Implement a may-join for a cache analysis - c++

I came across this Stackoverflow question where the fellow user was trying to implement a LRU cache with must join. As I am a beginner in C++ I am struggling to implement and check how a may-join might work for a LRU cache. The resources for learning about this topic is very limited and I would be grateful if someone could help me out with this as it's hard to learn and code whilst having a full time job. Any help would be appreciated.
I understood the must join part but currently struggling with may join for over 2 months.
The code is present in the link above and I haven't copied the code here as it might be a plagiarism from my part. Kindly help with the code or refer to some good materials. Thank you
This link might help for a deep understanding.


How to deal with large projects in C++? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Now that I know some of the basics of C++, I must admit that I still find it very hard to deal with code that others have written in C++. This may inherently be so, as C++ allows for complex object hierarchies that are, or at least to me, very hard to grasp if one is just supplied with a C++ Project without any further comments or instructions.
So my question is more a question to the more experienced C++ programmers among you: how can someone understand a large C++ project written by others?
I easily loose my way and can be lost for weeks, if I try to understand how a large project of, for example, 10,000 lines of code is written. Functions of classes are pointers to functions of different classes that may or may not be overloaded and may or may not be inherited by other classes, etcetera, without ending.
Are there any practical tips that may speed up my ability to read and understand large C++ projects? Is there perhaps a tutorial with such tips? Please, elaborate! :)
I've been programming professionally for some time now, and as such I have repeatedly been handed down codebases written by others before me. Understanding is never easy, especially when the code is inconsistent.
The first thing to realize, though, is that learning your ways in a new codebase is not so different than re-discovering a codebase you had not touched for a while. Thus, whether written by your old-self of others does not matter much; and since you probably manage to cope with re-discovering codebases you had worked on before, you should be able to discover new codebases as well. Don't lose hope.
The second thing to realize is that understanding is a vague term, and there are certainly different degrees. Often times, nobody asks you to understand the ins and outs completely; more likely you will be asked to understand a portion of the codebase in which either there is a bug or some new functionality should be developed. Therefore, as time passes, you will gradually gain an understanding of various portions, and you will inevitably have a deeper knowledge of the portions you worked the most whilst others can be relatively abstract or even completely obscure. It's okay, it's been a long time since human beings stopped trying to learn everything there was to learn.
With that said, there are several axis of understanding you can try:
you should look for architecture: a good thing is to trace the library dependencies (the Makefile/Project should help here) this will give you the coarse technical blocks out of which the application is built. Executables are normally leaves of the dependency trees.
you should look for data-flow: what's the trigger of the application (called directly or as a callback) ? what are the steps followed by this data (roughly, just a sketch). Do not hesitate to focus on a specific narrow usecase and use the debugger to trace things, and do not try to dig too deep at first; just get a feel of things.
There are also other axis that may help gaining some understanding of the domain the application has been written for. An understanding of the domain is useful because it provides you with a key insight on what should happen and it also helps you decipher the comments/function names.
user documentation: what is this used for ? if you can arrange for a demo it is generally very helpful, otherwise maybe you can try playing with it yourself (in a test environment)
tests: what is tested ? what is exposed to the user ?
persistent data: what is serialized ? what is saved in a database ? Persistent data is accessed at some point, so it helps if you understand when it is read/written.
If it is a working product (that runs) and you can "debug" it, start by looking at just one particular feature.
Learn how it is working from the user's point of view (UI, behaviour, inputs, outputs, ...).
Once you know the feature from the outside, just look for the code for that feature (only that feature); the starting point might be a handler for a menu, or from a dialog or a mouse/pointer event.
From there; manually trace the code for one action or sub-feature; skip deep internal libraries (treat them as black box for now) and learn how it works.
Once you know that section of code, dig deeper in libraries API that was called from the upper level code.
Take your time.
Do not try to understand everything at once.
Draw up schematic (pen and paper) of the dependencies (stay high level, no class dependencies at the beginning).
Good luck.
The problem that you are mentioning does not have clear and simple answer. Nevertheless here are some tips:
At the beginning try to randomly remember everything. Names of directories, classes, params of templates, etc. As much as you can. This sounds pointless but still makes sense.
While working with the code always think "Have I looked at this function/param/etc before?" If the answer is yes, spend with this piece of code more. If not, just make basic grasp and go on.
As the time will go on, you will find out that more and more sounds clear and easier to grasp.
It is impossible to give any exact values because size and complexity of projects vary greatly. Do not expect simple and immediate results.
Other points:
You definitely need a source code browser. Spend time in learning how to use it. Good example is This is not my site!!! I do have my own site. I will not mention it here.
If you see a function that is called 500 times, it is 500 times more likely that knowledge about this function will be useful comparing with a function, that is called only once.
The best is to grasp the architecture of the project. Trying to do this it is necessary to remember that project may have no architecture at all.
Studying the code you should remember your task. Typical situation - you need to modify something or fix a bug. If this is so look for the right part of the code and focus your effort on it.

small project idea to clear synchronization concept

I need idea for small project which will clear my synchronization concepts clear.
Basically any multi-threading application.
I know the idea and theory, but not able to figure out how to go more deep in details.
I am planning to use C++ and pthreads
I recommend you The Little Book of Semaphores.
There are many problems that you can try to solve. After each problem there is a hint that should help you and at the end there is a solution that you can compare with yours.
Hope this helps.

