How to make a " homogeneous" gradient in glsl? - glsl

I don't know what is the best description for my target effect, but I want it to look this:
I made these two attempts, where the color around diagonal line is more close to the right-down vertex.
#version 450
layout(binding=0) uniform UniformBufferObject {
mat4 model;
mat4 view;
mat4 proj;
} ubo;
layout(location=0) in vec2 inPosition;
layout(location=1) in vec3 inColor;
layout(location=2) in vec2 inUV;
layout(location=0) out vec3 fragColor;
vec3 azure = { 0.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f };
vec3 blue = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
vec3 green = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
float translate(float i) {
return i + 0.5;
float helpfunc(int x) {
return mix(mix(blue[x], green[x], translate(inPosition.y)), mix(azure[x], azure[x], translate(inPosition.y)), translate(inPosition.x));
void main() {
gl_Position = ubo.proj * ubo.view * ubo.model * vec4(inPosition, 0.0, 1.0);
fragColor = vec3(helpfunc(0), helpfunc(1), helpfunc(2));
I thought that this might be leaded by the color space, yet since after exchanging the position of blue and green in function helpfunc, the color of the distinctive diagonal line changed, not the distinctive diagonal line postion. I guess the problem is in algorithm, but I can't figure out what it is or how to solve it.

thks to krOoze, i find a way to solve my problem, since idk if it is the best solution.
the only thing i do is put the step "calculate the color" from vertex shader into frag shader.
here's my code:
//vertex shader
#version 450
layout(binding=0)uniform UniformBufferObject{
mat4 model;
mat4 view;
mat4 proj;
layout(location=0)in vec2 inPosition;
layout(location=1)in vec3 inColor;
layout(location=2)in vec2 inUV;
layout(location=0)out vec2 outPosition;
void main(){
//frag shader
#version 450
layout(location=0)in vec2 outPosition;
layout(location=0)out vec4 outColor;
vec3 red={1.f,0.f,0.f};
vec3 blue={0.f,0.f,1.f};
vec3 green={0.f,1.f,0.f};
vec3 white={1.f,1.f,1.f};
float translate(float i){
return i+.5;
float helpfunc(int x){
return mix(mix(blue[x],green[x],translate(outPosition.y)),mix(white[x],red[x],translate(outPosition.y)),translate(outPosition.x));
void main(){
and here is my outcome : smooth gradient


How can I draw gluQuadric with color?

struct quadricObj {
GLUquadricObj* obj;
GLenum drawmode{ GLU_FILL };
GLdouble radius{1.0};
GLint slices{20};
GLint stacks{20};
glm::vec3 col{ 1.0,0.0,0.0 };
std::vector<glm::mat4> M;
glm::mat4 world_M() {
glm::mat4 WM(1.0f);
std::for_each(this->M.begin(), this->M.end(), [&WM](glm::mat4& m) { WM *= m; });
//M0*M1*M2 TRS
return WM;
GLvoid draw() {
gluQuadricDrawStyle(this->obj, this->drawmode);
glUniformMatrix4fv(worldLoc, 1, GL_FALSE, glm::value_ptr(this->world_M()));
glColor4f(this->col.r, this->col.g, this->col.b, 1.0f); // doesn't work.
gluSphere(this->obj, this->radius, this->slices, this->stacks);
This is my struct for use quadricObj. I think glColor4f has to work but doesn't.
quadrics are staying black.
How can I color quadrics in GL?
#version 330
in vec3 v_normal;
in vec2 v_texCoord;
in vec3 v_color;
in vec3 fragPos;
out vec4 gl_FragColor;
uniform vec3 lightColor;
uniform vec3 lightPos;
uniform vec3 viewPos;
uniform float ambientLight;
uniform int shine;
void main(void)
vec3 ambient = clamp(ambientLight*lightColor,0.0,1.0);
vec3 normalVector = normalize(v_normal);
vec3 lightDir = normalize(lightPos-fragPos);
float diffuseLight = max(dot(normalVector,lightDir),0.0);
vec3 diffuse = clamp(diffuseLight * lightColor,0.0,1.0);
vec3 viewDir = normalize(viewPos-fragPos);
vec3 reflectDir = reflect(-lightDir,normalVector);
float specularLight = max(dot(viewDir,reflectDir),0.0);
specularLight = pow(specularLight,shine);
vec3 specular = clamp(specularLight*lightColor,0.0,1.0);
vec3 result = (ambient+diffuse)*v_color+specular*(0.8,0.8,0.8);
gl_FragColor = vec4(result,1.0);
I edit my fragment shader contain phong model. this can work with gluSphere too? or not? I'm using vertex shader too. which has inpos,col,nor,tex. and out also.
gluSphere cannot be used together with user defined vertex shader input variables (attribute). You are limited to a GLSL 1.20 vertex shader and the Vertex Shader Built-In Attributes. You can combine a GLSL 1.20 vertex shader with your fragment shader.
A suitable vertex shader can look like this:
#version 120
varying vec3 v_normal;
varying vec2 v_texCoord;
varying vec3 v_color;
varying vec3 fragPos;
uniform mat4 worldMatrix; // the matrix with the location worldLoc
void main()
v_color = gl_Color.rgb;
v_texCoord =;
v_normal = mat3(worldMatrix) * gl_Normal;
fragPos = (worldMatrix * gl_Vertex).xyz;
gl_Position = gl_ProjectionMatrix * worldMatrix * gl_Vertex;

