Data grouping issue in SAS - sas

I have a data structure as follows, where the data store which customer is related to which customer.
data customer;
input customer $ relate_cus $;
D .
E .
F .
I am trying to figure out a way to group all related customers, which I would like to group them up even if they are not directly related. For example in the above data, A, B, C, D should group into one group but E and F should be group into another group.
I have no idea where to start, would like to seek some insight here. Thanks a lot.

Hash tables to the rescue! Not thoroughly tested on all scenarios, expect you'll need to sort your data initially.
data customer;
infile cards missover ;
input customer $ relate_cus $;
D .
E .
F .
proc sort ; by customer relate_cus ; run ;
proc print ; run ;
data _null_ ;
set customer end=eof ;
length group groupno 8. customer relate_cus $1.;
retain group . ;
if _n_ = 1 then do ;
declare hash cg() ;
cg.definedata('customer','groupno') ;
cg.definedone() ;
end ;
putlog customer= relate_cus= ;
/* Does this customer exist in a group already? */
rc = cg.find(key:customer) ;
if rc > 0 then do ;
putlog "Customer " customer " not found" ;
/* not found - create a new group */
group + 1 ;
/* add the customer */
putlog "1. Adding Customer " customer " to " group ;
rc = cg.add(key:customer,data:customer,data:group) ;
/* add the relate_cus */
if not missing(relate_cus) then do ;
putlog "2. Adding Related Customer " relate_cus " to " group ;
rc = cg.add(key:relate_cus,data:relate_cus,data:group) ;
end ;
end ;
if not missing(relate_cus) then do ;
/* check relate_cus is assigned a group */
rc = cg.find(key:relate_cus) ;
if rc > 0 then do ;
rc = cg.add(key:relate_cus,data:relate_cus,data:groupno) ;
putlog "3. Adding Related Customer " relate_cus " to " groupno ;
end ;
end ;
if eof then do ;
/* output the hash table */
rc = cg.output(dataset:'groups') ;
end ;
run ;
proc print data=groups noobs ; run ;


Combine information into a department vector

I want to summarize a dataset by creating a vector that gives information on what departments the id is found in. For example,
data test;
input id dept $;
1 A
1 D
1 B
1 C
2 C
3 D
4 A
5 C
5 D
I want
id dept_vect
1 1111
2 0010
3 0001
4 1000
5 1001
The position of the elements of the dept_vect is organized alphabetically. So a '1' in the first position means that the id is found in deptartment A and a '1' in the second position means that the id is found in department B. A '0' means the id is not found in the department.
I can solve this problem using a brute force approach
proc transpose data = test out = test1(drop = _NAME_);
by id;
var dept;
data test2;
set test1;
array x[4] $ col1-col4;
array d[4] $ d1-d4;
do i = 1 to 4;
if not missing(x[i]) then do;
if x[i] = 'A' then d[1] = 1;
else if x[i] = 'B' then d[2] = 1;
else if x[i] = 'C' then d[3] = 1;
else if x[i] = 'D' then d[4] = 1;
else leave;
do i = 1 to 4;
if missing(d[i]) then d[i] = 0;
dept_id = compress(d1) || compress(d2) || compress(d3) || compress(d4);
keep id dept_id;
This works but there are a couple of problems. For col4 to appear, I need at least one id to be found on all departments but that could be fixed by creating a dummy id so that id is found on all departments. But the main problem is that this code is not robust. Is there a way to code this so that it would work for any number of departments?
Add a 1 to get a count variable
Transpose using PROC TRANSPOSE
Replace missing with 0
Use CATT() to create desired results.
data have;
input id dept $;
count = 1;
1 A
1 D
1 B
1 C
2 C
3 D
4 A
5 C
5 D
proc transpose data=test out=wide prefix=dept;
by id;
id dept;
var count;
data want;
set wide;
array _d(*) dept:;
do i=1 to dim(_d);
if missing(_d(i)) then _d(i) = 0;
want = catt(of _d(*));
Maybe TRANSREG can help with this.
data test;
input id dept $;
1 A
1 D
1 B
1 C
2 C
3 D
4 A
5 C
5 D
proc transreg;
id id;
model class(dept / zero=none);
output design out=dummy(drop=dept);
proc print;
proc summary nway;
class id;
output out=want(drop=_type_) max(dept:)=;
proc print;