How do you understand a large chunk of code?

I am a fresh college grad student that just started my job. In my ramp up period, I need to learn a lot of product code. There are some design docs but they do not help much.
Can you provide some general techniques to browse and understand huge product code (specifically C++)?
Run it through doxygen. This will generate html documentation which will be helpful even if the code does not have proper doxygen-style comments.
Another good advice is to look through the unit tests, if there are any. If there are no unit tests, a good way to understand the code is to write your own unit tests. The effort to do this will pay for itself many times over.
Use every method available to you (in no particular priority):
Use the product itself and understand what it does
Talk to the devs that maintained it or have worked with it previously
Debug through it and see how data flows and how classes interact ("when I click this button, what exactly happens, who is responsible?")
Look at architecture, UML, or class diagrams
One of my favorites: create your own diagrams of class hierarchies, class interactions, general control flow, high-level components, process/DLL interactions, object lifetimes and management
If they're not totally out-of-date, read the dev/test/user specs (goes well with #1)
Read the documentation on it
Most of all: be tenacious and persistent. If you don't put in the work, don't expect to understand it. If you don't understand something, dig and dig until you do. Software is not magic, it's just hard work :)
Some people will tell you to start with the data structures, but in a large system even that's not terribly helpful much of the time. I can think of four major points:
Take your time. Often, it's more like a whole series of gestalt shifts than it is a single, linear, gradual understanding. So be patient.
No matter how big it is, you should be able to put a breakpoint in and walk it in a debugger. Even in a large, complicated, multi-threaded system, you should be able walk through and see what's happening.
Ask for bugs, and start fixing them, no matter how crazy they seem. It's akin to dropping yourself into a foreign country; you'll pickup the language eventually.
Find a mentor. A jungle guide is invaluable.
I think there have been a few good responses already. My 2c worth...
Not sure what you class as huge (10 KLOC, 1000 KLOC, 10000 KLOC, etc), but one would hope that this is broken down in some way and is not a monolithic single program. Perhaps your management has some guidance on which 'module(s)' you are most likely to be spending time in at the moment. Hopefully this can help break down the problem scope.
Firstly, before you try to understand the code try to understand the product. What does it do? Then how does it do it? What does it interact with? Then how does it interact? etc...
When getting to the code try to understand the high level design and philosophy first, and work on the breadth before the depth. I agree with some of the above re fixing some bugs, but I also strongly suggest you continue to get a handle on the high level even if you need to get into the details to fix some bugs.
I also agree with the above in terms of generating some diagrams for yourself if you can't find any already in existence. And then share them, perhaps a team/product wiki? I'm curious as to why the existing doco does not help very much. Typically this is because this type of doco was generated from the early concepts and the product no longer bears any similarity, but if this is not the case then what can you contribute to this issue. One assumes that where you are today someone else will be in short enough order, and you are in an ideal position to know what essential doco is missing!
If the product is actually 'huge' then you have to accept that you will never be able to hold all of it in your head, so the best thing you can do is be familiar enough to know where to start looking (comes back to understanding the product, and approaching code breadth first).
This is obviously a pretty common question, and it's similar to this one (and the questions related to it): How to understand the design and code flow of any product quickly?
Dig through some of those answers / comments, for starters. Else, we'll just end up repeating them. :)

How to start modification with big projects

I have to do enhancements to an existing C++ project with above 100k lines of code.
My question is How and where to start with such projects ?
The problem increases further if the code is not well documented.
Are there any automated tools for studying code flow with large projects?
Use Source Control before you touch anything!
There's a book for you: Working Effectively with Legacy Code
It's not about tools, but about various approaches, processes and techniques you can use to better understand and make changes to the code. It is even written from a mostly C++ perspective.
First study the existing interface well.
Write tests if they are absent, or expand already written ones.
Modify the source code.
Run tests to check if the modification somehow breaks the older behaviour.
There is another good book, currently freely available on the net, about object oriented reengineering :
The book "Code Reading" by Diomidis Spinellis contains lots of advice about how to gain an overview and in-depth knowledge about larger, unknown projects.
Chapter 6 is focuses sonely on that topic (Tacking Large Projects). Also the chapters about tooling (Ch. 9) and architecture (Ch. 8) might contain nice hints for you.
However, the book is about understanding (by reading) the "code". It does not tackle directly the maintenance step.
First thing I would do is try to find the product's requirements.
It's almost unthinkable that a product of this size would be developed without requirements.
By perusing the requirements, you'll be able to:
get a sense of what the product (and hence the code) is at least supposed to be doing
see just how well (or poorly) the code actually fulfills those requirements
Otherwise you're just looking at code, trying to divine the intention of the developers...
If you are able to run the code in a PC, you can try to build a callgraph usually from a profiling output.
Also cross referencing tools like cscope, ctags, lxr, etc. Can help a lot. A
Spending some time reading, building class diagrams or even adding comments to the parts of the code you took long to understand are steps towards getting familiar with the codebase and getting ready to modify/extend it.
The first thing you need to do is understand how the code works. Read what documentation there is and then watch the program operate under a debugger. If you watch the main function/loop and then slowly work your way deeper into the program, you can gain a pretty good idea how things are operating. Make sure you write down your findings so others who follow after you have a better position to start from.
Running Doxygen with the EXTRACT_ALL tag set to document all the relationships in the code base. It's not going to help you with the code flow, but hopefully it will shed some light with regards to the structure and design of the entire application.
A very good austrian programmer once told me that in order to understand a program you first have to understand the data-structures that the program uses.