Geometry shader calculated lines disappear on camera move

I draw vertex normals using geometry shader. Everything shows up as expected except that when I move the camera some lines partially disappear. First, I thought this was due to the frustrum size but I have other objects in the scene bigger than this one drawn just fine.
Before movement
After movement
If anyone could give me any pointer how to get rid of this effect of line disappearing, I would really appreciate it.
Below is the code of my geometry shader
#version 330 core
layout (triangles) in;
layout (line_strip, max_vertices = 6) out;
in Data{
vec4 position;
vec4 t_position;
vec4 normal;
vec2 texCoord;
vec4 color;
mat4 mvp;
mat4 view;
mat4 mv;
} received[];
out Data{
vec4 color;
vec2 uv;
vec4 normal;
vec2 texCoord;
mat4 view;
} gdata;
const float MAGNITUDE = 1.5f;
void GenerateLine(int index) {
const vec4 green = vec4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
const vec4 blue = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
gl_Position = received[index].t_position;
//gdata.color = received[index].color;
gdata.color = green;
gl_Position = received[index].t_position + received[index].normal * MAGNITUDE;
//gdata.color = received[index].color;
gdata.color = blue;
void main() {
GenerateLine(0); // First vertex normal
GenerateLine(1); // Second vertex normal
GenerateLine(2); // Third vertex normal
Vertex Shader
#version 330
layout(location = 0) in vec3 Position;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 TexCoord;
layout(location = 2) in vec3 Normal;
out Data{
vec4 position;
vec4 t_position;
vec4 normal;
vec2 texCoord;
vec4 color;
mat4 mvp;
mat4 view;
mat4 mv;
} vdata;
uniform mat4 model;
uniform mat4 projection;
uniform mat4 view;
void main() {
vdata.position = vec4(Position, 1.0f);
vdata.normal = view * model * vec4(Normal, 0.0);
vdata.texCoord = TexCoord;
vdata.view = view;
vec4 modelColor = vec4(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f);
vdata.color = modelColor;
vdata.mvp = projection * view * model; = view * model;
vdata.t_position = vdata.mvp * vdata.position;
gl_Position = vdata.t_position;
Referring to the answer by Illia May 18 '16 at 22:53
I originally had my m_zNear equal to 0.1 but when switched it to 1.0, the lines stopped disappearing. I am not completely sure why is that. If any one knows please share it
The disappearing line is about depth buffer clipping. The vertex is projected (multiplied with MVP-matrix) and then the vertex position is changed AFTER the projection in geometry shader (GS). These changes in GS causes the z-value to fall outside normalized device coordinates (NDC) in perspective division. With a larger zNear value the projected z-value is smaller so it does not fall outside NDC. Though if the value of MAGNITUDE in GS was large enough the lines would be clipped anyway even with a larger zNear. One option to fix this is to do projection in GS.
If anyone else runs into this issue the solution is the following:
glm::perspective(45.0f, m_aspectRatio, m_zNear, m_zFar);
I originally had my m_zNear equal to 0.1 but when switched it to 1.0, the lines stopped disappearing. I am not completely sure why is that. If any one knows please share it.
Have you try to google zFar zNear? Here you go.
Or at least trying to google that miraculous helping glm::perspective(...) function?

