Dynamodb streams: small number of items per batch - amazon-web-services

I have a very large dynamodb table, and I want to use lambda function triggered by a stream. I would like to work in big batches, of at least 1000 items. But when I connect the lambda, I see it is invoked with tiny batches of 1 or 2 items. I increased the window to 15 seconds, and it doesn't help.
I assume it's because the table has a lot of shards, and every batch gathers items from only one shard. Is this correct?
What can be done in order to increase the batch size?

I wrote a deep-dive blog post about the integration of DynamoDB Streams an Lambda (disclaimer, written by me on the company blog - very relevant to the question) - the images are taken from there.
DynamoDB Streams consist of shards that store a record of changes sequentially. Each storage partition in the table maps to at least one shard of a DynamoDB stream. The shards get split if a shard is full or the throughput is too high.
Conceptually, this is how the Lambda Service polls the stream shards:
Crucially, polling the shards happens in parallel, but batching is always per shard in order to maintain the order of changes and have consistent scale-out behavior.
This diagram shows how the configuration options in the event source mapping influence how processing happens.
Let's focus on your situation. If you have a large number of items, and relatively high throughput, chances are that DynamoDB allocates many storage partitions to handle that throughput. That automatically leads to a large number of stream shards (#shards >= #storage_partitions).
If your changes are well distributed over the table (which is what you want to distribute the load evenly), this means there aren't many changes written to any single shard at any point in time. So for a batch window of a few seconds (15 in your case), the actual batch size may be low. If the changes are focused on some partitions, you should see a relatively high variance in the batch size (unfortunately, there's no metric for it afaik).
The only thing you can control directly here (without larger architectural changes) is the batch window. If you increase that, you should see larger batch sizes at the expense of higher processing latency.
You could consider having a lambda function write these changes to a kinesis firehose delivery stream, configure it to write records in batches to S3, and have another Lambda respond to objects written to S3. This would increase your latency again, but allows for much larger batch sizes.
(I also considered writing to SQS, but the max batch size you can request from there is 10.)


Is it possible to write to DynamoDB only when spare capacity is available?

I am working on an application which receives very predictable, heavy traffic during working hours. Users typically interact with the app for about 40 minutes at a time. DynamoDB table A receives a steady stream of writes throughout user sessions and handles things without difficulty. We attempt to write a large amount of data to table B at the end of each session, however, and early in the day this can result in throttling. Our tables are billed on-demand (no, this is not something I am able to change), but the sudden spike in writes still causes throttling, which is expected.
The data being written to table A is both critical and time sensitive. The data going to table B is critical and must not be lost, but delays in data availability from table B on the order of a few hours is acceptable, but not ideal. So I'm looking for a way to say "please write this to the table ASAP, but only as long as it won't cause throttling". Provisioning for the expected capacity is not an option (don't ask). An SQS queue with a long message delay doesn't really fit the bill because (a) 15 minutes may not be long enough and (b) it doesn't meet the "ASAP" part of the story. I've considered pre-warming the table, but that's just cludgy.
So... you take all the expected ways to handle this that were designed and provided by AWS then say you can't use them. That... doesn't leave you much options.
You're pretty much left with designing some custom architecture. Throttling, provisioning, burst provisioning, on demand, and all are all part of the package for handling these kinds of bursts. If you can't use them, then you'll have to do something like write the entry as a json to an s3 bucket and have some cron event pick them up in an hour or something one a time and batch write them to the table.
You may want to take a look at how your table is arranged. If you are having to make a lot of writes all at once (ie, because you have to duplicate data through multiple PK/SK combinations in order to be able to recall it with a single query) then an RDS may be better suited for the task at hand. Dynamo is more for quick and snappy queries and not really for extended data logging or storage.
Here's the secret to DDB on-demand...
From the page you linked to
For new on-demand tables, you can immediately drive up to 4,000 write
request units or 12,000 read request units, or any linear combination
of the two. For an existing table that you switched to on-demand
capacity mode, the previous peak is half the previous provisioned
throughput for the tableā€”or the settings for a newly created table
with on-demand capacity mode, whichever is higher. For more
information, see Initial throughput for on-demand capacity mode.
And the Inital throughput for on-demand capacity mode page says:
Initial Throughput for On-Demand Capacity Mode If you recently
switched an existing table to on-demand capacity mode for the first
time, or if you created a new table with on-demand capacity mode
enabled, the table has the following previous peak settings, even
though the table has not served traffic previously using on-demand
capacity mode:
Newly created table with on-demand capacity mode: The previous peak is
2,000 write request units or 6,000 read request units. You can drive
up to double the previous peak immediately, which enables newly
created on-demand tables to serve up to 4,000 write request units or
12,000 read request units, or any linear combination of the two.
Existing table switched to on-demand capacity mode: The previous peak
is half the maximum write capacity units and read capacity units
provisioned since the table was created, or the settings for a newly
created table with on-demand capacity mode, whichever is higher. In
other words, your table will deliver at least as much throughput as it
did prior to switching to on-demand capacity mode.
The key thing to realize is that DDB on-demand "peaks" are never lowered..
So if you have a table that at some point peaked at 20K WCU, you can scale cleanly from 1-20K without throttling.
In other words, you shouldn't continue to see throttling in an app unless you hit a new peak.
You can also artificially set the peak by changing the table to provisioned at double the expected peak. Then when you convert it back to on-demand, you'll have a "peak" set for half the provisioned capacity.

