How to extract only the timestamp from list of images and store it in excel?this is the image - computer-vision

I am trying to extract the timestamp from this image and store in excel.I dont need the other contents?
Can you plz help


How to extract values from struct data type in Informatica BDM object?

I have an Object created in Informatica BDM which has a struct data type port like below
Here is how the sruct column is made up of
filter_column struct<name:string, value:string, data_type:string>
I wanted to extract the name from the filter_column port and created an Expression. Then I created an out put port as shown in the below image.
In the Expression part I am trying to extract the name element
But I get the above error.
Anyone knows how to extract the elements from the Struct?
Hi Alex you need extract the struct column. You can do right click on the source data object and check hierarchical conversions-> extract from complex ports.
Try this and let me know if that helps!
Also there is one video for your reference..

Should I have a seperate table for each media type

See initially I thought this would be simple but this is killing me right now
I have a post model which contains a field (foreign key to media)
Media has 3 colums Image, Video, Audio (each related to their own tables)
And each of those three tables above has 1 file field (except for image because that holds x and y coordinated too for the tagging purpose) I don't wanna disturb the order of the upload(the size if the field is gonna change in future because I have to store a thumbnail for each file)
let's say a user uploaded a picture first and then audio and then a video I wanna display them in the order as they were uploaded but I really don't know how to achieve this
Can anyone please help me figure out, what should I do to implement this

About bitwise data

I am not sure if it relates to "bitwise". I store a music file provided with different format. eg. MP3, WAV, midi... It needs to store the provided type in the DB. One of the solution is to create individual db fields/columns for each format. eg withMP3, withWav, withMidi... But once I add one more format, I need to create an extra column.
Is there any standard solution to store the format to one field? For example first digit store with mp3, second digit store with wav... Once I add one more file format, it just needs to append one more bit to the data, no need to add new column. I am not sure this question related to any aspect. Hope that someone can help me.
Many thanks!!
Turn that data into its own table (id, format, blob) then you can associate them with the rows in the other table via another table. That way the schema is independent of the number of formats.
I'm not sure why you try to store this information as fields. I would just store the mime type, that is normally enough information for a normal database.

fetching data from json using php?

I have a Json data retrieved from facebook using graph api, now i am going to parse that data, i decoded that json
$decodedjson= json_decode($jsondata);
after that i got data in following format.
i write
$id= $decodedjson->message_id;
to get the id,
the attachment is an other object, please tell me how can i access the attachment, media, href, alt and the video , display_url and so on, name etc
Just like any object -
Edit: Noticed the [2]=>... at the top of your var_dump
json_decode - convert json format to php array
You should access it as array
$id= $decodedjson[0]['message_id'];
$attachment= $decodedjson[0]['attachment']['media'];//an array
$video= $decodedjson[0]['media'][0]['video']['owner'];

store string data in rrd database

is it possible to store string data in rrd database
for example ,
if i want to store
Employee Name
Employee Address
Employee Phone
Employee Mac Addr
in rrd database using py-rrdtool , if it is possible then how to do that can any give me road map to that
rrdtool stores time series numerical data only, use sqlite or in python maybe even something simple like pickle to store your text data ... if the data is related to an rrd file, store it in a pickle with a different extension right next to the coresponding rrd file.