Cloud Data Fusion - Input HTTP Post Body from BQ rows - google-cloud-platform

I am a new cloud data fusion user and have run into a problem I cant find a solution for.
I have a table in BQ with ~150 rows of latitude and longitude points. For each row, I want to pass the lat and lng into an HTTP post request to get a result from TravelTime API. Ultimately I want to have a table with all my original rows with a column with the response for each one/
Where I am stuck is that so far I have only been able to hard-code the body of the post request into the HTPP Source plugin and successfully write the response to a file in gcs. However, I expect the rows will change over time, so I would like to dynamically generate and pass in the POST request body from my BQ data.
Is this possible with data fusion? Is this an advisable approach? Or is there a better way?

As #Albert Shau and #user3750486 agreed in the comments:
There is no out-of-the-box way to pass data from BQ rows dynamically in a POST HTTP request.
A possible workaround is to have an HTTP transform plugin that sits in the middle of the pipeline and can be configured to make calls based on the input data. Then you would have a BQ source followed by that plugin followed by the GCS sink. I think your best bet would be to write a custom transform.
This can be done by following this link that #Albert Shau provided or to do a custom code using GCP's Cloud Function as OP did.
Posting the answer as community wiki for the benefit of the community that might encounter this use case in the future.
Feel free to edit this answer for additional information.


is there any way to read multiple data alerts in power bi, using flow, or some other way?

is there a way to read data alerts in power bi using some sort of python code or something else? i want to be able to gather multiple data alerts for a specified account, then integrate them into an adaptive card.
flow doesn't seem to be able to do this for me, using flow i would need to create multiple flow apps to read one at a time and then somehow write the data somewhere that i can read later. this creates a availability problem for me, since i wouldn't want to be creating a new flow app every time i have a new powerbi alert.
Thanks for any suggestions.
You can read multiple data alerts in one logic app/power-automate if you use "When a HTTP request is received" as the trigger of the flow. You can specify the required data for multiple data alerts as the request body of the request.
For example, you set the "When a HTTP request is received" trigger as POST method. And then define the request body json schema for the data you want to input.
Then you can use the data which input in the request body in your python code to gather multiple data alerts.

Upload data from API into GCP dataprep

Is it possible to import data from a Restful API directly into data prep?
I think there might be a couple of work arounds...
1: Save the results to a JSON file in a GCS bucket and import from there.
2: Import the results into a Big Query table and then import into data prep from there.
It would be much smoother to just call an API and get a result set, as opposed to having to take an extra step. I just can't find anywhere that explains how to do this.
Long story short: there's no real way to directly stream data into Data Prep. Even the new Dataprep Premium Edition expects that you'll have the data in some form of a database--though this does expand your options to Google Sheets, Salesforce, Oracle, Microsoft SQLServer, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
Personally, I've just gotten in the habit of writing directly into BigQuery and/or Firestore-to-BigQuery to get around this sort of thing. It also has the nice side effect of being another type of logging from applications.

Pulling Instagram data into Google Big Query

I am new to development, so I am sorry if this is a really basic question. I am trying to access some of the data available from instagram's API as documented here.
I would like some kind of data repository to pull the data into, so I am looking at Google Big Query to see if I can pull in the data. (The ultimate place will be PowerBi so I can publish online)
Looking at the Facebook request code - is it possible to put this into Google Big query to return the data?
I am replacing the 'instagram-business-user-id' with an ID I have generated already - but it feels like perhaps it needs more markup to let Big Query know what language it is in.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Looking at the Facebook request code - is it possible to put this into Google Big query to return the data?
Yes it's absolutely possible using bigQuery API or bigQuery CLI
You can use this Psuedo workflow as an example (using BigQuery API):
Create a table in bigQuery with the desired schema for this you also have 2 options:
Save the result in 1 column with the full JSON, This means to the select you need you use JSON_EXTRACT to fetch specific data
Process the JSON in your code and save it in specific columns to simplify the select statement
Call instagram's API
Call bigQuery API or bigQuery CLI to insert the data, This link provides one option how to do this
Call bigQuery API or bigQuery CLI to fetch the data, This link provides one option how to do this

Output table in slack slash command

I want slash command to output data in a table format?
I know that I will have to setup a custom integration for this. I did that using GET Method.
I can setup my own web service on EC2 machine, but how should I make sure that data comes in table format.
May be something like this
My problem is how should I make available data present in tabular format?
It's unfortunately not possible to format Slack messages as a table in this way. You would need to resort to generating an image and referencing it in a message attachment. There is limited support for displaying simple fields and labels, but may not quite meet your needs.
We had the same problem. So We made a slack app and made it free for public. Please feel free to check it out.
After installing the app to your slack. You can do /tableit and paste in csv data or anything you copied from a spreadsheet (Excel or Google Sheet).
It also let your preview the rendered table before you send it to the chat.

Powerbi rest api AddRows

I am working on a realtime dashboard, i'd like to use the powerbi Rest Api.
My question how does the updating of rows work. I have 1300 records to load once and then update 2 columns for each row every 20 seconds.
The only rest call I see is to addrows, but it's not clear how it handles update of rows if it does
You have two patterns you can choose from:
You can send data in batches: upload 1300 rows, then call DELETE on the rows, then call upload with the next payload of rows.
Here's the DELETE method you need to all. We're adopting REST standards for our APIs so the 'methods' are the REST verbs :).
Alternately you can incrementally update the data: You'd add a 'timestamp' column to your data set. Then in your query (like in Q&A) you'd ask for "show data for the last 20 seconds". If you do this, set the FIFO retention policy when you create the data set so you don't run out of space.
In either case, double check the number of rows you're pushing fit within the limits we spell out.
i was searching something in powerbi docs that could help me in creating a report with rest APIs. couldn't find it exact though. however made a work-around.
firsly, I created a push dataset schema in powerbi with help of post push dataset rest api.
then I pushed rows/record/data into my dataset with this post rows in push dataset.
then I went to powerbi service, and created a visual report manually there.
after this I embedded that report in my react app.
finally my report was live.
now if wanted to update my report in real time, I called delete push dataset rows api to delete the existing rows/records from my dataset.
and then called the post push dataset rows api again with new updated data. (repeated step 2)
and then finally I refreshed my website page, and now I see the updated visual report in my website.
it took me too much time. so I can feel if you are struggling w/ powerbi rest api. it's not straightforward. so feel free to ask anything down below. will happy to help.