DAX REMOVEFILTERS not working as expected - powerbi

I know this is a commonly asked question, but after hours of research, I still can't figure out why this isn't working.
I'm using a general ledger as a fact table in my Power BI data model. I have a slicer pane which allows the user to filter by fund, department, and transaction type (Actual or Budget). However, for certain visuals I want to ignore the transaction type selected in the slicer.
I created two measures: [Actuals Total] and [Budget Total]. They're pretty much the same, but here is the DAX for one of them:
Budget Total = CALCULATE(SUM(GL[Amount]),REMOVEFILTERS(GL[Transaction Type]),GL[Transaction Type]="Budget")
But as you can see below, it appears the filter on transaction type still applies.
Am I missing something?

First, you need to create a proper star schema from your GL table. It should look something like this:
Then, write 3 DAX measures (the first one for convenience):
GL Amount = SUM(GL[Amount])
Actual Total = CALCULATE( [GL Amount], Trx[Trx Type] = "Actual")
Budget Total = CALCULATE( [GL Amount], Trx[Trx Type] = "Budget")
Notice that REMOVEFILTERS is not necessary because syntax sugar hides an implicit ALL in these measures, which in full version look like this:
Actual Total =
[GL Amount],
FILTER ( ALL ( Trx[Trx Type] ), Trx[Trx Type] = "Actual" )
ALL here is identical to REMOVEFILTERS.
Also notice that you must use Transaction type from the dimension, not from the GL table.
Finally, make sure that the slicer is based on the transaction type from the dimension, not from the GL table.


How to Show last period (Fiscal Year) of sale, based on multi-filters report

I tried create a dashboard based on fiscal year, with more Filters, like region, sales rep name, ...
Example files avaliable on dropbox:
On my closest attempt, i tried this follow:
Add one column on my data set, naming each period as distinct number, like: "17";"18";"19", due to deslocated fiscal year (april to march).
Then create a measure:
SELECTEDVALUE('dataset'[Crop-X])=16;(CALCULATE(SUM('dataset'[Order Value]);ALL('dataset')));
SELECTEDVALUE('dataset'[Crop-X])=17;(CALCULATE(SUM('dataset'[Order Value]);ALL('dataset')));
SELECTEDVALUE('dataset'[Crop-X])=18;(CALCULATE(SUM('dataset'[Order Value]);ALL('dataset')));
SELECTEDVALUE('dataset'[Crop-X])=19;(CALCULATE(SUM('dataset'[Order Value]);ALL('dataset')));
Expected output was:
Values based on all filters applied, But instead i just get an empty charts
The measure is return the total because you are explicitly asking for it by using the ALL function. This removes all the filters from the dataset thus returning a grand total. This can work but it creates a complexity in your dataset with respect of having two time dimensions. The way to solve this is to first make sure you filter the date correctly with respect to both dimensions
SUM('dataset'[Order Value]);
ALL ( 'dataset' ) ;
'dataset'[Crop-X] = MAX('dataset'[Crop-X]) -1 ;
'dataset'[YEAR] = MAX('dataset'[YEAR] ) -1
Furthermore, this measure still uses the ALL function which means any other filters get ignored. Using ALLSELECTED instead would result in the relative time filtering to result in nothing as soon as you select any time based slicer in your dashboard, this prevents the filter from looking at any other part of the dataset that is not within the primary sliced dataset. The workaround would be to use ALLEXCEPT and add the filters you want to be able to use as arguments. Downside is that any filter you add to your dashboard will have to be added to the exception manually.
SUM('dataset'[Order Value]);
ALLEXCEPT( 'dataset' ; Dim1[Group] ; Dim1[Manager] ; Dim1[Region] ) ;
'dataset'[Crop-X] = MAX('dataset'[Crop-X]) -1 ;
'dataset'[YEAR] = MAX('dataset'[YEAR] ) -1

