Replace the whole string with a new text using a regular expression [closed] - regex

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I want to replace a String data with a new one where I do not know what is inside the string as it may be empty, spaces, alphabets, numerics, special characters, mix, etc. It is simple as below
String randomString = "Some Old String"; // It will be any string or may be an empty string too
print("Old String ${randomString}"); // Output = Some Old String
randomString = "Some New String";
print("New String ${randomString}"); // Output = Some New String
But due to some limitations (no need to define here), I can't use the upper process. I would like to do this with only sub-functions like .replaceAll, .replaceRange, .replaceMap, .replaceFirst, .replaceFirstMap etc. For that, I tried following.
String randomString = ""; // It will be any string or maybe an empty string too
print("Old String ${randomString}"); // Output = ""
randomString.replaceAll(RegExp(r"/\W/g"),"Some New String");
print("New String ${randomString}"); // Output = "" (Showing Empty)
What should be the regex to select all and replace with alphabets, digits, special characters, spaces, empty, etc.?
I am currently using RegExp(r"/\W/g") so tell me the correct one for my need.
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You can achieve this by creating TextInputFormatter class and pass it to inputFormatters parameter in TextField, here's an example:
class ReplaceTextInputFormatter extends TextInputFormatter {
TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(TextEditingValue oldValue, TextEditingValue newValue) {
// TODO replace the [[oldValue] with [newValue] for your needs
return newValue;
inputFormatters: [ReplaceTextInputFormatter()],
Edit after #Muhammad Hassan's comment about no need for widgets.
We can achieve this using replaceRange from 0 to the string length, for example:
randomString.replaceRange(0, s.length, 'replacement');


JsonCpp: Treat strings as numbers [closed]

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Closed 3 days ago.
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I have floating-point numbers stored as strings. During serialization to JSON, I want to convert those strings to numbers. For example, the strings a="1.001" and b="0.1" must be converted to numbers:
"a" : 1.001,
"b" : 0.1
The folloiwng code:
val["a"] = "1.001";
val["b"] = "0.1";
Json::StreamWriterBuilder builder;
auto json=Json::writeString(builder,val);
std::cout << json << std::endl;
"a" : "1.001",
"b" : "0.1"
which is not what I want because numbers as strings are rejected by the server.
The following code:
val["a"] = std::stod("1.001");
val["b"] = std::stod("0.1");
Json::StreamWriterBuilder builder;
auto json=Json::writeString(builder,val);
std::cout << json << std::endl;
"a" : 1.0009999999999999,
"b" : 0.10000000000000001
however, that is also not what I want because I lose precision.
I've solved the problem by implementing a custom Json::Writer.
I used the existing implementation of Json::FastWriter::writeValue as a starting point and made changes to the way it processes string values:
case stringValue: {
auto str = value.asString();
if (isNumeric(str))
document_ += str;
document_ += valueToQuotedString(str.c_str());
While my solution works, it is not ideal because all string fields that contain valid floating-point numbers are now serialized as numeric type, and the server rejects JSON string fields that are represented solely as floating-point numbers without quotation marks.
Can you suggest any other solutions? Perhaps I should consider using a different JSON library?

How can I add letters in a sentence? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I've asked to write code that gets a char array(sentence), if the there is an 'i' in the sentence I need to add the letter 'b' the letter 'i' again like this example:
pig -> pibig
I tried to use string.h functions but I didn't succeed to make it right.
Use std::string in string header file, and std::string::insert whenever you need to insert a char in string:
std::string my_string = "my satringa";
for (size_t i = 0; i < my_string.length(); ++i)
if ( == 'a')
my_string.insert(i + 1, "b");
std::clog << my_string << std::endl;
> my sabtringab
If you are forced to use C-style strings, don't worry do all of your operations on std::string and then take the underlying stored string with std::string::c_str() as a C-style string (and don't forget to take a copy).

How to match a string to regex based on a certain index? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am working on a small project of mine, and I need to match a string to a regex value, and the first character of the match needs to start exactly at a certain index.
I need to do this in C++, but can't find a method or function that seems like it would work on
Eg. if I put in the string Stack overflow into the pattern f.ow
and an index of 3, it should return false. But if I set the index to 10, it should return true and allow me to find out what actually matched (flow). And if I put in an index of 11, it should also return false.
Try this function, hope this will work for you
using namespace std;
bool exactRegexMatch(string str,int index){
regex reg("f(.)ow");
return regex_match(str.substr(index), reg);
int main(){
if(exactRegexMatch("Stack Overflow",10)){
How to match a string to regex based on a certain index?
Pass the substring starting from the index as the string argument, and add ^ to the beginning of the regex so that it only matches when the pattern starts from the beginning of the substring.
This uses the whole string by constructing the regex.
strRx = `"^[\\S\\s]{" + strOffset + "}(f.ow)";
// make a regex out of strRx
or, use iterators to jump to the location to start matching from
bool FindInString( std::string& sOut, std::string& sInSrc, int offset )
static std::regex Rx("(f.ow)");
sOut = "";
bool bRet = false;
std::smatch _M;
std::string::const_iterator _Mstart = sInSrc.begin() + offset;
std::string::const_iterator _Mend = sInSrc.end();
if ( regex_search( _Mstart, _Mend, _M, Rx ) )
// Check that it matched at exactly the _Mstart position
if ( _M[1].first == _Mstart )
sOut = std::string(_M[1].first, _M[1].second);
bRet = true;
return bRet;

Modifying specific characters in text input (C++) [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I receive text with special characters (such as á) so I have to manually search and replace each one with code (in this case "á")
I would like to have code to search and replace such instances automatically after user input. Since I'm a noob, I'll show you the code I have so far - however meager it may be.
// Text fixer
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
int main(){
string input;
cout << "Input text";
cin >> input;
// this is where I'm at a loss. How should I manipulate the variable?
cout << input;
return 0;
Thank you!
An easy method is to use an array of substitution strings:
std::string replacement_text[???];
The idea is that you use the incoming character as the index into the array and extract the replacement text.
For example:
replacement_text[' '] = " ";
// ...
std::string new_string = replacement_text[input_character];
Another method is to use switch and case to convert the character.
Alternative techniques are a lookup table and std::map.
The lookup table could be an array of mapping structures:
struct Entry
char key;
std::string replacement_text;
Search the table using the key field to match the incoming character. Use the replacement_text to get the replacement text.

How to use regex in C++? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have a string like below:
std::string myString = "This is string\r\nIKO\r\n. I don't exp\r\nO091\r\nect some characters.";
Now I want to get rid of the characters between \r\n including \r\n.
So the string must look like below:
std::string myString = "This is string. I don't expect some characters.";
I am not sure, how many \r\n's going to appear.
And I have no idea what characters are coming between \r\n.
How could I use regex in this string?
Personally, I'd do a simple loop with find. I don't see how using regular expressions helps much with this task. Something along these lines:
string final;
size_t cur = 0;
for (;;) {
size_t pos = myString.find("\r\n", cur);
final.append(myString, cur, pos - cur);
if (pos == string::npos) {
pos = myString.find("\r\n", pos + 2);
if (pos == string::npos) {
// Odd number of delimiters; handle as needed.
cur = pos + 2;
Regular expressions are "greedy" by default in most regex libaries.
Just make your regex say "\r\n.*\r\n" and you should be fine.
Then split your input using the given regex. That should yield two strings you can combine into the desired result.