How to force link opening oustide of embedded browser / webview? - django

I setup a simple authentication system using python-social-auth-django. Everything is working fine on my computer and my mobile phone, but when I try to open login link from Messenger app with another phone (Huawei brand), the link opens inside Messenger's embedded browser and I get belows (same for Facebook and Google oauth).
Searching around it has something to do with new policy disabling authentication from embedded browser such as Messenger embedded browser.
What should I do either to force my login link to open outside of Messenger embedded browser or allow login with Facebook/Google oauth from WebViews browser ?
You can't sign in from this screen because this app doesn't comply with Google's secure browsers policy. If this app has a website, you can open a web browser and try signing in from there.
From my browser and own phone I open home link (from messenger app). This opens a browser window and login works fine.
From another phone, when I click the messenger link, it opens in embedded browser.


Stuck on remote debugging. Not being able to open URL to mobile browser

I have followed all the steps mentioned in the remote debugging documentation of chrome devtools. But the devtools are displaying chromecast as connected device and do not show any interface to open URL in mobile browser. I have tried it on both Chrome and Chrome Canary. Also my device is Galaxy Tab A.
I can provide more information if required.

How can I restrict my web application not to open in internet explorer?

I have an application developed on MEAN Stack. My application design is not responsive and it doesn't fit good when open in Internet Explorer. If Users try to open my application in Internet Explorer then I want to redirect them to a static html page. It is an in-house application so it is fine with the users to not use the IE for this app.

How to open my iOS app from Facebook Messenger?

I am building one of the FB Messenger Bot applications and i want to send my apps customer URL into messenger so that user can tap on it to open the app (The app is already installed on the device). This is app is not in the app store and just a demo for now.
How can i achieve this ? When i am sending customeURL:// as text back to messenger it identifies it as bad URL.
Have you tried adding some text before and after your URL?

IBM Worklight V6 logout not working

I have deployed a war file on the worklight server. e.g. BPMWorklightV6.war.
I have used the ant script to deploy and the //hostname:port/BPMWorklightV6/console works. It prompts for a login and will display the applications and adpaters that are installed.
When I click "logout" to logout of the console it just redisplays the console page.
By default your worklight console will be logged in as Guest. So only when you click logout nothing happening.
However you can protect the worklight console by setting user name and password ( both plain text and encrypted format is possible ). Refer this for more info to protect your worklight console.

Chrome packaged application and Facebook redirect url

I have a Chrome Packaged Application that I am currently integrating with the Facebook API. The Facebook Javascript SDK requires that I provide the URL of where my application is hosted and for security reasons they only redirect to this url.
The problem is that a Chrome Packaged Application doesn't have a url. I am aware of the chrome.extension.getURL but this url is not static, it changes per installation. Is there any way to set a URL for a Chrome Application that works for all installations?
Once you publish your app the id from chrome.extension.getURL will not change. The id matches the key used to sign the extension and once you publish an extension to the Web Store that key doesn't change. Developing locally will be more annoying since each time you "load an unpacked extension" it will get a new id.