Stuck on rendering lights after binding FBO using deffered rendering using OpenGL

First of all I am sorry for this long post after trying to make this work the whole day.
I have many questions about this especially because I use inheritance in C++ to build lights.
I use directional light as my core model for light since i can give the light direction and it will calculate the light, then on top of it I build point light where i just calculate the vector from light to fragment position, and finally for spot light I use point light with the addition of cut off angle to create spot lights (just ignore whatever is outside the cone). I have tested lights and they work fine with forward rendering but now I would like to change my light model to PBR (basically just change how I calculate light in directional light) and move to differed rendering.
Today i started working on deferred rendering and I can get the position, texture, normal and depth buffers, however i have a problem when trying to render lights.
That was the first problem, the second, since each type of light has it own shader and i build them using polymorphism. My second question is I can loop through each light in C++ and call each light to be renderer or there is another way that i can solve this in shaders.
Prototypes of lights are
EDIT: I fixed a small issue where iw as transforming the render quat with VP projection but still i can not draw anything and i have no idea if FB are working correctlly now. Nvidia opengl debugger is just crashing.
Light(glm::vec3& color, float intensity, float ambient, ShaderProgram& lightShader);
DirectionalLight(glm::vec3& color = glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), glm::vec3& position = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), float intensity = 1.0f, float ambient = 0.0f, ShaderProgram& lightShader = ShaderProgram("Directional Light"));
PointLight(glm::vec3& color = glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), glm::vec3& position = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), float intensity = 1.0f, float ambient = 0.0f, LightAttenuation& lightAttenuation = LightAttenuation(), ShaderProgram& lightShader = ShaderProgram("Point Light"));
SpotLight(glm::vec3& color = glm::vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), glm::vec3& position = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
My render path looks like this.
defferedShader_.setUniformMat4("VP", camera.getVP());
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, deferredFbo);
//the scene is small and does not need culling.
for (auto* mesh : world.getMeshes()) {
drawCallCounter += mesh->getMeshObjectSize();
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, positionFbo);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, normalFbo);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, albedoFbo);
//This is where i got stuck, I would like to make directional light work then test other lights then test the whole program with more than one light
//for (auto* light : world.getLights()) {
// //glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
// //glCullFace(GL_FRONT);
activeLight_->getLightShader().setUniformMat4("VP", camera.getVP());
activeLight_->getLightShader().setUniformVec3("eyePosition", camera.getCameraPosition());
The shader code that i started building is (PS i removed the shadows for now)
Vertex Shader
#version 410 core
#include "../Global/"
#include "../Global/"
out vec3 Position;
out vec2 TexCoord;
//out vec4 ShadowCoord;
//uniform mat4 ShadowMatrix;
void main() {
Position = position;
TexCoord = texCoord;
//ShadowCoord = ShadowMatrix * vec4(position, 1.0);
gl_Position = VP * vec4(position, 1.0);
Fragment shader
One thing that is bothering me is i can not set the uniform values for gPosition, gPosition and gAlbedoSpec even if I use them, and no matter what i change in the shader the output will be the same.
#version 410 core
#include "../Global/"
#include "../Global/"
#include "../Global/"
//#include "../Global/"
in vec3 Position;
in vec2 TexCoord;
//in vec4 ShadowCoord;
uniform sampler2D gPosition;
uniform sampler2D gNormal;
uniform sampler2D gAlbedoSpec;
float specularStrength = 32.0f; // to be impelemented
out vec4 gl_FragColor;
void main() {
//vec4 lightning = vec4(0.0f);
////vec4 shadowMapping = vec4(0.0f);
vec3 FragPos = texture(gPosition, TexCoord).rgb;
