Send PATCH request in Postman using the form-data body option - postman

I know how to send a POST request to the db to upload a file using the form-data body option but now I want to update some file data (query it with the table record id) present in the db.
I am trying to do this by using the form-data option again but I keep getting this error:
[Nest] 26855 - 02/15/2023, 1:21:34 PM ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] Cannot perform update query because update values are not defined. Call "qb.set(...)" method to specify updated values.


How to upload a file from a URL as multipart/form-data in Postman

I have an API endpoint that accepts multipart/form-data file upload. I managed to upload a local file to it with Postman using the File option as below:
Now how can I upload a file that is hosted at a given URL using Postman without manually downloading it and then selecting its filename as in the above screenshot? I'm hoping to somehow GET the URL, store the binary data, and upload to the endpoint, all within a Postman collection.
One of the answers from Postman community issue:
Using Postman’s pre-request script:
Download the content from URL
Convert it to binary
Assign the binary value to a dynamic variable
Use the variable within your request

How to return dynamic response from postman mock server?

I want to return the dynamic response from the postman mock server.
When mock URL hits in the postman, we get request body and from request body I want to fetch the field value and return the value to response.
mock URL : {{url}}/customer
"Id": 47896,
"name": userName
I want to send the Id value in the Response Body:
We are creating the random Id value in our project and we hit mock URL with that value in request body.
Every time the id value will be different after calling the mock URL. we are processing on the Id value if it mismatch then we throw an error.
Anyway to process the request body?
In the postman documentation, I didn't find any conclusive solution.
There is a limitation you can use dynamic value only in postman app not in newman .
In postman app you can :
Set response in mock server as :
Choose environment for mock server :
click edit and choose and environment.
Enable persist variable value settings
Note that this will update both initial and current value with the value you will set as pm.environment.set("name",valu") in your script.
Now set environment variable id through pre-reuest script:
You should send request two times, first time for the environment to sync with cloud
and second to get updated response , so try to send a dummy request before the actual request .
IN old app it was working fine now it looks like you need two request.

Sending a file to a Django REST endpoint that has a FileField

I am sending data to an endpoint that requires a file in one of it's values. The data that I am sending :
The document's value is a file. But when I check the payload of the PATCH request in the network tab, the document is empty :
I have verified that I am sending the right data, but the payload doesn't seem to have it.

How to attach file to Postman environment?

How can I attach a file to the environment in order to launch the collection in the Postman collection runner? The file is attached to the form-data, and manually the request runs ok, but as soon as I run it in the collection runner, the runner doesn't see the file and the 500 Internal server error occurs. How can this issue be fixed?
Request BodySee the full detail in the link
While constructing requests, you’ll work frequently with the request body editor. Postman lets you send almost any kind of HTTP request. The body editor is divided into 4 areas and has different controls, depending on the body type.
Note about Headers: When you are sending requests through the HTTP protocol, your server might expect a Content-Type header. The Content-Type header allows the server to parse the body properly. For form-data and urlencoded body types, Postman automatically attaches the correct Content-Type header so you don’t have to set it. The raw mode header is set when you select the formatting type. If you manually use a Content-Type header, that value takes precedence over what Postman sets. Postman does not set any header type for the binary body type.
multipart/form-data is the default encoding a web form uses to transfer data. This simulates filling a form on a website, and submitting it. The form-data editor lets you set key-value pairs (using the data editor for your data. You can attach files to a key as well. Note: due to restrictions of the HTML 5 spec, files are not stored in history or collections. You will need to select the file again the next time you send the request.
Uploading multiple files each with their own Content-Type is not supported yet.See the image here in the link

convert JSON input to form-data in AWS application gateway

Our old legacy APIs accept the data only in form-data format, but I am required to send my data as JSON in body of request. So, how I can convert my JSON (application/json) input to form data in AWS Application gateaway.
I have input parameter like this
{"key1": "val1", "key2": "val2"}
I tried many solution with template mapping and query string parameter but they didn't work for me maybe I am doing something wrong. Above configuration is fully supporting form-data.
Note: Due to some reason I don't want to change my legacy django code to handle JSON input instead of form data.
I would suggest looking at the structure of a raw POST form-data request. Then you should be able to structure the Integration Request to fit the form-data format using the right Content-Type and mapping template.
There is an example for GET and an example for POST on this page (with the caption "the HTTP request looks like this")