How can I view the hierarchy of function calls when an error occurs in Visual Studio? [closed] - c++

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Closed 25 days ago.
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Before working in Visual Studio, I worked in the Matlab program and there, when an error occurred, function calls were consistently displayed in the command window, indicating the line number, which part of the code caused the error. Now I work in Visual Studio and I really need the same a tool.
I found the "call hierarchy" window, but unfortunately it does not display so conveniently, since entering a function can be from different functions, it is not clear which one caused the error.

If you are using Visual Studio when you get an error you can go to Debug>Windows>Call Stack


is there any function in wxwidgets to check pdf software is available or not [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am using wxwidgets 2.8.10 with c++ and I am using both windows xp and windows 7.
Is there any function to see if "pdf" software is available in my computer or not by using wxwidgets?
Presumably you want to know whether a PDF viewer is available in order to open a PDF document. And if this is the case, you should just try opening it and then handle the error.

I opened my .exe in notepad and found that it contains file locations, is there anyway to obfuscate this? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I made a compiled a sample program in C++ Using VS2013 and copied the "Release" into my desktop and changed it to a text file, I opened this text file and although most of the file was gibberish I could not understand, after scrolling down for a long time, I saw the location of my folders, why is this and is there any way to obfuscate it?
I am, in fact, referring to the location of the pdb file. And setting the Linker Debugging options to "NO" seemed to do the trick, thanks everyone!

Remote program control using winapi [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How I can remotely control a GUI program using winapi?
I need to open skype or icq and click on the right contact and then read the last message. There's a program in VS spy++, but if you want to trace window messages, you need to remotely control spy++. So the problem is how can you remotely control a program and the other thing, where can you find application codes.
The White framework hides a lot of the details of UI automation, and you may find it easier to use than raw UI Automation.

Visual C++ how do you debug a button click? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm extremely new to visual c++, I thought that having the debugger be able to debug a button click would be as simple as vb/c# .net but it's clearly not :) I'm having difficulty finding anything online explaining how you debug visual C++ button clicks. Since there's no events like in VB, how does one go about doing this?
Regardless of the framework in question, or really the language in question, when debugging an application using Visual Studio you simply place a breakpoint on the line in question.
You can place a breakpoint by hitting F9 on the line you would like to stop at or by right clicking on the line and going to Breakpoint > Insert Breakpoint.
That being said, if you have no code to "handle" (in the general sense of the term, as I'm not certain what framework you're using) a button click, then you will have no code to insert a breakpoint into.

C++ PRJ0019 error [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am getting an error while running a VC++ program. Actually I dont have any idea about the program. Its given to me by my manager just run it. Can anyone help me. The error I got is
I ran a program called slycorba and getting the below error. I have no idea what it meant.
Error 1 error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Building IDL"
You will also see PRJ0019 when a tool returned an error code but no error message. This can happen, for example, if you redirect the output of MIDL to NUL.
Troubleshooting Custom Build Steps and Build Events
This error can also occur when you are running as a member of the Users group and Administrative access is needed. For more information, see Running as a Member of the Users Group.
Or just search error PRJ0019 in google.
The compiler bombed out when compiling the project named "Building IDL"
Without more information, that's all anyone can tell you.