Compare value to max of variable

I have a dataset with a lot of lines and I'm studying a group of variables.
For each line and each variable, I want to know if the value is equal to the max for this variable or more than or equal to 10.
Expected output (with input as all variables without _B) :
(you can replace T/F by TRUE/FALSE or 1/0 as you wish)
| ID | Var1 | Var1_B | Var2 | Var2_B | Var3 | Var3_B |
| A | 1 | F | 5 | F | 15 | T |
| B | 1 | F | 5 | F | 7 | F |
| C | 2 | T | 5 | F | 15 | T |
| D | 2 | T | 6 | T | 10 | T |
Note that for Var3, the max is 15 but since 15>=10, any value >=10 will be counted as TRUE.
Here is what I've maid up so far (doubt it will be any help but still) :
%macro pleaseWorkLittleMacro(table, var, suffix);
proc means NOPRINT data=&table;
var &var;
output out=Varmax(drop=_TYPE_ _FREQ_) max=;
proc transpose data=Varmax out=Varmax(rename=(COL1=varmax));
data Varmax;
set Varmax;
varmax = ifn(varmax<10, varmax, 10);
run; /* this outputs the max for every column, but how to use it afterward ? */
%pleaseWorkLittleMacro(MY_TABLE, VAR1 VAR2 VAR3 VAR4, _B);
I have the code in R, works like a charm but I really have to translate it to SAS :
#in a for loop over variable names, db is my data.frame, x is the
#current variable name and x2 is the new variable name
x.max = max(db[[x]], na.rm=T)
x.max = ifelse(x.max<10, x.max, 10)
db[[x2]] = (db[[x]] >= x.max) %>% mean(na.rm=T) %>% percent(2)
An old school sollution would be to read the data twice in one data step;
data expect ;
input ID $ Var1 Var1_B $ Var2 Var2_B $ Var3 Var3_B $ ;
A 1 F 5 F 15 T
B 1 F 5 F 7 F
C 2 T 5 F 15 T
D 2 T 6 T 10 T
data my_input;
set expect;
keep ID Var1 Var2 Var3 ;
proc print;
It is a good habit to declare the most volatile things in your code as macro variables.;
%let varList = Var1 Var2 Var3;
%let markList = Var1_B Var2_B Var3_B;
%let varCount = 3;
Read the data twice;
data my_result;
set my_input (in=maximizing)
my_input (in=marking);
Decklare and Initialize arrays;
format &markList $1.;
array _vars [&&varCount] &varList;
array _maxs [&&varCount] _temporary_;
array _B [&&varCount] &markList;
if _N_ eq 1 then do _varNr = 1 to &varCount;
_maxs(_varNr) = -1E15;
While reading the first time, Calculate the maxima;
if maximizing then do _varNr = 1 to &varCount;
if _vars(_varNr) gt _maxs(_varNr) then _maxs(_varNr) = _vars(_varNr);
While reading the second time, mark upt to &maxMarks maxima;
if marking then do _varNr = 1 to &varCount;
if _vars(_varNr) eq _maxs(_varNr) or _vars(_varNr) ge 10
then _B(_varNr) = 'T';
else _B(_varNr) = 'F';
Drop all variables starting with an underscore, i.e. all my working variables;
drop _:;
Only keep results when reading for the second time;
if marking;
Check results;
proc print;
var ID Var1 Var1_B Var2 Var2_B Var3 Var3_B;
proc compare base=expect compare=my_result;
This is quite simple to solve in sql
proc sql;
create table my_result as
select *
, Var1_B = (Var1 eq max_Var1)
, Var1_B = (Var2 eq max_Var2)
, Var1_B = (Var3 eq max_Var3)
from my_input
, (select max(Var1) as max_Var1
, max(Var2) as max_Var2
, max(Var3) as max_Var3)
(Not tested, as our SAS server is currently down, which is the reason I pass my time on Stack Overflow)
If you need that for a lot of variables, consult the system view VCOLUMN of SAS:
proc sql;
select ''|| name ||'_B = ('|| name ||' eq max_'|| name ||')'
, 'max('|| name ||') as max_'|| name
from sasHelp.vcolumn
