User is not authorized to read view FreeTextInvoiceHeaderEntity. Request denied - microsoft-dynamics

I've created this custom role for my user see he can see only the FreeTextInvoice
When he loged in, he see the below:
And the below screen as read only:
I'm trying to see the but gettong User is not authorized to read view FreeTextInvoiceHeaderEntity. Request denied.
Based on the comments recieved, i tried checking the entity permissions, and ended up with this screen, no idea how to proceed.


How to get a Facebook access token that grants permission for an event endpoint?

How can I get a Facebook access token that will grant permission to request information on events that the user has RSVP'd to (interested or attending)? My current method works for my user, but not other users.
My current method:
I'm using the Facebook Javascript SDK to log in as a user, get an access token, and then query the graph API to get data about events that the user has logged into.
The route I'm hitting to get event data is (pseudo):
Or in my code (pseudo){event-id}?{access-token}&fields={fields}
When the app logs in as my own user (also admin of app), I get an access token that can be used to query the event route successfully, but when it logs in with another user, I get a failure when hitting the event route with the API token I receive:
"Unsupported get request. Object with ID '466582570713258' does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does not support this operation."
According to Facebook's API documentation, it states that my app needs the user_events permission to hit the event api endpoint that I'm looking for:
I went through the verify process and requested that permission for my app, which now has these approved:
Provides access to the person's primary email address. This permission is approved by default.
Provides access to a person's name and profile picture. This permission is approved by default.
Provides access to a person's events.
If I grab the API token I get back when logging in as a user (other than myself), it does say that user_events scope was granted, which would seem to be sufficient to get a response from the event endpoint. But it is failing as above.

Facebook API - How to add a new Admin to a facebook Page using graph API?

I am trying to add a new Admin (facebook user) to a facebook Page using Graph API as shown in the screenshot but i get an error message:
"(#200) Either app or user doesn't have permission to modify admins."
When i check the access_token permissions it looks like i have everything in scope and still the request fails. Anyone has encountered this before?
Please check the attached screenshots.
Graph API request
Page AccessToken permissions

Graph API Javascript bug

Recently I am experiencing this problem.
When I click to register with facebook and I am logged in as a user, I can see my information correctly. But staying on the same page, if I log out from facebook in some other tab and click Register with facebook on my own site, I see this person profile picture. The url of this image is:
I am accessing graph API using APP
Kindly advise me the solution to the problem
Accessing a users data requires an access token, with out this token your call is getting undefined returned as a user, and with out the access token appended to the picture url it returns emphamous Unknown User.
refer to:
for requesting access tokens, and usage.
Example Only:
My script cannot access FB script without Access token
//If the user is succesfully authenticated, we execute some code to handle the freshly
//logged in user, if not, we do nothing
if (response.authResponse)
FB.api('/me', function(response) {}
{scope:'email,user_events,friends_photos,user_about_me,user_birthday,user_hometown,user_location,user_location,user_relationships'}); });//fbclick
So, I think access token condition is already satisfied.

get facebook extended permission for uploading photos

In my facebook application, when the users first starts using it,the app request very basic permission. At a later stage, I need to request extended permission to allow the app to upload photos, I'm googling when falling only on the legacy part:
Does someone has any idea how to get permission for uploading photos using the new sdk??
There is no photo_upload permission. But, you can upload photos using the publish_stream permission instead. And you can see the user's photos using the user_photos permission.
To obtain extended permission from the user, there are two ways to ask the permission from the user. In either way, the finality is to get the permission from the user:
Opens a popup and ask the user the extended permission
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
// user is logged in and granted some permissions.
} else {
// User cancelled login or did not fully authorize.
}, {scope:'read_stream,publish_stream,offline_access'});
Open a new window and ask the user the permission
You also need to know which permission you want from the user. Here is a list of permission that you can ask from a facebook user

Publish to friends wall doesn't work with specified access token

We have an application that allows to users publish content to their friends wall.
It uses the user's access_token given our application.
It works stable usually, but for some reason for one of our clients it doesn't work at all.
We've checked permissions several times, removed-added them again, but still no result.
There is no error message or something, everything looks fine, complete the action, but no posts published in fact. And it doesn't work only for one person.
What possibly can be a problem?
Updated: The problem is actually in this OAuthException:
Error validating access token: Session does not match current stored
session. This may be because the user changed the password since the
time the session was created or Facebook has changed the session for
security reasons.
We tried to get access token one more time, but that didn't help. Somebody familiar with this issue?
your user might forbid people/applications to post on his wall.
"There is no error message or something, everything looks fine, complete the action, but no posts published in fact."
Are you sure about this? You should be getting back a unique stream id of the feed item just posted.
Facebook frequently changes its policies that sucks!
Now, you need permission to access the wall.
You need to check if the user has permission to access your application / wall page. if user hasn't got permission then you need to ask for permission before message is streamed. Yes, that's true, it won't display any error message, unless you manually debug this to see where it is stopping.
My suggestion is:
1. use FB.login method to verify, if the user is not logged in then he should login
2. verify the user permission for the wall page
FB.api('/id', function(response){});
3. publish / stream the comments on wall
FB.api("/id/feed", 'post', { ... blah blah blah !
At FB.login method, you should ask for permisions
e.g. FB.login(function(response) {..} ... ,{scope: 'offline_access,publish_stream'});