Remove port from URL - Django Apache2 Gunicorn - django

I would like to know how to omit the port number from my URL.
I currently host a website on an Apache Ubuntu server on port 443 and redirect any http traffic to the https version of the site.
However, I also run a Django server on the same Apache VPS using Gunicorn, currently on port 8000 and would like to achieve the URL of
My current situation for the URL is
I have tried altering the ports that the Django server runs on to 443 and 80, but quickly realised the firewall won't allow that.
I am not sure what to do. Do I have to do a reverse proxy?


Nginx Proxy Manager and django with nginx

I have a stack Django+Gunicorn+nginx running in docker containers. It is accessible from outside by domain and Port, like . Also, there is Nginx Proxy Manager (NPM) running (uses ports 80 and 443) and succesfully managing some other resources (for example nextcloud). But it doesn't proxy to my django project at port 1300, shows "502 Bad Gateway".
In the Proxy Hosts of NPM I've added config:
domain names:
Forward Hostname / IP: nginx_docker_container_name (this way it works with other resources)
Forward Port: 1300
Other settings: tried multiple combinations without success (like with and without SSL certificates etc.)
Is it possible to proxy using NPM?
Sorry if I missed to write some information, actually I do not know what else to state.
I managed to solve the problem myself.
So, nginx in docker container serves web-site with static pages. Nginx proxy manager proxying htpp protocol to nginx and secures communication (and also works from docker container in my set-up).
My mistake was that I didn't connect those docker containers by virtual network.
Ones I put them into one network - everything works.
Then I unpublished nginx port (1300).
NPM proxy settings are "standard", e.g. no "custom location" and nothing in "Advanced" tab. Just "Forward Hostname / IP" is docker container tag and "Forward Port" is nginx port it listens to (80 by default).
With WhiteNoise , you don't need to configure nginx for django static files

How do i run django application without port number

How do i run django application without port number: i had tried Django: Run django app on server without port? but didn't work.
Web services must bind a port on a interface of the system. So, you should specify a port number to run your Django application. The default port number for HTTP is 80, for HTTPS 443. But you can use a custom port between [1-65535]:
For example;
python runserver 7000
You may try the following:
python runserver 80
or if you don't have permissions (assuming you are using Linux):
sudo python runserver 80
Then, you can access your application: http://localhost/
In general, web services need a port to run. If the port used is default http (80) or https (443) port, modern web browsers hide it from seeing in the address bar.
In a development server, you can hide the port(because you don't want to see it anymore) by assigning it to port 80 if it is not used by any other web service in the system(otherwise django will complain):
python runserver 80
In a production server, you need to use servers like Gunicorn to run your django app in the backend and a web server like Nginx or Apache to serve your backend to external world. In that case, since web servers use http/https ports, no ports will be visible in the browser.

Configuring nginx and docker on EC2 (Jetbrains)

I have setup Jetbrains Upsource and Teamcity on the same EC2 instance for evalution purposes. If I expose each container on port 80 seperately, I can reach it from the outside world. I want to know how to setup nginx so that I can reach each container over a subdomain like eg. "" and "". I exposed the containers on ports 8080 and 8111 to the host. Is it even possible to achieve this ? If so, I dont know how to start. I read on ways to host multiple domains on one machine for a node web app though exposing the static context. But i have no idea how to make it work with the preconfigured docker images.
Can this be achieved via nginx conf file ?
If not, do I have to use two instances or is there another possibility within aws ?
Its possible with nginx. You have to use something called reverse proxy.
You can expose both the containers in different ports and redirect to these with the help of the nginx configuration.
For example if you have some containers running in port 8000 and 8001 in you can redirect like this:
location /1 {
location /2 {
Updated Answer
You need to have 3 containers. The nginx server should be running in port 80. The other two containers will host the sites in say port 8000 ( and port 8111(
Update the configuration file with the location settings as shown above. Make sure that location / forwards to port 8000 and location /teamcity forwards to port 8111 in your host. More details on how to configure nginx is on the docker hub.
When you go to the nginx sever forwards it to port 8000 and when you go to its goes to port 8111.

Why does Gunicorn use port 8000/8001 instead of 80?

I busy setting up a development environment for Django Framework using Gunicorn (as Django service) and NGINX (as a Reverse Proxy).
When I look at several tutorials like this one and this one, I see that they use port 8000 and port 8001 ( and Is there a special reason not to use port 80, like any other webserver?
Port 8000 is often used for radio streaming and malware, so why?
BTW: I am running it using Virtualenv on a Ubuntu 12.04 system.
All ports under 1024 are privileged ports. To bind to a privileged port requires root user permissions and typically you don't want to run gunicorn with root level permissions.
What's done instead is to allow nginx to bind to and then proxy requests to port 80 to a non-privileged port like 8000 using an nginx configuration like:
server {
location / {
NGINX listens on port 80 and forwards to Gunicorn. Gunicorn operates on the IP rather than, so it isn't listening publicly, and therefore the only way to access the site externally is through port 80.

Configuration for Django, Apache and Nginx

I've setup my Django application on Apache+mod_wsgi. To serve the static files I'm using Nginx, as suggested on Django's project website.
Apache is running on port 8081 and nginx is on port 80. Now some people have suggested that my configuration is wrong and I should reverse the roles of Apache and Nginx. I'm not sure why that should be. And if indeed my configuration is wrong, why would django website suggest the wrong method?
The django docs you linked to do not suggest you use apache as a reverse proxy. They simply suggest you use a separate web server, so I'd say the docs are not clear on that subject -- they are not suggesting anything wrong.
My initial answer was assuming you had nginx as a reverse proxy because port 80 is the HTTP port, the one used when a browser attempts to go to a url with no port specified.
There are numerous complete guides to setting up nginx + apache via a quick google search but here is the gist for setting up nginx:
location / {
# proxy / requests to apache running django on port 8081
proxy_redirect off;
location /media/ {
# serve static media directly from nginx
root /srv/anuva_project/www/;
expires 30d;
All you need to do is remove the proxy lines from your apache configuration and add the proxy statements to your nginx.conf instead.
If you really want to serve your site from port 8081, you could potentially have nginx listen on port 8081 and have apache listen on a different port.
The point is, apache sits in some obscure port, only serving requests sent to it from nginx, while static file serving is handled by nginx.