vec3 Normal = texture(gNormal, TexCoord).rgb;
vec3 Diffuse = texture(gAlbedoSpec, TexCoord).rgb;
float Specular = texture(gAlbedoSpec, TexCoord).a;
//vec3 Diffuse = texture(gAlbedoSpec, TexCoord).rgb;
//lightning = calculateDirectionalLight(directionalLight.light, directionalLight.position, Normal, Position, specularStrength, eyePosition, material, TexCoord);
//gl_fragColor = vec3(Position, 1.0);
//shadowMapping = calculateShadow(shadowMap, ShadowCoord, directionalLight.light.ambient);
//gl_FragColor = vec4(Diffuse, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0); //vec4(Diffuse, 1.0);// lightning;//g * shadowMapping;
//gl_FragColor = lightning;// * shadowMapping;
in case you want to see global light
struct Light
vec3 color;
float intensity;
float ambient;
struct DirectionalLight
Light light;
vec3 position;
struct Attenuation
float constant;
float linear;
float quadratic;
struct PointLight
Light light;
Attenuation atten;
vec3 position;
float range;
struct SpotLight
PointLight pointLight;
//vec3 lookAt;
vec3 direction;
float cutOff;
vec3 GAMMA = vec3(1.0/2.2);
vec4 calculateDirectionalLight(Light light, vec3 direction, vec3 normal, vec3 worldPosition, float specularIntensity, vec3 eyePosition, Material material, vec2 texCoord)
vec3 diffuseFactor = ( light.color * material.diffuse * vec3(texture(material.texture.diffuse, )
* (light.intensity * clamp(dot(normal, direction), 0.0, 1.0) ) ;
vec3 viewDir = normalize(eyePosition - worldPosition);
vec3 reflectDir = normalize(reflect(-direction, normal));
float specularFactor = pow(clamp(dot(viewDir, reflectDir), 0.0, 1.0), specularIntensity);
vec3 specularColor = ( light.color * material.specular * vec3(texture(material.texture.specular, ) * (specularFactor * material.shininess);
return vec4(pow((diffuseFactor + specularColor + light.ambient + material.ambient), GAMMA), 1.0);
vec4 calculatePointLight(PointLight pointLight, vec3 normal, vec3 worldPosition, float specularIntensity, vec3 eyePosition, Material material, vec2 texCoord)
vec3 lightDirection = pointLight.position - worldPosition;
float distanceToPoint = length(lightDirection);
// I dont like conditionals in shader, but since this is fragment based lighting i believe
// this will speed-up things insetead of calculating the light
if(distanceToPoint > pointLight.range)
return vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
vec4 light = calculateDirectionalLight(pointLight.light, lightDirection, normal, worldPosition, specularIntensity, eyePosition, material, texCoord);
// light attenuateion explained
float attenuation = max(pointLight.atten.constant
+ pointLight.atten.linear * distanceToPoint
+ pointLight.atten.quadratic * distanceToPoint * distanceToPoint,
return light / attenuation;
vec4 calculateSpotLight(SpotLight spotLight, vec3 normal, vec3 worldPosition, float specularIntensity, vec3 eyePosition, Material material, vec2 texCoord)
vec3 lightDirection = normalize(spotLight.pointLight.position - worldPosition);
float spotFactor = dot(lightDirection, spotLight.direction);
vec4 light = vec4(0.0f);
if(spotFactor > spotLight.cutOff)
light = calculatePointLight(spotLight.pointLight, normal, worldPosition, specularIntensity, eyePosition, material, texCoord) * (1.0 - (1.0 - spotFactor)/(1.0 - spotLight.cutOff));
return light;
Global mesh
struct Texture {
sampler2D diffuse;
sampler2D specular;
sampler2D normal;
sampler2D ambient;
sampler2D height;
//vec2 texCoord;
struct Material {
vec3 ambient; // Ka
vec3 diffuse; // Kd
vec3 specular; // Ks
vec3 transmittance; // Tr
vec3 emission; // Ke
float shininess; // Ns
float ior; // Ni
float dissolve; // Dissolve
int illum; // Illum
Texture texture;
uniform Material material;
layout (location = 0) in vec3 position;
layout (location = 1) in vec2 texCoord;
layout (location = 2) in vec3 normal;
Global Shader
uniform mat4 VP;
uniform mat4 P;
What i am getting now after binding the buffers and running the directional shader is
and just as example to see the scene this is the position buffer
Fixed it. I had the clean buffer and color in the wrong place. It should be after I bind the buffer not at the beginning of each frame.
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, deferredFbo);
//glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
defferedShader_.setUniformMat4("VP", camera.getVP());
. rest of the code

