Not Covered by tests with SonarQube - unit-testing

I have two functions :
the first :
const onSubmit = (values: any) => {
userId: props.userId,
user: {
.then(() => {
AlertToasts('success', t('toast.success.settings'));
the second :
const handleLanguageChange = (e: any) => {
.then(() => AlertToasts('success', t('languages.success')));
When I launch SonarQube, it tells me that the AlertToast for the first function is "not covered by the tests" but the AlertToast for the second function is covered.
However, the two functions are almost identical.
Why doesn't it detect the AlertToast of the first function?


Override behavior of a stubbed function using JEST not working as expected

I have a test class that tests behavior of various HTTP methods in a Nest controller class. I am using Jest manual mocks to stub the behavior of various functions in the service class so that I do not have to rely on actual dependencies/services, eg. snowflake. I have a top level jest.mock() defined as follows which initializes the mocked version of the service class instead of the actual service class.The mocked service class is created inside mocks folder adjacent to the actual service class.
I am redefining the behavior of one of the mocked functions in the 'error scenario' describe block as shown in the code snippet below, for testing the error scenario . The test scenario : 'throws an error' is failing as it is still picking up the default mocked behavior. Any pointers or help is appreciated.
In short, I want to be able to define different mocked behavior for a single function of the same mocked class for various test scenarios.
describe('ShipmentSummaryController', () => {
let shipmentSummaryController: ShipmentSummaryController;
let shipmentSummaryService: ShipmentSummaryService;
beforeEach(async () => {
const moduleRef = await Test.createTestingModule({
imports: [],
controllers: [ShipmentSummaryController],
providers: [ShipmentSummaryService],
shipmentSummaryController = moduleRef.get<ShipmentSummaryController>(
shipmentSummaryService = moduleRef.get<ShipmentSummaryService>(
//All the tests inside this describe block work as expected
describe('valid shipment-mode scenario', () => {
describe('valid shipment modes for tenant', () => {
let modes: ShipmentMode[];
beforeEach(async () => {
modes = await shipmentSummaryController.getAllShipmentModes('256');
test('calls the service fn. with the correct arg', () => {
test('all available shipment modes for 256 are returned', () => {
// redefining behavior of getAllshipmentModes() is not working
describe('error scenario', () => {
let modes: ShipmentMode[] = []
beforeEach(async () => {
modes = await shipmentSummaryController.getAllShipmentModes('256');
beforeAll(() => {
jest.mock('#modules/shipment-summary/shipment-summary.service.ts', () => {
return {
getAvailableShipmentModes: () => {
throw new Error('Test error');
test('throws an error', () => {
expect(() => shipmentSummaryController.getAllShipmentModes('256')).toThrow();
My mocked service class is as follows:
export const ShipmentSummaryService = jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
// Fn. to be mocked differently per test scenario.
getAvailableShipmentModes: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(validModeDropdown()),
There are many ways of accomplishing this. The Nest docs outline a number of them. However, one of my preferred ways, useValue, is not as clear as it could be, so I'll added it here.
This example will also use jest in order to spy on a mock, changing its behavior depending on the test.
Imagine these two simple resources
export class SimpleService {
public sayHello(): string {
return "Hello, world!";
export class SimpleController {
#Inject(SimpleService) private readonly simpleService: SimpleService
) {}
public controllerSaysHello(): string {
return this.simpleService.sayHello();
Your tests could look something like this
describe("SimpleController", () => {
let controller: SimpleController;
const mockReturnValue = "Goodbye, world..",
mockSimpleService: SimpleService = {
sayHello: () => mockReturnValue,
beforeEach(() => {
beforeEach(async () => {
const module = await Test.createTestingModule({
providers: [
{ provide: SimpleService, useValue: mockSimpleService },
controller = module.get(SimpleController);
test("default mockSimpleService", () => {
const result = controller.controllerSaysHello();
test("spied on mockSimpleService", () => {
const differentReturnValue = "Hallo!";
.spyOn(mockSimpleService, "sayHello")
const result = controller.controllerSaysHello();