Power BI Rank within Matrix Visual

I've spent many weeks trying to get this to work including a posting at another site. No luck. Not sure what I'm missing.
The following code gets me the table of data that I need. However, I want just the "rank" value and I want it for each row within a matrix visual.
First some background, the PowerBI page has slicers on dates and "base" product. Any given product may be sold in multiple countries. All carry the same base product suffix with a country-specific prefix.
The matrix in question displays several aspects of all the product variants for the selected base product. I want to show where each variant ranks (unit sales) within its country.
VAR tblCountrySales =
"Total Sales", SUM ( tblSalesUnits[Units] )
"ProductRank", RANKX ( tblCountrySales, [Total Sales] )
Is there a way to either pull just the rank for a single product from the above code, or, better yet, a DAX pattern that will get me the rank by unit sales of each product variant within its respective country?
I've use these statements to successfully get the product ID and country for each row within the visual.
VAR ProdSales = SUM(tblSales[Units])
VAR ProdCountry = SELECTEDVALUE(tblProducts[Country])
Any help is greatly appreciated. I assume I'm missing something with row context within the visual as a simple COUNTROWS on the table expressions above always returns "1". Being new to PowerBI and DAX I'm still trying to grasp the nuances of filter and row contexts.
The products table contains data like...
The sales table contains data like...
7190........July 2010.......4563....$23491.00
150207190...July 2010.......2543....$16235.00
241807190...July 2010.......1263....$8125.00
There is a dates table as well that links the SalesMonth to the usual selection of date display formats. The two tables above are linked via ProdID, though the visuals are sliced by the BaseID. I'd attach a picture, but don't have permissions to do so.
With some more tinkering I found this solution.
Country Rank =
VAR ProdSales = SUM(tblSales[Units])
VAR ProdCountry = SELECTEDVALUE(tblProducts[Country])
VAR tblCountrySales =
"Total Sales", SUM ( tblSales[Units] )
IF(ProdSales>0,COUNTROWS(FILTER(tblCountrySales,[Total Sales]>ProdSales))+1,BLANK())

Ignore report level filter in a measure

I've read numerous posts about this, it still doesn't work for me. My scenario is as below -
I have a Date dimension (DimDate) and a Fact (StockAvailability). There are several visuals on the page and a page level filter that shows data for the last 7 days. However, for one of the visuals, I want the data to be shown for last 3 months, i.e., not limited by 7 days report level filter.
So, I created a measure, clearing up the filter on the StockAvailability using ALL, but that results in a single value for all the dates -
Overall Stock Availability = CALCULATE(AVERAGE([Availability], ALL('StockAvailability'))
Further, I try to re-add the 3-months filter above, but still nothing - I get distinct values this time, but only 7 days worth
Overall Stock Availability =
FILTER(DimDate, [IsLast3Months] = true))
How can I Ignore the 7 days report level filter for this given measure?
Any inputs will be greatly appreciated!
It's an old question but in case it's still unresolved. I've just had a very similar issue.
I'm assuming you have a relationship between the StockAvailabilty table and DimDate based on a date column in StockAvailability.
For my issue, I put ALL(DimDate) and then apply a FILTER to ALL(StockAvailability[DateColumn])
Overall Stock Availability =
VAR Date3MonthsAgo = EDATE( TODAY(), -3)
AVERAGE( [Availability] ),
ALL( DimDate ),
ALL( StockAvailability[DateColumn] ),
StockAvailability[DateColumn] >= Date3MonthsAgo
I'm guessing that this isn't working because your ALL function is removing the filtering on the StockAvailability table but not the DimDate table.
In your second measure above, the DimDate table is evaluated in the filter context it is being evaluated in, which means the last 7 days filter applies here. To ignore that filter, apply the ALL function to DimDate.
Overall Stock Availability =
FILTER(ALL(DimDate), [IsLast3Months] = true))
Note: I'm not positive you actually want the ALL('StockAvailability') part. Try it with and without.