where libName eq 'WORK'
and memName eq 'MY_RESULT'
and type eq 'num'
and upcase(name) like 'VAR%'
into : create_B separated by ', '
, : select_max separated by ', '
create table my_result as
select *, &create_B
, Var1_B = (Var1 eq max_Var1)
, Var1_B = (Var2 eq max_Var2)
, Var1_B = (Var3 eq max_Var3)
from my_input
, (select max(Var1) as max_Var1
, max(Var2) as max_Var2
, max(Var3) as max_Var3)
(Again not tested)
After Proc MEANS computes the maximum value for each column you can run a data step that combines the original data with the maximums.
data want;
ID $1 Var1 8 Var1_B $1. Var2 8 Var2_B $1. Var3 8 Var3_B $1. var4 8 var4_B $1;
ID Var1 Var1_B Var2 Var2_B Var3 Var3_B ; datalines;
A 1 F 5 F 15 T
B 1 F 5 F 7 F
C 2 T 5 F 15 T
D 2 T 6 T 10 T
data have;
set want;
drop var1_b var2_b var3_b var4_b;
proc means NOPRINT data=have;
var var1-var4;
output out=Varmax(drop=_TYPE_ _FREQ_) max= / autoname;
The neat thing the VAR statement is that you can easily list numerically suffixed variable names. The autoname option automatically appends _ to the names of the variables in the output.
Now combine the maxes with the original (have). The set varmax automatically retains the *_max variables, and they will not get overwritten by values from the original data because the varmax variable names are different.
Arrays are used to iterate over the values and apply the business logic of flagging a row as at max or above 10.
data want;
if _n_ = 1 then set varmax; * read maxes once from MEANS output;
set have;
array values var1-var4;
array maxes var1_max var2_max var3_max var4_max;
array flags $1 var1_b var2_b var3_b var4_b;
do i = 1 to dim(values); drop i;
flags(i) = ifc(min(10,maxes(i)) <= values(i),'T','F');
The difficult part above is that the MEANS output creates variables that can not be listed using the var1 - varN syntax.
When you adjust the naming convention to have all your conceptually grouped variable names end in numeric suffixes the code is simpler.
* number suffixed variable names;
* no autoname, group rename on output;
proc means NOPRINT data=have;
var var1-var4;
output out=Varmax(drop=_TYPE_ _FREQ_ rename=var1-var4=max_var1-max_var4) max= ;
* all arrays simpler and use var1-varN;
data want;
if _n_ = 1 then set varmax;
set have;
array values var1-var4;
array maxes max_var1-max_var4;
array flags $1 flag_var1-flag_var4;
do i = 1 to dim(values); drop i;
flags(i) = ifc(min(10,maxes(i)) <= values(i),'T','F');
You can use macro code or arrays, but it might just be easier to transform your data into a tall variable/value structure.
So let's input your test data as an actual SAS dataset.
data expect ;
input ID $ Var1 Var1_B $ Var2 Var2_B $ Var3 Var3_B $ ;
A 1 F 5 F 15 T
B 1 F 5 F 7 F
C 2 T 5 F 15 T
D 2 T 6 T 10 T
First you can use PROC TRANSPOSE to make the tall structure.
proc transpose data=expect out=tall ;
by id ;
var var1-var3 ;
Now your rules are easy to apply in PROC SQL step. You can derive a new name for the flag variable by appending a suffix to the original variable's name.
proc sql ;
create table want_tall as
select id
, cats(_name_,'_Flag') as new_name
, case when col1 >= min(max(col1),10) then 'T' else 'F' end as value
from tall
group by 2
order by 1,2
Then just flip it back to horizontal and merge with the original data.
proc transpose data=want_tall out=flags (drop=_name_);
by id;
id new_name ;
var value ;
data want ;
merge expect flags;
by id;