Two shaders on one object

I have problem with multiply shaders on my one object.
That's my render code:
#include "MeshRenderer.h"
ForwardAmbient* shader1;
ForwardDirectional* shader2;
MeshRenderer::MeshRenderer(Obj& obj) :
shader1 = new ForwardAmbient(vec3(1, 1, 1));
shader2 = new ForwardDirectional(vec3(1, 0, 0), vec3(1, 1, 1));
void MeshRenderer::Render(RenderingCore* rc)
//for (Shader* shader : meshObject.shaders)
shader1->UpdateShader(rc, transform, meshObject.material);
shader2->UpdateShader(rc, transform, meshObject.material);
meshObject.shader->UpdateShader(rc, transform, meshObject.material);
ambient light.vs:
#version 120
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec2 texCoord;
attribute vec3 normal;
varying vec2 texCoord0;
uniform mat4 transform;
uniform mat4 projection;
void main()
gl_Position = (projection * transform) * vec4(position, 1);
texCoord0 = texCoord;
ambient light.fs:
#version 120
varying vec2 texCoord0;
uniform vec3 ambientLight;
uniform float alpha;
uniform sampler2D sampler;
void main()
gl_FragColor = texture2D(sampler, texCoord0.xy) * vec4(ambientLight, alpha);
directional light.vs
#version 120
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec2 texCoord;
attribute vec3 normal;
varying vec2 texCoord0;
varying vec3 normal0;
varying vec3 worldPos0;
uniform mat4 transform;
uniform mat4 projection;
void main()
gl_Position = (projection * transform) * vec4(position, 1);
texCoord0 = texCoord;
normal0 = (transform * vec4(normal, 0)).xyz;
worldPos0 = (transform * vec4(position, 1)).xyz;
directional light.fs
#version 120
varying vec2 texCoord0;
varying vec3 normal0;
varying vec3 worldPos0;
uniform vec3 color;
uniform float alpha;
uniform vec3 direction;
uniform float specularIntensity;
uniform float specularPower;
uniform vec3 eyePosition;
uniform sampler2D sampler;
vec4 calcLight(vec3 color, float alpha, vec3 direction, vec3 normal)
float diffuseFactor = dot(normal, -direction);
vec4 diffuseColor = vec4(0,0,0,0);
vec4 specularColor = vec4(0,0,0,0);
if(diffuseFactor > 0)
diffuseColor = vec4(color, 1.0) * diffuseFactor;
vec3 directionToEye = normalize(eyePosition - worldPos0);
vec3 reflectDirection = normalize(reflect(direction, normal));
float specularFactor = dot(directionToEye, reflectDirection);
specularFactor = pow(specularFactor, specularPower);
if(specularFactor > 0)
specularColor = vec4(color, 1.0) * specularIntensity * specularFactor;
return diffuseColor + specularColor;
vec4 calcDirectionalLight(vec3 color, float alpha, vec3 direction, vec3 normal)
return calcLight(color, alpha, -direction, normal);
void main()
gl_FragColor = texture2D(sampler, texCoord0.xy) * calcDirectionalLight(color, 1, direction, normalize(normal0));
Here is the result:
Only ambient light is render, directional light no
Your problem is this:
shader1->UpdateShader(rc, transform, meshObject.material);
shader2->UpdateShader(rc, transform, meshObject.material);
OpenGL doesn't know what "object" are. It just draws points, lines and triangles, one at a time. To sort out depth overlap the depth buffer method is used. When you use exactly the same drawing call (meshObject.mesh->Render) with all the same vertex setup and depth testing enabled then one of the two draw calls will win over the other.
Also, more importantly, drawing calls don't "stack". You simply can not combine shaders simply by drawing the same thing multiple times; it may sort of work for additive processes. But that's barking up the wrong tree: Instead of saving additional work, you're duplicating the amount of work to be done.
What you should do instead is merging the two shaders into single one and draw the geometry only once, with the merged shader.

Why does my OpenGL Phong shader behave like a flat shader?

