AWS Glue catalogPartitionPredicate : to_date is not working - amazon-web-services

I am planning to utilize catalogPartitionPredicate in one of my projects. I am unable to handle one of the scenarios. Below are the details:
Partition columns: Year,Month & Day
catalogPartitionPredicate: year>='2021' and month>='12'
If the year changes to 2022(2022-01-01) and I want to read data from 2021-12-01; the expression won't be able to handle as it will not allow to read 2022 data. I tried to concat the partition keys but it didn't work.
Is there any way to implement to_date functionality or any other workaround to handle this scenario?

could you add your glue code ?
did you try running glue crawler ?


How to capture data change in aws glue?

We have source data in on premise sql-server. We are using AWS glue to fetch data from sql-server and place it to the S3. Could anyone please help how can we implement change data capture in AWS Glue?
Note- We don't want to use AWS DMS.
You can leverage AWS DMS for CDC and then use the Apache IceBerg connections with Glue Data Catalog to achieve this:
I'm only aware of Glue Bookmarks. They will help you with the new records (Inserts), but won't help you with the Updates and Deletes that you typically get with a true CDC solution.
Not sure of your use case, but you could check out the following project. It has a pretty efficient diff feature and, with the right options, can give you a CDC-like output
It's not possible to implement a change data capture through direct glue data extraction. While a Job bookmark can help you identify inserts and updates if your table contains an update_at timestamp column, it won't cover delete cases. You actually need a CDC solution.
While AWS glue direct connection to a database source is a great solution, I strongly discourage using it for incremental data extraction due to the cost implication. It's like using a Truck to ship one bottle of table water.
As you already commented, I am not also a fan of AWS DMS, but for a robust CDC solution, a tool like Debezium could be a perfect solution. It integrates with kafka and Kinesis. You can easily sink the stream to s3 directly. Debezium gives you the possibility to capture deletes and append a special boolean __delete column to your data, so your glue etl can manage the removal of these deleted records with this field.

How does Amazon Athena manage rename of columns?

I'm working on a solution that intends to use Amazon Athena to run SQL queries from Parquet files on S3.
Those filed will be generated from a PostgreSQL database (RDS). I'll run a query and export data to S3 using Python's Pyarrow.
My question is: since Athena is schema-on-read, add or delete of columns on database will not be a problem...but what will happen when I get a column renamed on database?
Day 1: COLUMNS['col_a', 'col_b', 'col_c']
Day 2: COLUMNS['col_a', 'col_beta', 'col_c']
On Athena,
SELECT col_beta FROM table;
will return only data from Day 2, right?
Is there a way that Athena knows about these schema evolution or I would have to run a script to iterate through all my files on S3, rename columns and update table schema on Athena from 'col_a' to 'col_beta'?
Would AWS Glue Data Catalog help in any way to solve this?
I'll love to discuss more about this!
I recommend reading more about handling schema updates with Athena here. Generally Athena supports multiple ways of reading Parquet files (as well as other columnar data formats such as ORC). By default, using Parquet, columns will be read by name, but you can change that to reading by index as well. Each way has its own advantages / disadvantages dealing with schema changes. Based on your example, you might want to consider reading by index if you are sure new columns are only appended to the end.
A Glue crawler can help you to keep your schema updated (and versioned), but it doesn't necessarily help you to resolve schema changes (logically). And it comes at an additional cost, of course.
Another approach could be to use a schema that is a superset of all schemas over time (using columns by name) and define a view on top of it to resolve changes "manually".
You can set a granularity based on 'On Demand' or 'Time Based' for the AWS Glue crawler, so every time your data on the S3 updates a new schema will be generated (you can edit the schema on the data types for the attributes). This way your columns will stay updated and you can query on the new field.
Since AWS Athena reads data in CSV and TSV in the "order of the columns" in the schema and returns them in the same order. It does not use column names for mapping data to a column, which is why you can rename columns in CSV or TSV without breaking Athena queries.

Is it possible to re-partition the data using AWS glue crawler?

I have inherited a S3 bucket from a former colleague, where the files inside are partitioned with id and time, such as:
The data in all these files is one table, can be queried through Athena. From the Glue catalogue it also showed that the partition(0) is id, partition(1) is year and so on.
Recently I want to reconstruct the work, and figured the partition using id is not very straightforward. I tried to use the Glue crawler and direct it to the S3 bucket. But there is no where I could choose if I only want it to partition with time, not id, like this:
I am quite new with AWS and not sure if it is possible or even makes sense to you. Please give me some feedback. Thank you.
I dont think you can do it with help of crawler, however you can create new table manually in Athena like this (also see
CREATE TABLE new_table
format = 'ORC',
external_location = 's3://...',
partitioned_by = ARRAY['year', 'month', 'day'])
AS select *
FROM old_table;
Write python shell job using s3 boto apis to reorganize folder structure and then run crawler

BigQuery Table multiple parition a day

I am trying to load some Avro format data to BigQuery through the api and I need some partitioning. According to the documentation here
It will create only one partition a day with the ingestion partition that use the _PARTITIONTIME column. Is it possible to create multiple partition a day by using timestamp field?
Another option I can think about was the ranged partition documented here
however, it was marked as experimental. Not sure it is good for production use?

Redshift performance: SQL queries vs table normalization

I'm working on building a redshift database by listening to events from from different sources and pump that data into a redshift cluster.
The idea is to use Kinesis firehose to pump data to redshift using COPY command. But I have a dilemma here: I wish to first query some information from redshift using a select query such as the one below:
select A, B, C from redshift__table where D='x' and E = 'y';
After getting the required information from redshift, I will combine that information with my event notification data and issue a request to kinesis. Kinesis will then do its job and issue the required COPY command.
Now my question is that is it a good idea to repeatedly query redshift like say every second since that is the expected time after which I will get event notifications?
Now let me describe an alternate scenario:
If I normalize my table and separate out some fields into a separate table then, I will have to perform fewer redshift queries with the normalized design (may be once every 30 seconds)
But the downside of this approach is that once I have the data into redshift, I will have to carry out table joins while performing real time analytics on my redshift data.
So I wish to know on a high level which approach would be better:
Have a single flat table but query it before issuing a request to kinesis on an event notification. There wont be any table joins while performing analytics.
Have 2 tables and query redshift less often. But perform a table join while displaying results using BI/analytical tools.
Which of these 2 do you think is a better option? Let us assume that I will use appropriate sort keys/distribution keys in either cases.
I'd definitely go with your second option, which involves JOINing with queries. That's what Amazon Redshift is good at doing (especially if you have your SORTKEY and DISTKEY set correctly).
Let the streaming data come into Redshift in the most efficient manner possible, then join when doing queries. You'll have a lot less queries that way.
Alternatively, you could run a regular job (eg hourly) to batch process the data into a wide table. It depends how quickly you'll need to query the data after loading.