How to test timeout() in a rxjs pipe with jasmine-marbles

I have written a pipe that filters an input observable. In the pipe I specify a timeout with the timeout() operator to abort waiting if the expected value is not emitted by the source in time.
I want to test the timeout case with jasmine-marbles, but I can't get it to work.
I believe that expect(source).toBeObservable() evaluates before the source emits.
see Stackblitz
The pipe to be tested:
source = cold('a', { a: { id: 'a' } }).pipe(
filter((a) => false),
catchError((err) => {
return of({ timeout: true })
Testing with toPromise() works as expected:
expect(await source.toPromise()).toEqual({ timeout: true });
Testing with jasmine-marbles
const expected = cold('500ms (a|)', { a: { timeout: true } });
fails with the error
Expected $.length = 0 to equal 2.
Expected $[0] = undefined to equal Object({ frame: 500, notification: Notification({ kind: 'N', value: Object({ timeout: true }), error: undefined, hasValue: true }) }).
Expected $[1] = undefined to equal Object({ frame: 500, notification: Notification({ kind: 'C', value: undefined, error: undefined, hasValue: false }) }).
Support for time progression was recently added (see jasmine-marbles PR #38) to jasmine-marbles 0.5.0. Additional test specs were added to the package that demonstrate one of a couple of possible ways to accomplish what you want. Here are some options I was able to throw together using your Stackblitz sample.
Option 1
When you initialize the source observable outside the test method (e.g. in beforeEach), you must explicitly initialize and pass the test scheduler to timeout to get expect().toBeObservable() working. However, take note that this change will break the "should work with toPromise" test. (I don't know why, but toPromise() doesn't appear to work with this approach.)
describe('Marble testing with timeout', () => {
let source;
beforeEach(() => {
// You must explicitly init the test scheduler in `beforeEach`.
source = cold('a', { a: { id: 'a' } }).pipe(
// You must explicitly pass the test scheduler.
timeout(500, getTestScheduler()),
filter((a) => false),
catchError(err => {
return of({ timeout: true })
it('should work with toBeObservable', () => {
const expected = cold('500ms (a|)', { a: { timeout: true } });
Option 2
You can refactor things slightly and initialize the source observable inside the test method (not in beforeEach). You don't need to explicitly initializes the test scheduler (jasmine-marbles will do it for you before the test method runs), but you still have to pass it to timeout. Note how the createSource function can be used with the test scheduler or the default scheduler (if the scheduler argument is left undefined). This options works with both the "should work with toPromise" test and the "should work with toBeObservable" test.
describe('Marble testing with timeout', () => {
const createSource = (scheduler = undefined) => {
return cold('a', { a: { id: 'a' } }).pipe(
// You must explicitly pass the test scheduler (or undefined to use the default scheduler).
timeout(500, scheduler),
filter((a) => false),
catchError(err => {
return of({ timeout: true })
it('should work with toPromise', async () => {
const source = createSource();
expect(await source.toPromise()).toEqual({ timeout: true });
it('should work with toBeObservable', () => {
const source = createSource(getTestScheduler());
const expected = cold('500ms (a|)', { a: { timeout: true } });
Option 3
Finally, you can skip passing the test scheduler to timeout if you explicitly use the test scheduler's run method, but you must use expectObservable (as opposed to expect().toBeObservable(). It works just fine, but Jasmine will report the warning "SPEC HAS NO EXPECTATIONS".
describe('Marble testing with timeout', () => {
let source;
beforeEach(() => {
source = cold('a', { a: { id: 'a' } }).pipe(
filter((a) => false),
catchError(err => {
return of({ timeout: true })
it('should work with scheduler and expectObservable', () => {
const scheduler = getTestScheduler();{ expectObservable }) => {
expectObservable(source).toBe('500ms (0|)', [{ timeout: true }]);