I've been learning OpenGL for the past couple of weeks and I've run into some trouble implementing a Phong shader. It appears to do no interpolation between vertexes despite my use of the smooth qualifier. Am I missing something here? To give credit where credit is due, the code for the vertex and fragment shaders cribs heavily from the OpenGL SuperBible Fifth Edition. I would highly recommend this book!
Vertex Shader:
#version 330
in vec4 vVertex;
in vec3 vNormal;
uniform mat4 mvpMatrix; // mvp = ModelViewProjection
uniform mat4 mvMatrix; // mv = ModelView
uniform mat3 normalMatrix;
uniform vec3 vLightPosition;
smooth out vec3 vVaryingNormal;
smooth out vec3 vVaryingLightDir;
void main(void) {
vVaryingNormal = normalMatrix * vNormal;
vec4 vPosition4 = mvMatrix * vVertex;
vec3 vPosition3 = / vPosition4.w;
vVaryingLightDir = normalize(vLightPosition - vPosition3);
gl_Position = mvpMatrix * vVertex;
Fragment Shader:
#version 330
out vec4 vFragColor;
uniform vec4 ambientColor;
uniform vec4 diffuseColor;
uniform vec4 specularColor;
smooth in vec3 vVaryingNormal;
smooth in vec3 vVaryingLightDir;
void main(void) {
float diff = max(0.0, dot(normalize(vVaryingNormal), normalize(vVaryingLightDir)));
vFragColor = diff * diffuseColor;
vFragColor += ambientColor;
vec3 vReflection = normalize(reflect(-normalize(vVaryingLightDir),normalize(vVaryingNormal)));
float spec = max(0.0, dot(normalize(vVaryingNormal), vReflection));
if(diff != 0) {
float fSpec = pow(spec, 32.0);
vFragColor.rgb += vec3(fSpec, fSpec, fSpec);
This (public domain) image from Wikipedia shows exactly what sort of image I'm getting and what I'm aiming for -- I'm getting the "flat" image but I want the "Phong" image.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
edit: If it makes a difference, I'm using PyOpenGL 3.0.1 and Python 2.6.
It turns out the problem was with my geometry; Kos was correct. For anyone else that's having this problem with Blender models, Kos pointed out that doing Edit->Faces->Set Smooth does the trick. I found that Wings 3D worked "out of the box."
As an addition to this answer, here is a simple geometry shader which will let you visualize your normals. Modify the accompanying vertex shader as needed based on your attribute locations and how you send your matrices.
But first, a picture of a giant bunny head from our friend the Stanford bunny as an example of the result !
Major warning: do note that I get away with transforming the normals with the modelview matrix instead of a proper normal matrix. This won't work correctly if your modelview contains non uniform scaling. Also, the length of your normals won't be correct but that matters little if you just want to check their direction.
Vertex shader:
#version 330
layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;
layout(location = 1) in vec4 normal;
layout(location = 2) in mat4 mv;
out Data
vec4 position;
vec4 normal;
vec4 color;
mat4 mvp;
} vdata;
uniform mat4 projection;
void main()
vdata.mvp = projection * mv;
vdata.position = position;
vdata.normal = normal;
Geometry shader:
#version 330
layout(triangles) in;
layout(line_strip, max_vertices = 6) out;
in Data
vec4 position;
vec4 normal;
vec4 color;
mat4 mvp;
} vdata[3];
out Data
vec4 color;
} gdata;
void main()
const vec4 green = vec4(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
const vec4 blue = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
gl_Position = vdata[i].mvp * vdata[i].position;
gdata.color = green;
gl_Position = vdata[i].mvp * (vdata[i].position + vdata[i].normal);
gdata.color = blue;
Fragment shader:
#version 330
in Data
vec4 color;
} gdata;
out vec4 outputColor;
void main()
outputColor = gdata.color;
Hmm... You're interpolating the normal as a varying variable, so the fragment shader should receive the correct per-pixel normal.
The only explanation (I can think of) of the fact that you're having the result as on your left image is that every fragment on a given face ultimately receives the same normal. You can confirm it with a fragment shader like:
void main() {
vFragColor = normalize(vVaryingNormal);
If it's the case, the question remains: Why? The vertex shader looks OK.
So maybe there's something wrong in your geometry? What is the data which you send to the shader? Are you sure you have correctly calculated per-vertex normals, not just per-face normals?
The orange lines are normals of the diagonal face, the red lines are normals of the horizontal face.
If your data looks like the above image, then even with a correct shader you'll get flat shading. Make sure that you have correct per-vertex normals like on the lower image. (They are really simple to calculate for a sphere.)