SAS: Coffee anyone?

I tried this in C# but have not had much success. So I am now trying in SAS. Using an EG session and my SAS code, we work with the list of students in SASHELP.CLASS.
These people want to get to know each other and have a monthly random pairing to go on a Coffee Date.
A random Coffee Date List is Generated monthly;
I store each months pairing into a Historical Dataset, which I append monthly.
One person cannot have coffee with the same person within a 6 month period. So we keep a separate dataset for historical purposes with 3 Vars:
We check each pairing against the Historical list of which we only load the most recent 6 months data into a temp dataset for checking purposes.
If no recent matched pair is found, a new matched pair is added to a new Paired Dataset, and the 2 names (Rows) are removed from the original Participants dataset until the dataset has less than 2 rows. (a single person cannot be paired with another)
Unfortunately we have 19 people in this list so one person will be left out until we can add a new participant. Is anyone interested in joining our coffee club? :-)
So I start by deriving and ID (n) from the dataset, and I only keep the Name
Data Participants(Keep=ID Name);
set SASHelp.class;
These 19 People will be my Participants in the Coffee Club.
I more or less follow the line of thought:
data _null_;
randvar = ceil(rand('UNIFORM') * 100000);
call symput('RANDSEED', randvar);
data CR.names2(keep=MEMID randid);
set CR.MasterNames;
randid = rand('UNIFORM');
proc sort data=CR.names2 ; by randid; run;
data CR.pairs(keep=pairgrp MEMID);
set CR.names2 nobs=num_peeps;
if pairgrp > floor(num_peeps/2) then pairgrp=1;
proc sort data=CR.pairs; by pairgrp;run;
proc transpose data=CR.pairs
out=CR.pairs2 (drop=_NAME_);
var memid;
by pairgrp;
Data CR.Pairs3;
set CR.pairs2;
rename COL1=InviterID COL2=InvitedID;
But I get stuck :-(
I need help with the rest please...
Has anyone else done this type of random pairing successfully before? I am grasping straws here...
Any help much appreciated.
Here is my idea. This is far from efficient. Esp. when NOBS is getting big, as there is a cartesian product involved. Also I cheated on the odd number by adding another row in that case.
Prepare data and generate empty result table.
Create a list of all possible pairings (combinations) excluding recent pairings.
Random sort and descend through the list until every element has been picked once.
Append to result table.
There is a drawback as there might be members who will not get pairings as all possible partners are already picked. To avoid that we could iterate until we get a maximum of pairings.
EDIT: Added iteration. Now the program makes draws randomly until everyone is matched or a threshold is reached.
This problem should probably be implemented in a matrix orientated language like IML or R.
data Participants(Keep=ID Name) ;
set SASHelp.class nobs = num_peeps ;
ID=_n_ ;
output ;
if _n_ = 1 and mod(num_peeps,2) then do ; /* get even number of members: empty ID to pair with last participant*/
name = 'empty' ;
id = 0 ;
output ;
end ;
run ;
data list_of_meetings ;
length iteration InviterID InvitedID 8. ;
run ;
iter = number of club meetings
hist = length of memory for pairings
tries = number of iterations to pair everyone
%macro loop_coffee (iter=, hist=6, tries= 10) ;
proc sql noprint ;
select max(0,max(iteration)) + 1 into :base
from list_of_meetings ;
quit ;
%do i = &base. %to &iter. ; /* loop through number of meetings */
proc sort data = list_of_meetings (where=(iteration >= &i - &hist )) out = lookup nodupkey ; by InviterID InvitedID ; run ; /* get memory of pairings */
proc sql ; /* list all acceptable pairs */
create table all_pairs as
select a.ID as InviterID, b.ID as InvitedID
from Participants a
inner join Participants b
on a.ID lt b.ID
left join lookup c /* exclude the memory */
on a.ID eq c.InviterID and b.ID eq c.InvitedID
where c.InviterID is NULL ;
quit ;
%let j = 0 ;
%let all_pairs = 0 ;
%do %until (&all_pairs | &j > &tries) ; /* iterate and random sort until all members are paired */
%let j = %eval( &j + 1 ) ;
data all_pairs;
set all_pairs;
randnum = ranuni(12345 + &i + &j);
proc sort data = all_pairs ; by randnum ; run ; /* random sort */
data out_pairs ; /* select the pairs: no. of IDs/2 */
declare hash h() ;
h.defineKey("ID") ;
h.defineDone() ;
do until ( eof1 ) ;
set Participants (keep= ID) end = eof1 ;
rc = h.add () ; /* populate list of members */
end ;
do until ( eof2 ) ;
set all_pairs (keep= InviterID InvitedID) end = eof2 ;
rc1 = h.check (key:InviterID) ;
rc2 = h.check (key:InvitedID) ;
if rc1 = 0 and rc2 = 0 then do ;
rc = h.remove (key:InviterID) ; /* delete member from list if paired */
rc = h.remove (key:InvitedID) ;
output ;
end ;
if h.num_items = 0 then do ;
call symput('all_pairs', 1 ) ;
stop ;
end ;
stop ;
keep InviterID InvitedID ;
run ;
%end ;
data list_of_meetings ;
set list_of_meetings (where=(iteration ne .))
Out_pairs (in=pairs) ;
if pairs then iteration = &i. ;
run ;
%end ;
%mend ;
%loop_coffee (iter=10,hist=6,tries=10) ;