Mocking vuex action using and Mocha

I'm currently testing vuex module specifically actions.
Here's my code:
export const state = () => ({
users: [],
export const mutations = () => ({
SET_USERS(state, users) {
console.log('Should reach Here');
state.users = users
export const actions = () => ({
getUsers({ commit }) {
return axios.get('/users')
.then(response => {
console.log('Reaching Here');
.catch(error => {
export const getters = () => {
users(state) {
return state.users;
Then when I test my actions:
it('should dispatch getUsers', () => {
mock.onGet('/users').reply(200, {
data: {
results: [
{ uid: 1, name: 'John Doe' },
{ uid: 2, name: 'Sam Smith' }
status: {
code: 200,
errorDetail: "",
message: "OK"
const commit = sinon.spy();
const state = {};
actions.getUsers({ commit, state });
when I try to run the test npm run dev it shows the console.log from action but from mutation SET_USERS it doesn't show the console.log
I'm referring to this documentation which I can use spy using sinon()
How can I access the commit inside action to call mutation SET_USERS?
According to sinon docs
A test spy is a function that records arguments, return value, the value of this and exception thrown (if any) for all its calls. There are two types of spies: Some are anonymous functions, while others wrap methods that already exist in the system under test.
const commit = sinon.spy();
That is not the 'commit' from Vuex, you should test your mutation individually
actions.getUsers({ commit, state });
The commit argument is actually the spy, it will never trigger the mutation.
To test your mutation it could be something like this
mutations.SET_USERS(state, mockedUsers)

How can I pass a boolean to an expect statement for testing using mocha/chai?

Using Vue CLI I have a unit test that I am trying to check for a true/false that looks like this:
describe('The thing', () => {
it('must be available.', () => {
const available = true
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyVueComponent, {
propsData: { available },
When I run npm run test:unit
I get the following:
AssertionError: expected { Object (isFunctionalComponent, _emitted, ...) } to be true
If I just check the value of available, then it's all good. But that seems like I'm doing it wrong.
Other tests I have written are working fine as I am checking for a text value:
describe('The thing', () => {
it('should have a name.', () => {
const name = 'Hal'
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyVueComponent, {
propsData: { name },
I am not sure how to check that the available is a boolean and it must be true. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
This is what my Vue component looks like:
export default {
name: 'MyVueComponent',
props: {
name: String
data: function() {
return {
available: true,
This seems to work in my unit test:
describe('The thing', () => {
it('must be available.', () => {
const available = true
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyVueComponent, {
propsData: { available },
However, it is looking at my actual component in my /src directory. If I change the data values from true to false my tests come out correctly. I'm not sure how to have the data stay at the test level. So if I were to change const available = false, my test should fail--but it does not.
It seems like this works (to access the data object):
describe("The thing", () => {
it("must be available.", () => {
const defaultData =;
// const wrapper = shallowMount(MyVueComponent, {});
But it still seems not right that I'm referencing my actual code, and not sticking within the unit tests.
You want to check the received prop, which you can do with wrapper.props()
describe('The thing', () => {
it('must be available.', () => {
const available = true
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyVueComponent, {
propsData: { available },
// or:
// expect(wrapper.props().available).to.equal(available)
Chai's and .to.equal use === so there is no need to separately check that it is indeed a Boolean, but if you prefer the "expressiveness" of it, you can check it too:

Context missing functions in Enzyme test

So I'm using Enzyme to render a component with a bunch of context:
const surveysByType = "test";
const wrapper = shallow(
<Dashboard routeParams={{}} />,
context: {
assetUrl: () => {
return ""
executeAction: () => {},
getStore: (whatever) => {
return {
getState: () => {
return {
_surveysByType: surveysByType,
on: () => {
return {};
router: {
createHref: () => {},
go: () => {},
goBack: () => {},
goForward: () => {},
isActive: () => {},
push: () => {},
replace: () => {},
setRouteLeaveHook: () => {},
siteUrl: () => {
return ""
However, when I start trying to use said context, I find that only a single function is there, i.e.
{ getStore: [Function: getStore] }
rather than all the functions. Indeed, if I try to do
I get an error:
TypeError: wrapper.context(...).assetUrl is not a function
while this works fine:
What version of enzyme are you on?
Shallow takes an options param and there are some predefined options that it honors, but I don't see a context object:
How are you expecting the context object to be used exactly?
You probably need to provide more code to help diagnose this. Where is the console.log statement you quote above being called from, for example?
Making some assumptions, you should check what Dashboard.contextTypes contains. If it contains only getStore: PropTypes.function, that may explain why you only see that in the shallow render. If the other properties are used by components that wrap dashboard (e.g. a wrapper), the code where console.log is being called may not be getting the whole context you're passing into shallow(), because as I understand it, React only provides the objects from context that are defined in the component's contextTypes static method.