How to get WHOIS records in Postman? - postman

I am attempting to get WHOIS records in postman. I have the WHOIS XML API installed, but am not getting the expected result. When entering a website into the GET field, I receive a <!DOCTYPE> html body. I am looking to get the results found when entering a domain name on this website: How can I get these WHOIS records in XML format on Postman?


Postman displays xsi:nil as an empty element

I'm having an issue(dont know if this is actually an issue and I've looked on the postman website but cant find anything) when I send a get from a web service, the xml that is brought back returns <elementA></elementA>. When I do the same request on SOAPUI it returns <elementA xsi:nil='true'/>.
Is there a setting in postman to allow it recognise xsi:nil?

CFSharepoint integration of ColdFusion with SharePoint

I'm trying to integrate ColdFusion version 2016 application with SharePoint. I have a ColdFusion app that is trying to access a csv file on a SharePoint site. I'm able to access the csv file on SharePoint when I pass in the URL into a browser, but unable to access it from CF. I tried several different combinations of the tag but keep getting one of the following errors:
2) Error: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to
(Note: In the second error, I masked the actual domain name for security purposes).
I confirmed with the SharePoint admin that the domain name, username and password are set up correctly and he did confirm the same. Has anyone tried this type of integration and run into the same issues, and how was it solved?
Code for a couple of the combinations of cfsharepoint that I tried is below:
Using cfscript:
loginStruct = {domain="xxxxx", username="abc123", password="xyz$566",authtype="ntlm", wsdl=""};
cfsharepoint(action="getlistcollection", login=loginStruct, name="myResult");
Using :
<cfsharepoint action="getlistcollection"
<CFDUMP var="#listCollection#">

AWS ECS Api GET query with string array

I'm trying to query the AWS ECS API with a REST GET query using the following:
The response is:
<ErrorResponse xmlns="">
<Message>Unexpected list element termination</Message>
Services is supposed to be an array of strings, but i can't seem to get the URL formatting correct in the URL encoding to work correct.
I've tried a few different methods and can't get the query URL to work. Anyone else have luck passing array in the url request?
I'm testing this in postman here are the headers and params:

URL amazon API - Item lookup not valid for this endpoint

So I'm having trouble making an API request to amazon and returning XML that displays product information, particularly price. I'm using the signed request helper to generate my requests, and have been following the examples in the AWS documentation.
here is my request URL and params:
the helper also generates my signature, access keys, etc. However this is what is returned what I submit this request:
<ErrorResponse xmlns="">
The action ItemLookup is not valid for this endpoint.
Any ideas on what my problem is here? I seem to be able to get this to work just fine for keyword queries, but i'm having trouble with this item lookup.

HTSQL shell's Get Request Not compatible with Gunicorn+Nginx for long queries

I am using HTSQL with Django. I use HTSQL shell to check/generate my queries and then use them for rendering data in json and raw formats.
so like, my HTSQL shell url is:
so when I want to access data from a table in the HTSQL shell environment, I do,
and to get JSON data,
In background, HTSQL shell fetches this data by using a GET request. So from my client-side Javascipt/jQuery, I initiate a GET request with its URL in above format and get my desired JSON data directly.
Everything was fine when I was using local Django server, but when I deployed my project using Gunicorn and Nginx, it naturally started to block some of my long(actually, pretty long) queries in the GET requests. I searched this problem and found out that Gunicorn allows GET request values ranging from 0 to 8190 characters. So I tweaked my Gunicorn settings for the maximum limit but still the same problem. This was because my queries, when used with several filter values, are exceeding 8190 limit.
So I thought to use POST request as its normally preferred for secure and long requests. So I changed my GET request to POST request and pointed it to the same URL as mentioned above and tried it on my local Django Server(i.e without Gunicorn and Nginx). But now I get "400 BAD REQUEST". With firebug, I checked that the response was "POST requests are not permitted."
I also noticed that the HTSQL_Django Module routes all the request to htsql_django.views.gateway. I had a look to this gateway function in the of htsql_django module but couldn't find any clue.
Is it so, that the HTSQL doesn't accepts POST requests?? How can I fetch/access JSON data from HTSQL using POST request?