AWS DynamoDB: What does the graph implies? What needs to be done? Few of my btachwrite (delete request) failed

Can somebody tell what needs to be done?
Im facing few issues when I am having 1000+ events.
Few of them are not getting deleted after my process.
Im doing a batch delete through batchwriteitem
Each partition on a DynamoDB table is subject to a hard limit of 1,000 write capacity units and 3,000 read capacity units. If your workload is unevenly distributed across partitions, or if the workload relies on short periods of time with high usage (a burst of read or write activity), the table might be throttled.
It seems You are using DynamoDB adaptive capacity, however, DynamoDB adaptive capacity automatically boosts throughput capacity to high-traffic partitions. However, each partition is still subject to the hard limit. This means that adaptive capacity can't solve larger issues with your table or partition design. To avoid hot partitions and throttling, optimize your table and partition structure.
One way to better distribute writes across a partition key space in Amazon DynamoDB is to expand the space. You can do this in several different ways. You can add a random number to the partition key values to distribute the items among partitions. Or you can use a number that is calculated based on something that you're querying on.

real time data aggregation - Dynamodb streams vs Kinesis data streams

I have the following use-case:
Users respond to a poll with a thumbs up/down vote. The poll will last for only a few seconds. Expecting around 30K users to respond to the poll in 10-15 seconds. The aggregated count should be displayed in real-time. Speed is more important than consistency of data.
Store data of each customer as a separate record in a Dynamodb table. Turn on streams for this table. Lambda can aggregate and store the count in a separate record. This record will be updated for each lambda invocation.
Pros: If batch size is 1, real time can be achieved.
Cons: For 30K users, 30K lambda invocations will be required. Updating the aggregated in the same record might lead to hot partition issue in Dynamodb.
Stream the data using Kinesis data streams. Batch process the data (for every 1 second) using a lambda. This lambda will aggregate the records and update a count record in Dynamodb.
Pros: Fewer lambda invocations. No hot partition issue in Dynamodb.
Cons: With batch processing, absolute real time cannot be achieved. Users can respond to the poll multiple times. UserId level data is not persisted.
Need suggestions on the above approaches or any other alternative approach to achieve real time aggregation for the above use-case

DynamoDB write is too slow

I use Lambda to read from a JSON Api and write in DynamoDB via http request. The JSON Api is very big (has 200k objects) and my function is extremely slow with writing to DynamoDB. I used the regular write function and after 10 min I could only populate 5k rows in my DynamoDB table. I was thinking about using BatchWriteItem but since it can only do 25 puts in one batch, it would still take too much time to write all 200k rows. Is there any better solution?
This will be because you're being throttled.
For Lambda
There are a maximum number of concurrent invocations of Lambdas that can be running at a time, the default limit is 1000 concurrent requests.
If you have more than 1000 concurrent requests at the same time you will need to reach out to AWS Support to increase this, you will also need to provide a business use case for why it needs to support this.
For DynamoDB
Whether you use batch or single PutItem your DynamoDB table is configured with a number of WCU (Write Credit Units) and RCU (Read Credit Units).
A single write credit unit covers 1 write of an item 1Kb or less (every extra kb is another unit). If you exceed this you will start to be throttled for write requests, if you're using the SDK it may use exponential backoff as well to keep attempting to write.
As a solution for this you should do one of the following:
If this is a one time process you can adjust the WCU as a fixed number, then wait 5 minutes for it to increase and then scale down.
If this is a natural flow on your app then enable DynamoDB autoscaling to naturally increase and decrease throughout the day
In addition look at your data modelling as this can lead to throttling too.
In extreme cases, throttling can occur if a single partition receives more than 3,000 RCUs or 1,000 WCUs

Improving DynamoDB Write Operation

I am trying to call dynamodb write operation to write around 60k records.
I have tried to put 1000 write capacity unites for Provisioned Write capacity. But my write operation is still taking lot of time. Also when I check the metrics I can still see the consumed Write capacity units as around 10 per seconds.
My record size is definitely less than 1KB.
Is there a way we can speed up the write operation for dynamodb?
So here is what I figured out.
I changed my call to use batchWrite and my consumed Write capacity units has increased significantly upto 286 write capacity units.
Also the complete write operation finished within couple of minutes.
As mentioned in all above answers using putItem to load large number of data has the latency issues and it affects your consumed capacities. It is always better to batchWrite.
DynamoDB performance, like most databases is highly dependent on how it is used.
From your question, it is likely that you are using only a single DynamoDB partition. Each partition can support up to 1000 write capacity units and up to 10GB of data.
However, you also mention that your metrics show only 10 write units consumed per second. This is very low. Check all the metrics visible for the table in the AWS console. This is a tab per table under the DynamoDB pages. Check for throttling and any errors. Check the consumed capacity is below the provisioned capacity on the charts.
It is possible that there is some other bottleneck in your process.
It looks like you can send more requests per second. You can perform more request, but if you send requests in a loop like this:
for item in items:
You need to mind the roundtrip latency for each request.
You can use two tricks:
First, upload data from multiple threads/machines.
Second, you can use BatchWriteItem method that allow you to write up to 25 items in one request:
The BatchWriteItem operation puts or deletes multiple items in one or
more tables. A single call to BatchWriteItem can write up to 16 MB of
data, which can comprise as many as 25 put or delete requests.
Individual items to be written can be as large as 400 KB.