Measure in DAX to calculate YTD for chosen month only for Power BI

How to construct DAX measure to calculate sum of YTD value for specific month?
Here we have FactTable grouped by months. FactTable is filled with both Actual data and Forecast data. The only way to know when Actual end is information in table [Cut of date] in column [End of YTD]. In table [Cut of date] in column [End of YTD] – it is a single value table – we have the interesting chosen month, for which we want to see the calculation of YTD. In our case it is March. FactTable is updated irregularly every month with usually one month delay. There is no way of linking it to time functions like TODAY because of irregular update.
We would like to have a correct value of YTD displayed in yellow Card Visual for the month [End of YTD]. When we click on the slicer on "2018-03" we get almost what we want – correct value of 66 in the yellow Card. However this solution is not automatic. I want to see correct value automatically when the [End of YTD] month changes, in our case to April or then to May. I do not want it done by user.
My desperate effort can be downloaded from file: DAX YTD.pbix
I pursued the deer in various ways:
By using FILTER function in DAX measures. But it seems that the
FILTER function is to harsh. It is applied to fact table first,
selecting only one month, and then calculating YTD value wrongly. So if
there would be any option for forcing order of calculation and filtering, there would
be hope.
I tried SWITCH function to display proper result
for specific month and 0 or null for other months. Although I
succeed in this, I was not able to take advantage of it. When it
came to filtering I was as hopeless as before. BTW I would be able
to make it if SWITCH produced totals at the end of the table, but it
does not. Surprisingly.
I put some hopes in RELATED function to display proper results in the [Cut off date] table. I have not walk out of the fog so far.
I would appreciate your help.
Update before bounty.
Going to higher level. I have introduced a Category column to FactTable. Please download DAX YTD by category.pbix. So filtering gets more complex now. I would like to have correct YTD figures for Apples category.
Did you use the Date column from the Calendar table, instead of the one from FactTable?
If you use the date column from FactTable, when you apply a filter on the date, it will filter on the fact records which is in March, and then do the calculation afterwards, hence the result 33.
If you use the one from Calendar, when you apply a filter on it, it filters the records on Calendar (which you want to show in the chart), so the underlying calculation will still remain intact.
A working example:
Calendar = CALENDAR(DATE(2010, 1, 1), DATE(2020, 12, 31))
I suggest you to change the calculations of the measures to avoid missing values in some cases:
Total = SUM(FactTable[Value])
MTD = TOTALMTD([Total], 'Calendar'[Date])
YTD = TOTALYTD([Total], 'Calendar'[Date])
It's much clearer to me what you want to achieve now but it still seems an XY problem to me.
I understand that you want to show the dashboard as is so that users do not need to click/input every time to see what they are supposed to see. That's why I don't get why you need to create a new table to store the Cut off date (End of YTD). How is it going to be maintained automatically?
The relative date filtering solution above actually still works in the .pbix file you've shared. If you drag the Date column from the Calendar table to visual level filters for the yellow card and add the relative date filtering, it should work as below:
For the End of YTD visual, you can use the following measure to get the first day of last calendar month, so you don't need to create another table for it:
End of YTD = EOMONTH(TODAY(), -2) + 1
And hopefully this is what you want to achieve:
Updated file for your reference.
UPDATE again:
I think you'll have to write your own YTD calculation instead of using the built-in one, so that you can make use of the cut off date you defined in another table. Here I assume that you have one and only one row in 'Cut off date'[End of YTD]. Note that I've added ALL() to the filter, so that the yellow card remains the same (66) instead of showing blank when some other rows/filters are clicked:
YTD_Special =
FactTable[Date] >= DATE(YEAR(VALUES('Cut off date'[End of YTD])), 1, 1) &&
FactTable[Date] <= VALUES('Cut off date'[End of YTD])
I would resolve this by adding a calculated column to your Calendar table to categorise each row into either "YTD" or "Other", e.g.
Is YTD =
IF (
[Date] >= DATE ( YEAR ( DISTINCT ( 'Cut off date'[End of YTD] ) ), 1, 1 )
&& [Date] <= DISTINCT ( 'Cut off date'[End of YTD] ),
I would then add the new Is YTD field to the Visual level filters of your Card visual, and choose YTD from the Basic filtering list. The measure shown can be your simple Total measure: SUM(FactTable[Value]).
This is a far more flexible and resuable solution than any specific measure gymnastics. You will not need an explosion of measures to apply the required logic on top of every base measure - they will all just work naturally. You can apply the filter at any level: Visual, Page, Report, or put it in a Slicer for control by the end user.
I prefer to return text results e.g. "YTD" / "Other" (rather than 1/0, True/False or Yes/No), as this allows for easy extension to other requirements e.g. "Prior YTD" (1 Jan 2017 to 1 Mar 2017). It also is clearer when used in visuals.
Actually I shouldn't claim the credit for this design - this roughly follows how Cognos Transformer's Relative Time functionality worked back in the 90s.
I did something like this in my Periodic/YTD report (last sheet): http://ciprianbusila.ro/
I have used the index value of the month selected (range 1-12) and based on this I have created a measure using max function please see the code below:
ACT = var
var max_month=max(Periods[Period Order])
var ACT_YTD=CALCULATE([Value],Scenarios[Scenario]=VALUES(Scenarios[Scenario]),all(Periods[Month]),Periods[Period Order]<=max_month)
var myselection=if(HASONEVALUE(MRD_view[.]),values(MRD_view[.]),"PERIODIC")
myselection="YEAR TO DATE",ACT_YTD,

DAX - Grand Total not adding up to Row Total

I have a powerbi report which is running a dax formula to calculate a custom measure. In the picture below, the total at the bottom doesn't seem to add up to the individual rows. I've been trying my luck for some time and can't seem to figure out why this is.
The DAX formula used is as follows
SumRest<24hrs7Day = CALCULATE(
"totRestHrs", CALCULATE(MAX(WorkTimeDirective[RestHours])
,DATESINPERIOD('Date'[DateKey], LASTDATE('Date'[DateKey]), -7, DAY))
Any idea why this is and what I am doing wrong.
For using SUMX the main step is listing the values which you are iterating over, which it typically a table or column. In this case it sounds like you would do a column.
For the example I just had it call the measure you already defined, since breaking DAX calculations into smaller pieces makes writing/testing complex formulas easier.
The idea being that it would iterate over the unique values which are in your TableName[Site Name], then run the [SumRest<24hrs7Day] under that context. I used TableName for the table due to not knowing the name for the table.
SUMX_Example = SUMX( VALUES( TableName[Site Name], [SumRest<24hrs7Day])