Where to get peer review of code and how to get my code attention?

I'm just now learning to programming at age 17. It's hard for me to talk to other programmers as I'm just out of high school (which means I can't take programming courses). I know that I write terrible code, and not like Jeff Atwood terrible code, my code actually sucks. So where can I post some of my code and get real programmers to review it. I know if I had a question I could ask it on StackOverflow, but I want to post a whole class and get a review on it.
The real problem here is that I'm not going to be writing the next great piece of Software. I'm going to be writing a really useless class, which will serve no other purpose than to teach me how to program. This code will never be used, ever! EVER! How can I get an advanced (or even intermediate) programmer to look at my code?
Thanks in advance! ;-)
Look to the open source community. There are plenty of existing and new projects that would love an eager (if inexperienced) developer to offer support.
Going this route offers two advantages:
You get to see great code in action and learn from it
Any changes you submit will be reviewed by an experienced developer and they will often give you excellent suggestions as to how to improve your code before it will be accepted
Start by choosing a project in your language (there are a bunch in c++) and check out the code. You don't need to understand it all, but you must be able to understand at least a portion of it.
If the project looks way to complicated, keep looking. Younger projects tend to have less code that you need to learn.
If you can't get great programmers to look at your code, do the next best thing: look at theirs!
Look for a bunch of code snippets that do the same (simple) thing. Before you look at them too closely, write your own code to perform the same task. Compare all of the snippets with your own (and each other!) and try to figure out the reasons for the differences.
I recommend looking for code from well established projects. Code from tutorials often ignores important details for the sake of simplicity.
Why don't you try RefactorMyCode?
I would try not to write useless code, but attempt to solve some particular problem. Your learning will be more advanced if you are learning in the context of a real-world scenario. It doesn't have to be a big business domain; could even be a game or a shareware utility.
As for getting your code reviewed, the open source community is a good way to go as The Lame Duck says - in fact you're guaranteed it gets some form of review if you actually contribute to a project. Other avenues to explore: your local C++ users' group, checking out a co-op program available through a junior college, or engaging someone in a company that sponsors interns.
I haven't tried sites such as RefactorMyCode as suggested by Gilad Naor, but that seems promising. And, yes, StackOverflow is a good place for bite-sized chunks of code. If you do that, explain what you are trying to do, and why you are trying to do it that way, and ask if there's a better approach. Good luck!
I think the best way to learn is the way I learned (I may be biased): trial and error. I just wrote programs all the time, teaching myself as I went. I'd write terrible code, and I would wrestle with making it do what I wanted. Often it would make me give up on that particular project. But on the next project, I'd take a different approach, and it would work better. Repeat ad nauseam. Once you know where the rough spots are in your designs, you'll be able to ask specific questions on places like SO, or, better yet IMHO, come up with better designs yourself. I independently invented all the major design patterns just through frustration at the solutions I'd created in the past. I think this gives me a valuable perspective, since for most people design patterns are just a "best practice", but I know the pain that comes with using other designs, and I can see signs of bad designs in code very easily (it takes one to know one). This last skill is one that I often see lacking in other programmers... they can't see why their design is deficient and they should use something else.
You could always try a site like Project Euler, where there are a whole load of problems that will test your skills and a whole bunch of solutions to those problems, submitted by others. Project Euler tends to focus on algorithms rather than higher level programming constructs, but I imagine that there are others in a similar vein.
Do something fun and don't worry too much about code style yet. I started out with BASIC on Commodore 64 without even realizing that there was such a thing as clean code vs dirty code. If I had worried a lot about that then, it might have hindered me from progressing. You always learn best when doing it playfully.
Maybe a bit late, but since StackExchange has Code Review, it worth the answer:
Code Review Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for peer
programmer code reviews. It's 100% free, no registration required.
Here is the link: Code Review Stack Exchange