPerGenome> genome_;
int geneCount_{0};
Genome() = default;
void addGene(const Gene& gene) {
if ( geneCount_ >= genesPerGenome ) return;
genome_[geneCount_++] = gene; // post increment since we added one
Then I would have a stand alone function that would generate your genome as such:
void generateGenome( Genome& genome ) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// When looking at your example; I notices that the genes were all
// initialized with [-1.0,0.0] so I used Gene's constructor to init
// them with those values.
Gene gene(-1.0, 0.0);
Then to couple these together, I'll just print them to the console for demonstration. You can then take this approach and apply it to what ever calculations that will be done and then writing the results to a file.
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
Genome genome;
generateGenome( genome );
// printing to console here is where you would do your calculations then write to file
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
if ( i >= genome.geneCount_ ) break; // prevent accessing beyond array bounds
std::cout << (i+1) << " [" << genome.genome_[i].a_ << "," << genome.genome_[i].b_ << "]\n";
return 0;
-Output- - No calculations, only the initialized values:
1 [-1,0]
2 [-1,0]
3 [-1,0]
4 [-1,0]
Maybe this will help. From here you can write a operartor<<() function that will take an ostream reference object and a const reference to a Genome and from there you should be able to print the entire Genome to file in a single function call.
User t.niese left a comment with a valid point that I had overlooked. I was using a static variable in the addGene() function. This would work okay as long as you are working only with a single Genome, but if you had more than one Genome object, every time you'd call the addGene() function this value would increase and you wouldn't be able to add more than gene to each genome due to the condition of the if statement in the addGene() function.
I had modified the original code above to fix this limitation. Here I removed the static variable and I introduced two new variables; one is a const int that represents how many genes per genome as it will be used to define the size of your array as well as checking against how many genes to add to that genome. The other variable I added is a member variable to the Genome class itself that keeps track of how many genes there are per each Genome object.
Here is an example of what i meant in my comment by overloading the operator [].
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
class Genome {
typedef std::pair<double, double> gene;
double a1 = -1.0, a2 = -1.0, a3 = -1.0, a4 = -1.0;
double b1 = 0.0, b2 = 0.0, b3 = 0.0, b4 = 0.0;
gene g1{ a1,b1 };
gene g2{ a2,b2 };
gene g3{ a3,b3 };
gene g4{ a4,b4 };
Genome() {}
const double operator[] (std::string l) const {
if (l == "a1") {return g1.first;}
else if (l == "b1") {return g1.second;}
else if (l == "a2") {return g2.first;}
else if (l == "b2") {return g2.second;}
else if (l == "a3") {return g3.first;}
else if (l == "b3") {return g3.second;}
else if (l == "a4") {return g4.first;}
else if (l == "b4") {return g4.second;}
else {
throw std::invalid_argument("not valid label");
void setvalue(std::string l, double x) {
if (l == "a1") {g1.first = x;}
else if (l == "b1") {g1.second = x;}
else if (l == "a2") {g2.first = x;}
else if (l == "b2") {g2.second = x;}
else if (l == "a3") {g3.first = x;}
else if (l == "b3") {g3.second = x;}
else if (l == "a4") {g4.first = x;}
else if (l == "b4") {g4.second = x;}
else {
throw std::invalid_argument("not valid label");
void write_Statistics(unsigned int counter) {
std::ofstream ofs;"data.txt", std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
ofs << counter
<< std::setw(14) << (*this)["a1"] << std::setw(14) << (*this)["a2"]
<< std::setw(14) << (*this)["b1"] << std::setw(14) << (*this)["b2"] << "\n";
I don't know if you may find useful to access to the individual genes by a label instead of an index, but this is what this overload do.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Genome a = Genome();
std::cout << a["b1"] << std::endl; #this prints 0
a.setvalue("b2", 3.0);
std::cout << a["b2"] << std::endl; #this prints 3
return 0;

Function to find largest number

I'm learning C++ through Sololearn. Below is a code to find the largest of two numbers.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int max(int a, int b){
if (a > b) {
return a;
return b;
int main() {
cout << max(7, 4) << endl;
return 0;
Result - 7
But shouldn't it return b also since there's return b in function????
Only one return statement will execute within a function. As soon as the code encounters the first return it will immediately leave the function and no further code will execute.
The answer of CoryKramer says it all.
Still, to avoid the confusion you bumped into, I would prefer:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int max(int a, int b){
if (a > b) {
return a;
else {
return b;
int main() {
cout << max(7, 4) << endl;
return 0;
Alternatively you could use:
return a > b ? a : b;
The latter line is a so called 'conditional expression' (or 'conditional operator'). If the phrase before the ? is true, it returns the part between the ? and the :, else it returns the part after the : .
It is explained in detail here.
if (a > b) (7>4) ==> Condition becomes True so return a executed and max function return from there only, its not reach to return b, that's why its not execute return b.
You can use in return a > b ? a : b operator.
Operator return will
terminate the current function and returns the result of the expression to the caller
After you passed the condition
if (a>b)
edited -> thanks to athul
return will evaluate a and put it as result of function.
If a is lesser then b - you will not meet this condition and you will hit
return b;
To understand it, you may add:
cout << max(2, 4) << endl;
cout << max(2, 1) << endl;
into the main section.
PS it is better to use at least codeblocks, which is advised in LearnC++ to enter their examples

Call by Name/Call by Value

I'm trying to understand this block of code here:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define mymult(a, b) a*b
inline int mymult1(int a, int b) {return a*b;}
int main() {
cout << "mymult(2+2, 3+3) = " << mymult(2+2, 3+3) << "\n";
cout << "mymult1(2+2, 3+3) = " << mymult1(2+2, 3+3) << "\n";
mymult = 11, and mymult1 = 24. I know that '#define's essentially work via call by name, rather than call by value. However, I'm having trouble understanding why the value it returns is 11... and not 24. What causes this?
Option 1:
In the case of:
#define mymult(a, b) a*b
a and b are treated like place holder strings and when you call mymult, the parameters a and b are just copied as they were written. In other words:
mymult(2+2, 3+3) = 2+2*3+3
where a = 2+2, b = 3+3.
Therefore you may call mymult as follows:
mymult( (2+2), (3+3) )
where a = (2+2), b = (3+3).
This will be interpreted as:
mymult( (2+2), (3+3) ) = (2+2)*(3+3)
and return the value of 24 as expected.
Option 2:
If we are allowed to modify the #define statement then an alternative way of doing this is defining it with the parentheses as follows:
#define mymult(a, b) (a)*(b)
This will give the same expected result since a and b will be put directly into the parentheses as they are. In other words:
mymult(2+2, 3+3) = (2+2)*(3+3) = 24
where a = 2+2, b = 3+3.
Option 3:
Stick with the inline function as defined in OP:
inline int mymult(int a, int b) {return a*b;}
Good luck!