product of common variables in two datasets

data a1
a b c
2 3 4
1 2 3
data a2
a b d
0 .3 1
0 .2 0
proc sql;
create table a3 as
select a.*, a.a * b.a + a.b * b.b as Value
from a1 a, a2 b;
There are many common columns in a1 and a2 (numeric columns with different values). I want to calculate Value as the 'sumproduct' of those common columns.
I try to avoid something like a.common1 * b.common1 + a.common2 * b.common2 + ...
A few steps of preprocessing are needed as far as I can tell....
Load your data:
data a1 ;
input a b c ;
cards ;
2 3 4
1 2 3
;run ;
data a2 ;
input a b d ;
cards ;
0 0.3 1
0 0.2 0
;run ;
Pull all variable names in A1 and A2 datasets (update your libname if required):
proc sql ;
create table data1 as
select libname, memname, name, label
from sashelp.vcolumn
where libname= 'WORK' and memname in ('A1','A2')
order by name
;quit ;
Keep only variables which are common to both datasets:
data data2 ;
set data1 ;
by name ;
if and not ;
run ;
Put both a list and a count of the common variables into macro variables:
proc sql ;
select name
into :commvarnames separated by ' '
from data2
select count(name)
into :commoncount
from data2
;quit ;
Read in your source datasets - load the first, transfer them to a temporary array (therefore they do not overwrite the variable values) and then load the second dataset and do your calculations in a do loop:
data output ;
set a1(keep=&commvarnames) ;
array one(&commoncount) _temporary_ ;
array two(&commoncount) &commvarnames ;
* Load A1 to temporary array ;
do i=1 to &commoncount ;
one(i)=two(i) ;
end ;
* Load A2 to variables ;
set a2(keep=&commvarnames) ;
do i=1 to &commoncount ;
product=sum(product,one(i)*two(i)) ;
end ;
run ;
It would take quite a bit of code to make this dynamic. I'd break it down like so:
Get lists of the variables present in each dataset
Merge the lists to get a list of the common variables
Feed this into some array logic in a data step
Will post some code later, but hopefully that's enough to give you some ideas.

How to output sas format as proc format syntax?

I have created a format based on a dataset. Now I want to store this format as a value-list as part of the proc format syntax in my sas program. Is there a way to accomplish this?
The reason for doing this is that I often need to make tables which group the country background of people into groups similar to continents. Until now this has been done by joining the data using country code as key variable with another dataset which contain a continents variable, and then applying a format $continents on the continents variable.
I want to be able to skip this join operation by making a format for continents that takes country codes as input values. I also want this format to be stored in the syntax file which produces the tables and not in a format catalog. Since the world has a lot of countries, writing this format manually seems prone to error.
This is just a guide, hasn't been tested with every scenario e.g. numeric, character & informat or multi-label/picture formats.
/* Create a dummy format */
data dummyfmt ;
retain fmtname 'DUMMY' type 'N' ;
do i = 1 to 10 ;
start = i ;
label = repeat(byte(round(ranuni(0) * (122 - 97 + 1),1) + 96),10) ;
if i = 10 then hlo = 'O' ;
output ;
end ;
run ;
proc format cntlin=dummyfmt ; run ;
/* Dump the format back out to a dataset */
proc format cntlout=dump library=work ;
select dummy ;
run ;
proc print heading=H ; run ;
/* Write out to log... */
data _null_ ;
set dump end=eof ;
if _n_ = 1 then do ;
put "proc format ;" ;
if type = 'N' then put " value " fmtname ;
if type = 'C' then put " value $" fmtname ;
if type = 'I' then put " invalue " fmtname ;
end ;
if hlo = 'O' then do ;
if type in('N' 'C') then put " other = '" label +(-1) "'" ;
if type = 'I' then put " other = " label ;
end ;
else do ;
if type in('N' 'C') then put " " start " = '" label +(-1) "'" ;
if type = 'I' then put " " start " = " label ;
end ;
if eof then do ;
put " ;" ;
put "run ;" ;
end ;
run ;
You may need to modify the above depending on your format, especially if there's ranges involved. The SEXCL and EEXCL columns would then be relevant.
/* Example output (from Log Window) */
proc format ;
value DUMMY
1 = 'bbbbbbbbbbb'
2 = 'hhhhhhhhhhh'
3 = 'ttttttttttt'
4 = 'fffffffffff'
5 = 'sssssssssss'
6 = 'bbbbbbbbbbb'
7 = 'aaaaaaaaaaa'
8 = 'ppppppppppp'
9 = 'eeeeeeeeeee'
other = 'wwwwwwwwwww'
run ;